Both its greatest strength and its most apparent weakness, the Trails series is built on a huge, overarching story spread across 11 games at this point (13 if you're going by Japanese releases). For new players, getting into the franchise can be truly daunting — but Falcom and western publisher NIS America are at least trying to make things more accessible.
For what it's worth, we think this year's Trails through Daybreak is a decent gateway to the wider series — assuming you don't have the time to kick things off with an earlier saga — and so it's nice to see the aforementioned companies serving up an official story recap ahead of the sequel's release.

The five-minute video covers all of Daybreak's key story events, and even manages to go into some of the finer details here and there. Naturally, we wouldn't recommend watching this if you haven't played Daybreak, but for those who require a refresh, it's a solid watch (if you can get over the bafflingly dull narration).