Update: Speaking as part of a Giant Bomb podcast, snoopster Jeff Grubb has effectively confirmed Days Gone is getting remastered. He’d previously hinted at a “less exciting” PS5 remaster than the leaked Horizon Zero Dawn, which prompted Jordan Middler of VGC to imply it was the Bend Studio open worlder. Now the story’s come full circle and Grubb has effectively confirmed this was what he was referring to. “Yeah, this is it,” he admitted.
Days Gone already runs at a relatively flawless 60fps in 4K on the PS5, so it’ll be interesting to see what it actually improves here. Our guess is that this will be a Director’s Cut-style deal, similar to Ghost of Tsushima, which will probably carry a relatively low $10 upgrade fee. Presumably we’ll need to wait until next week’s rumoured State of Play to find out for sure.
Original Article: A rumour rapidly gathering pace on social media suggests Sony may be remastering Days Gone. The open world game from Bend Studio launched at the tail end of the PS4 generation, in 2019, but was updated on the PS5 to run at 60 frames-per-second. It actually looks and plays great on new-gen hardware with backwards compatibility.
Speculation seems to have started with VGC reporter Jordan Middler, who retweeted a story claiming there’s a “less exciting” remaster from Sony on the way. He added the caption: “If he was angry that his character is in Astro Bot, he’s going to lose his mind at this.”
Those of you who’ve been paying attention may recall Days Gone director John Garvin putting Astro Bot on blast for protagonist Deacon St John’s cameo in the platformer. Unless this is some kind of joke, all this appears to imply that Days Gone is the next remaster on the way from PlayStation, alongside Horizon Zero Dawn.
If true, this would be an unusual move from Sony: it appears to have little interest in continuing the Days Gone franchise, after a sequel pitch was rejected. Bend Studio is currently working on a new project which will build on some of the technology introduced in the biker title, but won’t be a direct sequel.
There has been some chatter about a movie, although very little concrete has been announced. In fact, this project doesn’t particularly make sense to us; it’ll be relatively easy for Guerrilla to upgrade Horizon Zero Dawn to the same quality as its successor Horizon Forbidden West, but with no sequel in development for Days Gone, we’re not sure why this would get made.
All should be revealed at next week’s speculated State of Play.
Would you buy a Days Gone remaster? (3,258 votes)
- Definitely, I've never played that game
- Absolutely, it's one of my favourites
- Maybe, it depends what it changes or adds
- No, the PS4 version of Days Gone is enough
- Nah, I just have no interest in this game
[source x.com, via resetera.com]
Comments 235
Not surprised, all of their PlayStation productions will have something that ties into a game people can buy after watching the series or movies.
A remaster of a 2019 ps4 game that still looks decent on ps5. A game that is available on PS plus. Really curious who will buy.
I miss when Naughty Dog made games.
There should really be a poll option for "No, the game runs well enough already". Or just give us simpler 'yes' or 'no' options and leave the reasoning to the comments section.
@AK4tywill I tweaked the wording a little bit.
Seriously, can we just get some "new" games please!
This is obviously going to be a UE5 upgrade since their next game runs on that engine.
However, I thought Days Gone sucked mega ass, so this is not for me.
The game runs at 60fps on PS5 and even now looks incredible so what exactly could a PS5 version add?
@DennisReynolds It looks and plays fantastic on PS5. Even better than Horizon Zero Dawn!
Like the HZD remaster, this of course seems ridiculous and unnecessary.
But you can see the business behind it. These games are obviously costing a lot to develop initially and the cost and resources to remake/remaster/whatever to these games must be pretty small in comparison and the return of investment is clearly there. It gives the games a second chance at market, people will double dip if they enjoyed it etc.
@Splat ND have nothing to do with Days Gone and ND are currently making a big new SP game what is assumed to be a new IP.
lol I wasn’t expecting this much-mooted terrible choice of 1st party remaster to be Days Gone. Not gonna lie but with the obvious exception of Bloodborne, this would probably be second on my list of remasters. Buzzing tbh! 🫨
@get2sammyb Honestly visually it still beats a lot of current gen only games.
@get2sammyb Is that Days Gone movie still in the works?
I did not play Days Gone on PS4 so I MIGHT be interested in a Remaster on PS5
I am guessing this would add the hd rumble and adaptive trigger support which would be interesting with the bike mechanics as well as get rid of the load times. The PS4 version definitely runs great on PS5 with 60fps and checkerboard 4K resolution but I can see this version as a do over for the IP in Sony's eyes.
A big problem with the game's release was that it was on the PS4 hardware that really couldn't handle it well and the studio was forced to release it in a very buggy state which they eventually patched out. If you look at any review for the game and the negatives boil down to performance and glitches, nothing about the game content. Sony could be testing the waters to see if a PS5 version that is actually working at launch sells enough to warrant a franchise. The SIE CEO did say that playstation needs more franchises after all.
@DennisReynolds I'm fully aware who made Days Gone and I'm sure ND's next game will be great in four or five years.
Sony is like y'all want a sequel prove it.
@TomasVrboda We got one two weeks ago.
Can't wait for John Garvin's reaction lol
I'm sorry, but this just sounds so extremely unnecessary. Same with any game made past 2018. It looks good enough, and plays fine, doesn't need a remastering.
@Areus I am happy to oblige. Honestly Days Gone was a sleeper hit for me last gen and probably in my top 3 favorite exclusives of the PS4 era, behind Spider-Man and Ratchet & Clank 2016.
@RBMango Allegedly.
I'd rather see an Infamous or Killzone Remake.
But still, I can see Sony pulling this out just to piss off Garvin.
Remasters of PS2 games were nice for playing those games in HD. Remasters of PS3 games were nice so the games wouldn’t be stuck on complicated architecture. But why, why do we have remasters of PS4 games that have already received PS5 upgrades on backwards compatible hardware?
