The as-yet-unnamed successor, the final chapter in the Final Fantasy VII Remake trilogy, won't suck the lifestream out of players to unlock its Platinum Trophy. That's according to director Naoki Yamaguchi, anyway, who apologised for the pain he put persistent Trophy Hunters through in Rebirth.
In an impressive get, the British tabloid Daily Star (Hi, Lloyd!) sat down for an exclusive chat with the director, who admitted to at least one fault in his otherwise great most recent game: "I think there is one other thing actually, which I can say was a mistake on my part, something that I've already apologised for - and I definitely will not do again, which is how difficult I made it to get the Platinum Trophy. Rest assured, I have learned from that, and in future, I will not be making Platinum Trophies that difficult."
We salute those who pursue worthy Platinum Trophies and are ready and able to assist in this undertaking if you think you've got what it takes. Still, according to the specialists over at PowerPyx, Rebirth's Platinum will take you about 150-200 hours to unlock, rated 7.5 in terms of difficulty. For comparison, PowerPyx says Remake's Platty was a more manageable 60-70 hours, rated 6.5; perhaps something more along those lines for the final chapter.
Do you have the Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Platinum Trophy? Do you receive the appropriate amount of respect and awe for this achievement amongst friends and family? Take a victory lap in the comments section below.
[source dailystar.co.uk]
Comments 47
Make Platinums even more difficult. Honestly, I’m so tired of hearing people brag about “Platinuming a game”. Now if it’s the most insanely difficult thing ever, I might be impressed. Then again. That don’t impress me much.
Challenging... Ok, time wasting... Nay
I dont mind a challenge but if its way too grindy and I feel like Im wasting my time I wont bother.
Agreed. I actually enjoyed the platinum grind for Rebirth but I just platinumed Arkham City there and it was beyond tedious for me. I understand incentivising the players to experience the game in its fullness but making every conceivable ounce of content into a to do list isn’t ideal.
@tameshiyaku This. I’ve always treated platinums as a way to say you have seen most of what’s worth seeing and become proficient in the game’s systems. If the hunt is just purposefully wasting your time then I abandon it.
JRPGs usually have the WORST trophy lists, often making you grind so much you end up liking the game less, or requiring you follow a guide so as not to miss one step, or making you play a 50-100+ hour game multiple times.
None of that makes the game any better, in fact it makes them worse. Devs really need to look at this and break the mould. Use trophies to make finishing it more enjoyable.
Tbh I would have gone for the plat for both this and Remake if it wasn't for the hard mode. I am not ashamed to admit I found the challenge adequate in normal mode and the hard mode in these games is intimidating as hell for me.
I found myself equipping op 'hard mode' materia builds to get through the campaign on normal. Remake I thought was a lot easier than Rebirth generally, so if I was going to try for a platinum I'd go back to that. 😂
Dont make future platinums easier for my sake though, happy to just quit while I'm ahead.
Getting the platinum for Rebirth was brutal. I will never forgive Chadley for what he did to me......
I have the Platinum, and it was torture from Chadley to the Tifa minigame...
Hard mode on some of the mini games in Rebirth was infuriating. I was working towards the platinum, but stopped a few months ago because of the cactuar game.
I'll try it again before Christmas...
Generally I loved Rebirth, but toward the end I found myself dreading the mini games on hard mode.
@LavenderShroud when ever I get a tough platinum trophy I always say: Looks like we made it, look how far we've come my baby.
@SuperSilverback You have no idea how happy I am that someone actually got my reference. And to make a similar one in turn is just the cherry on top!
@LavenderShroud haha I wasn't sure if it was a wee Shania reference, but I took a gamble
I think the JRPG genre could reward more trophies for playing through the story. For many that's all they are likely going to do (if that even) and too often the trophies for doing that equate to less than a third of the actual trophies on offer.
I've also always been of the opinion that the most grindy and difficult trophies should be bronze only, because those doing them care more about 100% really.
For example I recently got the the Platinum in Tales of Xillia. Completing the story was around 30ish percent of the trophies. 40% was levelling each character to max, each getting a silver.
I don't know that doesn't seem balanced to me. I was going for the 100% either way but those that don't get left with just 30% for playing through the entire story which is often anywhere between 30-70hrs in a JRPG.
Just got this for £34 physical Black Friday! Can’t wait to jump in on my Pro!
Rebirth's platinum isn't difficult, it is time consuming and that is worse than being difficult.
@belmont I was considering it but that Tifa mini game made me decide not to bother.
@Skyliner "git gud"
@themightyant Agreed! Not only can jrpgs be too grindy (I don't mind some grind), but they often require multiple-multiple playthroughs.
It is starting to become painful now. At the legendary and brutal challenges and also hard mode left. Dreading it lol
@Mirror_D_80s I actually prefer to play ganes on hard, first time if possible, and have a preference to play games twice if they arent inexcusably long- but even then, if they're good enough. So actually, I enjoy hard mode trophies, or trophies that require a new game + play.
