Crimson Desert already received a load of gameplay footage for Gamescom last month, but those videos focused exclusively on boss battles. So, just to remind everyone that this is an open world adventure, developer Pearl Abyss has dropped a massive 50-minute gameplay demonstration, which showcases everything from cutscenes, to combat, to pure exploration. And it's been recorded in super crisp 4K.
The title looks stunning, and it's clearly incredibly ambitious in terms of mechanics. If you're going to give the full thing a watch, we'd definitely recommend getting comfortable before soaking it all in. Of course, this is bound to be very high-end PC footage — and we're yet to see the title running on console, so keep that in mind.

We actually went hands on with Crimson Desert at Gamescom, and came away thoroughly impressed (and a little bit confused). Make no mistake, the potential on offer here is gigantic.
What do you think of these gameplay? Do you have high hopes for Crimson Desert? Feel free to gawk in the comments section below.
Comments 16
I watched some yesterday and all I could think was
1. It's going to be some task to get it on consoles at a stable fps.
I then saw all the comments about footsteps and thought maybe that really is the most noticable thing here 😅
I think the game needs some more incidental music for atmosphere and some tuning to the audio because those very constant one-track footsteps are so weird.
Hoping this is going to be a really cool new fantasy world to explore though, and i'm rooting for them to nail it. Even if it feels like it has copied everything from every other popular game on a giant checklist 😁
I remember being very impressed when I watched the very first trailer for Crimson Desert way back in 2019 and being disappointed that it was only going to be a multiplayer game. I'm glad the developers at Pearl Abyss changed their minds and decided it to make it a single player Open World Action & Adventure game. I'm looking forward to playing this game on my PS5 if all being goes well.
Not getting invested in this until I'm 100% sure it won't be a over-monetized riddled nightmare. Looks fun af!
I wonder if there any other styles fo combat or is this just basically it?
Crimson desert looks definitely looks like the witcher and assassins creed mix together.and adding theyre own spin.word up son
I'll play on Pro.
This game looks promising. Perhaps everything Dragons Dogma 2 wasn't.
I am looking forward to playing this on my rtx 4090.
Please hurry up and release this so you can work on DokeV. Made the mistake of showing my kids that trailer 3 years ago to hype them up and they ask me alllll the time when it comes out.
This continues to look fantastic, looking forward to seeing how it all turns out.
Looks like the game Dragon's Dogma 2 should have been.
That said, Black Desert looked amazing but played like a turd so who knows? I'll wait for the reviews.
What is up with the noise when the character walks, it sounds like someone hammering. Highly irritating.
Good to see they still haven't hired someone to finesse their dialogue into something remotely sounding like an actual conversation.
Combat is looking interesting and I'm curious about how it plays. Looks like some moves are contextual? Or there's a crazy long movelist- something I'd like to see in more action games, actually utilising combos and things. Do like the looks of all the wrestling moves and throws, too!
It looks promising but dear god the writing is absolutely awful. This really feels like a tech demo to me - the gameplay systems don’t seem to make sense all together and the writing appears to be the last thing considered. It’s like they added the plot in after the scenarios were developed. Conversations are so unnatural and the main plot delivery doesn’t make a lot of sense. A bit suspect.
Move over western AAA games, korean and chinese AAA games are here to stay 😃
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