
If there ever is to be another Killzone title out of Sony in the future, you probably should not expect it to come out of the series' original developer Guerrilla Games. Having shifted focus to its more vibrant Horizon series following PS4 launch game Killzone: Shadow Fall, the studio's art director Roy Postma has commented that the studio was "done with it as a team". It wanted to create the opposite of Killzone's colour palette when crafting Aloy's first instalment, Postma told The Washington Post.
The comments come from an interview about LEGO Horizon Adventures, where it's revealed LEGO approached Sony about the idea of a LEGO game following the release of its Tallneck LEGO set. Talking about switching from the dark and gritty world of Killzone to the colourful post-apocalyptic setting of Horizon, Postma said: "We were done with it [Killzone] as a team. As a studio, we needed to refresh the palette. It was, by choice, the opposite of Killzone. I think the themes that this story and the characters represent are relatable for all ages and people, like having a found family of friends and finding your place in the world."
Guerrilla Games created Killzone titles from 2004 until 2013, spanning five entries across four consoles. With Sony making a push into the live-service market, the Killzone franchise is one that fans have pegged for a comeback, along with the likes of SOCOM and Twisted Metal. This hasn't materialised, however, as Sony released — and quickly pulled — Concord, while finding major success in Helldivers 2 earlier this year. Fairgame$ from Haven Studio and Bungie's own Marathon are also on the way.
If there ever is to be another Killzone game, it sounds like Guerilla Games has little enthusiasm to make it. How do you feel about that? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
[source washingtonpost.com]
Comments 122
No kidding.
They've gone soft. I don't see them doing anything as gritty as Killzone 2 anymore. Ever.
I like Horizon, but it's just so clean and squishy for a post apocalyptic world.
Well, just sell the IP to someone else then.
Guess we're stuck with Horizon and a billion spin-offs...
I’ve never played these games, but it’s a shame to see a long-ish standing series end. Especially since it didn’t even get like a 10th anniversary game? But at the same time, I think it’s good when a series actually finds a place to reach its conclusion; Uncharted, Jak & Daxter, etc.. It feels refreshing to me, since most series seem to go on forever even when they’ve run their course like Assassin’s Creed.
I don’t really like horizon. It looks pretty but I think it’s waaaay overhyped and the voice acting is pants.
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Unfortunately this happends. I was praying for another Unreal or Heretic/Hexen. On the other hand if it should end like Diablo 4 than I'm rather glad they are not thinking about resurrecting these shooters.
Ι don't blame them. Killzone games didn't sell particularly well, despite being well made.
And that is sound of my heart breaking. Kill zone 2 is my favourite multiplayer game of all time. This franchise deserves more respect.
Good. Even the best game in the series (KZ2) was a 7/10 at best. Horizon smokes it in every way and you can see there's actual passion in that series.
I think it's for the best. The team seemed to be out of ideas for that world by the time the last installment came around.
@naruball I had the impression that, apart from Killzone 3 and the Vita game, Killzone as a series overal was both critically and commercial successful. But wouldn't be the first time my memory is a bit spotty.
They already made 5 Killzone games + supervised 1 (Mercenary). So it's normal if they feel they're done with the series.
And story wise, i don't think there's still something they can use to make a new Killzone since Shadow Fall ending pretty much said no more war between Vektan and Helghast. Unless they soft reboot the series and create a new enemy. But are the fans gonna accept if Helghast isn't the enemy?
I may be completely wrong, but I feel like they’ve misjudged horizon’s success.
I like it. I bought both games and the available DLC, But I’m already kind of getting tired of the IP. I have very little interest in the Lego game or in whatever multiplayer game they’re doing.
I’m getting vibes They’re gonna try to milk that IP to death just like Ubisoft has with assassin’s Creed, and I think that’s a mistake.
I've noticed that there is a trend that these Sony sequels do worse than the originals. Spiderman 2, GOW Ragnarok and HFW didn't outdo the originals while surely being more expensive to make.
Gives me hope for a new and better Sony in 5 years time.
