If you're somehow against spending just $4.99 / £3.99 on one of the purest gaming experiences you'll ever have on PS5, then you should know that a PS Plus Premium trial for Vampire Survivors is now available. You can spend up to two hours with the trial, in which time you'll no doubt become hopelessly addicted to what is a masterfully crafted roguelike.
To be fair, though, we think this is a pretty good choice for a PS Plus Premium trial. There'll be plenty of people who have heard of Vampire Survivors, but may not have actually tried it out. It really is one of those games where playing it — even for just a few minutes — sells the entire concept.
Dare we ask if you'll be giving this trial a shot? Or is Vampire Survivors the very definition of an immediate purchase? Never stop moving in the comments section below.
[source x.com]
Comments 45
Concord gets a trial?
@Czar_Khastik it's been found guilty and sentenced to death.
Twenty minutes is all you will need to purchase this masterpiece
A demo for everyone to try would be a better option because £4 isnt alot to drop on a game but personally i think the game looks s##t. A demo could easily change my mind because ive heard nothing but praise for it but not if ive got to be a premium member to get access to it.
If you have PSPlus then you can buy it for £3.59 so just do it. I think Sony really missed a trick not signing it up for PSPlus.
Nah, I'll rather get that pricey cup of coffee.
@Kidfunkadelic83 it's 4 quid. A game you know everyone praises. Take a punt, you can afford it. What's the worst that can happen? You can't get the bus to Poundland?
‘Member when the game Robotron came to the local arcade?
This games is Pringles. Once you pop, you don’t stop.
@riceNpea Epic reply is epic
@Kidfunkadelic83 I dont get me, I played and have it on my phone for 2quid.
Its a bog standard mobile game, dont care what anyone says, its fun for a few minutes.
But it just means my worst fears have come true, mobile gaming has hit consoles.
God help us all.
I played this through a few times when it was on game pass on my lapper. It's ok.
@Bez87 Yeah I played it for about 20 minutes, thought it was okay in a "I've got nothing else to do" kind of way, but that was it. Never went back to it. I know different people have different opinions on things but for this game it seems to be either "eh, it was okay for a bit, quite fun" or "I've been playing for 75 hours nonstop, send help".
Please, do not play this game.
I literally had to outlaw it in my house because me and my son were playing it too much, with me playing it to the point of losing sleep.
I know that graphics aren't everything, I know the game is about $5, and I know it was probably made by just a couple of people. This is not why I bought a PS5 though.
@Bez87 - Mobile gaming has been hitting consoles since the PS3. Did you forget about Peggle, Angry Birds, Plants vs Zombies etc?
Why not buy a jar of coffee? That's like... 20 cups.
@aj21009 Play it on your phone then, it’s brilliant regardless.
@Bez87 before mobile phones, games like this used to be on consoles.
@Matroskayes that's exactly how I felt, after hearing all this omg I can't believe how good this game is, I thought 2quid not bad, played and was like hmmm yea it's alright, been done before though, I played a game exactly like this on my amiga 500 back in the early 90s.
@Shigurui I always erase these from my mind hahaha
@riceNpea yes on the amiga and commodore.
Back when basic games were cutting edge.
By the time mobiles became mainstream, we already had the snes and ps1, was just hitting.
First mobile to truly hit was the Nokia 3210 with snake as its game.
This day n age, this type of game is a great waste time while on your mobile, I wouldn't say it's worth it on console, it's definitely not that great of a game for this much praise.
This darn game has stolen most of my Labor Day Weekend. It's so hard to stop!
I hate to be a prude, I am far from the pc woke brigade, but I don’t think addicted is a word we should use in any context as a positive state.
There’s many other words to infer delight, joy and satisfaction without using the one associated with umpteen negative elements of this world.
Prude out.
I was one of those who played it for like 20 minutes and didn't see the appeal...until I went online and found out exactly just how much there is to do and holy cow!
From then on, it became "just one more round", "I'll stop when I get [x]", "I really want to get [x] amount of money so I can buy [y]".
It really does have a lot of depth to it as long as you stick it out. What people may not realize is there actually is an ending to the game - but even after you see it, there is ton more to do!
Not saying people who don't like the game are in the wrong, but I would say that the game is more than meets the eye.
I still play it on Game Pass from time to time (first on Series X and now on PC), but the cost of admission is worth it.
@aj21009 ok. Play Concord then.
Isn't this just Survivor.io?
@GamingFan4Lyf I really didn't get it still. Played last year, amused me for an hour then moved into good games. I really didn't get the huge appeal among core gamers. Feels like a time waster type game to me. Yet EVERYONE seems to think it's the best thing ever!
Bought it and love it!