@personauser93 Basically, it seems like they're selling.
plenty upon plenty of legacy games locked away on the ps3 and ps2 that can be remastered instead of a game that can already be played RIGHT NOW on PS5. so a remaster for what?? i have this on PC ffs.
The director for this game is a ****head so not interested.
@TomasVrboda Playstation had new IPs this year. Rise of the Ronin, Stellar Blade, or do 3rd party games not count? In that case, Concord
Maybe this is Sony's way of seeing if the IP could become a solid franchise. The launch of the game with all the bugs really hurt its sales on the PS4 so remastering it for PS5 with (hopefully) zero issues, adaptive trigger/rumble support, and no load times could get people interested in the game. If it sells well then Sony could then greenlight a sequel. This could also be why Bend Studios recently clarified that they decided not to go ahead with the sequel and it wasn't Sony who cancelled it. Seemed odd that they would clarify that point now instead of sometime in the last 2-3 years it has been going around.
@RubyCarbuncle Would you be interested otherwise?
How exciting.
Ugh, just show us what the new game Bend is working on is.
I would actually be more interested in a remaster of this than Horizon.
I love both franchises, but I haven't played this since launch. I'd be happy to jump back in and start from scratch with some new bells and whistles.
btw, "Less exciting" in his subjective opinion.
I'd be excited to play this.
No if tru f u sony.no way.days gone plays fine as it is.bunch of remastered people dont want.about a resistance collection remastered or killzone remastered.infamous collection remastered.a sly cooper collection remastered.bloodborne.sony is really on cocaine this ps5 generation.wtf.word up son
I look forward to him going on an incoherent rant decrying Sony for daring to release a PS5 version.
Catch 22
Do we buy this game to show Sony that we want to have another in the series.
Do we not buy the game to show Sony we don’t want their money grabbing remasters of games that don’t need remastering?
The game looks and runs just fine on PC so a remaster of this is even less needed then a remaster of Horizon.
I’d actually be more excited for days gone than horizon
Why? 😂 really! Why?!!
I can only imagine that John Garvin is going to be thrilled about this one
Playing this on PS5 was already like playing a remaster. Funny if they're doing this just to troll Garvin though 😂
It's currently September 2016, Sony has just revealed the highly anticipated PS4 Pro and are using gameplay from the upcoming brand new IP games Horizon Zero Dawn and Days Gone to show off the new hardware.
@LogicStrikesAgain Probably Idk. I just wasn't impressed with the way he attacked the developers of Astro Bot recently and not forgetting the way he attacked us too for being "cheap skates who should buy games at full BLEEPING price"
@Tchunga F*** him.
@get2sammyb Nice one, thanks!
Bruh after shooting down a sequel people will riot if this is true like seriously the game sold very well they just weren't happy with reviews which is stupid and majority of problems with the game was patched out
surely not. If you must remaster stuff why can't you do something more interesting from the PS2 or PS3
I’m actually not opposed to this idea. I played Days Gone about two years after it released and was pleasantly surprised by it. Yes, it had its issues, but I consider it an underrated gem. I wouldn’t mind getting a remaster—and if so, and it sells well, get a proper sequel.
@Kienda This one seems less like a money grab to me than the Zero Dawn remaster. Right now if you look up reviews of Days Gone they are all about the PS4 version that got launched with a bunch of game breaking bugs that were eventually fixed so it paints the game in a bad light. If they release a true PS5 version then it wipes the slate clean of the bad launch. People would look up Days Gone PS5 version reviews which are likely to score higher due to the lack of bugs as that was the main issue with the original release. This feels like a do-over for the IP with the recent news that the SIE CEO wants more franchises on PlayStation and Bend Studio finally clarifying after all these years that Sony didn't cancel a sequel to the game
@colonelkilgore when I saw the article I was exactly curious what your take will be. I’d honestly understand being excited for it, as a gamer who just got a remaster of a game they absolutely adore everything about 😆
The length and bloat of this game seem to be the real peoblems. People want to fight hordes after 13 hours in the game, not 30 hours.
So, what this game really needs is a „non-director’s cut“. This, DualSense support and slightly improved graphics (higher LoD, higher resolution, better texture filtering), and people will buy it full price!
Oof. This would be a bummer of a remaster announcement to me. I know plenty of people that liked Days Gone, but I could not for the life of me get into it. One of the weaker entries in the Sony first party catalog. After playing Astro Bot though, there’s so many other games I’d like to see get remakes and remasters!
If this is one of those $10 upgrades, I may check it out. I played a decent amount of the PS4 version, but never beat it. Mechanically and gameplay-wise, I thought the game was great, but also found the characters and story very lacking. Deacon's internal banter also made him seem legit nuts.
Gaming news like this makes me miss the early 2000s gaming scene . Another pointless remake.
This was my favorite game of the last gen. I would love a sequel more than any other game.
I loved this game at launch, a well realised world, great characters and the hordes were just brilliant. I've been tempted to do a new run through on my ps5 so this does interest me. But it depends on what's added/ improved.
If this is true and it sells well, I can always hope we get a sequel.
If its a tenner upgrade, definitely, great game, loved it.
I love days gone.
@Yousef- fkn love Days Gone so much. This is the next best news after a Days Gone 2 actually being green-lit!
PS4: God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn, Uncharted 4, Days Gone.
PS5: God of War (remaster), Horizon Zero Dawn (remastered) Uncharted 4 (remastered), Days Gone, (remastered)
PS6 :God of war (remaster (new ver 2028 Edition))) Horizon Zero Dawn (remastered (3rd gen)), Uncharted 4 (remastered) (newst, updated ver)), Days Gone (remastered (2029 update 3 gen newest ver))
Isn't it 60fps on ps5 pointless remakes
You mean the game from the guy who whined like a baby seeing his character in Astro bot?
@Areus too late for that. the heads of the studio are gone. it is a dead IP in the same vein as the order: 1886. unfortunate, really.