Sony should give it to another studio and reboot it
Here I am hoping for the next sly game since thieves in time ended on a cliffhanger:(
@MrPeanutbutterz Just because the developers are passionate doesn't mean that it translated into a better product. HFW had a lukewarm reception overall. I hope that the studio switches things up.
Makes sense from a creative point of view. Most creative people DON'T want to be working on the same thing forever. Though as an IP it would be valuable for Sony to do something with it, even if it was never all that big a deal.
@LuXifer the entire Killzone franchise across 6 games have sold a bit over 11 million copies according to sales data. The first Horizon game has sold 24 million copies by itself. Killzone was never a commercially successful franchise. It did ok enough to keep going but it never was a hit with most gamers.
I'm not even asking for a new game. (Though I'd love to see it) Can I just get a PS3 Killzone collection? That's all I ask!
It's a real shame they shut down Guerilla Cambridge. Mercenary was fantastic and I was hoping that studio would just become the new Killzone studio while Guerilla proper could move on to Horizon.
I just miss Killzone 😢
Motorstorm, Resistance, Kill Zone, The Order 1886, Syphon Filter would be happy to see sequels to all of them. More than wolverine, another spiderman and another horizon.
@Gewertzx story based sequel games always sell worse than the first game in the series. That is how it always goes with games. More people will buy the first game since it is fresh and new but may realize that it wasn’t really their type of game so don’t pick up the sequel. Even this comment section shows multiple people saying they tried the first game but they didn’t end up liking it.
Then there is also the game subscription effect. The games you listed had their first games come out before Sony had announced the new PS+ that acts like gamepass, so it was way less likely for these games to be included with the old PS+. Now with the new PS+ model people are expecting these games to be added to a service they already pay for so are willing to wait instead of buying them outright. Iirc Forbidden West was actually announced before it released to be coming to PS+ just 6 months after launch which would contribute to why it sold 66% less than Zero Dawn. The fact that it even did sell 8 million copies is really good all things considered.
It'd be nice of there was a remaster (or even a re-release on PS4/PS5) for those of us that missed the core of this series. (I was a Nintenkid and XBot until PS4 generation.)
A shame. Sony want their live service games and they have the perfect canvas with Killzone, Socom and Resistance. Why are execs so short sighted? They have the perfect IP's for it and don't use them. Instead they make a flop called Concord.
@GADG3Tx87 those franchises didn’t sell well enough to maintain live service numbers. Resistance as a franchise only sold a bit over 6 million copies total. You have nostalgia for those games but for a live service to succeed you need something completely new and that appeals to the younger generations as they are the ones with the time to invest in live service games and willingness to spend money in them.
@Gewertzx the problem is - once you've found success, the last thing Sony wants to do is kill that goose that layed the golden egg (arguably, TLOUp2 did that for a lot of people - though not me). For some reason, Sony just lost the hunger for new and exciting... or experimental even. They just want to be as inoffensive to as many people as they possibly can.
The irony - the completely vanilla games that are coming out of Sony now are most probably it's biggest vulnerability (and would be really problematic if XB wasn't such a dumpster fire as well)
This news makes me resent Horizon even more. I can't stand the gameplay. They definitely accomplished their goal of making it the opposite of Killzone.
Killzone is awesome.
Loved every title in the franchise, but 2 and2 were the best. Sony is stupid to let this franchise die like that
I always find it funny how, in hindsight, even the most mediocre games can become in the eyes of nostalgists a beloved series. Let's be real here, Killzone was always a second, maybe third, tier franchise, never among the elite of FPS games. They never sold that well, or reviewed particularly highly. This is why they stopped making them in the first place!
If everyone who now says they would love to see Killzone return had bought them originally, then the series would still be going. But, of course, this all simply rose-tinted nostalgia talking.
So, no, Sony shouldn't try and resurrect a dead horse. Make something new (and good!) instead.
Loved KZ 2 & 3, the class based multiplayer was fantastic!
But the Shadowfall campaign was mediocre at best, had no chance against the likes of CoD
@PloverNutter Ahh, I see. Thanks a bunch for the info. I seemed to have had the impression that they were beloved and well regarded, might've just been Sony fans clamouring to the one big exclusive fps on the system at the time.
