We know STALKER 2 is a timed console exclusive for Xbox Series X|S, and leaked documents confirmed the duration of that deal was just three months. With the title having officially launched on 20th November, that means a PS5 version could technically emerge as early as 20th February – but it doesn’t sound like GSC Game World will have a port ready that fast.
In an interview with Tech4Gamers, director Ievgen Grygorovych admitted that the Ukrainian team is focused on “developing and supporting” the existing versions for now. Given the team’s location and the fact that the initial release was widely criticised for being quite buggy, we suppose it makes sense for the studio to prioritise improving the core experience before looking to other platforms.
The good news is that the release should be in great shape by the time it eventually does arrive on the PS5, as the developer should have ironed out most of the bugs and dramatically improved the experience by then. In that sense, we’re happy to just sit tight and wait for the fully finished version, whenever it’s ready to release.
[source tech4gamers.com]
Comments 55
Well, if they wanna make a bunch more money from their game, they'd better get on it!
Always day one, or even month 3, is not a good state to buy. So, good for us.
Just release it as is because all the big name devs do anyway..release it broken for full price and then patch it to high heaven until it works as intended. It's the gaming industry way.
No biggie, it needs a lot more time in development before it hits PS5 anyway.
That's a shame, my brother is playing it on PC and has been singing it's praises.
Probably contractually obliged to refrain from talking about it until after the exclusivity period concludes. I mean, every business wants to make money right? Well, while the game has already done well commercially, putting it on PlayStation would have the only effect of earning them more 🤷♂️
No worries. The original trilogy (Legends of the Zone) released on PS4/5 this year so it will almost certainly come to PS5. Played a bit of it on xCloud and the game rocks already. Now I’m playing Shadow of Chornobyl on PS5 and the game actually looks great. It’s janky and the character animations are stiff but it’s a hell of a game.
@Northern_munkey they’re working smarter instead of harder , lol
Isn’t this the dev who whined about ratings at launch and how reviewers should have given them three months to fix things before scoring it?
Eh. I’ll survive without it on PS5. I have a series X and feel no need to give them money for that version after they said that.
Been playing since launch and it's good. Encounter some bugs, nothing game breaking, but honestly they've patch most of them. My main problem is that the game is a little bit to long, with my playthrough clocking in at ~60 hours and wanting it to end 15 hours earlier. Overall is good and one of the most organic open worlds out there. 8/10, I recommend it
@dskatter It was actually the founder of Arkane Studios that was whining about people giving low scores to Stalker.
They are doing some good improvements and patches. So for me it’s understandable that it will take longer to hit ps5.
I’ve been delaying playing it to let some patches drop.
Fine by me. I am interested in Stalker 2, but not the current ‘near-Bethesda-levels’ of broken jank Stalker 2. I’m more than happy to wait until after I play the best console version of Indy on the Pro before I get to Stalker.
Given how quickly Stalker 2 disappeared from the public eye after a big but buggy launch I'd rather wait for it to be fully fixed and then wait another two years for a 70% discount. Never had much patience for EuroJank anyway.
Not a great loss given the technical state it launched in on series X from what Ive read.
But from their side, I hope they are not depending on a certain level of sales when they eventually do release on PS5, because by the time they do, that interest may well not be there.
In that case there's no plans for me to pay them for the Legends of the Zone trilogy
They've already improved the game a good bit. I'm honestly surprised with how fast they got some of those big patches out. It's a decent game so far
This is a fantastic, old school PC style survival shooter. An utterly immersive game - get all over it when it does eventually come to PS5, you won't regret it
@gollumb82 some good news with regards to Legends of the Zone trilogy. They are planning to release a next gen update for that series at some point in 2025. They just said on consoles (not a specific console) so I would assume that will be for PS5 & Series consoles.
@CrispyMango92 Gotcha. Thanks!
Can't wait for it to come over to PS5, but my backlog appreciates them taking their sweet time. And if we end up get a more polished version when the time comes, then it's a win-win in my book. 👌
As others have said Stalker 2 is an extremely immersive game and well worth playing, even in its current state on Xbox.
I wouldn't dismiss it based on the Xbox launch as a lot of those issues will have been smoothed out by the time you all get it on PS5 (you're welcome from day 1 Xbox player who has been reporting bugs on official discord)
I am sure there will be PS5 specific problems too & as long as you go in aware of that and roll with it instead of expecting perfection you all will have a good time.
