Yesterday, we brought you word of the completely normal one PC gamers were having over God of War Ragnarok's PSN login requirement on Steam, resulting in a spate of review bombing that reduced the game to an overall "mixed" rating. Well, overnight, a mod emerged to do away with that onerous requirement, potentially allowing our PC brethren to enjoy Santa Monica's sequel.
Fittingly, PC Gamer spotted this one and tried it out. It reportedly removes the PSN overlay, allowing players to bypass connecting their Steam account to Sony's service. Of course, users have reported some issues with the mod, and the outlet warns that you should only try it at your own risk.
It's already accrued over 1000 downloads, which is 1/20th of the 20k concurrents playing at the time of writing, a pretty solid start. While this is the first mod we've seen that specifically bypasses Sony's PSN requirements, we would bet good money it won't be the last, especially in single-player titles that will likely follow on PC, such as Marvel's Spider-Man 2 or The Last of Us Part II.
Are you surprised that an anti-PSN mod took even this long to surface? How much do you hate the idea of logging into Sony's service? Grit your teeth and bear it in the comments section below.
[source pcgamer.com]
Comments 147
Sony should just stop releasing games on PC if this is the general maturity level.
I also don’t really think this is something that’s suitable to advertise publicly.
Everyday another article about entitled crying PC gamers. Play it or don't play. Sign in or don't sign in. Nobody cares.
@thefourfoldroot1 If it's something that Sony won't allow, they'll step in.
Push Square is reporting on Sony related news, which is exactly what we're here for.
A mod like this will definitely be illegal, and I imagine could potentially be somewhat dangerous.
Couldnt Sony just patch the game to break the mod?
I dont really agree with sign ins for single player (multiplayer i do), but then I dont think Sony should be porting major exclusives to PC either.
Never seen so many people on this site so willing to just give away their data to corporations when it’s totally unnecessary. I’m not even a PC gamer but I took the time to understand why they disliked the login requirement and honestly it is a bit stupid for Sony to require it. They’re already paying for the game, now they need to give their data as well? Calling them entitled? Shambles.
Maybe now they can stop bitching and just play the game, and also give it an accurate review.....
@ShadowofSparta the problem is the selective outrage. Do you really believe that these people don't have any accounts anywhere? Including Steam? Yet now they have an issue with it.
And if they don't want to give their real name/address, etc, they don't have to. They can insert any info they want.
@ShadowofSparta Its just hating on PC for the sake of it.
Most of these people came out of decades of console wars and with microsoft dropping the ball on xbox the war is over. Gotta direct the hate somewhere.
@naruball so you do agree this is arbitrary and pointless, and people do have the right to protest it.
@Carck of course. They have the right to protest anything, no matter how trivial or silly it may sound to other people. And people have every right to express how silly they think this protest is.
@ShadowofSparta I believe the term is "Sony Pony". This is someone who has taken their love of their chosen commercial product of choice to a closed-minded or fanatical level. PC users are complaining, therefore we must defend.
The idea that just maybe the corporation that they are defending might actually be in the wrong is unacceptable.
@ShadowofSparta @species @LifeGirl
At this point. Who in life doesn’t have your data? I’d be here all day trying to list the things you have given your info over to.
It’s fake outrage is all. Doesn’t matter if it’s Sony or whoever. It’s pretty pathetic.
Edit - that’s without mentioning the fact the people who bought it knew in advance it would require an account and they still CHOSE to purchase it knowing that fact.
@thefourfoldroot1 Agree, first they beg for every game to launch on PC (look at the amount of Bloodborne portbegging), but when there are strings attached (PSN login) the crying begins.
@ShadowofSparta I mean, you made an account on this site, that alone shows you are ok with sharing your date
Beautiful.. And guaranteed the VR mods are right behind too!
Since @PsBoxSwitchOwner has given up and decided that being sold into corporate slavery is inevitable and therefore acceptable, I hereby officially bid $699.99 for ownership rights.
@naruball It's folly to assume that just because Sony became the catalyst of the movement today means the same people haven't been fuming but oppressed at other companies. La Bastille, Boston Massacre, Lenin. It's how every mass revolt starts. It's not about that one incident, is that a large enough number of people have been quietly fuming for a long enough time until one day a single change makes them all realize a lot of other people have felt the same way and suddenly a weakness in the enemy appeared. They're starting with Sony because they're new and vulnerable. They're not going to END with Sony if they succeed.
If people did not revolt over these things your PS5s would have always online DRM with discs as unlock media, and used copy activation fees. And so would your PS4.
@naruball It's not exactly selective. We've been vocal any time a company has required an additional account in order to play their game (heck, Ubisoft and EA games require an additional launcher on top of the account).
The outrage is just louder at the moment with Sony, because they're the latest company that's requiring it after a couple releases where it was optional.
I also believe that on console you don't need an account if you buy the game physically, so console gamers get a choice while PC gamers don't have that luxury as majority of games nowadays are digital-only releases.
PC Master Race strikes again with a hilarious W 😎😂
it’s a joke, alright?
Yes, giving your data to Sony sucks, but if you're buying a game on Steam, you've already given your data to Valve. A lot of PC gamers have this weird blind spot for Valve- they think Valve can do no wrong, but any company acting like Valve is the devil incarnate.
The other day I was logging in to Quidditch which blatantly required creation of WB account.
Batted an eye is all I did since the process is seamless and didn't require any input from me.
Anyhoo, Resident Evil and many others did about the same process and you could always toggle them in settings but that doesn't mean corps don't collect any metadata.
I'd be more wary of giving data to gacha companies which potentially could be very questionable than others.
Who's to say this partnered sites doesn't mine our data for all the data hungry corps?
Food for thought.
Let me know when you figure out who has your data. All the accounts you have signed upto, and then the 3rd parties those sites deal with.
And I guarantee there’s a lot more worrying companies than Sony having it.
@thefourfoldroot1 did you see the quote underneath the article title by the way? we know whose side pushsquare is on , lol .
@tehKAMI when I say, selective, I'm not only referring to Sony, but also to companies like EA and Ubisoft.
The argument remains: how many accounts do people, who complain about these companies, have? How do they not have an issue with Steam, Twitter, Instagram, but have with Sony, EA, and EA?
At the end of the day, if they consider it that much of a dealbreaker, they can always opt not to buy/play it, though considering how rampant piracy is, it wouldn't surprise me if they justify doing that instead.
There is a lot of vitriol about this. Not much middle ground as usual for internet discussions. People either hate PC gamers or hate Sony.
