In a rare instance of unity, gamers seem to unanimously agree that Astro Bot is extraordinary – but Days Gone director John Garvin disagrees. The outspoken ex-Bend Studio veteran has taken to X (or Twitter) to share his dissatisfaction with Deacon St John’s cameo in the PS5 exclusive platformer, noting “my character [has been] reduced to a cartoon shill promoting some small game”.
It all started when Bend Studio posted some Astro Bot-inspired artwork to celebrate the new title’s release – something which the various first-party teams will usually do when a fresh game launches. “Kinda sad that Deek has been reduced to promoting other games,” he complained. “Well done, Bend Studio! Way to protect your legacy!”
Garvin’s comments were quickly rebutted by fans, who noted that a large part of Astro Bot’s fun comes from its reverence for various PlayStation franchises, both new and old. But Garvin wasn’t having any of it, and even told one user to “sit down […] adults are talking”. It’s not the first time the former director has used social media to criticise his followers and former employers.

For what it’s worth, actor Sam Witwer, who played Deacon St John in the game, seemed thrilled by his Astro Bot alterego. “Gonna buy the game now,” he said when he saw the cameo.
Garvin left Bend Studio alongside fellow director Jeff Ross in 2020, after Sony decided to pass on the pitch for a Days Gone sequel. The pair have since been extremely vocal on social media about PlayStation and its decision not to greenlight a successor to the open world outing.
We actually interviewed Garvin in London as part of the Days Gone press tour, and we found him extremely likeable and passionate about his game. It’s a shame to see him acting so aggressively on social media – especially when Astro Bot is actually celebrating the Bend Studio release, a title which was largely loved by those who played it, including ourselves.
Comments 176
This is all just very sad.
What a pathetic, sad thing to be complaining on twitter about.
God I detest this ***** prick. He's just obnoxious.
Talk about a bad sport and being disrespectful. Astro Bot should be celebrated by all.
It's just such a weird thing to say. Like I understand he's upset he never got to make a sequel, and I know he thinks critics underrated the game.
But still, if a character I'd helped create was being referenced in another game, whatever that game, I'd be absolutely over the moon.
How embarrassing. We'll see what happens with Trace Fall and see then if there's anybody leftover to care.
What an embarrassing, sad comment.
“Small game”… right…
I just feel sorry for Bend. Imagine having this guy follow you around like a bad smell. Hoping the team's next game completely overshadows any take he could possibly have.
Talk about an ego. This dude really thinks his creation is above the likes of Kratos or Joel and Ellie? And if anything, Astrobot is advertising Days Gone, not the other way around
I think he might just be salty his game gets a 70 and no hope from Sony for a sequel while Astro releases, becomes a GOTY contender, and gets showed with love all-over. He clearly just needs his own little room to vent out his personal disappointment from Sony lol
Surely he should be happy his character is in a good game for the first time ever
I see this guy hasn’t changed. Still a sad, unpleasant man.
With that kind of mentality you can see why Days Gone was a flop. Even the PC release didn't change anything.
This has to be the worst case of sour grapes I’ve seen in a long time, wow. 🤨
Everything about Astro Bot is a pure celebration of joy and fun, and that was this guy’s takeaway?? Just incredible.
Wow, this is ridiculous. Calling the game small to undercut its success is clearly jealousy resentment from his part. I bet that the game he is making right now, if ever comes out, won't be near as good as Astro Bot.
While good, this is surely the case of Days Gone too, being one of the most irrelevant PlayStation games.
You can tell that this guy is the type that ruins the party when everyone is having a good time.
Social media should be banned. Forever.
When I played Days Gone, I found the main character to be annoying as hell, and that voice.. it didn’t work for me at all and it just frustrated me playing it. Then I started to hear similarities of Kronk from the Disney film ‘the emperors new groove’. Then I started to find the game hilarious to play everytime Deacon talked. It was a weird time, that’s for sure! 😂
Angry vibes, he made a good game that although didn’t hit the dizzying highs he wanted still sold well and has a cult following.
He should be happy he made a PlayStation character who’s celebrated
They've paid homage to your character. If he was left out, I'm sure that would have been wrong too.
I really liked Days Gone, but you didn't create a masterpiece just a good solid game. Relax.
As time passes I'm more and more convinced that a large part on why no sequel was green-lit was Sony had just had enough of this idiot.