More like “in our contract with MS we cannot talk about the PS5 version”
I’m playing on XsX and I’m having a great time.
125 hours so far. VRR absolutely necessary
Really don’t have a lot of bugs but about a dozen crashes so far.
I remember seeing news about this game coming to PS5 6 months after its initial release.
Indeed. As Ron B would say “I don’t believe you”.
Let's have it after it comes out of "beta" with improvements across the board.
In about a month, Kingdom Come II is coming and it will be absolutely glorious. I will be like a child again.
I want to get the game on PC, but I know I should wait for the performance to be improved.
@Balaam_ until the trophy list appears 🤣
Well that's a crying shame! I was always interested in the franchise, but I'll take a GOTY version down the line, too.
@colonelkilgore (#6) this.
I'm totally fine with Stalker 2 staying on Xbox. Matter of fact, please keep it there.
Well, from my experience, you aren’t really missing out.
I’ve played it an hour or so and I just can’t get into it. It’s just not for me.
I’ll likely give it a try again sometime, but there’s other games I’d rather play.
I heard about that but I honestly don’t see how this patch can change anything beyond a slight graphics improvement. In my opinion the graphics are already greatly improved compared to the original (I know as I played it on PC in 2007).
I really don’t understand Microsoft timed exclusives.. Phil Spencer complains about Sony doing this but they actually have a lot larger audience. But it’s not that big of a deal.
They struggled to get this game out let them take there time
@gollumb82 well if we are wishing how about UE5 port now they have a experience with Unreal Engine with Stalker 2.
Probably not that but it will be interesting to see what they do.
That would be mindblowing, but I suppose it’s unlikely. As much as I don’t like UE in general I will say that the lighting in Stalker 2 is just gorgeous.
I have no current plans to be interested in the mess that is this game.
not even that good a game it is trash...
Doubt they'd confirm anything since we're only 1 month into their exclusivity agreement. Let's see what happens in the Spring.
A shame. But I've got it on Steam right now anyway so it's no big deal. I'll probably end up playing on both platforms.
@johnedwin It most certainly is not, the world is one of the very best I've ever experienced.
Definitely needs AI work and lighting ge
Bummer, I was really hoping this would come early next year, but I suppose at the very least it'll be a better game by the time it finally is ready for the PS5 release.
I tried my hardest to get into stalker 2 on the xbox but I couldn't get passed the first anomaly due to an invisible enemy one hit killing me over and over again, so frustrating!
So glad I have a jailbroken PS4 so I can play the trilogy for free 😎
Considering they had to make the game during a war may have had a knock on effect to it, end of the day exclusives don't work like they used to back in the day or the likes of PS2 Xbox GameCube.
Back then it sold systems and I don't think it does that now like it used too, Microsoft have no (sort of and will be) pulling out of the hardware side soon it's inevitable. Nintendo now do their own thing and it works for them, the gaming industry has changed and it's not for the good times they are long gone.
Microsoft clearly know it's changing and are doing it now before it's too late, if you deny that they should change their strategy and carry on with how it used to be your blind. Would I still like the old console wars yes I would because competition worked in the industry even with Nintendo. But now we get our entrainment from any device not just the TV and PC and Microsoft are going in that direction the downside it to it all DIGITAL content and not owning that physical disc.
In short once it's proper fixed it will come to PS
Great job on the clickbait title lol. Glad to hear it'll be coming to ps5 eventually
why release this on a ill-fated platform.
are they are allergic for money?
@Cikajovazmaj Mr Putin, please stop being such a big ol' bully...
Removed - flaming/arguing
I started it today on Series X and it’s really good! Like a more brutal Fallout, with plenty of ‘I’ll just go and have a look over there’ (famous last words…) about it. No bugs that I have noticed. They will not announce another version during a timed exclusivity period, but I’m sure a PlayStation version will arrive as it is clearly a game they intend to support for years.
@Sergo us?
@T-Bone09 to be fair this deal was done about 5 years ago i dont think we will see many more of this type of deals on xbox
I've been listening to the audio/soundscape on youtube gameplay videos and imho they did a great job there, hopefully one day I'll get back to the zone.
@Toot1st Having in mind that it is a PS website, yes, us.
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