If you were planning on diving into Silent Hill 2 on that fancy new PS5 Pro, you might want to hold out. Players have been reporting technical issues since the new console came out. A dedicated PS5 Pro patch has been promised, but as both publisher Konami and developer Bloober Team aren't talking, it's hard to say when or if these issues will be addressed.
Eurogamer noticed some discontent has been brewing over on the Silent Hill subreddit. Since launch, a "shimmering" effect has been reported on PS5 Pro specifically (see below). Despite repeated attempts to bring the issue to Konami's attention, the IP holder has maintained radio silence on the matter. These complaints have begun to spill into unrelated posts, such as the announcement that Silent Hill 2 has been nominated for Ultimate Game of the Year at the Golden Joystick Awards.
Have you tried out Silent Hill 2 on PS5 Pro? What are your impressions? Have you had any issues? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source reddit.com, via eurogamer.net]
Comments 40
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Just trying to get a read on the situation - is the shimmering only on the performance mode?
Has this game actually been patched/updated for Pro - I read differing opinions.
PSSR does not get used by the Pro unless specifically added by the devs.
A really odd situation. If it has been patched, what has the extra GPU power been used on?
Referencing your earlier post, DF did say on their videos of AW2 and SWJS that the devs had made the wrong choices and should simply have used the extra GPU to raise pre upscale resolution (not other settings - AW2 / add RT - SWJS), which was clearly the biggest issue on base console.
@__jamiie If you’ve spent £700-£800 on a console and everything isn’t handed to you on a silver platter then it’s no surprise that you’d be pissed off: I’m anti Pro in general but this is a legitimate issue that makes the entire very expensive endeavour pointless if the game looks worse on the Pro.
I wonder if the lack of response by Konami or Bloober Team is a sign that even they’re having trouble correcting the issue?
@nessisonett I completely agree and maybe my point wasn't well made. I see the Pro as an unnecessary half jump.
@Loamy "are you Pro anything? Wait, I can think of a couple likelihoods 🤔." Ooof careful sir..When new pc tech gets released as in gpus,cpus etc there are usually patches that follow because some games refuse to play nice and I see the ps5 Pro as being no different. Teething problems will always be an issue now and it's no big deal for the pc gamers so it should not be a big deal for console gamers unless people think that console gamers are somehow cut from a different cloth.
@Northern_munkey Well the situation is cut from different cloth, you could say, because there's only one hardware configuration (as in combinations of different parts) and each game is specifically tailored to that config. Whereas with PCs there are countless combinations not to mention the millions of combinations of software that people could have running. Whereas consoles are a closed system with a known hardware configuration. That's basically the whole point of consoles. You give up on the best hardware and control over the system and software, and in return you get a simple experience that just works for you, right out of the box.
@Loamy of course there's pressure to get the patches out fast..from the gamers who want the best of everything yesterday.
@Matroska thankyou for the tech lesson. I couldn't be bothered with one of those long winded DF type explanations and thought to myself that the people who frequent the comments sections would catch my drift without one. PCs can be very complicated compared to consoles but there is (I'll get this in first before I'm gaslighted) older tech wrapped up in new paint in the ps5 pro therefore it may take a few patches to iron things out as we have seen through the ps3,ps4,ps4 pro,ps5 and now the ps5 Pro eras..it won't stop there either.
I have a feeling that Sony forced the hardware division to release something just to give them a spotlight for the press
Instead of that they should've poured the money for the PRO in the gaming studios they own.
@Zuljaras(cue sarcasm siren) But if they poured the money into the studios all the ps5 owners that are unhappy with the ps5 and really needed the pro and are now mostly happy (yes there are some who are not and are returning it apparantly) would have nothing to whinge about.
Sony is also to blame here. They should offer an SDK which should avoid such problems and make it easy for devs to implement the new functions. Alan Wake 2 and Star Wars Jedi Survivor also suffer from instable pictures.
PSSR is not (yet) the simple plug-and-play solution.
@Loamy I don't believe that people complain about poor quality releases. I'm sorry but I think you are soooo off the mark there 🤣. Also don't be encouraging devs to take as long as they need to make sure "your" NG+ experience is really good..how selfish of you.
@Northern_munkey But if they poured the money to hire more devs to compensate for the idiotic deadlines the game could be optimized, and gamers will be happy.
The hardware is less of a bottleneck now, the real problems are horror development cycles.
@Zuljaras I edited my response to your post as you didn't pick up on my sarcasm..my bad 👍
@Northern_munkey damn! Sorry sometimes I Really can't pick up sarcasm! It's 50/50 I guess
Do you mean to tell me that after spending 700$ on this "Premium Console", it's buyers still have to wait for patches like The Rest Of Us? I'm positively flabbergasted!