Personally I have no horse in the race, just glad they're finding success.
Horizon is dull imo. Killzone is great. They might be done with it but I certainly wasn't. A real pity.
I bought Killzone 2 on day one and it blew my mind. It is not a call of duty clone, it's something completely different. A sci-fi shooter. I also loved killzone 3. I played Shadow fall, it took a while to get going, but it got there. The visuals mixed with the music, make shadow fall an incredible experience on PS4.
The critic's slater it probably because it takes so long to get started. These guys are paid to write articles and reviews, half them talk a lot of waffle and know very little of what they are writing about.
As far as I'm concerned both horizon games are complete bore fests. Gorilla would be better served to put their effort into a new killzone game.
@ecurb7 Agreed. We all have our personal preferences but, by and large, the choices made by Sony's first party studios have paid off, both critically and commercially. No one can confidently claim that Guerilla should abandon Horizon and return to Killzone, beyond personal taste, because the reality simply paints a different picture.
Well. It's their choice of course.
But I would rather play tight story-driven shooter with incredible atmosphere as opposed to bloated open world with bad story (i'm sorry, but Forbidden West story was just bad).
These comment sections continue to be alternate realities where all kinds of weird what-if scenarios play out in real time. Todays:
“What if Killzone was actually a beloved series, that was really successful and highly rated…”
I love Horizon, so if they focus on that, fine. I also don't blame them for wanting to do different things after working on that series for nearly 10 years. It's funny how people are feeling the need to crap on the Horizon series just because they don't want to do Killzone anymore.
Sony could just have a different developer do a new Killzone. It shouldn't be that hard for Sony or fans to think of, but the likelihood of that happening with today's Sony is very slim since they love to leave IPs that fans want to return remain dormant.
Sad news, actually should be cancelling Horizon and focusing on Killzone or some new IP, I don't like Horizon and it blunt rainbow characters, boring story and most of all extremely repetitive gameplay.
We've only ourselves to blame. Didn't buy enough of them when we had them. I throughly enjoyed them, especially online.
Im getting tired of horizon games already.killzone needs to comeback.word up son
Back when Sony was making Killzone, all of the comments on this site were about how everyone hated Killzone.
It's so funny how we come full circle.
Back to playing Liberation on my phone then.
Yes, but very few people seem to agree with you. Consider: no Killzone game ever sold more than 3 million copies (most sold closer to 2 million). By contrast, Horizon Zero Dawn has sold over 24 million copies. Why on earth would Guerilla swap back to a franchise that sells about 90% less?
As a fan of killzone, I think we’re doing a disservice to the memory of Killzone by pretending that any of the games where better than mediocre.
This was pretty self evident, was it not? I loved the PS3 games;
KZ2 was some of the most fun I've had in a online FPS and, luckily, I was unemployed at the time so I managed to get the ridiculous trophy for coming in the top honour rank.
KZ3 was still good fun and I'm gutted I didn't manage to complete the online trophies before it went offline. Then KZ:SF fell off a little bit, but was gorgeous to look at.
As much as I'd love another KZ, the series wasn't a big enough commercial success. It would be interesting to see if another studio could bring back some of the magic with a spin off of some kind.
I really like the Horizon games too and both series have solidified Guerrilla as one of my favourite studios!
I understand they're done with Killzone, but they seem to be putting all their eggs in one basket.
There's not much to the Horizon franchise and a lot of people are ready to move on from it.
I wish they were done with Horizon too
I bet none of the people who made killzone even work there anymore.
Resistance was the better game series.
Who needs Killzone when we can get hundreds of Horizon games all the way to PS19 Pro 🥴
Sales never = greatness. Your saying very few people agree with me. I doubt that. It's always the naysayers who voice the loudest opinions.
Saddest news ever.
I love the Killzone franchise, but I find both Horizon extremely boring.
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People wanting Killzone back- that’s just nostalgia speaking. I replayed Killzone and Resitance on my Ally a few months ago (played them originally on PS3 at launch) and they are okay games at best by today’s standards. I really like Horizon but I expect I will have had enough of it by the end of the third game (whenever that comes out).