„Small game“. I‘ve started DG and found it pretty tedious. Then I read that the real fun starts when you can battle these giant hordes this game is famous for, after 30 hours or so.
Well, you have probably achieved Platinum in Astro in less then 30 hours. But it is fun from the first to the last second. If a long playtime is what Garvin sees as a requirement for a great game, I get why SIE didn’t allow development for DG2.
“Sit down the adults are talking.”
You seem to be the only cry baby in the room
He’s entitled to feel however he wants to feel about how the character he created is being used in his absence. It’s just unfortunate that he can’t share in the joy it seems to be bringing everyone else. His loss.
So toxic behavior. Really sad to see!
It's daft to say that given the cameo could give exposure to new gamers for Days Gone
Can't really say as don't have ps but bet astro bots more fun than his game 😂 actually one of the games that makes I'm kinda gutted about missing out on been on Xbox also ratchet 😅
I get why he’s frustrated. He spent years working on something, only for Sony to not stand behind it and pass on exploring it further. Then a few years later, they go and pretend to be reverential while featuring his work in a cutesy context without his previous knowledge. I’ve been in a position where I’ve been let go and watched my creative work continue to be used and promoted — it’s not a good feeling.
But sometimes these thoughts are best left in private. And turning your ire towards Team ASOBI, fellow game developers who obviously meant no disrespect and aren’t a part of larger PlayStation business decisions, feels like misdirected hostility.
I rescind
You have to wonder just how miserable and sad someone has to be to resort to this sort of behaviour. It's just inviting ridicule from the entire industry and player base.
For what it's worth, I liked Days Gone but I'm not particularly sad that it will remain a standalone game. Surely not everything needs a sequel? It'd just be more of the same, and we've already got enough of that going on.
It's given Bend an opportunity to come up with something new and I don't see why we should all be so negative about that.
What a loser. The game’s about sheer joy and he has to throw a hissy fit.
@AgentMantis I think it's possibly this, too. Like I say, when I interviewed him he seemed really nice, but if he was acting like this everyday in the office then no wonder they wanted him gone.
What an absolute tosser
@EfYI Come on now, that's an interesting way to respond to this news. He can be upset and not crap on the work of his ex-colleagues or fellow professionals.
If he has nothing nice to say, the best thing would be to say nothing at all.
Sony owns Deacon St John and Days Gone, they can do whatever they want with it.
No matter how much he hates this fact, it's the reality and he needs to get over it.
His comments are harsh but Sony would have made waaaay more money if they invested that 200 million into days gone 2. With that budget we could have gotten the masterpiece we wanted which is a shame since the first game ended with with the aspect that a sequel is in the works.
Days gone is one of the games I still have to play through. It looks pretty good but apparently is not as good as it looked in all the build up to it. At least the character was deemed iconic enough to have a part in astro bot because I'm sure there are others that could have had the time given to them..seems to be a bit of an entitled tosser to me.
I think this man is still in a lot of pain. Days Gone was set up as an ip and the story wasn't finished but Sony decided to pull the plug (unfortunately). I understand he is bitter and has an emotional reaction. That doesn't make him right but also not a jerk, just a human with X.
Dude is as bitter as David jaffe lol. Must be mad cause his nft game is not taking off.
@SMcCrae95 this guy sucks but Days Gone is a really good game, even great if playing on a PS5 so it’s does 4k at 60fps. The first hour is rough but after that the game really shines. The problem was that they released it as a buggy mess and it should have been delayed. Maybe even just had made it a PS5 launch title as the hardware makes it run better than a lot of games released even today.
I mean, he can't even spell "shill" so it's even more embarrassing to see him say that stuff.
I really enjoyed Days Gone and disappointed there won't be a sequel, but attacking Astro Bot is pretty pathetic of him. With a mentality like that I'm glad he's gone from Bend.
I liked Days Gone for the gameplay, but the characters were written so poorly. His reaction to Team Asobi's homage is pathetic. Still can't cope that their pitch for a sequel got shot down. Get over it already.
This guy needs to get over it. PlayStation are including that character as they know fans will recognise it.
This reminds me of when Kratos' VA joked about COD. That time people seemed to think it was okay to make fun of another game.
So it depends on the game I guess.