Things to consider.
Edit: Updated list:
@LifeGirl I personally like to refer to this as Sonyism, the religion with crusaders preaching the perfection of the god that always charges more while delivering less.
Just try to criticise the Sony controller that has barely changed in 5 generations, you'll see how agressive human beings can be...
@PsBoxSwitchOwner Even if some companies already have gathered data from you, it doesn't mean that you want to give it to everyone else. Some accounts are just a necessary evil as it's hard to live without an email account etc.
It also doesn't matter how easy and quick they make the account creation process. The problem isn't that you need to spend three minutes to create an account. The problem is that the account is completely unnecessary especially in single player games.
Removed - trolling/baiting
Fair play to them. No need for another account to sign up to, especially for a single player game. I think a lot of people here have PC gamers wrong...most are sick to death of having to have account after account after account after account. When it comes to steam, well, Steam was a requirement since WON died and HL2 required steam, a good 10-15 years of only needing the one account... until every company decided to set up their own store front and force more accounts on people. This mod removing the need for a PSN account shows the game runs fine without it, so why even force it in the first place? As for the "begging for Bloodborne" ... It would be nice to play such a great game at a solid stable frame rate without any drops, THAT is why PC players want it, to have it run without slowdown and to enjoy it how it was meant to be enjoyed, well that's why I would like it on PC anyway, and I'm far from alone in that mindset.
@NEStalgia I hope you realize how silly it sounds to put serious issues like "La Bastille, Boston Massacre, Lenin" in the same sentence as needing to make a Sony account to play a game on PC.
If I don’t want to sign up to things. Know what I do? I don’t buy something that requires me to sign up.
Oh God, can people shut up about "My Data!" like they're a bloody MI6 agent or something.
@Lavishturtle Do you think Sony cares about you calling them out for their incompetence? I really wonder why people from the pc masterrace are on a PlayStation website
@Kienda "There is a lot of vitriol about this. Not much middle ground as usual for internet discussions. People either hate PC gamers or hate Sony."
I'd argue it's the exact opposite. Most people fall somewhere in the middle, but are seen as extreme by others, when they have a different opinion.
Case in point, a user calling Sony Ponies people who don't consider this a big deal. It's inconceivable to them that they're not actually defending Sony to death, but simply feel this way about it in general (be it Sony, Ubisoft, or a small company/developer).
Personally, I've been accused countless times of being a Sony fanboy, when in fact I've criticized Sony repeatedly over various issues, including the lack of first party PSVR2 games, their treatment of psvita over the years, increasing the price of the base model of ps5, not making AA games like they used and focusing on maximizing profits, etc. But sometimes, I don't agree with something that Sony is being accused of and it's perceived as "defending Sony no matter what".
I've seen many people here call others "corporate shills" for expressing an opinion different than theirs. It's hilarious, especially when you see that the same people who defend Sony for one thing, attack Sony for another. But the people who make accusations about them don't take those negative comments into account. They've already made up their minds and throw around insults.
@PsBoxSwitchOwner Fair enough, but surely you can understand why people are disappointed in Sony for this when the easier solution would've been to just skip the PSN requirement? Everyone would've been happy, both console gamers and PC gamers.
@Sanquine Some of us play both, crazy stuff.
Quick question... How difficult is it to create a FREE GMAIL ACCOUNT AND A random house address..ffs signing up to psn account isn't legally fkin binding.
@naruball "I'd argue it's the exact opposite. Most people fall somewhere in the middle, but are seen as extreme by others, when they have a different opinion."
This, there's too much "X Vs Y", when most of us just want to enjoy games and sit somewhere in the middle of all this.
@ShadowofSparta you have to sign in to most things now a days so to take a strop over this is pathetic
Interesting. But comparing total downloads to concurrent players is comparing apples to oranges.
@Medic_alert I can see where you are coming from, even I have multiple accounts for other things, though I'm old school so I generally only create one when I have no choice, but I'm fortunate that even with my real name, anyone trying to find me will only find stuff about Mad Max 😂. I think the issue is where an account isn't really needed, something like a single player game, I'd imagine it's for trophy syncing or something I guess.
We also get generalized as pirates! I may have a dodgy leg and shuffle around like a drunken swashbuckler, but I actually identify as a cheapskate, mostly grab games on sale, unless it's something I really want to play day one, we're not all pirates on PC, not aimed at anyone, just throwing it out there.
Too be fair, most of the vitriol I have seen is towards PC gamers so I geared my original list that way, but you are right, it goes both ways. But I would still argue there isn’t a great deal of middle ground on this.
Either way, I made another list:
(I added this to my above list)
Can we stop releasing on PC, this is the worst audience when it comes to PS exclusives.
@ShadowofSparta I get your point but there are some VALID reasons for companies wanting an account e.g.
That doesn’t mean it’s all good, there are some less valid “reasons” too, but we only ever seem to see those posted, balance needed.
@PrettyPawsome Then you already have a PSN account and it should not be an issue
@Oram77 the reviews are accurate though, game only has one death animation utter trash
@PrettyPawsome @naruball
When I was speaking of ‘middle ground’ I wasn’t speaking of most people. I was meaning that the two sides who are arguing their causes are not willing to give an inch.
Most of us are in the middle, and I would argue the middle view is that we think this is a lot of complaining over nothing much.
The problem is the middle can look extreme to people on the fringes.
Hopefully Sony move quickly and put a stop to these mods.
@Sanquine Yes I do, please show me where I said it was an issue for me.
I was on a about PC gamers in general, being a voice of reason and common sense for a group that often gets flak for being nothing but whinging pirates who moan about accounts, when we're not all like that, and many of us have valid reasons for and against etc.
Me personally, I have no issue, but as I've also said, nobody could find me even if I gave them my data on a silver platter, so it's even more of a non issue for me. Others however may have an issue giving their data to a company that has had a few security issues in the past and may not feel fine doing that, which is understandable.
@Deityjester You're right! Absolutely unplayable! We shall cast it to the lowest circle of hell!
@ShadowofSparta comments like this are hilarious because you really think giving Sony your information is any worse than Push Square or even Steam itself?
Your internet provider has already given away your information and this site the second you visited it.
Its crazy how people don’t understand how this all works 😂
@Kienda both lists are excellent and they highlight one of the main problems online.
You want Sony to double down on requiring this login? Because that's how you make Sony double down on requiring this login.
@thefourfoldroot1 you guys didn't want them to release on pc anyway regardless of whether people made a big scene over required accounts, makes your miami fashion week console feel less special games going muliplat.