…and they continue feeding us all with remasters whilst showing nothing
Don't know if I could handle doing all the hordes again, stressful platinum 🫣
I love that game, but I'm not sure I'm interested in a remaster. It was a lot of fun and I wouldn't mind playing again for a bit, but there's other stuff I haven't played that I already own or will cost less than a remaster.
If they decide to resurrect the franchise for a sequel, I might change my mind.
They really are just out of idea's now aren't they?
Easily one of PS4’s best games. I’d love a remaster, the challenge mode was insanely brilliant! I cheered when I hit 100% on that one 😗
This would be one remaster I would welcome with open arms. I believe if they did this one it would be a test to see how it sales to gauge a sequel in the future.
The Remasterstation striking again
I have sat here and criticised every remaster, and this one is no different.
But it will be one I would at least pay a £10 upgrade for.
I would probably buy it but it’s still mind boggling
What the hell is this generation?
I’d take Days gone over Horizon but seriously putside Asobi and Insomniac are any of the studios making anything? Is next year just gonna be remasters and the flop that will be havens game
I hope there is an upgrade path. If not, I'll pass. $10 or nothing. Sony's choice.
The game was far better than it got credit for. Maybe if the remaster does well, we'll get the sequel we deserve!
Played it when I first got my PS5 and found it an absolute slog. No idea why they are remastering this when Sony seemed cold on it.
No interest unless they remove those awful additional trophy requirements they shoehorned in post-launch. Bad trophy design will immediately kill any interest in a game I might otherwise have. Not everyone enjoys low effort, tacked on modes that offer no compelling immersive content. Developers should cater trophy lists to trophy hunters, the only people who really care about trophies to begin with.
Legitimately one of the worst games I've ever played in my 32 years of gaming.
If you were paying me to take a copy I'd still decline.
@Balaam_ Crap trophy lists tells you what the developers think - namely they don't give a fudge about trophy hunters.
@PloverNutter Neither the patches or speculated PS5 remaster wipe the slate clean of the genuinely atrocious writing and characters, the awful pacing, and the gameplay that was lifted wholesale from older games that did it better.
That's why this turd got the reviews it did, not the buggy launch.
@MrPeanutbutterz I won’t deny I had a laugh reading this. Something funny about seeing so much vitriol. 😂
So the resources to resell games to people and not enough 'major IPs to rework into other projects or have as much sales as a Spiderman or other nonsense garbage their staff will say' so they choose not to use their the money to make tv shows, comics, merch or anything else for any IPs and make any small audience amount count that may somehow appeal to people because it looks cute or something else to attract them to it besides hardcore fans sales of an old dead IP and yet Remasters of Vita games or Twisted Metal as a TV show and live service cancelled product when Destruction Allstars flopped and TM may have had a chance but also flopped if fans weren't happy with the direction. Hmmmm.
I get it took Days Gone and Bend from 2012 of Golden Abyss release to 2018, but they could have made a lot in that time too. Oh the sales, oh trying again in the news for people to buy it. Their next project better be good. Bluepoint as well the project better be good or else, pass.
Wow Nintendo can sell Mother 3 merch and people will buy it and that game is Japan only on Switch or GBA and is a 2006 or so game with not much going on with it, emulated by many in the west and still gets people going for it. Or Starfox 2 being noticed, or Secret of Mana Square went for with interest.
Why is Sony so safeminded these days I wonder with their marketing/accountant staff as leaders, they really try to think outside the box it's amazing what IPs and what high budget focus they have I wonder where they get it from? XD
Or just more emotional manipulation of sales from fans that always works right? What great ideas these companies have these days no wonder the COD remakes were so bad, what great branding/recognisable name they had, time to make them worse. Have less experimental design as many modern games have but they look better oh my.
The imagination of the leadership goes into the lack of imagination in the products as well. Regardless of the talent of the people doing their best and how basic or empty feeling games feel today of game design and other priorities pushed instead.
We want a sequel, not a remaster
I already played and own it on ps4. If I want to play it with better graphics, I got a PC with a stupid GPU in it.
@Sequel Sounds like you need to play more often.
Remasterstation 5...and soon, the Remasterstation 5 Pro...so you can enjoy all those remasters of games that don't really need remastering, in slightly more shiny graphics.
Get ready for the price reveal for another remaster...bet they'll be asking way more than they should.
What this is telling me, I don't think Sony has any games coming out in the next year if they are doing this weird stuff.
@Elitepatriot their next big game is likely to hit in the summer or fall of 2025. yes, it's going to be a while yet.
The game is already gorgeous and runs at 60, what in the world are they doing? Just leave it alone.
...okay, maybe make it a better actual GAME, but it looks fine.
@MrPeanutbutterz Hmmm I don't know, I thought it was a fine game. It just had terrible characters I didn't want to spend time with.
Days Gone was a far better game than the reviews indicated. Very fun - just a bit slow to get going.
The only real issue I had with it was the boring one-note lead character - another example of the beige tough guy alpha male archetype who can’t show any emotions except anger and looks like he’s pushing out a painful turd when any other emotion pops up.
There was exactly no progression or growth with the character. Nauseating.
this gen is so cooked in terms of first-party that it is hilariously sad.
And this is for both Xbox and PlayStation.
This over the continually overrated last of us any day
So, John Garvin's Deacon St John will save a tilting Bend?
I thought they were cooking? Didn't know they did it with Garvin's scraps and leftovers.
I don't really buy this story if it actually is pretty and running at 60 on PS5. I might even try it for a third time. Could it just be a PS5 Pro update?
I am very happy about PS5 version of Days Gone, as I am about HZD and also the rumoured Gravity Rush 2.
I am going to have to sacrifice a goat over a naked virgin at the next full moon to get the Bloodborne PS5 version/patch I think.
If this the less exciting remake grubb was talking about.
I truly don't think it is, because this re make is far better than a horizon remake.
