Update: Two whole leaks later, and it's finally official: Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 1 & 2 Remastered is bringing Raziel back from the dead. It's coming to both PS5 and PS4 on the 10th December.
Original Story: Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 1 & 2 Remastered looks to be the real deal, according to a fresh PlayStation Store leak. You may remember that the collection was originally outed back in July, thanks to the sighting of a Soul Reaver statue, which was actually on display at San Diego Comic-Con. However, an official announcement never materialised.
The timing of this second leak, then, all but confirms that Soul Reaver 1 & 2 Remastered will be unveiled during PlayStation's imminent State of Play. It's apparently releasing for both PS5 and PS4 on the 10th December, and it's being developed by Aspyr Media — the outfit behind the recent Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered Starring Lara Croft.
Obviously we're just hours away from this supposed reveal, so we'll update this article as soon as things are made official.
Are you up for the return of Raziel? Start absorbing some souls in the comments section below.
[source resetera.com]
Comments 81
These are the types of games I can get behind being Remastered.
I’d get a remake for sure. But remasters of games this old definitely don’t do it for me.
Brilliant. Such good games.
Love the joke in the subhead. xD
I'm fine with the Tomb Raider treatment. I think the first game is still just wonderful.
This is a remaster/ remake that actually makes sense. The games are a couple of decades old now (yikes!) And lots of people (including me) have never played them. I can't wait for this
It'd be great to get these playable on modern consoles in remastered form, but that's definitely not the sort of news that belongs in a State of Play. Remakes would another matter, but I doubt that would happen.
More remasters and remakes! Give me what I want!
Hello Raziel, my old friend
I've come to play as you again
Now this is a remaster I can support
I mean, something is definitely going on with at least Soul Reaver 1 as it was pulled from sale on PC.
There used to be a "Notify" button for the GOG listing (as it was for an update from the publisher) then the game entry was pulled all together.
Curiously it's the only title in the series that you can't buy at the moment.
Considering the enormous hiatus since her last piece of work (Uncharted 3), it's really cool we'll all get a chance to experience (or re-experience) two of Amy Hennig's early classics.
I'm so ready for this. I wanna give this another try since I've never beaten the original games back in PS1 and PS2
As it was also featured in Astro Bot I might dare to actually hope for a remaster of Rogue Galaxy? Or sequel 🥹
Definitely looking forward to playing these classics with upgraded visuals and mechanics!
A bit bummed Blood Omen was left behind
Now this is a remaster i want. Aspyr is a coin flip though, they done a great job with Tomb Raider but completely screwed up with Battlefront (still broken to this day).
Really cool to see Soul Reaver get a remaster, and similar to the Tomb Raider releases.
I tried playing soul reveal and while I loved the atmosphere, couldn’t get into the gameplay. Maybe I should give it another go.
Never really got on with these games back in the day, dunno what it was they just never clicked.
@RudeAnimat0r Yes!! I've been hoping for this for years now! I would love a proper ending to the series (although Defiance's ending was excellent) and complete remasters or 100% true remakes for the entire series, but I'll be happy with what we can get
We need Tomb Raider Anniversary on ps4. Can't believe it hasn't happened yet.
These are games that need remasters Sony
Pay attention
I mean yay for the people who enjoy this game but seriously another remaster/remake.
I miss when gaming had something new to offer, not the same games from 20 years ago
Now that's a remaster I can legit get excited for! One of the best franchise plotlines there is, shame their skipping Blood Omen that's my favorite out the IP and would love to play again on modern hardware, but I'll take what I can get.
@AK4tywill Its crazy we havent seen a Hennig-written game in so long. Damn EA for killing Visceral games and the Star Wars game she was writing
Remasters of games this old never appeal to me. The controls are never brought up to date in a satisfactory way. It's what put meet off the GTA trilogy remasters. Even Mafia 2 definitive edition was annoying to play.
Games this old deserve a remake but that's just too much of a risk for publishers to fund. Resident Evil gets away with it because it's still a relevant series.