Dreamcast guy levels of seething whenever a sony game doesn't get glazed.
@Kienda My bad, I read it wrong but yes, I agree.
I blame my unhealthy lack of sleep between work and clawing back some "me time" until 6am-ish, my ability to read takes a bit of a hit lol.
@Deityjester I'm still waiting for the Dreamcast 2 with Power Stone 3 as a release game!... any day now ._.
@starbuck2212 you care. You are commenting lol
Removed - trolling/baiting
@PrettyPawsome no problem at all. It might have been how I worded it that didn’t make it clear.
@ShadowofSparta PC gamers complaint about data theft? Are they joking??? They have to be 😂😂
@Yagami Pro tip: you may want to keep an open mind and read some comments before declaring that you're right. I did and saw something that didn't cross my mind before:
"improving the game. Crash reports and bugs are consolidated in ONE place, along with system specs, to help improve the game for everyone. It streamlines the process." (@themightyant)
"Deal with it and move on. And if you can't, you need help"
I love the irony of this.
That’s a laughable response. Why would you think people care if PC players get to play it, the more successful a game is the more likely it is to get a sequel (I don’t like most Sony games, but that doesn’t mean I want them to fail and disappoint all those who like them).
I think you’re lumping me in with a group of people who, incidentally, barely exist.
@sammybarkersdad I think you make one good point (without realising it).
People might be more protective of Sony, because they feel this move to PC could damage their console experience. So maybe they are more protective.
However, you’ve not actually made that point and likely came to argue (unless you really are Sammy’s Dad who abandoned him for PC gaming and made him find PlayStation to replace the father figure in his life… maybe that’s why Sammy seemed to love Jim Ryan so much…).
What you probably don’t see is that Sony’s not a protected brand that is free from criticism. This website, and many people here, often criticise Sony. Most of us aren’t Sony gamers exclusively.
PC games often require logins. I don’t always like that fact, but it’s there. It just seems that Sony is the big dog to make an example of in all this.
Feel free to protest and revolt. But don’t expect everyone to care.
And the fact you just made an account to argue with Sony gamers shows that maybe you should take your own advice: ‘deal with it and move on.’
It is a bit odd how determined some of these PC players are when it comes to not signing into PSN to protect their data when they've already given said data away anyway through other means like their phone/Steam accounts.
But if it's really that big of an issue then that's the beauty of mods like this so...go get em PC brethren! Stick it to the man!
@Wiceheid they have a weird blind spot for every single company they already gave their info to.
It is such a strange thing to get hung up over because you can almost guarantee they gave the same info to places like Reddit, twitter... godsdamned 4chan!... as well any number of subscription services and yet they balk at a process that takes a few minutes.
Yes some countries don't support PSN, just log in with details that smudge the truth about your location and if you can't do that then you probably having bigger fish to fry.
@naruball I read this comment from you about people seeing some things as being non-issues and being accused of being shills because if it. Agreed with you on all points.
Then I scroll down a few comments and I see nothing changes 🤷
@Shepherd_Tallon haha. It's all good. There are happily some exceptions of people who can understand nuance who make it all worth it. I especially appreciate it when people raise -in a civilized manner- points that I never considered before. I've found myself several times changing my mind or seeing some validity in what they're saying.
@Yagami Steam does have their own information tools... but it's easier to have them all in one place and in a system you are familiar with, which will speed up workflow. Having it in a separate unfamiliar system is like asking people who are used to using Mac to use PC instead, it will kill productivity and slow down improving the games.
There are other reasons e.g. they can control and collect EXACTLY the data they need more easily to speed this up, as well as share it with other PS studios to try and improve other games in future.
Though Sony doesn't do a good enough job of highlighting any of the potential benefits imho. If they conveyed the valid reasons to the PC crowd more effectively they would probably get less push back, though you will always get some. It was the same when Doom required Bethesda.net, though not as fierce.
@Mintie With Valve it's deeper than with reddit etc. Some PC gamers look at Gabe Newell like he's some sort of messiah that can't do anything wrong. The myth of "Good Guy Valve" is genuinely weird. If they were better organised they would be a cult.
@sammybarkersdad thanks for further proving my point. You didn't have to, yet here we are
Oh Sony, you should stop giving into these children on PC who think they're entitled to anything as soon as they stamp their feet. PC gamers are the biggest cry babies of all. They begged for PlayStation games for years so let them suck it up.
I hope Nintendo never release their games on PC, which is unlikely, because they'll be subjected to the same tantrums of these Steam children. Besides, they all moan about how they hate Nintendo yet have consistently over the years begged and called then anti-consumer for not releasing games on PC. And they pirate everything via an emulator anyway.
I'd just pull the first party titles from PC and see how soon they change their tune over needing something so simple as a login. Or better yet, make your own PlayStation PC client like steam and release them exclusively there. They can't complain then because they'd either have to sign in or miss out.
@Mikey856 Aye, we're all the same, sure do love generalisations.
@naruball Agreed.
I mean what's the point of discussion if we're not open to learning different perspectives from each other?
Alas, plenty of people just prefer to be "more right" than the other person.
Personally I'm 50/50 on this whole thing:
Several people here complaining about giving their data away but carry either an Android or iPhone, give either Google or Apple ALL of their data including location wherever they move and don't complain about that.
I never heard any complaints against other publishers requiring an account. WB, Ubisoft, EA, Microsoft, Steam, Rockstar and so many others yet when Sony asks it's like the apocalypse. Weird selective outrage.
I get the annoyance but I can't take it seriously considering all other compainies that do this and get away with it in the end.
@GADG3Tx87 because Sony have had multiple, very public data breaches!!!
@GADG3Tx87 "I never heard any complaints against other publishers requiring an account. WB, Ubisoft, EA, Microsoft, Steam, Rockstar and so many others yet when Sony asks it's like the apocalypse."
There were complaints each time another launcher or company required an account, especially when it came to Rockstar, and even EA with Origin as they also removed their games from steam completely, before going back on that a while later. Just because you weren't aware of them, doesn't mean people didn't kick up a huge fuss at the time...they did. People still complain about them even now, it's just not as vocal as back then when they came out.
Yeah 15 years ago in 2009. Since then they've been very minor very occasional DDoS attracts. Steam or Microsoft are no stranger to those either so they're being very selective and childish. They're just cry babies.
Got any proof? Because I've literally never seen any mass outrage on the scale they do with Sony and I follow gaming news almost religiously.