@Deityjester Killzone creative team is the one who created Horizon and they're still working in Guerilla. Killzone 2 and 3 director & artist, Mathijs de Jonge and Jan-Bart van Beek, both worked on Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West. Also, the main programmer for Killzone 2/3/Shadow Fall and HZD & HFW is the same guy Michiel van der Leeuw.
@PuppetMaster I'm sure you'll get people digging into Guerilla's staff history and come up with a bunch of people that left who were the "real talents" behind it all.
I know man and you're totally right. It's far far worse I might say. It's just too controversial, so I'll refrain from it, but it's a full on clown show.
I miss the PS3 gritty days. I miss that whole era and everything before it.
This nonsense has infected everything. It has gone too far. People are tired of it and they're rising against though. The world is healing. It's gonna be okay!
I only every played KZ3 and Shadow Fall. KZ3 was a fun game but I never liked the multiplayer and I've tried finishing Shadow Fall 3 times now and just can't keep the momentum. They were okay at best.
Horizon, on the other hand, had one of the best stories (at least the first game) and was really fun... and then FW released. I just didn't enjoy the story direction. It became incredibly predictable and they should have focused on Sylen's and Hades more instead of bringing some half-baked idea of immortal billionaires returning to rob them of their resources and being insane because of their hubris.
Not to mention all the contemporary political agenda parallels.I am tired of that in games. I just want to escape from the world's problems for a little while, not be further immersed in them in some fake world.
Also, give a proper ending to stories! Stop dragging them out. Be more like Breaking Bad.
What a shame. Killzone is one of my favourite shooters whereas Horizon does nothing for me whatsoever.
@vaako007 @mctwist I really wish there was a laughing reaction for the comments section for ridiculous comments such as 'the feminisation of everything' and 'the people are rising up' 😂
I bet I payed through KZ 1 10 times, loved the gameplay and world of it.
If they won't go back, at least remaster the damn things.
I'm a day 1 a Sony Playstation fan, but I have not purchased any 1st party games in awhile, seems like it has all been so cooki cutter sterile and ' safe"
Just a remaster of the games with VR compatibility would go a long way.
I put a hell of a lot of hours into killzone 2 and 3. I hope Guerrilla don't touch it again. Most of the FPS Devs left once shadowfall was done with and the studio is likely very different now.
I'd personally like to see a 2+3 remaster/upres/anything so I can play on the 5
Then a franchise reboot or continuation.
Shame. I have no interest in Horizon. Would have liked another Killzone
Playing Horizon Forbidden West currently again after dropping it multiple times already. Still trying to power through this boring *ss game thus far. They need to make another franchise if this is going to be the standard for Horizon going forward with no Killzone. They should definitely at least cut down on a lot of the side and unnecessary ***** because it's not good. This game legitimately makes me feel like it's sapping my energy, spirit and sanity.
You can call it whatever you want, but at the end of the day we all know what's happening, eh? Otherwise you could've come up with a counter argument, but you can't, because everything is flipping left and right and we all know why.
You can't say it though, cause the redditors will be out in droves
I can see why they would want to focus on something they actually care about more and when you take into account that Killzone games didn't actually sell that well compared to other Playstation exclusives as much as people on here seem to like the games more than Horizon they are in the minority.
@Steel76 why would they sell the IP to someone when Sony owns it and could just put a new studio in charge of developing a new game?
@McTwist I don't need to say it because it's plainly obvious you're fighting a losing battle, but if I must spell it out;
There's a reason why game design has moved on and diversity is more of a thing these days, because that's what people want (surprisingly, people like to be represented). If it wasn't, we wouldn't be here. At the end of the day, you've got to remember that companies do a hell of a lot of market research to find out what's more likely to sell their goods. Unfortunately, you seem to be on the side of the loud minority in this case.
The only recent massive flop I can think of is Concord but, honestly, it just looked like a stale and boring game trying to release in what is now a saturated market, to a group of gamers (PS fans) who historically choose PS for their renowned single player titles, not this live service rubbish.
Give it to Firewalk, their free after all. Concordes FPS mechanics were solid.
