The remake of Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag that Ubisoft reportedly has in the works appears to be absolutely real at this point, as the project has now appeared (temporarily) on an employee's LinkedIn profile. Spotted by MP1ST, it's listed with mention of new gameplay systems and mechanics relating to combat, ecosystems, and wildlife. This suggests the project is much more than a simple graphical upgrade.
A remake of Black Flag has been rumoured for some time now, which originally launched for PS4 and PS3 over 10 years ago in 2013. It's considered one of the favourites from before Ubisoft changed its gameplay style into more of an RPG.
With Assassin's Creed Shadows just two months away from release, it seems unlikely that Ubisoft will want to divert any attention away from the pivotal launch. However, after that, the possibility of an announcement at a Ubisoft Forward livestream during the summer season seems like a possible prospect. According to Insider Gaming, the remake was expected to release in November 2025, but this was before the second Assssin's Creed Shadows delay was confirmed.
Would you replay Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag with better visuals and new gameplay systems? Let us know in the comments below.
[source mp1st.com]
Comments 69
Cool, should be good (in before the ubi hate squad)
This should be a sure fire success, not even Ubisoft couldn't screw this up.... right?
Black flag was a good game but a terrible ac game.
No ps4 game needs a remake.
Ac1-3 definitely need one. Especially 1 and2. Can you imagine how great italy would look with todays graphics
If Ubisoft can stay afloat until then. (No pun intended)
@Cry_Zero Doesn’t it already look good though? I don’t see the need for everything to be flashy. But I do agree AC1 needs a much needed QoL upgrades. It can be a bit of a pain to play at times.
@Cry_Zero You're right it is a "terrible" AC game, But I stopped caring about the "plot" after what happened at the end of AC3 (if you know you know). Black flag to me was the last great AC game, now they are just trying to be an RPG.... for some reason.
I'm one of the few who didn't really like this game.
@Cry_Zero Black Flag was a launch title if I'm not mistaken. One of those in-between gen titles. It definitely does not look as good as the later gen titles. I'll give Black Flag a pass
If there's a remake I'd be down for it's Unity.
I love Black Flag but I would have preferred they remake AC1 instead of they were going to do a remake.
Still, I won't say no to more AC.
Honestly, I only played AC1-Enzio Trilogy. Dabbled a bit into Odyssey when it came out but never finished it. It was solid, but I didn't feel I had to complete it to know what it was going for.
Also heard Black Flag was a good change for the series when it first came out, but still, I probably won't check it out. I have open world, check box gaming fatigue.
And the game is called Pirate Yakuza
@Cry_Zero “Black flag was a good game but a terrible ac game.”
Couldn’t agree more!
@Reform I'm in the same small camp, definitely the worst AC for me. Those multiplayer trophies were horrendous.
Absolute waste of time & money .
Black Flag is right behind Origins as my favorite in the series, so I'm definitely down for this!
Don't really agree with the folks saying it's a "bad AC game." I understand the meaning, but to me, if it's a good game, then it's a good AC game.
Considering the recent leak/rumor of Ubi having a bunch of old games lined up for Switch 2 I could see this being announced alongside that to highlight 3rd party support.
That's just my guess as to why we haven't seen it yet.
Bundle it with all the dlc and a remake of AC rogue and id buy it day 1
Going to sell like hotcakes.
Black Flag was a fun game, I really loved the setting and the water was beautiful, but I wasn't super super big on the naval combat.
I know it was a staple of the game, but it just didn't gel with me back when it released. Maybe my opinion would change all the years since.
@Deadlyblack The "naval" combat is origins and odyssey were 1000x worse than black flag.
Literally the only decent AC game ever made and it was barely a AC game.
Thank you
Can't trust Ubisoft not to destroy a remake to be perfectly honest
The golden age of piracy is my specialist subject. So hyped for this. If I had my way they'd lean heavy into the pirate and lean away from the assassin. As for Shadows, I couldn't be less interested if I tried.
I'm still waiting on the Sands of Time remake, so I won't hold my breath.
@rjejr Very likely. Switch is the perfect platform to promote this since Nintendo-exclusive gamers have probably never played it before (I know it was on Wii U, that hardly counts). Plus getting your product showcased in a Direct is some of the best exposure you can get.
@Oram77 It's been since release since I've played Origins and I never played Odyssey, so I can't make that comparison on my own merits.
I’ve never played it but heard many people saying this is their favourite open world Assassin’s Creed so I’m happy to give this a go as I missed it first time round.
Probably my least favourite AC. They’d have to do a lot of work to make it more enjoyable for me personally.
I’ve heard nothing but good things. However, one has to wonder what the long term plan is at Ubisoft. Games don’t just appear out of thin air. What was the point of Skull of Bones (bad as it was) if another, more popular Ubisoft pirate sim was going to come along and steal its thunder?