The game was very good,
I think the game itself had potential tp be even better and well deserves a sequel.
I actually enjoyed it more than the last of us
I like Days Gone, but remaster is waste of time and resources just like HZD remaster. Both are running 60fps on ps5 via BC, both are already on PC - this is really ridiculous to me! Sony, please give us what players want. I don´t mind remasters, but something what you know players are asking for long time - like Bloodborne, older ps2-ps3 classics. I honestly don´t understand what Sony is doing...and also negatively surprised by the poll result too, such remasters should not be supported by ps players imo to show Sony ´stop with this nonsense and bring us new games´ something like that...
Green light it, then cancel it - just to mess with Garvin's head.
Days Gone is one of my favourite games but its way to early to get a remaster.
A game should be 10+ years old to get a remaster.
@DennisReynolds If nothing else, getting the trophies on the PS5 ..
@MrPeanutbutterz thank god there is somebody on the same page as me. I found the writing absolutely excruciating and the characters so unlikeable and two dimensional.
As I never got round to Days Gone this might give me the kick I need to get to it.
@Yousef- No vitriol, just calling it what it is (and my opinion is hardly unique).
@Ward_ting Good to know there's at least two of us! I'm genuinely baffled at how people could even tolerate these characters. I ended up muting the character dialogue after about two hours it was so incredibly bad. Even reading the subtitles annoyed the hell out of me. I abandoned the game entirely at eight hours (which is apparently the tail end of the intro that should've lasted no more than an hour).
Legitimately some of the worst writing I have ever come across in a work of fiction. And it's so utterly bemusing that your man John Garvin goes on like he wrote Anna Karenina and we just didn't understand it. I'd be embarrassed to be associated with the writing in this game.
@LikelySatan It was okay mechanically, but I got the impression that it wanted to be the offspring of The Last of Us and Far Cry. Which in turn made me feel like I wanted to go play either of those games instead.
The bike being the most fuel inefficient ever built in the first few hours was also obviously "videogame-y" in a bad way.
@MrPeanutbutterz no worries mate. I haven’t played it so I wouldn’t know.
The best bit about this will be Deacon wearing other PS franchise shirts and that douche who directed it originally losing his mind no matter what
One of my fav playstation games though I played on the PC two years ago. It already looked great then. That zombie horde and story - oh my, so good.
@MrPeanutbutterz I enjoyed what I played well enough. The characters were pretty cringe inducing, but I actually quit because of the bike. I ended up miles from where I could fuel up, and would have had to walk the bike back miles to keep going at any kind of decent rate. I still had Tsushima to start and just noped out and went to that instead.
I don’t want a remaster. I want DAYS GONE 2.
@spakai one of my favourite also. Played it on steam deck and run so nice. The sawmill horde still give me a bad anxiety man. Lol. And those horde inside the cave,damn
All these remakes of perfectly fine playable games is such a waste of time and money, tlou, what fkn shambles, it's the exact same game with some pretty textures, if that's all you care about go watch a Pixar movie, I'm sick of this stupid miscomprehension that this is what people want, it's not, we want fresh games not rehashed junk of the same formula over and over, surely there's Devs and concepts out there with these new games, don't be female cats and do something new not the old gutter trash that is any "remaster".
I always wonder if anyone else thought that Days Gone had creepy MAGA/right wing(U.S. style) themes? It really put me off the game, tbh.
I know most of you are UK, or at least the site is UK-based, so maybe it wasn't really noticable to non-U.S. persons.
@Nowings Seriously, I just played this a month ago and thought it looked fantastic. Definitely doesn't need a remaster.
i'm curious to see how much of this is just faked outrage when sony finally does announces the games their first party studios ( single player games) and then release those games , to see how many people will actually buy them. not to mention that but how many people buy them at full price vs how many people say , " i'll wait for it to go on sale".
@Nowings I would, depending on the updates. If it takes better advantage of the PS5 hardware I totally would. I loved that game and if it supports the devs more then that alone is worth it to me.
@LoopBak127 exactly this , if the character models are touched up , improved game play , lighting , environments are improved. then sure why not. it needs more then just environment improvements.
Doubt it really needs a remaster, but it's up there among the best PS4 games in my book. Bloodborne takes the cake, then Days Gone easily in second. The bike mechanic was so grounding and well executed, and it feels genuinely freeing as you gradually get more and more range and distance from the survival aspects. And hordes are one of the best gaming dynamics ever. I could fight hordes endlessly. The optional sawmill horde remains one of my favorite sequences in all of gaming.
Trump the game. Sh*te.
We still have no games to release (compared to what they used to do), so let's remaster everything. On that subject, I hope they remaster Astro Bot next. I think I saw one texture in the very background of an area that was only 1439p, just outside of the rendering window. Gotta remaster it.
Even at $10, I'm good. Having a free digital copy of Days Gone from PS Plus is better.
The more I see devs/ publisher emphasize graphics, frame rates and other shallow gimmicks, the more I hate it.
Generations have passed and we have yet to see an openworld game match the PS3 game GTA IV's physics. But pwettyy gwaphics
@KilloWertz If the remaster's real, Sony will no doubt remove the game from PS+ Extra/Premium like they did with Horizon earlier this year.
Days gone is so much better than Horizon
Far more interested in a Days Gone remaster than HZD. I almost replayed it for the third time a month ago. If they give us a reason to return to it more than just how it looks, I will
i'm interested in more what changes these will bring, also if its a 10$ upgrade , then its a no brainer, if the upgrades are good enough i'd rebuy them , and replay them. also if the game sells enough maybe we can actually get a sequel.
The only way I get this is if they offer a $10 upgrade path for PS4 owners and add significant additions/improvements to the game. The smaller upgrade fee for pre-existing owners really should be the norm for their remasters if they want the most return on their investment.
@get2sammyb @DennisReynolds maybe it's not about adding something to the ps5 version but rather just removing Director John Garvin from the credits.
