Exodus, the sci-fi action adventure RPG from Archetype Entertainment, is definitely channelling some Mass Effect in a new gameplay trailer. Comprised of veteran devs from BioWare, Naughty Dog, 343 Industries, and bankrolled by Wizards of the Coast, there's every reason to expect great things, and Matthew McConaughey's inclusion is the cherry on top.
In the two-minute look, we see some compelling gameplay and a wrist-mounted energy blade reminiscent of Shepard's Mass Effect 3 omni-blade, which is enough for us. Intriguingly, the developers must really have a real thing for McConaughey's Interstellar, as time dilation will be featured as a central mechanic. Undertaking dangerous spaceborne missions requires travel approaching the speed of light, meaning that years, decades, or even centuries can pass in your absence. This is where the game's emotional narrative, shaped by player choice and with consequences for all of humanity, will likely pull at your heartstrings.

What do you think of Exodus? Does it look alright, alright, alright? Finish the fight in the comments section below.
[source gematsu.com]
Comments 33
White Male lead, day one purchase then.
Looks like what I wanted Starfield and ME Andromeda to be. Definitely keeping an eye on it while being cautious that Pre-alpha gameplay means very little.
Oh yeah. I'm 100% into this. Looks really great!
“Im not just here to look pretty”
“Lets make each other rich” I cant stand his arrogant attitude, this has capitalist propaganda written all over it. Cant relate to him at all! Not surprising they went with the generic coolguy trope. They’re obviously pushing certain straight male stereotypes. Serious trash, i really hope it flops!
If it delivers what it promises then we r in for a treat..... But I'm cautious......
Looks pretty damn cool. I was getting a bit of a returnal vibe myself. With this and intergalactic on the way I guess my future is going all sci-fi...
@LogicStrikesAgain oh here comes the anti capitalist brigade..its a game buddy..a bloody video game and seeing as though they look like space mercs then yes they are going to be capitalist pigs of the highest order chasing the loot. I'm sure the devs will miss your money but I'm guessing you'll probably buy it anyway. People on pushsquare have done the whole capitalist and predatory micro transactions meme to death and soooo much better in the past than you..and yes I meant to use the word meme because that is what it is now..
the lore in this game is going to be very deep it already got a prequel book out
Exodus: The Archimedes Engine
EXODUS is an action-adventure roleplaying game from Archetype Entertainment, led by industry veterans from BioWare (Mass Effect), 343 (Halo), Electronic Arts, Naughty Dog (The Last of Us) and other AAA studios.
@Northern_munkey oh! I read his post as sarcasm?
But hey without facial and tonal expression, I simply cannot tell for sure.
The other option I have is to ignore and say to myself “meh” and move on.
Not sure about the VA work, sounds a bit flat. But anything that lets you smack a bear in the face with a pulse rifle, while controlling time, in space, is going to be a novel experience.
Can defo see and hear lol mass effect vibes
Really hope it's good and it looks it...but currently skeptical it will turn out that way
@Northern_munkey Oh, sorry, am i overreacting too dramatically to a short video game trailer? 😂
I thought i captured the ‘(anti)woke’ outrage pretty good, but i guess it’s hard to tell without facial expressions. But yes, its meant to be satire.
Just poking a little fun at the whole outrage culture 😉
@LogicStrikesAgain it’s obvious satire, you’re good. As if the straight male trash lines didn’t give enough of a hint. People unfortunately think that’s what us leftists are actually like in general, so fail to see the satire.
The initial impression is pretty good. Will be watching developments on this one.
This looks pretty neat, it's an unproven studio so hopefully they get it right first time. At this point I have more faith in this team than Bioware.
Looks good so far. Almost carbon copy music of Mass effect at the beginning, works for me. My only complaint, from a alpha trailer that is, was the MCs eyes. They seemed off or maybe too glossy? I'm sure I'd get used to it.
Exodus looks really good.the gameplay and the graphics looks amazing.word up son
@LogicStrikesAgain fair enough..first thing on a Wednesday morning and I ain't had a lot of sleep and no cup of tea so yeah I'm a charmer..apologies..
Hello there fellow gamers.
This game is, without a doubt, my most anticipated game of whatever year it comes out....... Besides the new Mass Effect.
I´m so in for this project from Archetype Entertainment.
They seem very passionate about it and can´t wait to see more.
Cheers and happy gaming everyone
As long as the lead character is not a male lesbian with a bad attitude I'm fine. 😀😀😉😉 .Oh it looks really good also.
It 'looks sick' ... what is this, the 1980s? Is it rad and wicked as well?
@Northern_munkey No worries! Satire doesnt always translate well to text.
Been following this game closely for a year (and Archetype since they founded) and I'm still the most excited for an upcoming game as I've ever been.
And for those who feel the MC looks a bit too progressive, there will be a character creator where you can make Jun your own (yes, even female <gasp!>).
The livestream Q&A where they debuted this trailer yesterday was pretty solid and they touched upon how the time dilation thing worked, mission structures and things like that.
Not sure if it's available still, but I wouldn't be surprised.
Oh, and the Peter F. Hamilton prequel novel is very good!
@LogicStrikesAgain (#4)
Trolling or stuck up in own opinion? Can't tell. If you're a socialist like me, FD Signifier on YouTube made great comments about how your choices of popcultural media shouldn't necessarily be dictated by your political pov.
Like "I don't want to earn a lot of money because capitalism is bad": Capitalism is bad, but you are living in it and therefore need a good amount of money to survive in it.
Don't let a good game slip through only because it tells a capitalist-leaning story. Who knows, maybe there are some storytwists in it that make players see the faults of capitalism in general!
@LogicStrikesAgain (#13) damn you got me. Trying to be supportive here nonetheless. And definetly check out FD Signifier! 💋
@ecurb7 (#22) it sure looks hella splendid!!!
@Northern_munkey (#19) you wholesome bass tarts on here! ❤️
@PerpetualBoredom Thanks for the recommendation, i’ll give it a watch! 👍🏼
I don’t know I thought it was underwhelming
@ShadowofSparta Glad to see someone appreciate a bit of satire 😉 Unfortunately, satire often mirrors real life, and while it was meant to be funny, it also reflects how some people acted this past few days. I just wish some of them could take a birds eye view of their actions and see the ridiculousness of it.
Love how it screams Mass Effect. Cautiously optimistic as Wizard of the Coast owns the studio and since they’re woke AF hoping that taint don’t infect Exodus. If it stays true to the Mass Effect formula and depending on trusted YT reviewers a day 1 purchase and indeed a refuge for the old Mass Effect fans as part 5 has been rumored to have pronouns and we know what that means.
The trailer looks great! Certainly, Mass Effect influenced. I want to see a full gameplay trailer with the UI before fully being interested.
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