Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered PS5 PlayStation

We aren't sure who asked for Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered, but it's happening, and thus, it must be discussed. Always at the centre of attention, protagonist Aloy has kicked off even more discourse, with a comparison image of the character requiring one of the developers to step in.

Content creator Mr Pyo got the ball rolling, posting a side-by-side comparison shot of Aloy from the original PS4 version of Horizon Zero Dawn and the remastered glow-up the character has received (thanks, TheGamer). As these things often do, the post quickly went viral, attracting strong opinions, before ultimately coming to the attention of Jan-Bart van Beek, studio and art director at Guerilla Games and the original concept creator of Horizon Zero Dawn.

According to van Beek, Aloy's model was brought over from Forbidden West, and lighting, skin tones and hair shaders have been reworked to match Zero Dawn's atmosphere. The dev also points out that the PS4 image shown below has motion blur turned off, resulting in the slight blurring present.

What do you think, are you a fan of Aloy's upgraded look? Are you feeling better about Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered being a $10 upgrade deal? Compare and contrast in the comments section below.

[source x.com, via thegamer.com]