I’ll play it because if it gets enough steam, maybe they reconsider Days Gone 2.
Interesting though, considering they didn't greenlight a sequel. Potential maybe. No point getting mad anymore they just remaster everything now.
@AndroidBango exactly 😂 though pushswuare really relies on Garvin's twitter to publish an outrage article about once a month, humouring him for clicks as if his opinions matter
Days Gone is in my top 3 games…of course I’ll buy it BUT if the price/add ons worth it.
@Splat Wait, Naughty Dog used to make games?!? I don't buy that, next you will say that Sony Santa Monica or Suckerpunch makes games as well.
The PS4/PC version is enough in my eyes; but if this means the game gets a new lease on life that could lead to an actual sequel...then I am all for it.
It was built on UE4...so perhaps it could get upgraded to UE5?
It's far more exciting than another Horizon game. Sony need to learn that they like Horizon and Alloy much more than we do.
@starbuck2212 Speak for yourself. Horizon is my favourite Sony franchise this century, while Days Gone is one of the worst games I've ever played.
@McTwist Framerate in particular isn't a "shallow gimmick". Ain't no one going back to playing games with framerates from the early days of 3D.
@Yousef- Aye up, no worries. It's clearly a marmite game; some people think it's a classic, some genuinely hate it. Gotta play it to be sure.
@LikelySatan Oooh yeah I had a similar experience with the bike. Trying to get it refueled was just a miserable experience. And not in the good The Last of Us Part 2 sort of miserable experience.
How dare they say no to a sequel and pull this nonsense.
How funny would it be if the remaster has a Astro Bot bike livery lol.
Maybe the “Remaster” is replacing Sam Witwer with Nolan North or Troy Baker.
No thank you, give us a new game
I believe there's no Days Gone tv show or movie project. And i'm sure Days Gone fans are asking for a sequel, not a remaster. So what's this remaster for???
Seriously, Hermen has been SIE CEO for 5 years since 2019 and he's not as good as his predecessor. A lot of misfired and unnecessary projects that put PS one step forward two steps back.
It's about time Hermen step down and replace by a much more competent guy. Heck, bring back Shuhei again despite he's doing well with indies.
PlayStation sure as hell isn’t for those of us that have been fans for years anymore.
I hope real resources didn't go into this completely pointless remaster 🙄 as you said the game already runs at 4K 60fps, might aswell remaster Astro Bot if they truly don't want touch that apparently icky PS3 catalog.
@Grumblevolcano I got it from the PS Plus collection that they had up for free when the PS5 first came out. I will always have it for free.
@JaBrony123 they act like they don't make games any more even though they are working on at least 2 new single player games atm.
@MrPeanutbutterz It's funny about Horizon. It may be actually cursed, lol. Every time I start it, something else comes up that I want to play instead. And not just BotW and Elden Ring, lol. I think I might tackle that next as my big open world game. I just don't like to do more than one of those at a time and they have to really grab me.
Getting them games ready for the Remasterstation pro
I understand the frustration. As we all want more 1st party games from PS. And I am not sure how this is "less exciting" than HZD. Because I'm pretty excited for this remaster. As I enjoyed the hell out of Days Gone far more than HZD. Yeah, I'd rather have a sequel. But I hope this means that some day we can get a continuation of this story.
I love Days Gone. I think I completed it three times. My hope is that a remaster is to test the waters for possible interest in a sequel.
Remastering two games that aren't old and don't even need them because they stand up to today's graphics, sony coffers must be low and they must be scared after concord if they are trying to grift off of days gone an ip they don't deserve and threw in the trash for marvel slop!
@TIEMs pretty liberal American here, and I loved the game. I didn't get any of that at all. Would I want to hang out with Deacon and Boozer IRL? Probably not, but I don't need video game characters to be proxies of me/my beliefs in order to enjoy their story. It's just a game.
Days Gone is fantastic.
@NxtDoc i mean they need to have something come out in between single player games that they are working on.
I like my pointless remasters only when Nintendo publishes them at full price and no upgrade path whatsoever. Looking forward to Donkey kong country returns: Tiki Tong’s fury day for the Switch 2.
Decent enough game and all but like HZD it simply doesn’t need a remaster. This is a waste of time, resources, money and talent that could be better spent on a new and (hopefully) fresh IP.
Ridiculous, they’re sitting on a gold mine of unused IPs and they remaster games I can already play that run great!! Put down whatever you’re smoking Sony.
We don’t want remakes of the last of us, zero dawn, days gone, Spider-Man 2, Returnal, God Of War Ragnarok and GT7 lol
What about Twisted metal, Jumping Flash, Warhawk, Jet Moto, Wipeout, Killzone, Resistance, SOCOM, Sly Cooper, Syphon Filter, The Puppeteer, Coolboarders, Motorstorm, Bloodborn. Where are these, these would sell like crazy and be fresh and fun as you’ve left them to rot for so long. Pull your finger out, wake up out of your corporate day dream and get back to greatness.
Your youthful edgyness is gone and you’re a boring middle aged corporate shill. Turn it around, PlayStation used to have so much energy.
If 90s PlayStation could see todays PlayStation they’d be making commercials ripping on it calling it boring and lame
I'm just gutted we never got a Resistance trilogy remaster. Or infamous 1 and 2
Playstation is creatively and morally bankrupt
@Max_the_German "The length and bloat of this game seem to be the real peoblems. People want to fight hordes after 13 hours in the game, not 30 hours."
If it took you 30 hours to fight a hoard, sorry, but if so, you truly sucked at this game. First hoard, minihoard is like 1-2 hours into the game.
Actually, it took me 43 hours to platinum the game, and I didn't spend last 13 hours only killing hordes...
@rusty82 Agree, plus a Motorstorm trilogy remake would be great.
Does anyone need or even want this?
Feels as unnecessary as the PS5 "remake" of the remaster of The last of us... Perhaps they should have saved this for the PS6?
