Many will argue that Rise of the Ronin deserves a little more recognition. The open world action title released for PS5 what feels like an age ago, all the way back in March of this year. And while it was met with rather lukewarm reviews, it still managed to amass a faithful fan following.
It's a shame, then, that the game still suffers from very uneven performance on Sony's system. The title's dedicated performance mode targets 60 frames-per-second, but it rarely manages to maintain that smoothness. A real disappointment, since the game's so heavy on fast-flowing action.
According to Koei Tecmo, though, Rise of the Ronin's getting a frame rate buff on PS5 Pro. Producer Fumihiko Yasuda tells the PlayStation Blog that the release will benefit from "responsive katana action at a high frame rate", and that its environments will gain "greater graphical detail".
We're all for PS5 games getting glow-ups on PS5 Pro, but we do think the water gets a little muddy when technically challenged titles are 'fixed' via a $700 console. It's a similar story with the likes of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and Dragon's Dogma 2 — both of which are promising performance enhancements on the Pro, having previously suffered from various technical issues on the standard console.
How do you feel about these kinds of PS5 Pro improvements? Are you a Rise of the Ronin fan? Rise again in the comments section below.
[source blog.playstation.com]
Comments 38
For ÂŁ700 I should bloody well hope so
Inexcusable that it can't be fixed on the base PS5. Seems like a talent issue at the studio.
Not something that I would be crowing about if I were the producer of the game, not when it doesn't run well enough on the base console, which the vast, vast majority will still have three years from now. Having the game run better on what is effectively a niche console, when it doesn't perform well enough on the PS5, is nothing to be shouting about...
Game looks like a PS3 title and can't be made to run well on a PS5?
Sloppy work.
Cool. But what time can we preorder the PS5Pro in Europe?
I really loved the game but the performance was my biggest gripe. Although I do agree that it only being able to be fixed with the Pro is kind of a cop out; Especially when Sony's first party studios are already able to do it.
So people have to pay $800 for the game they already purchased to work right?
Yikes. I loved Nioh 2 and Wo Long but I'm glad I skipped ROTR.
Games should be properly optimized for their target hardware. This should really go without saying and it’s disappointing that sub par performance in performance mode is so prevalent. It’s why I end up playing a lot of titles in fidelity mode. RotR’s performance mode was a mixed bag. It would often be buttery smooth and then tank at times you wouldn’t think it should. It didn’t bother me often enough to play in fidelity but it’s not right and an upgrade shouldn’t be the go-to solution. Here we are though. I actually think the game is quite beautiful, in which I snapped some of my favourite photos in a game ever. Really solid game and I’m glad it’s found its audience.
Wow... so this is the future of PlayStation. They're going to go out of their way to force all games to have shoddy performance in order to get everyone to move to PS5 Pro... very Apple of you Sony.
@JokerBoy322 it's nothing to do with Sony, this is squarely on the Devs who released a terribly optimised game and can't bail themselves out without brute forcing a solution
I’m UK and just checked and there seems to be no time given for PS5 Pro preorders on PlayStation Direct.
If no time is given and you want one, it may even happen at midnight tonight.
Not only laughable to allow an overpriced console to force better performance. However with Ronin in particular, it is not a very high visual quality game. It's shortcomings are absolutely dev centric as there is no reason this game couldn't be a solid 60fps.
It's also important to remember that in terms of framerate, if the problems on that front are cpu related, which they often are; this 700 dollar grift can't fix that, as the cpu was not upgraded.
So I have to get a $700 Pro to fix this? We are about to witness a Sony console bomb hard. Enjoy the show.
To be honest Sony's own first party games are usually optimised BEAUTIFULLY so the benefits for Pro are more likely to be seen in third party games. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's Pro upgrades were pretty huge for example.
In our gaming days where things get patched left and right for frame rate, bugs, glitches, etc; it should be a no brainer to get this fixed on the current PS5 models. Absolutely no need for someone to spend $700 on a future console to get a game to work as intended when it launched 6 months ago. This is an unacceptable solution.
So instead of devs making their games properly, we should just buy more expensive hardware to brute force their nonsense?
Once consoles decided to follow the PC route where games aren't optimized to hardware and the solution for every poorly made game is just to buy more hardware to run everything fasterer, consoles outlived the entire purpose of consoles.
How about instead of selling people $700 more in hardware, the devs actually built their game to run properly on the hardware they already knew the player was using.? That's what consoles are for! If having a fixed spec to build for to make it run right is no longer an asset for developers to make their games run properly out of the box on consoles, I really don't see the purpose of consoles at all anymore.