Eh. I love days gone. And astro bot included Deek as a references is what make the game special. It’s like cory balrog barking in the social media, why kratos is in the cutesy platform games? Lol. You should proud as the game ( Astro Bot ) is a new sony mascot and received well by the fans and players around the worlds
Over 100 million for Concord but we couldn't get Days Gone sequel. I'd be mad too
@UltimateOtaku91 agreed with you. He kind of toxic person. And i really love Days gone
Days Gone is up there with my favourite games. The actual world itself is the true star of it all. Sad to see someone let bitterness eat away at them.
I would find it very funny if it turns out Bend have actually been working on a sequel.
The "small game" that'll probably be a bigger success than his? Salty much?
@Luvstagrind This has nothing to do with Astro Bot, though. And Bend Studio are making a new game.
They could've given him a cameo in the game too, but they didn't want to dress any of the Bots up as clowns.
@Lup Oh come on, that was more of a jab or roast, and at the same time a joke at his own expense (referring to his overlong speech). This is simply bitter, there's nothing funny about this.
@Savage_Joe David Jaffe... That guy is toxic!
I thought Days Gone was a good game. Nothing spectacular mind you, but entertaining enough, and glad I rolled credits on it.
I like the game less and less the more the team behind it whines.
Huuuh. I do sometimes wonder if this is the attitude towards smaller games across Sony in general.
So then he thinks his character is above and beyond Ellie, Joel, Kratos, Jin and Aloy as they were also "shilling" some small game? Also says the guy making a soulless NFT shovelware Game, loser 😒
This guy is embarrassing
@get2sammyb yeah really looking forward to a new live service game smh
Just to be crystal clear.... if it was his character, then Sony would have had to come to him for permission to use it.
So it's not his character. He made it? He thought it up? He came up with it? Doesn't mean diddly squat mate. You don't own it. You therefore have zero say on it.
Maybe pay a bit more attention to your contract in future? Or.... oh wait... you mean you took the fat pay cheque and signed it all away. Ahhh I see.
Makes the complaints here even more cringe doesn't it?
@Savage_Joe Wait a minute, GoW creator is right, because it is sad to see Kratos as geront.
@Northern_munkey it’s awesome dude, you have an absolute treat ahead of you. A Days Gone 2 would be right up there amongst my most anticipated games if it were a thing.
Still, Garvin has allowed his bitterness to destroy his soul… maybe Astrobot can help him find it again.
Good lord, time to move on buddy, the more he tweets about this situation (thats 5 years old now), the more clearer it is why he was pushed out.
I would rather have Days Gone 2 than whatever live service crap Bend is producing. I can already tell you it's going to be trash unless it's something new and innovative, but it won't be. It's likely pursuing a genre done to death in the last few years like Concord did.
@Lup little bit of a difference there.
But one hell of a reach you are going for!
@get2sammyb Generous of you to call this whiny little bozo a "professional", because everything he's done after the fact of Days Gone says otherwise.
Hmm , he clearly has issues with Sony and how he was treated, for someone to hold a grudge for so long it must have been pretty bad and I feel there's more to it than just not given the greenlight for a sequel , days gone was a good game in my opinion it was treated harshly by some , he probably feels even worse now that Sony has cancelled a game that cost them 200 million, dont take it out on your peers though, it's not asobis fault is it , he probably thinks how dare you.
@get2sammyb Seems he's a little embittered about not making the sequel, and probably that frustration is getting mixed with seeing his character in a new game, that isn't the one he wanted.
"some small game"? What universe does he live in?
@colonelkilgore I'll give it a try after I've finished wukon..
He should feel honored his game was included with the likes of gaming legends.
He’s the reason why I won’t play “his” game
I loved Days Gone and wish it would get a sequel but this guy is an absolute *****.
@Northern_munkey best advice too fully enjoy the game is to concentrate on a melee focus early on as your gun-skills are pretty poor until they’ve been levelled up some. Then once you’ve put sufficient skill-points into them the gunplay is great…
… then about those pre-release showcases… it plays just like those once you get to the hoards. They’re just well… well into the game is all 👍
Oof. Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. What an awful thing to say. I liked Days Gone but he acts like it was some misunderstood masterpiece. It was a solid fun game that got a raw deal dealt to it. That's no reason to be bitter towards Asobi especially when they've created an actual honest to God masterpiece.
@Weebleman Bend admitted a couple years back that they pitched a sequel and Sony said no
@Lup Make fun, absolutely.
Be an utter jerk about it? Nah. There’s a massive difference between a joke and what this nozzle is spouting.