Well I hope these remasters get PS5 Pro enhanced as well.
Might as well do a proper job if they gonna do it.
It's well worth it just to watch John Garvin have a rage induced stroke afterwards.
@themightyant I love days gone, and while the game is a little by the numbers, the actual world itself is the real star. It's stunning to explore.
Will defo be for the pro
@MrPeanutbutterz bit dramatic pal. Days Gone is one of my favourites of the last gen. The world is amazing. Yeah, it's all a bit dude bro character wise but how many games are in that vein. If it's not for you that's cool, but let folks try it for themselves instead of replying to everyone who disagrees with you.
I can only imagine that the plan is to optimize these games (Horizon 1 and Days Gone) for the PS5 PRO release.
I did not play Days Gone at the time, cause it seemed to me redundant with the Last of Us series (just too much zombies for me) but now, I can definitely try to check this out.
I also know this game is pretty loved by a lot of gamers, so... yeah.
I'll definitely check this out.
@Zeke68 I was no good at motorstorm 1. Got quite good at apocalypse though. But they definitely need remaster. Killzone 2 and 3 too
I think you're spot on, this is definitely testing the waters for a possible sequel.
Also loved Days Gone and personally don't understand the negative reception it received.
One of my fave games on ps4, loved it. If they can make a significant difference to the presentation, then not only will they sell to new console owners, but maybe a few of us who would enjoy a revisit to a definitive version too.
Whilst I'll expect the usual cries of foul from those who cant wait to attack Sonys games, this is merely an option for those that want it. Nobody is going to make you buy it and those peddling an 'exploititive' narritive are clearly dellusional and simply looking for more ammo to throw. I despise the attitude and they must live very miserable lives.
@Titntin Why would someone throw ammo? Is it because they are "dellusional?"
Pretty cowardly call out with the sub-tweet here related to another article.
@Shepherd_Tallon Me as well. Much rather do another run through Days Gone that HZD. A little rough around the edges but a great game.
I have this on PS4 and PC so I won't be interested at all they could go back and remaster a PS3 game instead and that would be far better than a game that's not even a decade old
Ah, I see. Your intention is clearly to bait me.
I refer to 'trowing ammo' as so many peope appear to come here merely to throw shade on the platform and what the platform holder does. They will often then post elsewhere (often on Pure) about how they came here to 'put the boot in' often followed by lots of lols.
I dislike this trend and prefered it when people came here to genuinely discuss games.
I dont see how that suggestion could constitute 'cowardly behaviour' im right here and am more than prepared to engage in civil discourse if that is what you would like? Its seems more like you would rather engage in insults?
@themightyant Do try it mate. Having had several conversations with you in the past, I think you might enjoy how this title unfolds and expands.
@Shepherd_Tallon You too mate, Id urge you to try this one as I think you would get why so many enjoyed it.
@Titntin Seems so! Good work not "spreading negativity!" Byeeeeeeeeee
I love days gone and would welcome this, more challenges and double nay triple the infected count on screen, but after playing astro bot can Sony not remake some of their older and more obscure titles, like the one with the Japanese business man getting upto all sorts of shenanigans, cant remember what it was called, just that it was weird and great.
@MrPeanutbutterz worse game you've ever played ? Really ?
I wish it would sell well to motivate Sony in funding a sequel. I loved this game, the story and gameplay only gets better the more you advance. We never know...
Hopefully we will get some new 1st party IP in the near future for SIE. Jim Ryan's strategy of sequels and remasters might take a while to undo though.
Well... i would say this was more necessary than the other ones. This game was known to have some performance issues.
Horizon and The last of us always ran well.
Depends, they could probably triple the amount of tweakers on-screen which would be interesting
Favourite game ever, but why would I pay to play it again with slightly better graphics? Seems pointless
@Shalooda like I said, "one of", yes.
@Nem Performance issues at launch that were long patched out. It runs almost perfect 60FPS on PS5
@jrt87 that’s only happening because they didn’t manage to setup a functional eshop across platforms tied to the same account and while I do think we will retain our account on the switch successor, it’s shocking they have been selling the same game at full price for 3-4 generations and really shouldn’t get a free pass for that. Greediest company out of the 3, by far.
@Weebleman It's not at all dramatic. It's a subjective opinion, one that some people agree with via upvotes, and I have someone else saying thank god someone else is on the same page as them.
It's a discussion section, so I'm engaging with it via discussion.
@TIEMs Nah, you probably just had MAGA on your mind so you saw it everywhere. I know a lot of folks with the same problem and it causes a lot of undue stress for them. Gotta let go of politics sometimes and give yourself a little while to breathe and relax.
@MrPeanutbutterz it is, and your opinion is something you are fully entitled to. I just feel to write a game off as one of the worst you played when, by your own admission, you didn't even get into the real bones of it (8 hours you said) is a bit dramatic. It's fine to say it's not for you or you bounced off it, but I'd argue you never even scraped the surface. 8 hours isn't much in an open worlders, I'm sure you'd agree.
It is a slow burner though, we can agree there. But once/if it clicks, it's genuinely wonderful.
Edit: In regards to upvotes and agreements, that's all good. There are many saying they love it in this thread. They just aren't replying to everyone who disagrees.
Days Gone deserves better than it got. If this is our opportunity to show enough interest to get a sequel, so be it!
@Titntin I probably will… but will now wait for the remaster although I have the PS4 version.
More broadly: What a LOT of the enthusiasts here forget is the vast majority of players aren’t like us and only play a tiny fraction of the games, so a remaster like this presents a good opportunity to find a game a larger audience.
@Weebleman I agree with you.
Days Gone got a bad rap for it's early release with bugs.
But I'm not ashamed to admit it.
I had alot more fun and was more engaged in the story than I was with the last of us part 2.
I never even completed part 2 because it literally bored me to tears and how long that game was.
