Sony may be considering two models of the PS6: a traditional stationary console and a handheld. Reports emerged earlier this month that the platform holder is developing two systems-on-a-chip (or SoCs) with its long-term partner AMD, suggesting there may be two versions of its next-gen console. While any talk of handhelds is speculation, it’s rumoured Microsoft will be following the same path for future Xbox formats.
And according to a Push Square poll, you’re all open to the idea. 44% of you said you love playing on handhelds and would purchase a portable PS6, while a further 39% of you said you’re open to the idea but need more information. Only 18% said they don’t like portables and wouldn’t consider a product like this.
Of course, a hypothetical handheld PS6 would come with compromises: it’d likely be expensive, heavy, and would presumably have a short battery life. But if Sony could somehow offer the entirety of its next-gen console’s library on a portable platform, it would be a potentially compelling option.

It’s worth noting, Sony has found success with the PS Portal, and we wonder if it would be more effective following this route. If the platform holder could make considerable improvements to Remote Play, the accessory would be more effective when used in the home – and improvements could even be made over Wi-Fi, too.