Please spend $800 to fix our game.
Love, K-T
Current Gen has a serious optimization problem.
Agree, the developer should fix the shoddy frame rate!
Don't start - as a dev - with the mindset that a Pro will solve your problems (well, our problems). What's next, OG PS5 holds back the future of next-gen from now on?
Excellent. I notice that lots of outlets have now had hands on time and are now much more positive on the pro. That this game could have been better optomised is clear. But its a nice benefit of the pro for me that it will play it better when I get round to it, but its never gonna be a showpiece game.
@Pusher2021 No. The pro might reach 10%, so the target platform will always be the standard ps5, as it should be.
This is not the xbox scenario where about 70% of sales have been for series S.
Remember optimisation?
Thanks. Will it happen at midnight? I don't know..
@Gamer83 It's either that or it's an engine issue. Ff7rebirth, FF16, Rise of the Ronin, and Dragon's Dogma 2.
Removed - offensive remarks; user is banned
I'll gladly buy a PS6 to play this game at a decent framerate, for sure, but not a PS5 Pro
Tecmo games always look washed out. What a pathetic explanation in order to fix a half baked game
For those other games I wouldn't be surprised if it's something to do with the engine. With Rise of the Ronin I'm leaning more towards talent. That studio really hasn't been great in a long time, since about the early-mid 360/PS3 days.
@Titntin After seeing some of the first impressions of the Pro I must admit the differences are bigger than initially thought (but to expensive for me to justify).
Of course, it's only the first dev (Koei Tecmo) that mentions a buff in frame rate but IIRC there were some games -on the end of the cycle- on the OG PS4 that struggled (accompanied by huge noises) in comparison to the PS4 Pro while the base PS4 should've been the target.
@Gamer83 Exactly. I've said it repeatedly that it's a joke that people will have to spend $700 and probably then some in order to get games to work the way they should have all along. It's not that the PS5 isn't powerful enough to handle the games. It's that the developers were either too lazy or too inept to properly optimize their games. There's plenty of examples of games that look great and also run great. The PS5 has more power than people give it credit for in a sense.
Let's be frank; any game that released prior to the Pro shouldn't need to be 'fixed' by it. They launched on the base PS5, when it was the only option, and they should damn well be optimised for it.
Sharper graphics in combination with frame rate, sure, the Pro deserves that, but there's really little excuse for games in the last year not successfully targetting a 60FPS performance mode and these statements really do beg the question; "Did you even try, or were you encouraged to hold back to help shift more hardware sales?"
@Gamer83 @KilloWertz It has to be when something like Spiderman 2 is able to be incredibly well optimized while being able to go at such fast speeds while web swinging.
This generation of consoles is a running joke so far. Barely any exclusives 4 years in and an updated machine that is being used to cover up inept optimisation slapped with a price sticker of 800 quid if you need a disc drive so I can play 1-2 year old games how they should have played from the start. Luckily for me I don't mind fidelity modes as long as it's a locked and smooth 30fps so for instance ReBirth was fine, although it's blatantly the engine along with bad op as even at 30 textures didn't load in, low res textures and assets all over the place. Square aren't an indie dev so why can Demons Souls look like it does IN performance mode and Forbidden West at least now in fidelity looks so much better than FF. Rebirths Visuals outside the towns aren't even very good in comparison and the animations outside canned battle skills and cutscenes aren't great either. I'm glad I can pay some extra cash to fix it though 🤣
@Nepp67 That still proves that the PS5 is perfectly capable of running good looking games at 60 FPS. Some developers either don't want to put the work in or just have engines that suck, so then we get heavily flawed Performance modes in some games. Here comes the PS5 Pro to save the day, but that shouldn't have had to happen.
@Ralizah it’s team ninja. Sometimes I don’t know if they’re aware we’re in the ninth gen. Their first non-ninja gaiden major action game started out as a PS3 title (Nioh)
@Yousef- It's funny, because I don't recall having any issues with the Ninja Gaiden games back on the Xbox.
I don't mind the PS3 graphics so much. I wish more games were developed more cheaply so we didn't have to wait 10 years between entries. But they should be running well on modern hardware.
@Ralizah preeeeach 🙏
Better yet, make them shorter too to avoid fatigue or burnout. Makes sense imo.
@Ralizah this was their first attempt at a big world game. I personally enjoyed the game overall.
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