Days Gone was great and I hate that Sony didn’t let Bend make a sequel. That said, it was Team Asobi’s idea to include Deacon in Astro, not Sony’s. He should be happy that despite Sony’s refusal to greenlight Days Gone 2 Team Asobi thought Deacon is a part of Playstation’s legacy.
What a whiny bell end.
I was going to deliver a rhetorical roundhouse kick, but this comment is enough for me to know you've examined all sides of this.
I feel sorry for everyone in this thread, and I disagree with 99% of the takes. But I also know that most simply lack the motivation to take a more mature stance.
All this guy does is bitch/complain.
He should just accept his beloved game was mediocre and stop being so defensive about it.
Might have been a good game and shame it didn’t get a sequel, but maybe a good thing Sony aren’t working with him now if he’s going to be a *** about it. Its these types of personalities that end up promoting those toxic environments you see cropping up so often.
@SMcCrae95 Days Gone is a brilliant game (for those of us who played it)
What a thoroughly unpleasant person.
Love the irony of the "adults are talking" bit while behaving worse than your average petulant child.
@PloverNutter No, the problem is it has some of the worst writing and characters in fictional media, uses one of the most exhausted tropes in fiction, and the gameplay was wholesale lifted from games that did it better.
@gollumb82 actually, we don’t know who decided to include deacon in Astro Bot. They probably gave Asobi a list of available IP they owned, and then a secondary list of IP they could license to use. There is actually a fair amount of non-Sony owned IP in the game it’s an interesting case of licensing because we know the budget of the game wasn’t very high and they did have to license a lot of likenesses.
I actually didn't mind Days gone and wanted a sequel. And I still want Bend studios to do well, but this guy is a completely horrible human being. Also the funny thing is this "small game" will probably outsell his own pride and joy
At 1 point you can see whats going on with john garvin.he really wanted a days gone 2.at the other point is astro bot is a celebration of everything PlayStation.its crazy.word up son
@PloverNutter I know they knocked it back. I just thought it would be funny if they turned out to be working on one.
@PsBoxSwitchOwner why? Because people say things you don't agree with?
I bet Sony wish they did do a Days Gone 2 and used the money they wasted on Concord least it would have sold and made some money back
Days Gone dev of all people in the universe dissing Astro Bot of all games is one of the funniest bizarro headlines I could’ve read this evening. Genuinely speechless.
He’s lucky that it made the game at all. The main character of days gone is the dullest, most obvious walking dead reject character I’ve ever seen. If this guy wasn’t consistently banging on about how sore he is, no one would remember that game at all - especially the drab character design.
He should be grateful that his game still got acknowledged. Not every franchise had the same blessing like Resistance.
@Deljo because it’s full of c*ap and hasn’t done anything positive in life.
Massive David Jaffe characteristics.
Also, calling him Deek is eew.
Dude needs to wind his neck in.
Wow, what an a-hole.
Instead of being happy and grateful that his game and character is being acknowledged, he starts to complain about it instead? I haven’t played Days Gone but I can understand the frustration over not being able to produce a sequel and your game not doing so hot; however, you don’t have to complain about it when you see your character making a cameo in a “small game” (which it most certainly isn’t) that pretty much shows lots of love and passion toward other gaming IP.
It’s super rare for me to see someone actually show dissatisfaction and anger toward a character they created getting an appearance or cameo in another game.
Sounds like a right prick
If i'm Team Asobi director and read Garvin tweet, i probably gonna delete Deacon bot from the game asap and then tweet Garvin "Hey brotha, you're Decon is gone. Satisfy?" 😁
But i wonder what's Bend Studio staff reaction when Garvin left the studio cause i can't imagine myself working with people who has a massive ego / attitude problem.
Possibly a hint of why Sony didn't greenlight Days Gone 2 too. I'm not surprise if Garvin throwing a tantrum in Days Gone 2 presentation day and screaming "Sit down, my brotha, the adults are talking!" towards Shu Yoshida or other SIE higher ups lol.
Dude complains too much
Besides, he's not with the dev team anymore so why sit there and complain
You are 100% right up until the point where everyone is ganging up on 1 individual to the point where the sad thing is people's reaction to a man that's clearly hurting. (You know this in your heart)
But he wouldn't be vocal without knowing that people will throw shade at him, so the natural conclusion is that he can take being called whatever is thrown in the comment section.
This guy is pathetic and complains about everything. Astro Bot is a fantastic game and he should be grateful of Sony for remembering Deacon. In addition, Days Gone is Sony's IP and they can use their own character.