@Pompey71 I mean if the Pentagon can get hacked, Think it's safe to say no one is truly 100% safe
@Yagami That's where PC gamers are really crossing into serious pettiness for me. If you're not happy with the PSN requirements then fair enough just don't buy the game and vote with your wallet. But to go to the trouble of buying the game just to leave a negative review and then refund is just childish. It's a practice that I hope that Steam does something to clamp down on.
@Kevw2006 unfortunately my friend, he is not the only one with that mentality...
Lets be real here, if this was any other publisher then it would be a non issue. The fact that its Sony just gets to the PC master race because a subsection of them have had it in for "console peasants" for years. Its not all PC players in the same way that not everyone who owns a playstation is a Pony but sadly you only ever hear from those who happen to be screeching at the current issue.
This is on par with loads of questionable PC stuff like multiple accounts, secondary launchers and its not an issue 99% of the time.
@Shepherd_Tallon exactly. I don't entirely agree/disagree with either side (I consider it a small issue, but I realize that it's a pretty big deal to others).
At the very least most of us could agree that Sony could have communicated this better? They could explain why a psn log in is important and, if people still don't want to do it, they can skip the game.
@GADG3Tx87 it's a bit like putting tape on your laptop camera, because you don't want anyone to secretly record you, but you have a phone with a front camera that can be hacked...
@Oram77 Sadly that's true, all giving artificially low scores does is completely devalue the whole review process. This also applies for cases where fanboys give 10s for games just because of who made them too.
Crazy how such a trivial and minor inconvenience has turned into a bloodbath online. We have it too well these days if these are the things that bother us. Crazy times.
Maybe we should give Marcus from Borderlands a call to run the financing department of Steam. "No Refunds!" (Unless the product is broken or genuinely unplayable)
@GADG3Tx87 well I guess my proof is as good as yours, I say it happened and still does, you say you follow gaming and that you never saw any outrage. Not really sure how you want me to prove something like that, but I remember it vividly, and I trust my memory as I still remember the theme music to Sensitive on the C64 😂 (showing my age!) When these launchers and accounts were initially coming out, there were a lot of people annoyed each time, no different than now, proof would be on long forgotten videogame forums back in the day. I don't know how you can say you follow gaming, but have never heard any PC gamers kicking up a fuss over rock stars social hub thing, or Uplay being needed for games on steam etc, or the whole issue with EA and origin, if anything that was the bigger pushback of the lot back then, you would need to have had your eyes closed and ears shut to have missed that.
The difference is that this time, it's aimed at Sony, a company that has had security breaches in the past, and many PC gamers don't see why PSN is needed for it, hence the outrage, where people are being more vocal, which is why this time seems bigger and louder, but there was always complaints about any new launchers and accounts from people on PC, not necessarily as vocal, but they did happen.
I wonder if those people even KNOW GOG is a thing that exists just for cases like this where you don't want DRM or sign-ins, I own the entire Arkham series there and on Steam, the difference being WB account is not mandatory on GOG.
Also, gotta love how bipolar the PC crowd is, because when the Helldivers 2 fiasco happened they complained because nowhere it was stated that PSN account was mandatory, now it was stated time and time again and they still complain.
Stirring people up with mandatory PSN log-in without proper reason, making the game unavailable in countries sans PSN, but, as usual, not using Denuvo to protect the PC port.
Easy for enterprising people to create and offer alternate solutions, and no surprise that gamers turned to them...
@naruball I hear you man, good to see a voice of reason
@Rhaoulos @LifeGirl Funny how you say people are fanboys or corporate shills, when i see a lot of people here giving fair arguments to their points. You two however seem to just be here to call people names
Here are some additional reasons for why a PSN might be useful (probably with overlap cause i didnt read all the comments):
This site is naturally going to be majority console players. Who probably have no affinity with PC gaming. So it might be that some dont really see this as a big issue, seeing as most of us probably have a PSN account. That doesnt mean were corporate shills. I would critizice Sony for things i see are stupid or wrong. But in this case, i have to agree that i dont really see the big problem. I can understand people are wary about their data. But if thats the problem. Thats not really a Sony thing, cause every company and even every website collects your data.
Also like to point out, whatever side you seem to be on. Please give arguments, dont just call people names.
Honestly, if the PSN account didn't restrict gamers from playing the game in so many countries/regions this would probably have been a non issue from day one. It's why I'm refusing to give Sony any more dough. I canceled my PS Plus and have exclusively been adding to my Steam account. Between all this uproar and the PS5 Pro cost being so prohibitive, I see Sony in a very different light than I did when I bought my PS5. Don't get me wrong, I love my PS5...but it's still night and day compared to my gaming rig. Plus, you can add mods. Which is fantastic for the likes of Skyrim or avoiding PSN linking lol
@VicerExciser a voice of reason.
@naruball Yeah in that regard I fully get it - Sony fumbled the handling of this, especially with Helldivers. That was a mess at the time.
@CielloArc good point. It's now become clear that that was never the real reason. Just an excuse.
I instantly deleted Doom Eternal off my PS5 after finding out I had to log in to a Bethesda account.
I'm glad I didn't pay any money for that BS.
I probably do have a Bethesda account somewhere, but I really don't want to go through the troubles of finding my password just to play a ffing single player campaign.
@VicerExciser you make very good points, but for clarification, do you still have your PSN?
First off - I think requiring another login for a single-player only game is dumb. Nothing wrong with providing the option for those that want it, but not mandatory.
But secondly, if Sony is trying to expand its market, why limit the countries this game can be sold to by having the PSN log-in at all?!
Look, I know it's been said that Sony is putting games on PC to entice people to buy PlayStations to play sequels. However the reality of it is, a PC gamer isn't going to suddenly limit themself to a console and take away all the freedom that comes from being on an open platform. The PC gamer will just wait for the game to drop on Steam (and pay the PS4 price or lower rather than the inflated PS5 price).
It just seems like a missed opportunity on Sony's part to not allow its games to expand to regions outside its normal operations through the PC platform.
Say what you want about Nintendo, but you never ever have to sign up for a Nintendo Account on your Switch to play single-player games. You can simply create a profile on the system and be done with it if you so choose (you are limited in some things like eShop access, but it's still ultimately your choice).
If its not been mentioned already, its worth noting that peak player count on steam is around 35.5k with 2.5k negative reviews. So clearly the outrage is tiny and most players do not care.
People confusing their love for playstation the brand with the soulless corporation behind it. They are not your friends or care about your opinions, they do not share their profits with you.