Logically they could re-release it on current gen or have some VR ports done but apparently SoNy DoEsEnT HaVe EnOuGh IpS.
Sigh I’ll never get to assassinate Rico for his actions in 3 😡
I enjoyed the Killzone series, even ShadowFall. Disappointed that there won't be any more of them.
In reality, these games weren't made to be the next CoD. They're different games with different styles and different focuses. CoD is all about accessibility - easy to pick up "arcade" FPS where everyone jumps or slides the second they engage an opponent, where the landscapes are well lit renditions of some famous battleground around the world. Killzone was the opposite of that, your class of choice had weight, while still arcade-style, it meant you couldn't sprint around and slide or jump, the landscapes were almost all gritty and often dark, giving you more of a sense of being in some hellscape far off dystopian future. That's what we enjoyed about Killzone. It wasn't a CoD clone, it was never going to sell as well as a CoD game. It was it's own thing. It gave you an alternative take on the FPS genre.
Nostalgia is a hell of a drug.
I bet many of you back in 2015 wanted Guerilla to move onto a new IP, so they did. And after two critically and commercially games you want them to go back.
@AdamNovice Just goes to show that people are as tired of Horizon as they were of Killzone. Time to move on.
'Sales never = greatness'
Well, that's just not true - plenty of great games sell well, including Playstation games like the Last of Us, Uncharted, God of War, Ghost of Tsushima, Spiderman and, yes, Horizon.
And sales numbers clearly indicate, I'm afraid, that the majority don't agree with you - the audience for Killzone was always relatively small, it's only a vocal minority who keep asking for it to be brought back. But what matters to games developers is not what people ask for on the Internet, but what they are actually willing to open their wallets for to buy - which (again) clearly isn't Killzone games.
@ecurb7 GOW, Horizon and SM sequels are did worse than the originals and had larger budgets.
Killzone 3 was my favorite by far I even platinumed it. I loved operations so much fun there and the melee kills and the interactive maps.
Killzone 2 if you were playing against a really good team you would be steamrolled. I didn't really like how if you played against really good teams it was just better to go make a sandwich. And terrible trophies totally unfair and almost impossible to get for normal player.
The last Killzone I didn't even finish the campaign what a terrible game it didn't even wow me like the PS3 games. It was made to tailor the COD scenes I stopped playing really fast.
Where were all these comments when Killzone Shadowfall dropped with a dull, lifeless thud at PS4 launch? In 10 years people gonna be like "aw man Concord was so amazing they should bring it back and stop making these crap games"
@Gewertzx 23 and 15 million sales for the two latest GOW that are numbers that Square-Enix would drool from and that is from one platform and a port on PC.
@ecurb7 And the new entries got worse with Killzone.
@Flaming_Kaiser Sharp decline. Not to mention how much the fanbase hated the story and game play formula last time around. If they don't do something different next time they will find have a straight up controversial launch on their hands like Bethesda and Ubisoft
@ZeroSum CoD wasn't really that big of a deal yet back then. When Killzone 1 released, and even when that infamous Killzone 2 trailer aired, we had only had CoD 1, which was more of a cinematic WW2 shooter in the vain of Medal of Honor.
Killzone was actually positioned as a Halo killer, despite the stylistical differences. Obviously, it all went down very differently, but that was how it started.
For what it's worth, I actually thought Killzone 2 was excellent back then, but the series had sort of run its course by the time Shadowfall released. Perhaps it's worth bringing back to life at some point, Space Marine 2 style, but if it never happens, it's worth remembering we got 4 mainline entries out of the franchise.
They got Naughty Dog first, and now sadly Guerrilla joins the list of once goated studios that are now mid.
To these people asking "Where has all this support for Killzone been!?"...I mean where have you been? They've made four main console entries and two portable spin-offs. That means there was a pretty consistent fanbase for the series to receive that many entries.
Was it the biggest selling franchise of all time for Playstation? Of course not, but let's not pretend there wasn't a dedicated community for the series. You don't get six entries in a series when nobody likes it.
@Gewertzx It was so lukewarm it sold over 30 million with two games.
