While conventional wisdom and the original Final Fantasy VII might suggest to some that Aerith is the "best" girl for the stoic but surprisingly sweet swordsman, Cloud Strife, the developers in the Remake trilogy (and fate) see things differently. It's no secret that the ongoing story in Rebirth is not a straight retelling, and in this alternate universe, the developers explore gaming's enduring love triangle.
"Cloud's thought of deeply by two different women. What a lucky guy," said producer Yoshinori Kitase in a wide-ranging interview with Inverse (thanks, GamesRadar+). Director Naoki Hamaguchi piped up with something more definitive, suggesting Aerith has always "been this sort of sisterly character pulling Cloud along and encouraging him". Explored in an alternate timeline in Rebirth, the two go on a melancholy date, which Hamaguchi thought expresses that Aerith "is feeling what is to come, and understanding her fate. She's still pushing Cloud along and leading him in this way. It shows her pure heartedness and inner strength".
While admittedly biased, we take this as confirmation of our long-held belief that childhood friend Tifa is the true and rightful love of Cloud's life, which, we believe, constitutes "shipping" them. That Rebirth takes the time to flesh out this relationship so much more is likely another reason we think it's such a special game. Hamaguchi provided a nice capstone: "Ultimately, we can all agree that love is complicated. Even more so, I imagine, when there's magic involved".
What do you think? In light of the events of Remake and Rebirth, are you willing to concede that Tifa is the best and only girl (for Cloud)? Let us know your correct takes in the comments section below.
[source inverse.com]
Comments 41
Aerith is that friend you have you flirt with and she teases you all the time but ultimately you are only just friends and the flirting and teasing is just harmless fun. Tifa is the girl you stay awake thinking about, the girl you want to spend all your time with, the girl whose eyes you get lost in and the girl you want and hope to spend the rest of your life with. That's who Aerith and Tifa are too Cloud kinda off.
Not that Cloud and Aerith wouldn't be a good couple, but their connection is built more on their history with Zack than their own chemistry.
Cloud and Tifa just work together. They make each other better.
Why not both?!! Cloud deserves it 😈😏😏😈
Come on now we all know Barret is the correct choice and that Tifa and Aerith don't stand a chance against the bromance
Agreed, Tifa, Aeris is Zack bound!
Finally got round to finishing Intergrade a couple hours ago and saw the cut scene with them in the car again, I saw it first on YouTube where some comment stream was about how they'd feel blessed to have Tifa bump them... Somehow, I am still surprised about how weird people can be about this sort of thing. I think I had the date qith Aerith in the original (Difficult trying to remember 22 years ago...), so I'll see what I get this time and bare no preference whatsoever!
No! Cloud should be pair with Jessica Chastain,not Tifa lol
I choose Tifa for the girl of your life. But hey there's a harem way where Cloud can choose Tifa, Aerith, Jessie, and Madam M hehehe 🤭
Tifa best girl!
Tifa, for sure. That sort of loyalty, devotion, and lifelong affection aren't really replaceable.
Ironically, despite her bombshell appearance, Tifa is very much the one you take home to mom.
I'm pretty neutral when it comes to this love triangle tbh but story-wise, ultimately, Tifa is the girl for Cloud considering the fate of Aerith
Both Tifa and Aerith are both rounded, fun, intelligent, caring, and sensible characters.
Cloud however is a grumpy, selfish, untalkative twit that occasionally spaces out and puts Tifa and Aerith in mortal peril. Why would either of them want anything to do with this spiky haired pillock is beyond me.
Neither because they're barely characters in Rebirth. Both are Manic Pixie Dream girls.
Cloud and Aeris were meant to be. Cloud and Aerith are not.
I mean, I'd go with Aerith.
But I'd be thinking of Tifa...
Yeah, Tifa is the one.
I thought that from the first time I played FF7 and in mind they were together in Advent Children (raising their adopted kids).
It’s lore to me regardless of what anyone else says. 😅
Why not have both....
Nonsense. It's clearly the Queens Blood girl. There's no other choice.
Its always been Tifa, there's hardly anything that says otherwise.
I feel it's represented very differently in FF7 Remake to FF7 in the original. For starters it was far less of a major thing in the original it was a behind the scenes sub-text, whereas it's absolutely front and center in remake. And the Tifa side of it has been massively increased.
@DennisReynolds Couldn't have said it better myself.
That’s the vibe I got from stuff outside the remake as well e.g. Crisis Core and Advent Children. Haven’t played Rebirth yet so wouldn’t know how the relationships were portrayed in that game.
Cloud should be paired with rain!