If for whatever reason there has to be an enemy here, this is it instead of the pc gamers. Reaction to this news should be indifference at worst.
Good. DRM in any form is bad.
@ShadowofSparta you're not so important that your data is so sacred from the corpos you hate so much
@Psofo Why not ignore the "fanboys" and react by giving ur own arguments to the people who are making fair arguments. Ironic how some of you comment here without giving any arguments, just to say people are blind fanboys. Making you seem like the fanboys yourselves.
This was always going to happen after Sony removed the PSN requirement for Helldivers 2. There's blood in the water. Once your audience knows you can be pressured, it's over.
I will never understand why Sony is so intent on fighting a losing battle over this when they know how much it alienates Steam gamers, though. Just make it optional and tether some little bonus cosmetic thing to it.
I wonder why people come to a PS centric website to complain about PSN data collection. We're probably not the right crowd to complain to. Dont they realize most people here probably have a PSN account. Although unfortunate, data collecting happens everywhere you make an account. Its not a Sony thing. PC gamers coming here to "enlighten" us about data collection is so pointless. If you care that much, probably a good idea to delete all your email accounts, microsoft os, google, apple, valve or whatever else service you use.
End of the day, its fairly stated in the terms and policies what data is being used and what for. Like every other company has to do by the way. If you dont want it, then dont do it. But dont come here and lecture PS users about data collection as if its just a Sony thing.
And if its not about that, but just that you find it a hassle to take 2 mins to fill something out. Which means you will not have to do it for any other future releases. Well then, i dont know what to tell ya. Probably just dont buy the game then
@nessisonett I agree.
You know when you boot up Steam if you pay close attention it might look as if Steam is downloading tiny updates for lots of your games. These games have not been updated, Steam is just "phoning home" to make sure these copies have the right licenses.
The Steam Launcher itself is DRM. But no one calls Valve out for that. So if you're buying a game on steam, it's too late for you to "make a protest against DRM"- you already accepted it.
That's only a good thing. Glad people were loud about it.
@Wiceheid Steam is not perfect but I trust Gabe Newell a hell of a lot more than I trust Sony. Once he goes, I fully expect Steam to go to the dogs.
This website censors comments about piracy, yet publishes articles about circumventing Sony's requirements.... Curious.
Getting your nose bent out of shape over having to create another free account to play a game, so the publisher can track data, feels like a very delayed thing to do in 2024.
I used to have an LG G7 cell phone. That phone was launched in 2018 - 6 years ago. Baked into the root on that phone was a Facebook service module. It was there from factory even though the phone didn't come with the Facebook app installed. That service module scrapped all of the users data - apps installed and uninstalled with timestamps, websites visited, geo location, calls and texts sent, contacts name and numbers etc and sent it directly to Facebook. If you had a Facebook account it would tie the data to your account, if you didn't it would be tied to a shadow account, until you logged into a Facebook account on your phone. It did all of this without asking permission or announcing it, because Facebook made a deal with LG, and didn't tell the end users.
Point being that big companies have been collecting your data for well over a decade, often without your knowledge. The data Sony may want to capture is quite likely 0.00001% of the total data that comes from you in any given day. This is the world we live in. Data is money and you are the piggy bank. If Sony want a PSN account, make one using fake data while behind a VPN, and move on.
I wish Sony could bend the knee this easy to the people who's been supporting them since the PS1 era.
"3:30 in the morning, without a soul in sight. We sit 4 deep at a traffic light. Talking about how dumb and brainwash some of our brothers & sisters are. While we wait for a green light to tell us when to go."
That poem is the equivalent to whining about sharing personal information, while doing so on the internet, smart phones, and social media sites.
@hugoadan They have. Remember them backtracking on shutting down the PSP/PS3 shops?
Sony is very responsive to public pressure.
Problem is, and you can see it demonstrated beautifully in this comment section, a gigantic chunk of their fanbase deeply enjoys the taste of corporate boot. When that's the case, nothing changes. At least not in a positive direction.
@nessisonett I wouldn't worry, Gabe has said he has contingency plans for when he passes or retires and Eric Johnson doesn't seem that different from Gabe anyways and he's the most likely to take charge
@Kienda Nope, this is 2024. It's either all or nothing. I'm completely right and if you don't agree with me then you are utterly wrong. The world only exists in black and white.
@Ralizah And yet another post, that doesnt give arguments. But just came here to comment about people here being corporate shills.
How about adressing some of the points given?
Nice. I'd probably sign in anyway for the trophies but it being -forced- kinda puts a lifetime on this game I'm not comfortable with.
@naruball The default PushSquare Response (TM) when comparing and contrasting events. It's not about murderous mayhem versus gaming. It's about examining the mass social psyche behind large scale revolts and protests and protests that become revolts. Those are big examples there for obvious examples to comprehend. It's not the context of the scene that mattered. It's the context of the large group of empowered population realizing they have power to change a condition they've disapproved for a long time. Whether that's protecting their physical lives in the other events or their digital lives in this event, it's about the group psychology, not the specific events that I'm comparing.
@themightyant No, those reasons are fine, and are valid, if they gave players the OPTION of opting into it for those reasons. A LOT of software and games have that checkbox asking if you'd like to submit detailed information which may include personal information to help improve the product. That's perfectly fine. It's a choice, and they tell you the benefits and you can make your choice. Telling you to hand over your data to play, even though you've already handed over your data to the intermediate company by choice, and paid for the product, to effectively help enhance the product, with no choice in the matter is not the same thing. That's when it crosses the line.
Even UBISOFT that locks their games to their launcher for disgusting DRM reasons because Yves thinks PC gamers are all pirates (but didn't even bother stealing Skull and Bones......) makes their sign ins OPTIONAL on other platforms......
Bottom line is you meet your market where they are. They did good in their PC rollout, but this one detail they failed to listen to the market and it keeps biting them, for no reason. And weirdly inconsistent reasons as GoT does NOT require it outside legends.... They don't need it. They've told us they don't need it. They, like Xbox just seem to have two left hands and don't know what either is doing, but the foot always finds the mouth.
@PsBoxSwitchOwner Sure. So we should just post it all on 4Chan ourselves since it's all inevitable. Maybe I can get a 30th Pro on your credit card while I'm at it. Or 10 of them.
Or we could try to start making a stance to reign it in rather than just volunteer to feed it maximally?
@LogicStrikesAgain Why not introspect and ask yourself why PC gamers pushing back against Sony's PSN account mandate on PC bothers you so much?