Days Gone gave me the freedom to stop what I was doing and just go kill some zombies.
The potential is there for a great sequel.
One of thee most underrated games I've ever had the pleasure of playing.
@Weebleman How Long to Beat has the main story at 36 hours. So my 8 hours puts me at just under a quarter of the way through. I saw enough of it to know I genuinely despise the game. And I also reasoned that the atrocious writing and characters (which is one of the most frequent and vocal complaints leveled at the game) weren't going to magically improve, so what was the point in pushing on?
I never played the original - what i saw of the characters and story, just didnt get my interest up (/ bored me).
But, if the original on PS5 ran at 60fps, and at 4k, i just see no reason whatsoever for this unless there were problems with gross pop in, textures, or loading.
60fps locked, at 1440 upscaled well to 4k, is a luxury these days.
@MrPeanutbutterz because you can't comment on the game as a whole because you didn't finish it. It took me around 45 hours to complete it (I haven't platinumed it or anything).
I also notice you seem to go down the 'well someone else said this' route, which is a bit silly. There are plenty of folks here who enjoyed it, and it would be easy to say the same thing you have in reverse.
All I'm saying is you were being a bit dramatic over a game you bounced off after hardly progressing in it. Which is fine, but it's also fine to enjoy it for those that stuck with it.
Still doesn't warrant anyone to go out and buy a ps5 pro for £700, what's will all the remasters, where are the new games we were promised a year after ps5 was released
The ps5 generation was just a remasters era with only a few note worthy games, hopefully ps6 generation will bring new and note worthy games
Mr. Torgue says; "A DG sequel was not approved, and it plays at 4K @60fps on a base PS5. So let's turn a few dials and voilà reeeeeeeemaster"?
@freddquadros ikr and the ending kind of deserved another lol
@Weebleman No, that's like saying "you can't have an opinion about that meal because you didn't clear your plate". I played enough of the game to know I despise the characters, the writing, the tone, the pacing, the done-to-death premise, the gameplay is wholesale lifted from better games that did it better.
It's my personal opinion, not a professional review. You can form a personal opinion without having to guzzle down the whole thing. I played 8 hours of the thing - that's longer than a lot of classic games. And if you're still effectively in the intro after 8 hours, then your pacing is wack - which is another common complaint about the game. The Witcher 3 and Horizon Forbidden West are much bigger games than this, and they're probably up and running after 3 hours.
And no again, it's not silly that I have pointed out others share my opinion. It goes to show that I'm not being a troll or whatever about the game - it proves that the other people have seen the exact same problems with the game that I have.
And no again I'm not being dramatic. And I never claimed others couldn't enjoy it.
Heh, even a somewhat lower rated title like Days Gone get's one... this HAS to be the lowest blow yet for gamers still hoping for a Bloodborne Remaster.
How many games will you remaster to make up for that 4 billions you lost on Bungie and Concord? FU Sony
@MrPeanutbutterz never said you were being a troll. Just dramatic.
Witcher 3 is by far a better game, horizon not so much.
I found days gone to be up and running far sooner than horizon. Again, it's fine to say you bounced off it.
One of my favourite PS games hands down but I have zero interest in this. I’m sick of the remaster cash grabs that Sony is doing. The current version looks and plays great and even better on PC, no need for a remaster.
@Giggleshot you know the ps5 era isn't over right? san monca is working on a few games , naughty dog has a few games , you still have sucker punch , bluepoint, even the not so secret san degio stuido, then you have the even not so secret new studio from the ex cod guy.
It's 4 years into this generation cycle and from previous console generations cycles to go by usually last 6 years, so not long left and most of those game studios you have mentioned have games they announced late last year and year before, as an old game developer myself I can tell you most of those games will be next generation as games take time to make even non AAA games. Let's be fair ps5 era has been a let down from the start with barely any games at the start. Even announced games like next elder scrolls will skip this generation. Most of them have been remasters, I'm not saying there hasn't been ok games released but they all have had issues from their release. When you look back previous generations had notable games. This generation of consoles not just playstation have been mediocre at best, there was a recent photo of kijoma working on a new title with a covered development kit in background which rumoured to be ps6 dev kit. The game in question is an unknown title but won't be released anytime soon. Ps6 will be in next couple years i wager with more notable games. They have released ps5 pro to test the waters of what consumers will pay for so they get the idea for the ps6.
Also the next showcase will feature mostly remakes and remasters and may mention new titles that are in early development
@Weebleman couldn't agree with you more, witcher 3 remasters was free and noticeable, when playstation do it is behind a pay wall and it's really not that noticeable.
I’d take this over concord any day of the week. Tremendous gameplay !!
@Mikey856 100% agree.
At this rate, no one is going to need a PS6 because the only games that will be release on it are PS5 game remasters... which are just PS4 games.
Just to chip in: I love Days Gone, but I’m beginning to despise Sony and their „we believe in generations of remasters” new motto.
Was a freebie on PS5 when I bought it. Never played it until I paid 7 quid for it on steam deck. It's that sleeper hit you've been waiting for. It was bloody brilliant and put a continued panic with the hordes and I never got over them. Unfortunately it took an age for them to appear, if you dont look for them, and then it ends...... My brother could down them easy. PS5 really hasn't improved my game experience like 3 to 4 did and I've bought maybe 10 games since launch. And yet another ps4 upgrade shows a lack of something. Go and redo a game, fix the issues and start over. Like spiderman and batman films. Don't just redo and keep the original issues, nobody wants them back.
@LordFunkalot most of those games you listed are 2000’s games though . 2000s playstation > 90s playstation
@Weebleman Indeed you didn't, I used "troll" as a generic catch-all for being negative for seemingly no reason about a game.
Yeah Witcher 3 is one of my favourite games ever, I have two complete playthroughs + DLC of it done.
