What's a Tekken game without Heihachi? Tekken 8's obviously bringing the big man back as a DLC character, dropping next month on the 4th October, and now Bandai Namco's decided to grace us with a gameplay demonstration.
Simply put, the still-not-dead grandad looks like an absolute monster. He retains many of his signature moves from past titles, but Tekken 8's focus on more aggressive core mechanics means that Heihachi's classic Mishima mix-up style could be more destructive than ever before. Oh, and his accompanying stage looks fantastic, too.

Are you a Heihachi main? Will you be taking revenge next week? Grind your opponents into dust in the comments section below.
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Comments 13
In before "but we used to unlock these characters for free!".
We didn't. We unlocked a lot of pallette/model swaps with a handful of unique moves. The base roster of Tekken 8 also dwarfs the fully unlocked roster of the classic games. The movesets are also far more detailed and complex in Tekken 8.
And if we went back to the old model and you really wanted Heihachi, you'd have to wait for a brand new game.
Tekken 7: He’s dead. Super dead. This is a definitive end for the character. It’s time for the series to move forward in a bold new direction!
Tekken 8 DLC: lmao, guess who’s back?
Things haven't been the same since Tekken 6...
"You think some measly lava could kill me? " Is exactly what I thought when he was thrown in. His return was a surprise to no one.
@MrPeanutbutterz They're called "ultimate" editions now. I can wait to get all the characters in one go and for normal price.
I'm still chuckling at some people (no one in here mind) who really believed Heihachi was a goner.🤭
@z0d15g0d Yeah five years after the initial release when the rest of the fanbase is getting ready to move onto the sequel.
@Cloud39472 It's Tekken. He got chucked off a cliff at the end of Tekken 1, and Kazuya got dunked in a volcano at the end of Tekken 2.
Kazuya also happens to be, you know, the devil, there's an ancient space ninja in the cast, as well as a wrestling velociraptor.
It's not meant to be so serious.
@Cloud39472 Agreed. I love T7 final battle betwen Kazuya vs Hei. It's just epic and feels have a lot of weight behind it like one of them will be completely dead. Not to mention the music is a banger.
But now with this old man back and alive again, T7 final battle lost it's charm and important. Heck, what's the point of Reina if this old man is a fkin immortal?
Oh well. It's the curse for fighting games i guess that the genre can't have a good and consistent story without retcon.
Example like Gouken from SF. I like the lore that Akuma killed him because that adds more than just rivalry between Ryu & Ken vs Akuma and it also makes Akuma Raging Demon looks scary. But someone at Capcom think it's a great idea to revived Gouken in SF 4 which pretty much deleted the reason why Ryu & Ken had a beef with Akuma. Akuma himself also lost his "evil" because all his opponent who received Raging Demon are alive. From Bison, Gen, to Gouken.
@MrPeanutbutterz Ha like that matters.
@Cloud39472 It's a fighting game. These aren't exactly famed for their stories.
Bring back team battle mode
Well that just ruined the game for me. I felt that his death in 7 was just perfect. Bringing him back has just cheapen the series for me. Not what I expected from Tekken.
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