It's pretty difficult not to see the whining on here as tribalistic corporate shilling. What other possible reason is there to be a cheerleader for unnecessary forced DRM in Steam games?
@Ralizah Deflection, and still no arguments.
I have no problem with PC gamers not wanting to sign up for a PSN account. I honestly couldnt care less. They do, cause a lot are commenting here showing their discontent. I am just sharing my opinion on the matter.
I have given arguments as to why i think its not such a big deal. That is just my opinion. Im not a corporate shill. When you discuss something, you give arguments. Thats what im doing, but im always open to hear other peoples opinion. Thats how a discussion works.
However, if you dont have any arguments. People usually resort to namecalling
@Ralizah I dont think PS users are whining. We have a PSN account, i think most dont really think creating one was such a big deal. PC users are the ones whining about it.
@LogicStrikesAgain What I'm asking you is why it bothers you so much that users on a completely different platform are pushing back against an account creation and log-in mandate that functions as an extra layer of DRM. Give me an explanation that doesn't ultimately go back to outrage that other people aren't licking the boot.
As a PC gamer myself I was only saying to my friend on Steam yesterday "I bet you anything God of War Ragnarock will get Review bombed" and here we are.
Are you serious? It doesnt bother me. PC users are the ones bothered. So much so that there are multiple sites making articles about it. Even this site, so yeah. I think u got it backwards.
I have given arguments in favour of why i think a publisher might do this in a previous post. If u want u can read it, not gonna repeat everything here again.
A possible explanation might be that we as PS users have all needed to make a PSN account to play Playstation games at some point. Was hardly any trouble for most, so i think most dont see what the big deal is. And that has nothing to do with licking Sonys boots, as you so eloquently keep describing
@NEStalgia Ι strongly disagree. It is simply ridiculous to put those two together. You can provide other examples that fit your argument better. Because the argument itself is a decent one. The examples are not.
@LogicStrikesAgain PC gamers are angry about the extra layer of DRM. Sony fans on here are angry about said people reviewing the game negatively and creating mods to counteract the DRM. Pretty big difference there.
Oh, I fully understand why Sony would want to do this. I think it's a little silly to try and penetrate a new market and make highly contentious choices like this, but the reason they'd want to pump up PSN numbers is obvious.
It's a little more reasonable to expect account creation on a walled-garden platform run by the manufacturer. PC is a very different environment, and it functions as an extra layer of DRM that gets between the player and the game.
Although I am curious, having never owned one: is it possible to play physical PS5 games offline without PSN? Because if so, that'd mean Sony's approach on PC is even stricter than it is on their own platform.
Regardless, even if it's not a big deal to you, why does it bother you (and especially some others here, who were practically gnashing their teeth when Sony removed the requirement for Helldivers 2) that PC gamers are pushing back against it on their platform? That's the part that I don't understand, unless some form of Pro-Sony tribalism is at play.
PC gamers trying to protect their "data" like its their virginity. And they'll only let that one special Corporation (Steam) have it.
@NEStalgia why does it cross a line? Every time you turn on your Xbox or PS5 you are sharing all this data to Sony or Microsoft why not on PC within their games. Their games, their rules, you can choose to opt out by not buying.
I love my PlayStation but in my eyes fair play to the PC Community
@Ralizah I think most people wether they're PS users or not, just find it a bit of a silly overreaction to be honest. They dont really care if PC gamers do or dont sign up for PSN. Some might think that giving a critically acclaimed game, a GOTY contender, a userscore of 1 out of 10 is a bit dramatic.
Again ure asking me why it bothers me. It doesnt. PC gamers are bothered, and im very interested in why? So far ive heard, data, hassle and your argument is extra layer of DRM. Considering every publishers asks you to do so, is it safe to place your argument under the tab 'hassle' as well?
Literally everything i use needs me to sign up for it. Whether thats an app or a service. So if publishers do this in order to track gaming data and provide extra service. Then thats really not a big issue with me. If data is such a big concern, there are bigger fish to fry. And with 123million or so PSN users im guessing lots of people have no issue with signing up for it.
If PC users find it such a hassle. I'd recommend them to just not buy the game. Now if i was a corporate shill, i would suggest people buy the game. However, personally, i really couldnt care less
Btw, this may come as a surprise to you. But i also do not care that they have circumvented the PSN login with a mod. Trust me, us "fanboys" care a lot less about this than you PC guys think. Most just think u're overreacting
Gotta make up that pushsquare.com minimum world count.........
@Ralizah Weirdly, it's not even DRM. Ubisoft and EA use it as DRM by actually making it locked to their launcher/account. Sony even supports family sharing, so you can share it with (select) other people even moreso than on the console, with multiple different PSN logins. Curious if they'll still put the newer games on GoG like they did the first patch which makes it even funnier.
BUT one thing that makes these "link your account" things really dangerous is what happened to me and FFXIV. That one needs a Square login to work obviously, but they "link your account" between PSN and SE like this on console (and Steam as well) and as a result I could never play FFXIV on Playstation again because they did "something" to my username on the one I registered on PSN that it's not the one I entered and recorded. They will not help you recover without a random video game CSR taking your personal identifying document scans (no thanks), so I had to create a new account, which was fine I had zero progress on the old one. But even though it prompts for square login, because it's linked to your PSN account I'm not allowed to log into the game as any user while using my PSN account other than that linked one, so my PSN account is forever locked out of FFXIV because I can't use my real square account with it because it's locked to an old one I can't use.
And is any of that for DRM? NO! Because the actual windows version Square sells itself lets you log in under any valid square account you want at any time. The way it's SUPPOSED to work. Buy it on steam? Locked to one user. Buy it on Windows native? Everyone can log in! Does it make sense? No. These "link your account" things are fundamentally broken.
And, yes, (for now) PS5 discs can run without a PSN account for offline, as a result of the EXACTLY SIMILAR PUSHBACK XBOX ONE GOT FOR SIMILAR DRM PRACTICES. Betting that changes on the PS6 though.... "Fans" keep proving it's only wrong when Xbox does it or Steam customers do it. It's always ok if Sony does it because they "mean well."
@naruball Maybe, and I get your point, but it's easier to convey the concept of the group psychology when looking at an extreme case than trying to meander through subtle cases. People can see easily the social thought process in those big events because they're so stark. Again, it's not about comparing the event itself, it's about comparing the mass psychology involved in reaching a boiling point over an issue and how that can snowball from there. And that's easiest to see in the most clear cut extremes.
