Shuhei Yoshida, a beloved PlayStation figurehead, has now concluded his time with the company.

After a run of 31 years, he's been a part of Sony's video game brand since its very inception, climbing the ladder to become one of the most important and recognisable people in the business.

He announced he would be leaving PlayStation back in November, but won't be retiring completely, saying he wants to "stay in the industry".

His public resignation spawned a massive outpouring of love and appreciation, with many praising his sincere passion for games and optimistic, cheerful nature.

Yesterday was his last day at PlayStation, where it seems the company gave him a good send-off:

And of course, there are yet more well-wishes from peers and fans:

We also want to extend our best wishes to Yoshida-san as he wraps up his time with PlayStation and begins the next part of his journey. Congratulations, and thanks for everything!