@colonelkilgore OK I'll take your advice when I get round to it. Thanks I appreciate it 👍
I bet he would have whined if the cameo was NOT included aswell. He's a bitter idiot.
@EfYI he could have put his point across much much better without belittling AstroBot or team Asobi.
Sure his game got rejected but that was a good while ago now. You have to move on.
At the end of the day it’s a minor little nod to his game, amongst many many more. His reaction is also way over the top.
I hope Bend's next game breaks sales records and has great reviews. But I have a feeling that won't change his attitude.
I loved Days Gone. The story was serviceable but the main character was 2 dimensional at best. Also Deacon St. John sounds like a Garth Marenghi character.
Based on his attitude, I have to assume he'd be posting similar drivel if Days Gone hadn't been honoured at all in Astro Bot.
Just petty. Like a petulant brat
I agree - moving on is a good solution. Since we know how stupidly money are spent, I cannot see a greenlighting of Days Gone 2. Not does he fit into Bend which is now populated by at least one fan boy turned opponent.
One of the writers in here says they hope Bend's game will blow him out of the water, and yeah I'll be the first to offer congratulations, but I think they'll crash and burn. I would also love to see the continuation of the story and the mechanics in DG2 some day and I want this so much more than whatever 'they are cooking' right now.
@EfYI There's a marked difference between hurting, and being a bitter old ***** who dumps on everything because your distinctly mediocre game didn't get a sequel.
He's the latter.
@beltmenot Thats amazing, Astro Bot didn't get a single mix or negative review. I'm sure he saw that and it makes him bitter that his game wasn't as well received (it was a good game though). I do hope at some point Sony does greenlight a Days Gone 2 and keeps John far away 👍
Well he is both right and wrong.
I understand that the IP he created was stiffled by Sony, which in itself makes sense cause it's too similar to the more successful the last of us.
But the shade in Astro is misplaced. It might be a small team, but the game will likely be bigger than days gone. It's also an example for an industry that lost it's way with development costs.
Well this guy sucks and the comment about “the adults are talking” is incredibly ironic.
The game might be cartoon in style, but that doesn’t make it small or lesser and it’s really puerile behaviour to act like it is. Having to prove you’re grown up by pooping on something that kids can also enjoy? That’s one of the least grown up things you can do. Grow up dude and get some perspective.
Astro Bot and Asobi are celebrating so much of PlayStation’s history, including the flops, equally and lovingly. It’s clearly jealousy speaking here.
Boo hoo, what a baby. Ironic that he makes the comment about the studio's legacy and goes on to say something more damaging
Wow, what a knob.
At this point, if this guy is involved in any game production - It'll be a hard pass for me. He has spent years whining like a child. Hopefully other employers are taking note of this guys immature reactions and will avoid hiring someone with a grade school temperament. Does he also yell at kids to get off his law and kick puppies as a hobby?
What was Days Gone again...?
Oh yeah, right, that Last of Us rip-off with some dude riding a motorcycle. No wonder nobody remembers that one lmfao.
Of course the dude who made that would be salty. Nobody remembers his game. It's not even a flop - it's obsolete
He is upset because there won't be a sequel of Days Gone.
By the way Days Gone is a wonderful game that got me hooked up.
I bet he’s a real joy to work with.
Oh lordy, tell me you're needy for attention without telling me you're needy for attention.
Your game was a Playstation exclusive, by that very definition, your game was corporate no matter how "bad ass" your main character was.
Learn to code, John, learn to code.
@PsBoxSwitchOwner keep WhatsApp but bin the rest!
He's saying it almost as if his character is the only character promoting this "small game" (which is currently well above the critic and user scores of Days Gone on Metacritic, and I am willing to bet will outsell Days Gone, so what a strange thing to say), singling out Deacon, when a LOT of IPs are obviously being used for this purpose. It's all about a celebration of PlayStation IPs as a whole, honestly I don't know how he can't grasp that. Don't mean to be so antagonistic towards the guy, but I really think he's being irrational and naive about this.
...Would he have been happier if a photorealistic Deacon made a cameo instead, in this cutesy robot 3D platformer game?
Yeah, the only thing roasting here is his bitter sad brain.
Jealousy and envy are just too hard to get a grip on for some people...