Now this is a game that fits well behind Remastered trend. Same as Max Payne. Those are awesome. But to make a remaster on games from just several year ago is what makes Remastered a bad word.
Cool.that should be interesting.word up son
I wanted a remake or a reboot... not a ps1 revision.
Not sure if it was because I was only like 11 or 12 or something like that at the time, but man I remember these games being hard but also really fun
Ahh! here's a blast from the past...
Since I stopped using a lot of money on games the industry has just been spitting out old friends in new coats of paint.
Many are remasters of games I never tried. It is good to see a classic and have the option to play it on a much grander scale, but if I didn't really buy into it back then, will I now?
What I want to see are new game design and mechanics. I am getting the contrary old design and mechanics with new coats of paint.
Same company that did the TR remasters? That is good news.
This actually makes sense because they are PS1 and PS2 games respectively. They aren't backwards compatible.
yes yes yes. give it to me
Boooo , why no blood omen , I want more kain ,not this raggedy pretender
@Majin_Deicide I mean, they just gave you a remaster that you want. So maybe they are paying attention?! 🤷🏾♂️
Also. I bet not a soul who’s happy about this will actually buy/play it.
If this is a "remaster" like crash insane trilogy I am in!
@Nei Rogue Galaxy. 😁
It being Aspyr means these will be barebones cash grab remasters and even that they could F up. Such a bummer. This IP deserves sequels, a reboot, fresh start, or at the very least a quality team putting in the work to do a proper remake.
The trailer and screenshots are on Ign, it's a very minor improvement to lighting, textures and some assets...
Is Sony going to tell us we need the Pro to run this? 🤣
The day after my bday, sorry Doctor Jones, but I’ve been waiting too long for this one!
@AhmadSumadi And you base that on what, exactly?
These are the type of remasters we need
@Majin_Deicide the fact that there’s been quite a few remasters of older games as well as some newer ones that don’t need remasters. For instance, the Sly remaster just came out. Many were happy about it, but mostly no one is talking about playing it.
Nice, I just need 4K and 60 fps for the game, and maybe subtitles and 5.1 surround sound 😃
Edit: Huh, I though we also get the 2D game blood omen legacy of kain, I hope blood omen is included in this collection, I played and finished blood omen, soul reaver 1 and 2 way back then.
@Medic_alert I see. I stand corrected on the remaster error.
And the despairing decline of the industry continues.
There was a fan remaster done years ago that uses the Dreamcast version, and it's absolutely brilliant. If this is better than that, then I will get on board.
Will Blood Omen be coming too?
Good stuff. These games were great.
If youd have told me Aspyr were heading the project before tomb raider was released id have said "Oh dear" but after playing the TR trilogy i think these games are in safe hands.
Day one and day off!
See this? Good choice for the remaster treatment. It's not easily available on current-gen consoles and the games could use a touch-up. Perfect! Take notes Playstation! 😄
Hopefully these do well enough that they'll remaster Blood Omen 2 and Defiance.
@IntrepidWombat "Dreamcast version"
Thanks for that. I know I only played 1 of these games, think it was Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver, and it being on the Dreamcast makes sense b/c that's the cover art I have in my head. Was getting confused by all of the PS1 and PS2 talk. Wonder if I still own it?
Finally, a glorious game that is worthy remaster.
Oh my god nostalgia hype. We need Blood Omen too. Kain deserves his time in the spotlight.
I love the Legacy of Kain franchise! But those who decided this release was a good idea clearly don't even know the IP, or poses proper vision of what can be achieved with it if properly brought back... or at least care enough to do it justice.
Hell yeah, loved these back in the Dreamcast/Ps2 days, hopefully we get Defiance in the future as well!
Why didn't they add Defiance and Blood Omen?
While I'd prefer remakes, remasters are better than nothing, at least I can play these games easily again with some spruced up visuals. One good thing about a remaster is that a remake would likely have new actors voice the lines, and I can't imagine it without Michael Bell, Simon Templeman and Tony Jay.
Loved these games back in the day!
I hope we can finally see a new entry in the series (or a remake on one of those fancy new game engines!).
Good news for sure.