Again, for me, it was quite clearly the superior product to Killzone, and the sales numbers vs. those of Killzone confirm others feel the same way.
@tinCAT-zero if "sales never = greatness" then that means the PS2 was kinda mid...
@MrPeanutbutterz Modern games are mega expensive. Such a sharp decline in sales will scare off publishers. Spiderman 2 didn't make enough money for DLC to be worth making.
Wish they would get done with Horizon.
We've had Horizon 1 + DLC, Horizon 2 + DLC, Horizon VR, Horizon Remake and Lego Horizon.
There is just too much Horizon.
@MrPeanutbutterz @ecurb7
Bloodbourne sold approx 7.5 million, Horizon zero dawn sold approx 24 million. Like I said "Sales (doesn't always) = greatness"
@Phelaidar as they've apparently closed the book on Killzone, at least it shows that they're a studio that doesn't string along franchises for the sake of it. We know we're getting one more Horizon game to see out the story, maybe they'll be done with it after that and move on to something else?
But that's not what you said ... read your own comment?
Killzone was ok, it was never great. Arguably 2 was the peak of the series, and realistically, it was very average at best. I never thought very highly of Guerilla until Horizon, TBH. I did really enjoy Shadowfall,even though it felt short and rushed. But most of what made Shadowfall great, kind of went into Horizon, and it all feels like it was an experiment to test Horizon anyway.
I don't need to read my comment. I know exactly what I meant. We've different opinions 😲 Get over it...!
Fake narrative. GoW sold 23m in 4.5 years(including PC Port). Ragnarok sold 15m in 12 months. Ragnarok was a £70/$70 game and was basically never on sale during its first year.
Ragnarok is not only selling at a faster rate than GoW but it’s also selling at a much higher average price point and generating way more revenue.
@ChrisDeku Keep telling yourselves that. Meanwhile Santa Monica have moved on to other things after Ragnarok didn't outdo the original in anything including sales or reviews.
@Gewertzx Keep telling myself literal facts? 15m in 12 months is better than GoW done in the same time, that’s a fact according to Sony's own financial releases. It sold for 70$/£70, which is higher than GoW, that’s also a fact.
Ragnarok was a 94 on Metacritic, same as GoW(2018).
These are all facts.
@ChrisDeku We both know that not all of those people paid full price. Also, the steam launch wasn't as strong. Also, the budget was higher. Also, the community wasn't as obsessed with the sequel as they were with the original. The developers were smart to move on. I hope that the developers of Horizon are smart enough to see the writing on the wall as well. The developers of SM2 were smart enough to cancel the DLC
None of those things are facts, you have no idea what the developers are doing next, you don’t just get to decide what the community thinks, that’s not quantifiable.
Ragnarok was a massive hit. 15m in 12 months is huge. 94 on metacritic is one of the highest rated games of the entire generation. That’s the end of the story, your hopes and dreams and made up stories are not facts.
They can keep making horizon one of the most overated first party games
@MrPeanutbutterz tbf the ps2 WAS mid compared to the Xbox .
@EbolaGW insomniac is next
@Phelaidar Lol 2 main games, 1 VR, 1 remake, and a Lego spin-off is NOT "too much". You're acting as if Guerilla pumped out 20 Horizon games in 7 years.
I was able to beat every Killzone game except the PSP one; Horizon was too boring to finish.
@McTwist You would think these times would be perfect for a new Killzone to explore very current issues in regards to total warfare.
You said it, brother. Guerrilla has gone softer than silly putty.
@McTwist absolutely agree 100%. Killzone 2 is still my favourite Sony exclusive to this day, but it was far more realistic than Horizon. The dark oppressive atmosphere and war-torn lands. The story was excellent. I hope Sony at least pass on the development for a new Killzone so we can see something close to the awesome K2 but they haven't even released any of the trilogy on the PS4 or PS5 so I'm not holding my breath.
@BusyOlf I only wanted to assassinate him because he was an annoying ***** 😂
I really like Killzone because at the time it wasn't Call of Duty it had a more weighty movement system for example. The irony is this is why a lot of people didn't like Killzone at the time because it didn't feel like COD in it's movement system that was one of it's main criticisms. Even Gears of War changed their control scheme to resemble COD with Judgement because of the success of COD. The colour palette was also a trend of the time a choice by the teams making those games.