This guy is ridiculous. Respectfully, Days Gone was not that good and Deacon was such a bland, boring character. Maybe if you want your character to stand out, make an interesting character. Astro Bot is a far better game than Days Gone and he’s just upset that it’s getting more accolades, which are very much deserved.
The more I read about this guy the more Deacon being an absolute knob with his sudden outbursts of rage makes total sense 😂
This is jealousy and bitterness in it's purest form! He's hurt that this "small kids game" is receiving critical acclaim while also using the character he created, meanwhile his game debuted to a middling reception and now he's stuck making NFT games for Crypto bros 🤷
What a tosser.
@Savage_Joe what did the gow creator do?
Days Gone gets old pretty fast, especially after you start to get decent weapons that transform the game from a stealth and scary experience where you must be careful to a boring FPS where you can shoot everything to move forward. Same for the story and characters, at some point it feels uninspired and you just want to go straight to the end of the game and move to another one. So yeah, AstroBot a small game? I would say that he should learn a thing or two from this masterpiece.
I remember last year this guy said that gamers need to pay full price for games... As in he thinks they shouldn't go on sale LoL
Wow 130+ people got baited into getting worked up about some dumb throwaway tweet, as if someone insulted their mother. Alone me stating this adds another click for Sammy bait... yaaaaaye
Is DaysGone a live service tho?
@Maubari I think Garvin is an idiot and Days Gone is trash (the worst first party PlayStation game since Lair, easily), but let's not pretend no one knows what it is.
Let's actually do that - Because it's true. And if people DO somehow ''remember'' it, it will only be for the fact that it's a blatent rip-off from The Last of Us lmfao.
But sure, keep deluding yourself that it's memorable. I'm sure you'll convince somebody.... eventually
@Savage_Joe Throw in the Borderlands guy in too
PS: Deacon is one of the worst characters I've played as
He sounds like a lot of fun - not..
Never would've guessed he would be an unlikable guy. His character in Days Z is so affable!
Everything I see about this guy is douchey and insufferable. Fact he constantly calls everything "woke" unironically is everything you need to know about what kind of personality he is.
@Cherip-the-Ripper Not long ago David Jaffe was complaining about Kratos character development in the new game.
The guy wants Kratos to do the same sh*t just like the first game: got angry and kill gods over and over.
I really enjoyed Days Gone overall but the director really just needs to relax and not have that attitude just because Deacon is in Astro Bot. Plus, I don't really see it as a shill but a nice cameo like many other bots in the game. You don't see other people like that acting the same when a character from their games appear in it.
@PegasusActual93 oh God. Thanks for letting me know to avoid anything he touches.
He should be happy that they made a bit of his character. It sucks they didn’t get the sequel, but dude needs to grow the **** up.
Day Gone is a great game that got screwed by having reviews before the day one patch. It was an absolute shame Sony passed on a sequel and just as big of a shame that Garvin has been acting like a child ever since.
While he was on the Sacred Symbols podcast, he didn't do his reputation any favors with some of the stuff he was saying.
@Maubari Did you casually ignore the bit where I said it's trash and their worst first party game since Lair? (yes, yes you did).
If it makes him feel any better, not many of us would recognize the character.
@The_Wailing_Doom The patches did nothing to fix the intensely dislikeable characters, the awful writing, the done-to-death trope, the mediocre gameplay.
I love Days Gone, and have long defended it. But this is just obnoxious and this guy should be embarrassed about himself.
Being mean spirited and fussy about something like a character's cameo in Astro Bot is just sad and disappointing. Get over it, dude, and stop being condescending to people trying to have a conversation with you on your social media.
"How care Sony remember the character I made exists and include him in a celebration of Sony's games and franchises."
What a loser.
This makes me happy ... you know why?
Because now I can confirm all the problems of Days Gone come from this idiot. Can't wait for Bend next game, they deserve a second chance service or not.
I'd be pissed off too. I like Astro bot. It's got nothing to do with that. But SONY f@%king this guy over, and killing off what could have been a brilliant sequel, just to use the protagonist to promote a game they DID green light. It's just adding insult to injury. They take away his baby and post it in a baby's game. Or. That's how he feels. And I can appreciate that.
I get it, he's bitter. Days Gone was a great game that really got treated as a failure and that has to hurt. Still, way to make a dick of yourself publicly.
Days Gone was a mediocre game that didn't sell well therefore a sequel wasn't greenlit. End of story. This wasn't some ridiculous conspiracy. The fact they even acknowledge/tribute the character at all is something they didn't have to do but did. Way to spin a positive to somehow an insult to defend this total douchebag who has a long history of making insufferable comments.
