Are we getting closer to a new Capcom vs SNK – or, indeed, SNK vs Capcom? With hatted hero Terry Bogard joining Street Fighter 6 this week, and buxom babe Mai Shiranui on the way, it looks like the two fighting game titans are trading characters at this point. During a Tokyo Game Show livestream, Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves revealed that Street Fighter stalwarts Ken and Chun-Li will be joining the roster of its upcoming game.
While the fighter is due out on PS5 and PS4 from 24th April, the cameo characters will be available as part of its inaugural Season Pass, with Ken arriving in Summer 2025 and Chun-Li following in Winter 2025.

Ken seems like a safe inclusion considering his long-running relationship with Terry Bogard, while Chun-Li is obviously one of Street Fighter’s most iconic characters. It’ll be interesting to see where this alliance between Capcom and SNK ultimately leads.
Guest characters could be a big thing in the new Fatal Fury, with soccer superstar Cristiano Ronaldo unexpectedly promoting the game on social media, leading to all kinds of speculation that he could also be playable in the game. Are there any other cameos you’d like to see appear in the brawler? Put your fists up in the comments section below.
Comments 21
Well s***, wasn't expecting that
It’s “here come two”. In English when the object is plural, you use a plural verb form. Just like how it’s incorrect to say “here’s some reasons”.
Expected for Ken as a guest after finishing Terry arcade story. But didn't expect for Chun Li, although it makes sense since her and Mai are rivals.
Aaand sold!
Loving this Capcom - SNK crossover season.
I'm in a bit of weird place with this seemingly Capcom/SNK alliance that's brewing. I like Street Fighter but I don't really like SNK much at all. I know this collaboration is supposed to be exciting but I just kind of feel indifferent to it all.
I don't know. I guess I would have just preferred SF stay without guest characters but I guess that ship has sailed at this point.
Terry seems kind of annoying in SF6 at the moment. He seems like an awful match-up for AKI from what I played yesterday. Maybe I just need to go to the lab a bit but I've had a pretty awful experience the last couple days since he launched. He doesn't seem like a good fit to me at least. Maybe it will get better with time.
@Korgon I am currently labbing Terry and I like him a lot but I can understand your sentiment. For now, Bison is the only character I would have happily left out of the SF6 roster.
Love Aki btw! Reached gold with her but didn’t continue playing as I am exploring new characters
@Korgon I'm with you there I'm happy for the folks who are excited but I have no interest in SNK stuff so I'd rather half of the season of characters not be taken up by FF/KOF characters. I'm not entirely opposed to guest characters I loved DOA 5 having Naotora from Samurai Warriors but these days I feel guests are getting too much priority.
Kinda interesting to have Ken to be the one as the guest. It’s usually Ryu.
Finally, a SF collab without Ryu taking the spotlight lol
Yeah AKI is a lot of fun but with Terry's light ground fireball not clashing it is really tough to get anything going with her since she is at her best when chasing down her poison fireball. Plus his anti-air/anti-fireball front flip kick thing basically nullifies the jump in as well so I'm honestly at a bit of loss of what to do!😅
The fact that SF6 had both Terry and Mai makes sense. Capcom and SNK are simply doing a mutual exchange
Agreed. Yeah I'm not opposed necessarily to guest characters but I don't like the idea of them taking up half the season as well. I also prefer they come from a source outside of the fighting game genre. Like Strive bringing Lucy from Cyberpunk Edgerunners. I have no idea how she will play which I find more exciting. Plus I love Edgerunners so that helps too.😄
@Korgon Same with the example I used Naotora was from a Musou game and she was so fun to play as in DOA she fit in really well too because well Koei and Tecmo always had very similar artsyles in their games even before they merged Tecmo were always basically Koei with production values lol. Not to mention there was....another reason Nao-chan fit so well into DOA 😅
@Korgon I'm the opposite. I play fighting games to play fighting games, so the guest characters should come from fighting games. Having Negan and Noctis in Tekken 7 was a big "no" for me. The MK games' DLC feels like one big advertisment for WB film franchises at this stage.
Terry and Mai in SF6 makes sense as there's already an overlap and an existing story.
I can see that perspective. And there is a point where it starts to get a bit too weird like Negan. However, I always saw the point of guest characters is to draw in a potential new player to the genre. Picking characters from other fighting games just feels kind of...I don't know redundant.
I know there is a bit of a connection between SF and KOF/FF already but I just never really liked the character design of SNK personally.
Like Terry looks like Ash Ketchum was a pizza guy from the 80's. He just... doesn't do anything for me.
As for Mai, well she has sex appeal I guess so there's that. 😅
Maybe if I grew up on SNK I'd feel differently about it but as someone with zero nostalgia I just feel indifferent about them.
@Korgon Lol yeah fair points there. I'm the opposite again in that I see the appeal of fighting game characters crossing over to relevant games because I'm a fighting game fan and I'm familiar with how they play, and I'm curious to see how the movesets and graphical stylings translate.
Fun fact about Terry - he was created by one Takashi Nishiyama after he joined SNK. The guy's previous job? He worked at Capcom, and created Street Fighter. Terry's concept was kicking around then and nearly ended up in the original Street Fighter, but they went with Ryu instead and figured Terry's design would be used again in the future. In fact, Fatal Fury was created as a spiritual sequel to Street Fighter. Oh, the dude who created Terry also created Ken.
My attachment to SNK games mostly developed with the crossover titles in the 2000s - let's face it, most people couldn't afford a Neo Geo in the 1990s! (I did borrow Fatal Fury on the Megadrive from someone at school).
Huh. I never knew about all that in regards to Nishiyama. That's really interesting! I remember the Capcom VS SNK games but I always just figured that was the end of their connection.
I appreciate the history lesson! I'm still not crazy about his design but at least now I have a bit more context behind why he is interesting to people. I already feel a bit more appreciation for him than I did.
Nice, though somehow this pretty much felt expected.
Okay I didn't expect Ken over Ryu, but its a nice pace of change letting Ken have a playable solo crossover for once (yes Chun-Li is with him but you know what I mean), plus Terry and Ken have the same creator so there also that.
@Korgon No one in the current roster except Juri and JP who can do fireball war with Terry power wave. So, the best tactics is just low block / parry the fireball and keeps moving forward.
But, i remember AKI has spinning special move from her slide called Venomous Fang or something where she can bypass any fireball. Maybe you can used it to punish Terry if keeps spamming power wave?
Or can you used her EX Serpent Lash to punish Terry when he do power wave? I think the chain range is quite long but i don't know if it have fireball invisibility.
I'm not a main AKI though but i feel like she can do something to bypass Terry power wave...
Yeah I thought that venomous fang could be an option too but unfortunately his recovery is pretty good to the point where unless I'm fully committed to it and guess way ahead of time he will block in time and that move is super negative on block so it's extremely risky.
I haven't tried EX Serpent Lash though. That might actually be a good idea since I think she is technically airborne when zipping up to the opponent. Maybe she goes over it? I'll have to try that when I get the chance. Good suggestion!
Kore wa Kung-fu, yo!
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