Thats fine but release buyable collections of old IPs and everyone is happy
I'd say "Good" but I dont particularly like Horizon either.
Guerilla have some amazing tech and make beautiful looking games, but they cannot create a new interesting play experience or story in my opinion.
Killzone chased the AAA FPS trend present in the 00s, Horizon chases the AAA Open World trend present now.
If you enjoy these games great, but they've never done anything remarkable.
Can we at least get some remasters? Get another studio to do it then port that to pc.
not enough people bought the series to make it worth for sony to keep it going.
@nomither6 The same PS2 that's frequently cited as the greatest console of all time and is still to this day the best-selling of all time?
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@MrPeanutbutterz Yeah, but i’m not denying the greatness of the PS2, the Xbox was just underrated . It did everything the PS2 did & more, but didn’t have the amount of support (third parties) and notoriety that playstation had already established as a console brand.
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Personally I think sony should revive socom, twisted metal and resistance each of which if done properly with a steady release of seasonal content and taken in the right direction (pve or PvP) could work well as live service
I’ve never liked Horizon, to me it tried to have a story but fell short and I don’t really enjoy the game. Killzone was alright though, good action if the story was a bit flat.
Sony doesn’t have a single FPS exclusive and hasn’t for years has it? Relying heavily on COD for its FPS action games. And judging by this review it has no interest in them either.
It’s move to only third person over the shoulder games has made it a bit boring. SOCOM, Killzone, Resistance Retribution were great action games that softened the over the shoulder story games. And no new Unchartered either.
@S1ayeR74 or a new infamous either . i really miss old sony
@nomither6 Oh yes, I loved the last one on PS4 wasn’t it? Played it at least 3 times and the DLC. Yeap Sony of old (under different management and leadership it has to be said) was FAR better IMO, I think the PS4 may be the last great gen from them. I don’t care much for Spiderman (partly due to the fact it will not copy my saved progress from my PS4 to PS5 since I updated to the enhanced PS5 version), find Horizon incredibly dull and tedious. The only game I’ve been enjoying from them is Ragnarok. TLOU 1 was a masterpiece but part 2 was a joke IMO and they ruined it. And I haven’t touched a live service game from them. It seems people are still sticking to a handful of titles on the console, like COD, Gran Turismo, Fortnite etc more than ever.
I have to say, at this moment in time my PS5 has been collecting dust, although I might play TLOU one again on it. I am far more excited for the new Switch 2 and I’ve been hooked on my Steam Deck playing older games. For the first time I finished Bioshock 1 and 2 on it. Great games. Maybe I’ll get Judas on PS5 when it’s out? But others think the PS5 is the best gen yet so it’s all personal opinions. But with such a dry exodus of new or sequel games from Sony, just endless pointless remakes, I do not see myself currently getting a PS6.
@S1ayeR74 well there’s always going to be people that like something whether it’s good , bad , or even terrible. I’ve heard more people express their disappointment with this generation vs people thatve said it’s “the best”; in fact , i don’t think i’ve even heard someone say it’s the best - a good gen ? sure , but the best ? hahahaha 😂.
Also bioshock (1 in particular) is amazing; such a unique and eerie game oozing with charm & is so interesting and paced pretty good. it’s a gem from the ps3 era, & theres nothing like it! the setting, the story, the gameplay, atmosphere, music, etc is all so good, i’m glad you enjoyed it . unfortunately i didn’t like 2 it was just “off” to me , and bioshock infinite isn’t the direction i wanted it to go .
I’m with you about TLOU2 & horizon, but am surprised you enjoyed ragnarok. And yeah steam is where most of my attentions been lately as well , & i’m looking forward to nintendo’s new system or whatever mainly for a new mario kart , it’s been over 10 years !
@ZeroSum I hope so... Open-world games seem to get me bored for sequels. It feels bloat on top of bloat. I feel the second game already suffered a lot from this.
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