Previously, we contended ourselves with screenshots of Nightdive Studio's upcoming The Thing: Remastered, which is still due out sometime in 2024. Now we have a gameplay trailer and are already looking forward to a rewatch of John Carpenter's classic 1982 horror film in anticipation.
In a canon continuation of the movie, The Thing was originally released in 2002 on PS2. This remastered version boasts 4K resolution and runs at a blistering 120 fps on PS5. A squad-based survival horror, players lead a United States Army Special Forces rescue mission to investigate the arctic research station where the events of the film took place. Trapped by the elements and being picked off by a horrific entity, Captain Blake's square will need to stick together as paranoia sets in.

What do you think of The Thing: Remastered? Did you play the original game? Trust nothing and no-one in the comments section below.
Comments 15
I remember playing this on release and enjoying the game, especially after watching the movie.
I'm just not one of the people that really enjoys going back playing these games, I always feel like these games are best enjoyed at the time for what they were.
I remember it having a great squad base feature but will it hold up in today's gaming world and not feel to old and distort my memory of it.
My personal preference due to trying to play old games esp through premium was 99% of the games were better in my memory than going back and playing them. Even if they have a new coat of paint.
I'd rather have a complete remake of the old than a paint job.
Also I don't trust nightdive studios.
They literally ruined one of the greatest point and click games ever created with Blade Runner enhanced edition.
It's that bad the only nice reviews it gets, is they ended up having to bundle their awful attempt with the absolute near perfect original game for free.
So honestly I just don't trust or want to give my money over to them.
@Bez87 Is this the game with about 30 fuseboxes that you have to interact with?
Because if so, yeah, I cannot see this selling for any reason other than nostalgia. It has a very repetitive gameplay loop.
Well just to counteract the last two comments, I cant wait for this, replayed a bit of the original on PS2 earlier in the year and it still holds up pretty well, if theyve managed to give it modern controls thats about all it really needs.
@Bez87 So try to be in the shoes of a person that is in that time. I didn't think I would enjoy MGS1 because it had such old and ugly graphics and then I played it and I actually had fun with it to the point where I beat it and continued on to play MGS 2 and now I even want to play Silent Hill 1.
I do wonder how canon people think this game is nowadays, Carpenter included. It gives you a definitive answer as to what happens at the end of the movie that, from the DVD commentary between Carpenter and Russell, wanted to keep that ambiguous.
Now to be fair, I think that commentary predates the video game, so he could've changed his mind, but idk, I'm sure if you were to ask him now his answer wouldn't align with the events of the game.
Also very amusing that everything to do with The Thing is just titled The Thing lol, you couldn't get away with that for any other franchise.
Looking forward to this.
The thing is a classic movie.the game looks cool.word up son
That looks rough. Definitely not coming this year without a release date. Also remastered? Looks like a ps1 game
Well it was a PS2 game ;] I remember playing it back in the day on PC and it was somewhat frustrating, never completed it though. I think there would be better alternatives from this era to be remastered, which still hold up or are fun today like Psi Ops, Area 51 or The Suffering. I dunno getting The Thing strongly depends on its asking price, max 20 €...
Great game! Loved it back then. The end titles had a fantastic song from Saliva. Day one for me can't wait to play it again. If course I will watch the two movies first which I love!
Looks good, just not a remake like system shock seems to be, which is in my wishlist and a must. Aren't they supposed to come out with system shock 2 remaster as well?
But still interested to a point.
Im also tempted by blade runner, albeit it seems really clunky, short, and not so replayable.
But its 5 bucks on sale.
@Nepp67 I'm just not that person.
I was there, ive been gaming since the 80s.
My first console was commodore 64.
Since then I have got every mainstream console ever launched and every game I've ever wanted to play.
The only console I won't get at launch is a ps5 pro.
So I don't know, maybe it's a the games have grown and I have grown with the games and I'm always looking ahead never back.
I think it maybe the 3d games don't sit well with me, when I try go back.
For example.
The first Syphon filter in my mind was absolutely amazing, when it came out, I couldn't believe the whole covert angle, I couldn't believe 2 levels in I was walking through charity function to spy on a target.
The game in my head now is that, with amazing graphics.
But trying to play it now, I'm like this is not Syphon Filter. It's definitely a me thing.
You do bring up some exceptions to the rule though.
Metal gear solid is very much a timeless classic. But I think what makes it a timeless classic is the camera angles, and great use of the tech at the time.
Certain games age differently.
Like every year I still go back and play games like broken sword 1 and 2 or the entire monkey island series. The Mario games are still worthy play throughs.
I just think I'm now so spoiled by great graphics and amazing controls in games that the old 3d games are best left alone in my head so I remember them as they were.
It must be the being there when they were the hottest thing on the market and always being there when the newest game or console was out.
I'm old enough to remember queuing up to buy gta 3 at a midnight launch and being totally blown away by what you could in that game. Now that's just common place for most games. Hard for me to go back.
@Bez87 then don't. You can just not be their customer. That's an option.
@Nepp67 Yeah but you're comparing all time greats with games that were mediocre even at the time. It's like how Super Mario World and LttP still play great now and really hold up, but there are literally thousands of games from the same era that are terrible, many verging on unplayable.
MGS is a classic but go and play one of its contemporaries like Deathtrap Dungeon and see how long you can take it. Or talking of LttP, go and play that and then play Brandish. Same kind of game, same console, but man does it make you appreciate the magic Nintendo worked with LttP.
@Matroska @Bez87 There's definitely a time where I was very spoiled by new age stuff as well and it was during the PS4 era where anything that had the best looking graphics was the best thing ever for me. Overtime I'm caring about that less and less about that and focus more on the art style and gameplay and if the game is super old I'll usually try to think about how it was played back then since devs had more limitations. You're definitely not wrong about certain games holding up differently like MGS 1 held up extremely well and that shocked the hell out of me and then I decided to try out Metal Gear 1 and oh boy I didn't particularly get far into that lol. So maybe The Thing won't hold up that well for me, but I'll just have to check it out later.
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