@themightyant When I turn on an Xbox I'm sharing my DRM data with the store I bought my game from (Xbox.) When I turn on my PS5 I'm sharing my DRM data with the store I bought my game from (PSN). When I launch on Steam I'm sharing my DRM data with the store I bought my game from (Steam.) Similarly when I launch a Ubisoft title on PS5 and it asks me if I'd like to share my data with Ubisoft to help improve the product and I say no, I was given a choice, and I'm ok with being given that choice.
When I launch a Ubisoft game on PS5 I'm not required to share my data with Xbox, Ubisoft, Sega, and Konami. But Sony, EA, Ubisoft, want me to share my data with them when I launch a game on Steam. THAT is the difference.
If we go back to paper media, when I buy a paper book at Walmart, Walmart knows I bought it because I bought it from them. Random House does not. And I'm not required to submit written notification to Random House that I have purchased their book, the purchase price, my address, household income and occupation, prior purchase history, competing purchase history, family connections, associated friends, history of other similar books read and progress through which I've read them. Sony, EA, Ubisoft, Bethesda, Rockstar.....they DO.
@LogicStrikesAgain " Considering every publishers asks you to do so"
Every publisher does not DEMAND (not ask) this. A very select list of only the most disliked (from a consumer trust standpoint) publishers do this and Sony decided to throw themselves on that list. Normal publishers that have not already declared themselves enemies of their customers do not do this outside games that require logging onto a server to play.
You do not have to do this to play Elden Ring from Bamco, nor LaD/Yakuza from Sega or P5 from Atlus. You do not need to do this to play non-Bethesda Microsoft games (other than ones with a shared server like SoT) - where MS never required it and Bethesda required it long before MS owned them. You do not have to do this to play CoD offline (Activision before MS). You do not need to do it to play Darksiders from THQ, or FF16 from Square Enix. You do not need to do it to play Wukong from Game Science, nor myriad other games. I have not needed to do this once on ANY game on the Meta platform of Quest. Not even Ubisoft with AC:VR. You do not need to do this with MOST games from MOST publishers.
The publishers that do this are a very small select list of publishers that have mostly been on gamers' s--tlists for ages because of abusing their customer relationships. Sony voluntarily decided to throw themselves onto that s--tlist. After originally not doing so.
@NEStalgia Yes, but in the example you made. The company who creates the paper isnt responsible for fixing the paper, or creating a better experience after you bought the paper from Walmart.
Since Sony is responsible for their games getting patches, updates and fixes. It is in their interest and maybe in the users interest as well, for them to be able to have some insight in certain things after you have bought it from Steam.
I get what your point was though, however the example didnt really click with me.
Also there many settings, that you can turn off in your PSN account. Sony still has to operate within privacy laws. They have to clarify which data is used and what its used for. And you can opt out of certain things if you so choose.
@NEStalgia So, ironically, PSN is actually optional on their own platform, but people can't understand why mandated account sign-ups on an entirely different platform might irritate some people, lol.
@LogicStrikesAgain To be clear, most publishers DO NOT require account log-ins. Some do (Ubisoft is notorious for this), but it's generally unpopular and not the norm overall. Generally this is the case with the most consumer-unfriendly publishers.
It's an additional barrier between the game and the player, which can cause software compatibility issues down the road. Why require it? Making it optional would probably still net them plenty of new accounts, and it wouldn't actively antagonize the most passionate users of the market they're attempting to penetrate.
For the record, as a person who games across platforms, I already have a PSN account. And I would love for PS trophy support to apply to PS games on PC, so I actually don't mind linking accounts. But I do understand why it would be controversial to mandate it, absolutely.
@NEStalgia You have a point! But i think its hard to compare Sony to other publishers, first off they are not only publishers, they're platform holders. Also, they are the biggest publisher in the world(for the moment).
They have a large ecosystem that cant be compared to Bamco. To ensure things like crossplay and cross saves, creating a smooth transition and consistency between console and PC platforms might require sacrifice that other publishers dont care to do.
Sony might also feel that the IP are of high value and that they want to protects their IP more with digital rights managements. Some of these games have big budgets behind them. Im only speculating ofcourse, but i can imagine.
They also have their own ecosystem of trophies and the like, which other publishers maybe not have.
It might also be a cost thing for other publishers. Meaning that if they could do it, they might have done it as well.
And im assuming the biggest reason is piracy. It is ofcourse a big problem in the PC gaming world that games are pirated. High profile games, such as Playstation games are especially gonna be targeted for piracy. This seems to be a way to try to mitigate that, so that people atleast have to sign in to PSN. That way illegal pirated versions cant be used.
I mean you might not agree with it, but from a business standpoint you could probably see the logic in some of these reasonings
@LogicStrikesAgain Are typos, binding failure, out of order pages, smeared or blurred print on pages not real problems books face? Would not the publisher benefit by knowing these things? And assocating them with a complete and total personal profile would benefit the publisher's marketing efforts just as much as for video games?
The only difference here is one CAN require this and he other can't, partially because the medium enables it and partly because one has trained their customers to expect it.
They aren't FORCING you to share all of your information with them so they can benevolently help you. They could ASK. But by making it a requirement, they made it clear they're not doing it to make your experience better.
And I would not read very far into "privacy laws", mostly written by the companies themselves to enable them to do what they were already doing in a way that looks "trustworthy". Whether through forked tongue or sheer incompetence, or silver tongued wording, they've enabled everything they want from it. The only way to "respect your privacy" is to let you say "no thanks" when they ask for your information. "Laws' also state that whatever information they have on you, they OWN it, not you. Not handing it to them begin with is the only way to not transfer ownership of that data to them. Which brings us back to the problem of people wanting choice of who they share information with.
Going back to the book, perhaps it's a particularly naughty book, and you don't want the local bookstore to know you buy naughty books, so maybe you buy it from a select retailer that specializes in that with a separate account. You don't really want to then have to mail out a form with all your data to be allowed to open the book to the publisher and/or other book retailers. That's why you bought it where you did!
We're unfortunately legally 30 years behind where we need to be regarding data, and shadowy data brokers own everyone. Fighting it will be a long and difficult battle, but it's one that needs to happen. People insisting we just embrace it have missed the entire landscape that has unfolded, and, though @naruball will be appalled by my analogy once again I'd like it to, during the time of American slavery, a great many slaves did not want slavery to end, they wanted things to stay as they were as they had reasonably benevolent owners who treated them ok and the idea of freedom and leaving the comforts of things being taken care of them was much worse to them than the status quo. That's the human psyche in a nutshell. Even the idea of being owned as property can be considered acceptable, and even fought for as desirable if it's stable comfortable enough to make being free seem scarier. Our digital personas are far closer to slavery than people are willing to see. We may not be bought and sold as property physically, but our whole identity of who we are is. As long as our owners buy us invisible fences instead of leashes and posts, many seem fine with that.
