An update to Capcom listings on the PS Store has seen the publisher's two classic titles available via PS Plus Premium now up for purchase individually, outside of the subscription service. Previously locked behind the PS Plus Premium tier, you can now simply buy Dino Crisis and Resident Evil: Director's Cut for £7.99 / $9.99 each.
This helps to fix one of the few issues with the approach taken to PS Plus Premium by third-party publishers. Some will allow their classic games to be included in the high-end tier, but then it's not guaranteed whether they'll also be available for purchase separately. If you purchased the game on the same PSN account previously on PS3, though, you're always guaranteed access.
Will you use this welcome update as a chance to play Dino Crisis and Resident Evil ? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 47
As it should be. Now people who don't own a premium subscription can enjoy these classics. Wish they would add more like during the PS3 time. You had more classics like Alundra, Crash, Spyro, etc.
Nice one.
I already had RE bought and paid for, but I'll be happy to throw a tenner at Dino Crisis now too.
Sweet! Should've been avalible platform-wide day one. Picking up Dino Crisis as we speak.
Choice is good. All for it.
I would have loved to have seen “and includes trophy support” in this statement, would have made it perfect! 😄
Excellent. We can hope that this becomes the default for such games in the future... I do sub to premium as £10 a month seems reasonable to me, but making these titles available to anyone who wants them has to be a good thing!
A trophy list for some of these games is much more important than this change.
This is the best news I'll hear all day, been waiting to play Dino Crisis again.
About time and looking for Dino Crisis, I noticed some weirdness with the Playstation store, Dino Crisis isn't in the PS1 section and nor are the Blood Omen games in their respective console catalogues
@Skeletor85 For some maybe, some of us don't play games for the sake of digital trinkets.
Holy crap! I just checked this last night when I noticed Blood Omen 1 & 2 were available to download for free! Happy day! I was just considering upping to Premium for the new PS Portal streaming feature. But this makes me immensely happy.
@Jrs1 well I bought it on PSN years ago for the PS3. For some reason these games only show up in the classics catalog, not your own library and that's the tag I had for it.
Whilst the silence on what was an own goal in the first instance was disappointing,at least it's finally been fixed. Given GOG has been touting having "classic" RE 1-3 available on PC to buy,it'd made Capcom's refusal to do the same on PSN even more puzzling!🤔
Now let's hope it can extend to more Capcom titles (& more third party titles generally), eg: Maximo Quest for Glory/Army of Zin, RE 2 & 3, Dino Crisis 2,Ultimate Ghosts'n'Goblins, Breath of Fire Fire 3 to suggest a few?
@Xbox_Dashboard Ah right see what ye mean now 😉
Dino Crisis is apparently free if you already bought it on PS3.
I wish Nintendo would follow Capcom’s move with the retro titles on NSO/ Expansion Pak on the Switch.
Capcom are terrible with trophies. If they don’t have to they never include them. That’s why Resi Village VR was so disappointing for me. One of the greatest games of all time (in VR) without half the challenges.
Finally! Time to add Dino Crisis then.
@Jrs1 I can totally understand that, but there is nothing wrong with making both camps happy
If you don't care about it you can just play the game, if you care about trophies you can also play the game. Now I feel I cannot play these games while I really want to, but I want to get at least something out of it.
@Robocod if we're making lists I'd be pointing right at Square and Disney. FF Tactics and Vagrant Story need some love. And there is a treasure trove of excellent old Disney Platformers for PS1 I would honestly love to see ported up. The older I get the more I want these old classics available for kids.
When I saw this article I immediately went ahead and purchased Dino Crisis. However, I already beat the game when it was released a few weeks ago and, unless they add trophy support for it, I won’t be going back to it any time soon.
Common sense has prevailed.
I feel like quite a few titles were PS Plus exclusive and then became available to purchase later on. Tekken 2 was one for sure.
Brilliant news, I noticed yesterday and bought it straight away.
Just booting it up, brought back so many memories.
I actually send an email to capcom asking them to please take dino of the prime paywall so we can buy it. Look like they listened 😂 I am sure I was one of many who sent an email to them, so I can't take all the credit 😂😂😂😂😂
Good, now we can all stop moaning and groaning about it!
@Don I already got Resident Evil DC, is the same true for that?
Hurrah! Dino tomfoolery for all!
I never thought the day would come! And thank goodness they are respecting PS3 purchases of each 🤩 Thank you Capcom!
@__Seraph Yes it should be — you'll need to go to the storefront and "purchase" it, but it won't cost you anything. Funny, it's been there for me since they introduced the game to the tier.
No, I purchased it previously on PS3 but had to pay again for it. Dino Crisis says free. Not sure why.
Yessss gonna download and play Dino crisis rn
I get they made a mistake when the RE Directors Cut discs were pressed and forgot to include the uncut content, but why after 27 years have they not fixed this with all digital releases? So incredibly lame and lazy.
Just downloaded both games. A bit unfortunate they doesn't have trophies but i'll take it so i don't need to take out my PS3 or Vita if i want to replay them again.
@Almost_Ghostly Yeah, that would have been nice.
Add trophies you cowards!
Article should mention that you can save money if you buy them on PS3 or Vita instead (Dino Crisis at least).they are then available on PS4/5 as well.
No trophies. No purchase. No point.
Some of these are still available on PS3 PSN for £4 I'm sure
Is dino crisis playable? Dino crisis 2 had the worst camera ever. I kinda liked it only for the resident evil style gameplay back in the day on my pc (terrible port by the way)
Stop crying for trophies. When you will you understand that these are not remasters but simply emulations of the original games. They never had trophies and they never will have trophies. Just like they didn't on PS3. So many people just don't get this.
These are literally the PS1 versions of games. Down to every detail. And they will never have trophies, period.
I wonder if I own them on ps3 will I just have them. WIll check when I get home from work.
@Octaslasher Apart from the fact that trophies have been added for other games on the service. Timesplitters, Toy Story 2, Syphon Filter etc.
@Octaslasher Unfortunately it's what sells these games now not for it's nostalgia but trophies that don't mean *****
@Octaslasher Most PS1, PS2, and PSP games for PS4/5 has trophies.
While trophies isn't a must but i think there's no harm to have it, especially for old games which can add a good reason to replay them.
This is an outright lie. NO PS1 games on PS4/5 have trophies. Never had, never will. Remasters of PS1 games are an ENTIRELY different matter. But the original PS1 versions which are just emulations have never and will never have trophies. PERIOD.
@Octaslasher "This is an outright lie. NO PS1 games on PS4/5 have trophies. Never had, never will."
I just check my trophies list and it showed Wild Arms 1 & 2, Legend of Dragoon, and Syphon Filter 1 has trophies.
"But the original PS1 versions which are just emulations have never and will never have trophies. PERIOD."
Cry me a river?
Sony are allowing us to purchase 25+ year old games without having to additionally pay for the highest subscription model?
What an honour!
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