Horizon has similar hours. I found the world, the premise, and particularly the gameplay mechanics far more engaging than DG. The characters were merely "tolerable", which for me is all I need if everything else lines up as I've been playing games for a long time and 90% of the appeal is the gameplay.
I hope your weekend is good.
I loved the game but at the start I played it for a short period as i couldn't get into it but one day thought I'm going to try and play it more and then found out I loved it the more I played it.
Just found it was a little slow to start with.
Watched a video yesterday about someone who cuts out doing the story and rides the bike through the map around the terrain and manages to get to the end of the game without really interacting with much or the story.
Reading the exchanges between yourself and @Weebleman I think this just highlights our different tastes and what 'pings' with us in a game and what does not.
Like you I found Days Gone very slow and I was very 'meh' about it all. I can't remember at what point it happened, but something triggered and I started to enjoy it. The characters grew and the story with them, and when I finished it I was pretty gutted it was all over.
On the flips side, I didn't like Witcher 3, unlike yourself. I did love HZD though, still not 100% completed it but not far off.
To summarize, we're all different and that's OK, we like what we like, and dislike what we don't.
To those still confused and / or annoyed why this remaster is happening, it is surely testing the water for a sequel. You do not have to buy it, like with all games it is your choice, nobody is forcing you to engage.
I'm curious, when has Grubb ever been accurate without constantly repeating the same thing until it happens?
@MrPeanutbutterz I struggled with horizon a bit as (for me at least) it ventured a bit close to the feeling I get from a ubisoft open world. I burnt myself out on assassins creed games and struggle these days if a game tips me into the same feeling (if that makes sense).
With DG, the world just felt good to explore and I suppose that pulled me in. Once you upgrade the bike and fuel is not really a concern, it's just a wonderful setting to get lost in. As @JustX says, the characters do grow and I also felt at a loss when it finished. It's the rare game were even though it was done, I still booted it up to just wander round the setting.
He is also right that it's good to like different things. In that vein, I hope none of this has come across like an 'argument'. I've enjoyed the back and forth of it all and that it remained civil is always good.
Weekend has been decent my man, conkering with the kids always takes me back. I hope yours has been to.
@JustX I for one have been waiting for a sequel since the last finished, it kind of needs one lol. Bring it on Bend!
@nomither6 I’m not going to get into a never ending argument lol (my preference being PSOne lol) but suffice to say PlayStation was pumping out some pure classics in the past. Absolute goldmine that they are sitting on now, they just need to get back there
Cant wait to get Astrobot remaster, game’s like week old, cmon Sony!
What an absolute JOKE of a console generation.
Another remaster yay
@freddquadros Came here to say EXACTLY that. If this helps us get DG2, I'm in. Seriously will begin keeping an eye out for physycail PS4 editions (or buy digital if super super cheap), hoping it'll get me a discount when this new verison comes out (got LoU2 for 49 reais, digital. Paid another 50 reais for the LoU2 PS5 version)
@Giggleshot this generation started off during a pandemic you can't really compare the ps5 era to other console era's because of that. not to mention most of the better ps4 games came out later on in the ps4's life. i already named off a bunch of studios working on ps5 single player games , i can rename them again , naughty dog is working on multiple new games , san moncia is also working mulitple games , sucker punch , sony bend , bluepoint , firesprite , and then 2 brand new studios are are all working on ps5 single player games , not to mention death stranding 2 , and wolvrine, and insomniac said they are also working on other games other then wolrvine which are ps5 games.
Removed - trolling/baiting
Boo...We want a sequel
@get2sammyb So I'm just gonna say it now... my bet is that Sony have been very quickly determining whether or not they can scrub PalWorld from their SoP presentation (without it being obvious)... or deciding if they just delay it. Can you imagine the sh*tshtorm that would follow if Sony pulled another game (especially if it's a PS+ game) within days of announcing it (what with the likely legal injunctions going on). My guess - there's a reason the SoP hasn't been announced properly... because something's gone wrong, and Sony are in panic mode. Either that... or it's just Sony being Sony (which is perhaps just as likely).
Edit - and that's the "wash the car" moment, when they suddenly announce the most amazing SoP ever.
@Mikey856 Hell yeah, we need another. Imagine that hordes with native PS5 tech!
@Whately86 Word up son!! We need more Days Gone!!
@freddquadros it would be epic with PS5s power. The PS4 game looks stunning on it already and the hordes are the best zombie experience I’ve had in a game
Edit: Sorry, freaker !
@Weebleman All good, we're just expressing very different opinions about entertainment. And for sure, if the comments were all "I too enjoyed it" there wouldn't be much discussion.
I get that complaint about the Horizon games for sure. I think they did it well. I wanted to keep pushing on to see new machines, new environs (the eye candy served up by the Horizon games is undeniable), and in Forbidden West it feels a lot less formulaic in that the Tallnecks (Ubi-towers!) are all their own puzzle, and you have the (optional) ancient ruins as well. I also enjoyed the hunting for resources by carefully picking off the individual parts (as opposed to the Ubi method of knifing an ostrich for a bigger wallet). I'd also wouldn't look at the map unless absolutely necessary, so that enhanced the sense of discovery.
Honestly the setting is why I started Days Gone twice (once near launch when it was still buggy, and then for a gawk at it on PS5). That dank, rainy woods setting isn't a mile away from the UK/Irish countryside. But alas, it jist did not jive with me.
I haven't seen conkers on a lace in decades. Core memory unlocked! My weekend involved trying the Dragons Dogma 2 trial now that the performance has been patched up a good bit - it's in the "janky-as-hell but is much more playable" category now. And I replaced a pickup on a bass guitar. Riveting stuff altogether!
I've never played it, so may have to give it a go now. I hear it's largely underrated game.
@MrPeanutbutterz as a fellow guitar player, I appreciate the joy of a new pickup.
My kids have zero interest in playing with conkers on laces sadly. It's annual tradition now that we collect them and they fester in a bag until they are binned. It's just not the same.
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