@NEStalgia Well i still dont see the comparison. Sony has to fix the games. Walmart may have to handle problems with the book(i errouneously thought u were talking about paper, must have watched too much of the office lately) if theres anything wrong with it.
However patches, fixes and updates wouldnt be done by Steam, but by Sony. So it doesnt really compare in the same way.
Regarding your bigger issues on data. I fully agree! However why Sony? Sony hardly seems like the big fish in the discussion of data collection. They're probably not even in the top 10. If you really want to target a company. Think Google, Microsoft etc.
Also, if you want anything done about it, not only targeting companies, but politicians. Government should legislate better privacy laws. I think we have better privacy laws in the EU than they have in the US. Thats why platform holders have to go through more loops and be more transparent about users' data than they do in the US. Not very knowledgeable about this though, so might be wrong here
@LogicStrikesAgain A fair reply. On your second post, they may well be a platform holder, but on PC, they're just another publisher, like every other publisher. It's not their platform. Which should be fine to them, after all they were a publisher, themselves, before they had a platfom as well.
Cross saves would make sense, if the game had cross-buy (like MS/XB Play Anywhere), but it doesn't. It's a totally separate license. Maybe cross-save is a good feature, and it's great feature to offer as an OPTION to opt into to get. But mandating logging in for crossplay for a game with no online, and cross saves when you own only one license, doesn't check out. Again, it's a FINE option to have, and a great offer for anyone who wants it. Making it manditory is the problem. Being able to link to PSN and being required to are two different things. Additionaly Sony did not require this until recently on their single player games, and the previous single player game they released, GoT, does not require it for the main single player game, only for the Legends online component, while GoWR which has no online component at all requires it for the single player content. Again Sony's even inconsistent with themselves, paying attention to the market one moment then ignoring them the next.
Similarly they already put the game on Steam which already is a DRM platform. The idea of requiring TWO DRM platforms, goes back to exercizing draconian control over the consumer which is the point. PC owners play on PC because they reject that from console. And again, Sony is being inconsistent with themselves, ratecheting the noose tigher and tighter, where HzD and I believe Gow2018, and TLOU are all also on GoG (CDPR) - which has ZERO DRM whatsoever, of any kind. That's the whole point of the platform. Shocking Sony of all companies would do that? Yes. But this sense of tightening the noose more and more with every release is not helping them develop good will, it's doing the opposite.
Trophies, sure, but again that goes into an OPTIONAL thing that would be nice to offer, but not require, while Steam also has achievements, and dedicated PC players that do value trophies would only care about their Steam achievements, not console focused ones on PSN. It's, again, a place where choice matters.
Going back to Piracy, yes, I'm sure it's a "piracy" thing, too, which is a bit ironic as we're a week in and have a mod to remove it already, but that still goes back to only a few handfulls of publishers, the most disliked ones, taking that step.
I don't agree with it, and yes, I do see from a business standpoint the logic, but that's also the whole point of consumers gathering to put their foot down to demand they won't be tolerating it. Sony may not give consumers a choice, but sony did have a choice. They could have continued their ORIGINAL path on PC which was well regarded and seemed actually consumer friendly in the extreme, even supporting DRM-free games which few big publishers do. Or they could join EA and Ubisoft on the most-hated publsihers list. This is the choice they made. Seems fitting they should face trouble for choosing it.
@LogicStrikesAgain Yeah, also totally agree on the latter. Weird thing is PC gamers in particular tend to be a group that's much more data concious than almost any other group other than actual protection and rights advocacy groups and such.
Why go after Sony? Because they're new, vulnerable, originally were NOT on the hitlist and they randomly decided they wanted to be, they were originally a paragon of the right way to do it before they went bad (Hulst?) At some point "the buck stops here". EA and Ubi did it and it was met with surprise. Now it's one too many.
But I also think that if they can get Sony to back down with enough pushback the argument will grow and start pushing back on Ubi and EA too. Ubi's weak right now. Their shares are in the tank. They don't need a big uproar from consumers right now. Sony first, Ubi next. Take them down, then EA and R* can be in the sights as the holdouts. R* won't back down, they're even more pompous than Sony. But I do think this is a tipping point if the momentum against Sony can actually succeed in getting them to back down.
Well, you make fair points, im not going to rebutall them. I will however, maybe dissapointingly, stick my feet in the ground and buckle down on my views. Althought you have convinced me a bit, i must say. I actually see the reasoning now. I will still say, i think most PC gamers dont even know their own reasoning and are overreacting a bit. End of the day, i together with all Playstation users have a PSN account. And while i acknowledge it may be a hassle for PC gamers, i would just say do it or dont, dont whine about it.
The whole fight against data collection i fully understand and would back up, however i would choose different enemies.
I support mods like this. Hopefully all of their PC games will get something like this.
The modding community on PC is amazing.
@NEStalgia Regarding my point that they have their own platform. I understand they're a publisher on Steam. I just meant, because they have their own platform. They might have more incentive than other publishers to create a more seemless transition between PC and their own platform. That may be a reasoning of theirs. Just wanted to clarify my argument
@NEStalgia What the hell have books got to do with it???
Games receive crash reports and other metrics which are useful to the DEVELOPER, not just the platform holder. HUGE difference between books and why the developer receiving all these in a consolidated form is important. This isn't' really that hard mate.
@themightyant And those things are nice to have. Meanwhile books, as I said can have problems with bindings, print, pages being bound out of order. It happens. Having instant feedback on these things would be helpful to the publisher of books as well.
Obviously it's not a 1:1 comparison. But you know what? Doesn't matter. There's a simple solution. DO NOT mandate that customers opt into sending that data and allow them to opt out. DO NOT force consumers to permanently and unalterably link their favorite store to an account with the publisher so that the publisher can ride roughshod over the store/DRM management scheme and meddle with the ownership rights of a product license which are between the licensor and licensee and not the license issuer. Ba da bing, problem solved!
That's amazing. Glad to see the option. I already have a Sony account so not an issue for me. But I do not like the always online thing.
@thefourfoldroot1 uh this is not mutually exclusive too pc gamers.
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