This is disappointing and frankly needs to be sorted as it’s downright broken on the pro with the shimmering issues, seemingly coming from an older version of PSSR and FSR head butting and causing artifacting and shimmering galore.
However I’m not gonna moan too much as it should be sorted soon, just means I can play other games first that aren’t issues on the pro! 💙
After all those videos and game comparisons I think PSSR should be tagged as a beta feature. Insomniac seems to be the only developer that can handle this right now. Even in Ragnarök, PSSR is way blurrier than the base version. Literally every comparison video shows the same behaviour, PSSR is blurrier than the OG 5 versions, plus additional film grain like artifacts. I was shocked to see the same shimmering on Alan Wake 2 as I did in performance mode on the base ps5.
I think the Pro would be a way better console without PSSR.
I said a million times that upscaling tech isn't the miracle that corpos trying to sell. NX gamer had a great video some years ago comparing DLSS to native image and guess what. Upscaling had serious problems with complex geometries and in general side by side there was no contest. I don't want simplified games and graphics to hit 100fps looking like an oil painting. Upscaling and AI based tech is the easy way . Video games is still a form of art. I wouldn't read an AI made book or listened to AI mastered and mixed music. So why play those games?
Came here to say this. These are typical upscaling issues that we are told to accept because devs keep pushing for higher resolutions instead of optimising at a lower res, while focusing on the fun/content. Not a fan of upscaling at all.
@gollumb82 I won't write off upscaling completely fo now, but it seems they are expecting people to be happy with a movie made by jpeg images or listen to 160kbps mp3 music. The information simply isn't there.
I had a gaming PC two years ago with an RTX 3070 so I know it can work if done correctly. That said, I still experienced blurriness, artifacts and the frame gen to me feels fake (you can easily tell these frames are just an illusion, so to speak). Played CP2077 and Stafield using both DLSS and frame gen and in both cases the image quality was good, but I still found the native versions to look superior.
@ChimpMasta Sony should dictate good developer practices to take advantage of the new hardware or articles like this will be coming nonstop leaving a bad taste to their product.
Shimmering was pretty egregious in the first area and I also thought that edges of things looked soft. Shimmering did go away at times but came back later in the game. Pretty satisfied with buying a Pro now. 🙄
OK, we used to have unfinished games (thanks Pre-orderers, hope you burn in hell), but unfinished technologies or hardware is another level.
I'm puzzled that if all you have done is put more power into the gpu the games are performing worse when they haven't been patched.
Seems to me they have been doing some creative accounting with the new hardware that is causing problems.
PS4 Pro ran games significantly better even if they hadn't been patched. They should never, ever get worse with better hardware, it makes zero sense.
@Loamy Nerds buy PCs.
The PS5 pro is for people not nerdy enough to build and run a PC.
There’s no doubt silent hill is an unmitigated mess at the moment. They will have to get the finger out
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@Max_the_German "Sony is also to blame here. They should offer an SDK which should avoid such problems and make it easy for devs to implement the new functions."
To be fair, It's not that easy to provide an SDK that allows optimal use of such a big feature change for free. And I've not seen anyone with technical knowledge say that it was. I'm not a game dev but am very familiar with how SDK's are designed, implemented and supported.
"PSSR is not (yet) the simple plug-and-play solution."
True, in some circumstances it will require complex code changes. Changes which, if properly tested, should not have been released in this state. It's possible, though, that Sony changed something between final testing and patch release that have caused issues. Who really knows, certainly not the armchair devs that frequent the comments sections.
Konami radio silent? No way!
I cant really tell the difference. Is it the haze that people are upset about? I guess if anything, its a bit blurry for my taste, but that could just be the video.
Performance always looked like sh*t. Quality is VERY playable and solid, and looks gorgeous. But yeah… where tf is the Pro patch? I haven’t tried it on my Pro yet because I finished it right before I got it. Will have to check it out this weekend…
Is the PS5 Pro having problems? Kind of worrying…….
@Fishnpeas i’m sorry for being super late with this random reply , but i disagree . twitch streamers persuaded me to get a PC (i didn’t build it) & they don’t look like nerds to me , especially the chicks . PC gaming ain’t like it was pre 2010s 😂
@nomither6 You're confusing gaming/streaming with PC building.
If you think a twitch thot can tell you what speed her memory runs at on her PC or what voltage is safe to overclock to then I have a bridge to sell you 🤣
@Fishnpeas “ If you think a twitch thot can tell you what speed her memory runs at on her PC or what voltage is safe to overclock to then I have a bridge to sell you”
lmao , idk man , you have a great point , but people actually do post their specs on their profile “About Me’s” … regular girls included 😂. i think the appeal of PC these days is simply how much you can do on it & not just gaming.
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