It makes me wonder though, why Capcom don't make a similar version of the old Commando game, with hordes of enemies and you the player just mowing them down in a similar fashion but maybe still just vertical scrolling and not endless levels. I'd buy that for a few dollars for sure (I know I'm very old and old school )
@riceNpea Poundland is for peasants, i go to B&M on my electric scooter😂 i get what your saying tho and if it was a game that looked like i might half be interested and backlog /pre orders wasnt an issue i would do but i just wish there were more demos of games like this available for all to try. It wouldnt be a bad thing, right? I blame Sony for locking them behind a pay wall. We hardly ever get demos now.
I wasn't interested but I tried the free sample, i then doshed out for the full game after 1 play. This is how addiction starts...
@Buckster Yes, Survivor.io is ripoff Vampire Survivors.
@Bez87 by definition this game is great if people are saying it is. What other metric could possibly compare to the measure of greatness than people having that opinion?
@Kidfunkadelic83 electric scooter?! You've changed. Too good to push? You're just like all the mums in the maternity wards up London 😆👍
@riceNpea 😂😂 i can 100% confirm that i do NOT own an electric scooter. I am however getting on so a mobility scooter would be a safer bet for me 😂
And here's why.....
@Kidfunkadelic83 fit it with a commode and you're set for life 😁
@Kidfunkadelic83 You have a problem being happy, don't you?
(I'm kidding! I'm just a VS addict. Get the game. It is great.)
@lindos all use of words is context driven. Using 'addictive' in this environment where there's communal understanding of the subject matter, a community of like-minded individuals, a broad spectrum of ability grammatically expressing oneself in prose, and an implied acceptance that the vast majority is here in good faith to express views, is in now way pejorative or harmful to do.
Words do not exist outside of context. That line of thinking is far more dangerous than someone saying they are 'addicted' to a game as a measure of how much they are enjoying it and ignoring the broader point they are making.
By all means be prudish about language, I am. I can't stand Americanisms, poor grammar from professional writers, compelled speech erasing feminine terms, such as the word 'actress', there's plenty to get our teeth into. But, being prudish about a word when you take it out of context is not right.
Watched a few minutes. His explanations are flawed in my opinion. Example I never cared for the numbers in a Mario game, also I deactivated damage numbers and sound in vampire survivors.
What I do fully understand is, that there are people out there that get nothing out of vampire survivors and I am ok with it.
@NEStalgia I guess if you care about figuring out all the upgrade combos for weapons/items, how to unlock new stages, characters, etc. then it's something you will play over and over again.
If you don't care, then I understand. It doesn't seem like much at all.
I think what it really boils down to is that this game, unlike most modern games out there, uses that old-school system of actually unlocking content through figuring things out rather than just paying for it.
If all you are doing is running around and killing stuff, you are doing it wrong. There are things to find in the levels. Surviving 30 minutes is only one aspect of the game.
There is stuff to unlock for surviving with X character. There is stuff to unlock for finding Y in the level. Etc. etc.
Getting past that initial Garden Stage, I felt, was the biggest hurdle. If you only see that and nothing else, yeah, it can get tedious.
Again, I am not convincing people to like the game, just showing that there is A LOT more to the game than running around and killing waves of enemies.
I think that is what appeals to people.
When it came out on Xbox it was just under £4. I’d heard good things about it but never seen it so I thought “why not?” So I bought it. I had a go. Didn’t think much of it. But I had another go. Unlocked a few achievements. So I had another go. And another. And another. Next thing I’m addicted and I’ve completed the game and it’s dlc on Xbox and mobile, and am now ploughing through it again on PS. Well worth it.
@GamingFan4Lyf That's what I don't get. The concepts are all ones that should appeal well to me. I'm an RPG nut after all, OG Diablo fan, "upgrade all the things" "unlock the skill tree Ubisoft model" works on me. I maxed every weapon in R&C PS4 remake because I couldn't not.
BUT the core gameplay has to be engaging to make me want to do that. I'm not a completionist I don't do platinums mostly, bu t I clear all side quests and upgrade all weapons/moves in games that have that. So VS should appeal to me in concept. I thing the core gameplay I just find so shallow and repetitive I have no interest in the unlocks. Though I had that problem with R&C Rift too, didn't upgrade all the stuff, it wasn't as fun as the prior game to keep replaying due to the "gimmick" map designs.
But I will also say I only really saw that garden stage and running around forever surviving waves of enemies. I just wasn't motivated by that to continue any more.
....maybe if it had a VR mode, lol......
@Czar_Khastik @riceNpea What did you guys do to Concord?!
@PocketHotDogs We played it so much it crashed their servers for good
I enjoyed it on mobile. Perfect for quick sessions on the go. But it's just not a game I'd enjoy sitting on my couch on a big screen. My mobile gaming and console gaming experiences are very different.
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