Sounds like he would be a nightmare to work with.
I didn't mention any conspiracy. And it didn't perform poorly either. Why do you seem butt hurt because I'm capable of understanding his perspective. I loved the game. Many did, no matter how mediocre you've decided it is.
Not surprised Sony didn’t green light a sequel if the game director was this much of a pain in the rectum.
@BrettAwesome "just to use the protagonist to promote a game they DID green light"
It's more the other way around: Astro Bot IS promoting Deacon & Days Gone as well other cameos.
Astro Bot itself can stand alone without cameos since the small and cute robot is pretty popular among PS fans. Some even wants it as official PS mascot.
But Team Asobi wants to celebrate PS legacy considering this year is PS 30th Anniversary. That's why they included a lot of cameos that has been part with PS history.
And people love these cute cameos which they will search what games that been used for references. If they see Deacon-bot with his bike, they will search what game he came from which is Days Gone, watch the trailer, and even buy the game too if they find it interesting.
So i found it sad for Garvin childlish and unprofessional statement that showed his ego problem.
Garvin should feel honored that Team Asobi still remembered Deacon and include him as iconic PS characters along with Kratos, Joel & Ellie, Ratchet, Nathan Drake, Ape Escape and even iconic 3rd parties icon like Kazuya from Tekken, Ryu & Ken from SF, Solid Snake from MGS etc etc.
Don't worry, John - at least we can now say that your character has been in a decent game.
@Loamy You're not wrong! But those controls sure are... a choice 🤣
This is an even worse take than Sammy Barker's likening of Astro's Playroom to being a subtle form of GaaS/Live Service (just kidding Sammy, although we'll never let you forget it)
Acting as if he created Red Dead 2 or something. Good call by Sony to get this person out of Bend.
I enjoyed Days Gone & love Astrobot, but this guy’s a dick.
He tries to ***** on another game that’s paying homage to his. He should know better.
I wouldn’t have minded a Days Gone sequel, but with his attitude, ***** him & ***** that game.
I hope he gets sentenced to making Ubisoft’s formulaic meh for eternity & Astrobot gets all the accolades it deserves.
@Max_the_German I agree rather have a blast for 15 hours then a mediocre game for 50.
@BrettAwesome If he acts like this then it's better he left. These kind of people are toxic he is not good as a leading figure. The same as the idiot from Twisted Metal just be a adult. The game took ages to develop, was expensive and was one of the worst releases to date. The sales came after the decrease in price so I would like to see if this small game will outperform with less development time, better polished and atleast Astrobots are likeable.
@themightyant I think you are right some people are not good to lead people. If he acts like this for something like this that is clearly a positive nod towards the game. The same idiot that is David Jaffe he destroyed all good will and chances of ever working for Sony in the future.
He just sounds very salty based on that comment 👀
A textbook narcissist.
@Flaming_Kaiser It's sad to see og Twisted Metal and God of War creator became an irrelevant and disgruntled old man who just spitting his hot takes towards his ex co-worker and company.
To quote the great Buzz Lightyear:
Gavin, "You are sad, strange little-man. And I pity you"
But seriously: get over yourself.
@AgentMantis I was thinking the same thing like its all making sense
I mildly empathized with this guy when Days Gone didn't get quite the reception it deserved (my opinion). It wasn't anything extraordinarily groundbreaking, but I think it was a good enough game for Sony to not fully give up on it, so I understood his frustration.
But this... nah, he's just being a weird jerk for no good reason. Like again, sorry Days Gone didn't do well when it arguably could have/should have, but this tantrum isn't doing you any favors.
am i the only one that laughed at this ? the guy is rude and a coward for that unnecessary remark, but this was pretty funny.
@PuppetMaster No company would want these two if they turn on you it's so much bad press. It's one way to destroy your career.
Typo in last part: Astro Bot didn’t release Bend studios AFAIK 😂
I love Days Gone and have finished it around 7 times.
It’s especially frustrating thinking about Days Gone now when we know it sold much better than anyone would have thought and if Sony wouldn’t have thrown away money on Concord we could have had Days Gone 2 today and Days Gone 3 with PS5 Pro support.
Listen to the amazing interview with Garvin in The Days Gone Podcast Episode 51 where he explains the ideas for DG3 and DG3.
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