Grove Street Games, the original developer of the GTA Trilogy, has unfollowed Rockstar on social media – and its boss has implied the company made a “d*ck move” removing its name from the splash screen of the bundle.
Thomas Williamson, perhaps trying to retain some semblance of professionalism, didn’t mention the label by name, but said “hypothetically” that it’s a “d*ck move to remove primary developers from credits in an update, especially when an update includes hundreds of fixes that were provided by those developers that stayed out of players’ hands for years”.
To be totally clear, Grove Street Games do still appear in the credits of the GTA Trilogy, so that hasn’t changed. The studio’s logo, however, has been removed from the start screen of the remasters.
Earlier this week, Rockstar released a massive patch for the GTA Trilogy which restores the original artstyle of the games and introduces tons of fixes. We’re planning to revisit these games over the weekend and will share our impressions, but from what we’ve seen so far, we feel like this bundle – which we originally scored a 5/10 – is finally worth playing.
[source x.com]
Comments 56
Well Grove Street made enough d*ck moves when remastering the games that the least R* could do is return the favour 🤔
X made it so much easier to behave unprofessionally.
Imagine being upset your logo isn't on the surface of a turd. If I was GSG I would be happy the first thing you see when launching those games is not your name anymore.
They did a horrible job on the remasters. I don't know how you can mess up such beloved classics but they did.
@colonelkilgore Not really, R* hired them and signed off on releasing these versions, they're the publisher. If they genuinely weren't happy with their work they would have asked them to address it before release, or take it to a different developer if they thought GS were not up to the task.
But that's not what happened, R* will have signed off on these remasters and released them anyway, so they're to blame imo.
Their name still appears at the end game credits.
Rockstar own the IP, they are free to do as they wish. Took them 3 years to finally get it to a decent state.
@DrClayman I’m not saying R* is without any blame, only that GSG done some below-shoddy work on those remasters 🤷♂️
I heard that Rockstar actually used Grove Street's AI technology on the credits which is why they came out so much worse than the original.
Oh no, the folks who botched the original versions aren’t featured in the versions that are far less botched.
They did a horrible job of the remasters BUT we don't know if this was down to R* penny pinching and not giving the devs enough time or money OR if it was all on GSG. Regardless the studio did the work and deserve their name on the front. (I know they are still in the end credits)
It was also d*ck move releasing a subpar remaster, changing the artstyle and basing the remasters on awful mobile ports.
Is there a difference between ps4 and ps5 retail versions? I could only find the ps4 edition at retail.
@zebric21 the only physical edition was on ps4
Everyone is acting like Grove Street went behind Rockstar’s back, made a ton of changes to the artstyle without their permission, then made the decision release the game unfinished. Grove Street were not the publisher. They would’ve needed approval for the artstyle change from Take Two, and it’s even possible they were forced to implement it. But Take Two and Rockstar also were 100% responsible for setting the November release, refusing refunds, and releasing the game buggy. They forced Grove Street to work hard in a crunched period of time, then kicked out their credit. That’s a dangerous precedent to the gaming industry and it’s wild people in these comments are defending it.
@Deoxyr1bose nobody is acting like that
@colonelkilgore scroll up
Unionise and sue them ❤️
@Deoxyr1bose I’ve read every comment, any comment denigrating GSG work in no way ignores R*’s part in the project. R* has actually taken 99.9% of the flack since the release… I’d say GSG can shoulder the 0.01% that is now coming their way.
Rockstar doing scummy *****?!..... Par for the course
Well that's what you get for initially releasing one of the worst remasters this gen! it's mostly fixed now but the trilogy remasters made Rockstar look like incompetent clowns. The casuals didn't know that it was Grove Street Games that did the work and just assumed Rockstar fell off.
Whoever was responsible for first releasing this game needed to have the balls, guts, spine or other organs required to stick their head up and declare that it needed another six months. They certainly needed to tell them not to delist the original games.
This was a disaster. Rockstar is very lucky that this mud has not stuck to them as it would to another dev.
Might just be me but I actually quite liked the new art style with the slightly cartoony character models etc. Made the games feel slighly fresh!
D*ck moves all round I think, and not surprising given the teams involved
Rockstar are obviously one of the greatest developers/publishers in history and I love many of their games as some of my favourites, but there's a lot to really hate the behind the scenes by many accounts
@zebric21 The PS4 version is a glorified coaster so that is a waste of time of money.
@DennisReynolds I'll blame R* they signed off on it and had no issue releasing the terrible game in this state
"Primary developers"
They slapped the original games in Unreal Engine and called it a day 😂
Personally if I'd have worked on those, I'd be embarrassed to have my name attached to it
@Flaming_Kaiser So the ps5 version is only digital? PS4 disc doesn't upgrade to ps5?