@DennisReynolds this is all sarcasm, right? Some underhanded mockery that most won't get? You can't sincerely be expressing emotional and romantic thoughts!?!?
With regards to the article, having played FF7 as a kid, I was of the mind that Team Aerith was the right choice, but now having played Remake and Rebirth, it's clear the true choice is Tifa. The added polygons told me so.
Tifa, hands down. Aerith can GTFO.
Removed - trolling/baiting
@morogan112 Nah its called living life and experiencing both the highs and lows of love and friendship. Don't worry one day you will meet that person who changes everything.
That's just false journalism from your part. Aerith was described as an onee-san character multiple times in the past. It's also the type of character Cloud's mom thought was perfect for Cloud. Ironically this interview supports the opposite of what you are trying to imply.
There's an upcoming section in part 3 with Tifa and Cloud that I am so hyped to see. For me that section just swings it so completely to Tifa who just seems to be there for him unconditionally. It's also one I am really hoping they deliver on as it is the peak of the story in the original.
I think most people who played know what I'm referring to.
It always had been Tifa for Cloud and Aerith is for Zack. Another combi would be Jessie Rasberry and yes i know What happend.
@PorkChopExpress No man look at when Cloud is at his lowest with his mental breakdown in the original she really is there for him always. That is why really loved the Final Fantasy Advent Childeren movie the ending made me smile.
@PorkChopExpress I know she is bloody adorable the best thing about the remake. 😆
It was always Tifa. Aeris just got in the way.
Tifa is the only girl, Aerith was a great wingwoman. She only had passing feelings for Cloud because he mimicked mannerisms and attitude that she had for in Zack.
Aerith loves Zack and they belong to each other.
So ya, Tifa.
The game's story is described by all the events. When Aerith saves Cloud, she says: 'I had a boyfriend who was like you, describing that she likes him, he did the same and reciprocated by fighting together, both save Tifa, the three of them are together all the time and that's what makes them a beautiful love triangle. It's been that way since the first game, in the first part of the second game, it's described by the woman who read Cloud's hands that he is a man of two women, period. If they don't do something there in the land of Red XIII to revive Aerith and if they don't actually change things using the fact of this timeline thing that was invented, the game will be treated as useless...
That's why I say, if they do things right and use what is actually supposed to be used correctly, it will be the best game in history again. But if they don't bring this character back and let her be Cloud Strife's second wife so he can be happy with both women, this game will continue to be sad, missing parts just like the same character who lost a part of his body, named Aerith Gainsborough. They created this parallel timeline story with the intention of having predictability of facts to save countless lives as they saved, they should do something about it.
Around the world, countless people and fans use MODs to bring Aerith Gainsborough back. There was a worldwide commotion that she didn't survive and it was ridiculous. People in cancer hospitals around the world died dreaming of being able to play this game with the hope that they had brought her back and the three of them and the whole group were and had other happy endings in Final Fantasy but they couldn't have that. It was heartbreaking. This game represented the stories of many parents and children, friends and family...
If you go on the internet now, you will see countless fans from all over the world doing something in the game to revive Aerith Gainsborough. You can also see people's reactions to not having seen Cloud save her life. If I were the director of this game, I would have Cloud and Tifa save her in return and then have the whole team save them.
They saved the life of Barret's gang, they saved Jessie and Zak, why don't they change that and put Zak with Jessy and leave the Ancient Cleric girl on the side of the two?
Think about it and we will have the best game in history and all Final Fantasy games will be the most played again.
In 1997 I liked Aerith much more than Tifa. Not sure if Tifa even made it into my roster back then. So I definitely chose Aerith for the date, and I was absolutely destroyed as a teenager when Sephiroth came down with that sword.
Team Tifa FTW
@8bit4Life Spoilers...
@DennisReynolds really great way of putting it!
Thanks for reporting on this! I just want to point out that Hamaguchi-san did not say the quote "Ultimately, we can all agree that love is complicated. Even more so, I imagine, when there's magic involved". That is actually the added conjecture/opinion of the GamesRadar journalist Ashley Bardhan in the article you linked. Here is the direct passage from the GamesRadar article:
[ But "there can be many different interpretations of what this scene truly means for each player," Hamaguchi conceded to Inverse. Ultimately, we can all agree that love is complicated. Even more so, I imagine, when there's magic involved. ]
Notice the use of quotations. That sentence is the final concluding thought of the journalist, not a direct quote from Hamaguchi. If you check the original Inverse article, this is not a quote stated by him at any point.
Just thought you may want to make that correction. Thank you!
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