Having to replay the game on Hard is a crazy requirement when Rebirth is so massive. I finished my playthrough at around 90 hours. 180 to Platinum a game is pretty daunting.
@Paramahansa And if they don't require multiple playthroughs they often require you to follow a stringent guide on your first playthrough to make sure you don't skip any misable items. That's poor game design imho.
I remember giving the platinum for the first remake because I can't do the push-up trophy 😕
I prefer getting platinum for something like nier automata where you have to get all the ending and nearly all the side quest for the trophy. Or god of war and spider-man 1 ps4.
It's not even difficult, just tedious. These trophies for new game plus on games that can last A HUNDRED HOURS are dogs***
I haven't really been a trophy hunter for awhile now so I didn't try for Rebirths but honestly I think it's one of the better trophy lists for actually requiring you to be good at the game and some of the mini games. Only with a few exceptions like that awful 3d brawler
Oh, totally. You wouldn't want to give the most empty people in the planet even less reason to exist. I'm trying so hard, and yet failing, to consider this interesting or news at all. Anyone who truly cares about this? Wow.
How Yamaguchi still has a job is beyond me. Anyone that bad at what they do is usually relegated to begging for bread in the street. Hopefully he gets replaced with someone competent, someone who puts the gamer first instead of his own selfishness. Here’s a thought; maybe patch the trash you failed at so badly instead of taking the easy way out and issuing a meaningless apology after the fact?
@Cloud39472 I'm gonna be doing another playthrough on hard sometime too but I'm waiting for the perfect time to hopefully fully enjoy it once more
The Legendary Battle Simulator fights were tougher than any Souls boss. I think there are some easy cheese strategies now but DANG, was not expecting them to be on that level.
I don't mind when the platinum trophies include doing some very difficult things; that's fine and IMO the spirit of the platinum. What I hate is when you're forced to play a long game multiple times, or collect literally every single thing in the game including stuff that's missable (again, making you play again if you miss it). Challenging, yes. Tedious, no. That's the way for me.
@SuperSilverback I didn’t mind all the mini games I had to play for the platinum but you know, the best thing about being a woman is the prerogative to have a little fun @LavenderShroud
The difficulty of Rebirth's platinum is why I gave up on chasing it. Those legendary VR battles are no joke so that's why I just finished the game and move on. Remake's platinum I did get though.
@Nei yeah I got overwhelmed with them but I just sat and thought, don't freak out until you know the facts. Relax!
I don't mind a challenging platinum, but Rebirth was just tedious and annoying. Granted it's a fine line between the two and what one person finds challenging, another might find tedious lol... So, I was happy to end my time with Rebirth when I did. Props to those who stuck with it to the end.
Plus, I refuse to go on a date with anyone other than Tifa, so one of the trophies is impossible to do.
I'm playing part 1 and I won't be bothering to do it again on hard mode I really wish they wouldn't add that sort of thing just let me play the game on my own terms. And add a hard mode trophy like Spiderman did in another list that doesn't effect the main trophies for plat
@Nei I’m starting to enjoy this site even more now.
The platinum trophy shouldn't be a participation trophy.
Likewise, not getting a platinum trophy should not lessen anyone's enjoyment of a game.
Rebirth has a well balanced trophy list. You unlock trophies at a steady pace for completing the story, completing side quests, and completing open world objectives.
"Gamers" upset that they can't unlock a digital trophy because they can't beat a mini-game or boss challenge need to seriously re-evaluate themselves and if they even like video games.
Platinums and trophies should be hard but not completely banal like story trophies or stuff that’s grindy to the point of boredom. Let’s get creative with trophies.
@SuperSilverback hahahaha 🫶🏻
@LavenderShroud Never heard anyone ever brag about getting a Platinum. 😅
@nyr2k2 I agree Star Ocean is a great example how not to do it.
@wiiware - "I prefer getting the platinum for something like Nier Automata".
That game allowed you to buy trophies with ingame currency. I guarantee nobody has that platinum without buying at least one trophy from that vendor.
I quit when I tried to beat the middle salesman in the 3D brawl mini game. I'm sure it's possible, if I spent an unholy amount of time learning the moves and order but really, what's the point. So I moved on.
@Shigurui I actually forgot whether I meet that vendor or not, I remember using gamefaq to get all the trophy though. I don't think the trophy in nier automata hard to get, you just have to replay the chapter to get some trophy, there are no missable trophy if I remember correctly.
I decided to not get the Plat halfway in the game after finding it's nearly impossible to beat some mini-games on the highest rank and life is short
Trophy "hunting" doesn't make any sense. I'll never understand the obsession for it. You either play a game to have fun, or play some competitive games if that's what you're into.
But completing tedious checklists when you could do literally anything makes no sense whatsoever.
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