Never forget
I still can't believe how awful a state this trilogy launched in originally. I don't know who's more to blame between R* or GSG. What I do know is everyone involved really dropped the ball with this thing.
Regardless though, at least it sounds like it's actually in a good state now.
Still ain't sold on them would rather they ported the PS2 versions.
I grabbed a used copy on a whim this summer because I needed some San Andreas nostalgia and their name is still in the game...
Pretty sure it's on the main menu lol
You know they are unhappy when they I follow some on social media that just makes the anger so official these days or something like that.
My take is that all of their remakes of previous GTAs including mobile were butchered horribly. Therefore, if grove street games were a bit more competent with their work this situation of terrible state at release wouldn't have gone so badly in the first place.
Props for R* for actually surprising us with the latest update that did solve lots of issues but as I have seen from online comparisons job isn't done yet.
However I don't think it's going to be updated any more as this update just brought the console versions to last year's mobile version.
Basically, grove street games should be ashamed to even call themselves by that name as they did horrible work every time they touched GTA games
@colonelkilgore if Rockstar wasn't happy with Grove Street Games' work, they shouldn't have shipped it in the state it was in.
This coming from a guy who praised the fact his company was getting noticed in the world but it was bad press because of how poor GTA defective edition was at launch and he loved it.
Or they messed up the Anniversary edition on 360 as they used the mobile port for that and they did the same thing for the Defective Edition but used Unreals AI to do most of the work
Oh they removed it intentionally? I assumed it was a glitch
@Markatron84 groan 😫 never said they were happy
Sadly, we have a name for this.... manipulation! You Dumbs players Must buy if you want play a good game now
@colonelkilgore no you didn't. GSG probably did the best they could with the time and resources they were given. Then they spent years fixing the game that Rockstar decided to put out when it wasn't ready and had their name removed from the game as thanks. Pinning the blame on GSG while proclaiming that Rockstar was "returning the favour" is one of the most idiotic things I've ever read.
@Markatron84 certain people have no sense of irony or sarcasm and treat every statement as 100% serious… I work hard to avoid those kinds of people.
@Markatron84 "GSS probably did the best they could with the time and resources they were given"
You're just assuming that, it's just as likely that they were given plenty of resources and time 🤷 they are responsible for the awful bug filled mobile ports so they don't exactly have a clean track record of excellence.
@Tecinthebrain maybe they did, maybe they didn't. I did say probably, because I'm on the outside looking in. But the buck doesn't stop at GSG whatever the truth is.
@colonelkilgore then explain to me what you actually meant. Explain to me what subtle, clever and insightful subtext I'm not getting from your original comment.
@Markatron84 how about I don’t, as I’m working hard to avoid you 😉
Removed - flaming/arguing
@Markatron84 so they’ve actually removed the block function recently as it goes… and as someone who has always strongly advocated against its use (as I feel that everyone is entitled to their opinion and the ability to express it)… you’re actually making me question that core belief. I would say well done on that… but as you’re one of those people who struggles to comprehend irony (further evidenced by your latest response 🤣), it’s probably best I don’t tbh.
@Loamy I won’t mate, people like this guy are what brings laughter to my day 🤣
The real dick move is how is the game $59.99??
@aj21009 because we’re in the remaster era. they’re priced the same as new current games no matter how old they are
Whilst there's little doubt a cheapskate Take-two allocated little resources as observed by the missing songs compared to the PS2 versions,& feigning ignorance at the dodgy trailers that omitted any gameplay....its also no small irony the same Grove Street Games that released the equally trashfire PS3 San Andreas,& retasking their buggy mobile efforts into A.I. & dumped out the "remastered trilogy" shouldn't be complaining.🙄
They seemingly were happy to block or spam complaints over obvious bugs & performance to Rockstar Support whilst patting themselves on the back. Modders on the PC scene with NO official budgets & off their own backs had released various GTA Mods that put the laughable A.I. efforts to shame!
Instead of shutting modders down,its a shame Take-two don't fund a Rockstar Classics studio & let them work their magic brining the older games to modern platforms!
@Bamila Then again they greenlit the version you got sold.
That's on you then.
Hahaha, while I definitely understand maaaan. First they absolutely BUTCHER these Classics (regardless of circumstances around time and budget, I don't care, excuses and all that) they then have the BALLS to rename themselves to Grove Street Games (Grove Street, the main gang of CJ and his crew in San Andreas, one of the GOATs) get the hell outta here 🤣
If I'm reading this correctly, GSG was ready to release updates to the game, but Rockstar never signed off on them until recently?
Didn't know using the term d*ck move was deemed professional. Sounds like a 12 year old kid.
Also, let me help you out with your Grammer/spellchecking Mr. Professional - Speaking ENTIRELY hypothetical sir not speaking entire.
Conveniently, this update appears after the game leaces PS Plus.
@Dominator2885 *grammar.
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