Edit: Great news, will get the physical.
Now this is a remaster that i'll gladly support.
I played Soul Reaver 1 eons ago, borrowed my friend copy, but i got stuck at some puzzle. I really enjoyed the story, characters with great VA, and world building though.
@AstraeaV Fair point about Defiance but Blood Omen would require a different kind of graphical upgrade, and maybe the development team aren't good 2D artists, or it requires a lot more work.
See this a perfectly fine a remaster it's been 20 years since it was released and it's a well deserved IP that's been brought back to life for modern audiences to enjoy with better textures, Frame rate etc I can't wait to play it all over again.
Shame it's not the entire series from the PS1 and 2 days but I'll take it anywha
@Majin_Deicide Agreed! Also since our comments got wiped from the State of Play time article, replying here...
Glad to read you also enjoyed R&C: Into the Nexus and consider it canon/part of the Future series!
Hopefully they all get remastered or remade in time, along with the PS2 games.
I have never played these but the upgrade looks good. I will hold out for a physical copy though as it usually follows.
@AhmadSumadi okay, bet.
I'm interested to play these. PS1 era, some interesting worlds/ideas for mechanics, fixed up controls. I'm intrigued. Glad the survey meant something then an 'were interested to hear what people think but will we actually do something with this hmm'.
Always heard good things about these games, never wanted to dive into them and be spoiled but from visuals/powers I know it's my type of game.
Playing Kya Dark Lineage and yeah it's a me kind of game but yeah it's also got it's awkward design about it too I'm still getting used to and not because it's PS2 only but just some parts of the world level design is still very odd. Still enjoying it though and many games like these from that era.
These two are the best 3D games I've ever played. Hope they lower the difficulty of the first game, it was really punishing at some parts
@2here2there Not more than the middle part of Soul Reaver 2
when you go to the future, I remember that fighting against those creatures was quite difficult using the game's mechanics
Maybe they can address that in the Remaster (that is, if they are gonna touch on the combat and platforming that has aged really bad in both games... but that's a huge arse IF )
So excited for the Soul Reaver games I’ll definitely be getting day one and hopefully they do proper retail physical versions like they are doing with TR 1-3 Remastered as I’d definitely buy a deluxe edition day one also.
I was actually planning on going through the first Soul Reaver again but I’ll just wait till the remaster now.
Easily one of the best announcements at the state of play for me as well as Ghost of Tsushima 2 and MH Wilds release month
All I wish for is a regular retail physical version.
I remember them emailing a survey out to gauge appetites for a Legacy of Kain remaster years ago. I'm so glad it's finally coming to fruition. Not many games match the vibe of Soul Reaver and co.
Just like with Lunar Remastered Collection, I can't not buy this. Take my money Sony!
This will sit very nicely next to the physical release of the Tomb raider trilogy.
@Yagami Yeah that's what I'm concerned about as well. The graphical upgrade isn't much to look at either. Mixed feelings so far...
I am extremely pleased with this. I will be replaying these great games once this hits.
The first game in particular really needed this facelift and modernization. It was cumbersome to play these days.
Let's hope this is the beginning of a series return.
I do wish Defiance was on this too.
@Yagami It's graphical upgrade, wide screen support, a new interactive in-gamemap, instant toggle with classic graphics, photo mode, improved camera and modern controls and 60fps.
Also i will quote here crystal dynamics:
"Interactive lore map, view never-before-seen concept art, and delve into environments from the fabled “Lost Levels.”
Now i am not sure exactly what they mean there, but it sounds like we will be able to visit the cut content in these lost levels.
This is a sweet remaster. I know what you wanted was a triple A remake. But, that was never gonna happen without a proof of concept, and this is it, especially at how it's priced (30dollars). It has no reason to bomb. This is great value.
Pretty crappy looking. Looks like the definition of a barebones remaster.
Great to see Soul Reaver 1 & 2 remastered. Already pre-rdered these! Would love to see LOK Defiance as well!
As an aside, I find it a bit strange that none of the Burnouts have been remastered by EA considering they own Criterion!
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