Kingisle Entertainment’s long-running magical MMO Wizard101 will launch on PS4 in the future, over 16 years after it first debuted on PC. The game, in which you enlist as a new student at the Ravenwood School of Magical Arts, will see you “unlock your inner-magic” as you face off against evil forces which have turned a professor rogue.
This is an MMO so you can expect to interact with other fledgling wizards online, completing hundreds of fully-voiced quests and mastering a variety of different spells. In addition to decorating your dorm and raising pets, you’ll also find a turn-based combat system which utilises cards, adding strategic depth to the battle system.
There were a number of MMOs on the PS3, including Sony Online Entertainment’s extremely enjoyable Free Realms, which this author personally played a lot. Obviously, the enormous Final Fantasy 14 is very popular on the PS5 and PS4, but outside of the ongoing DC Universe Online, we can’t think of many other modern examples. It’ll be fun to try a new one on console when this eventually launches.
Comments 13
Usually, whenever there is magic involved, I'm immediately interested, but this actually looks pretty bad to me.
2008 tho. Isn't that a bit too late to release on consoles now?
I played it from around 2011-2014. It is a good game, but I don’t think I will start playing again.
It will have more players than Concord.
remember seeing ads for this game on tv when I was a kid. impressive they have come far enough to release on a console.
That’s crazy, I remember this from like 2010. How is it still going?
@beltmenot a fellow gen z’er on pushsquare ?? 👀
I know MMOs can 'live on' for years and years (depending on the game), so Wizard101 still being active is maybe not that surprising. But why release it on consoles now after all this time?
@nomither6 Yup! I'm a proud gen z'er!
Doesn't ESO count as an MMO? Been going for over 10 years now...
This is a headline I never thought I'd see. Never played much of this game, but it dominated during my childhood. Crazy to see it still going strong, but good for the player base and developers.
An old game available on an old console? Seems they missed that Day One Console Launch Date by a spell. 😋
@beltmenot never heard someone say they were proud of our generation hahah, nice .
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