It's too bad they couldn't just pull the pirate stuff and make a new game, like they were supposed to do with Skull and Bones. But it's Ubisoft, they had to drop the ball. Biggest complaint I've had with them the last few years is their games are just repeating the same formulas.....looks like that's not going to change.
I would hope it's more than a face lift. The graphics are the only thing that holds up about that game. Bad stealth, combat, and missions. Probably the most overrated game I can think of.
@glennthefrog “ was on Wii U, that hardly counts “
More people have probably replaced lost, broken, bricked or stolen Switch than bought Wii Us, so that holds. 😂
Too late, should have been done a while back, they should just make something new, but of the same quality as that.
@rjejr I love my Wii U, but I have to keep it real. I'm glad its gems at least got a second life on Switch.
I think black flag was the first game I got with my PS4. Good memories there, Ubisoft was still pretty great. It wasn't until Unity that I felt buyers remorse with the company.
Wonder if they will update the fighting, climbing mechanics, and control scheme.
Please, please stop remaking old games. Please.
Only thing wrong with Black Flag was that it wasn't big enough i guess. Oh and the companion app was discontinued. I'm definitely wishlisting the remake.
Still one of the worst Ubisoft games I've ever played, I really don't see a point in remaking it when the first Assassin's Creed game could benefit even more from a remake.
@Reform I hated this game, it was the one that finally made me stop buying AC games.
To those few mentioning Nintendo/Switch... The AC Rebel Collection already exists for Switch (came between AC3R and Ezio Trilogy) and contains AC4/Rogue and ALL DLC. Point is that audience has had access to and likely played Black Flag over the last 5 or so Years it has been out on Switch 😅
That said I'm ALL IN for this, I'd really love the Ezio Trilogy (and AC1 ofc) to get the Remake treatment instead though if I'm being honest.
Awesome to hear! I never played it before so I’ll be looking forward to doing so when this remake comes out.
Just how is this "official"? This article mentions "as the project has now appeared (temporarily) on an employee's LinkedIn profile", which doesn't mean anything. Checked da Internet, and every news article mentions "Rumour". Has any official word been announced by Ubisoft directly? Nope.
PS: I've tried Black Flag on x360 and didn't like it one bit. Hated the opening section, and when it got to the openworld, every square inch was cluttered by icons. Gave up on it there.
I've never played it so I'm ready for a first go.
@Cry_Zero AC4 is not a true PS4 game though its actually a PS3/360 game and it very much feels it.
Still my favorite pirate game ever! Will absolutely play again.
I played the original Black Flag and I really enjoyed it overall. The naval combat was well done in that game and Edward was a solid protagonist. The only thing I didn't touch was the multiplayer so I hope the remake removes it so the game won't require online trophies to get. Since that was the reason why I never went for the platinum
@Gremio108 are you looking forward to the Suikoden remake?
All the best to Ubisoft but could take a while before launch, I'm still waiting for Splinter Cell remake.
@Cry_Zero don't agree with this sentiment at all. In my opinion black flag is the game that blended it's specific setting with the AC world the best out of all. The way the pirate philosophy morphs into the assassin one is brilliant and the best part of the game. Without this game being ac black flag would lose a lot of it's heart.
@Bingoboyop i only played (and platinumed) it once and i remember hating the story and everything about it. Edward was ok but he wasnt even an assassin 99% of the game. But im gonna get the remake sinde im a sucker for these games and ill think of you and say my piece again, maybe ill change my mind😀
@Jrs1 Its not really hard to dislike them the amount of things they messed up wow its baffling.
@Deadlyblack nah I definitely feel you on that one man. Naval combat is boring to me, on any game. Battleships is the as far as I go
@Cry_Zero I loved it's story and characters. On the surface the pirate philosophy of freedom is the same as that of the assassins but it's the nuance that makes them different where black flag truly shines. Of course Edward isn't an assassin throughout most of the game, Ezio wasn't one either in 2, it's a story of Edward realising the difference.
@Flaming_Kaiser I just play the games i like, im not interested in any shenanigans about a company's backstory, behaviours etc, life's too short 😉
No need as it still looks good on PC.
I'm tired boss
Not a priority for me, we really need a remake/remaster of AC1, but I would play it down the line.
@LikelySatan Haha yes from a personal point of view but it remains to be seen whether it needs to exist. However it's one thing giving a ps1 game a lick of paint, but remaking games from ps3 and ps4 seems insane
@glennthefrog " I love my Wii U "
Mine is still hooked up to the TV. Saved me a lot of money not buying Switch games I already owned, but I also missed out on a lot of dlc. I'm looking at you Mario Kart. 😝 I don't double dip. Well okay occasionally I do, like buying FF8 on Switch b/c I don't feel like hooking my PS1 back up and exchanging discs, but 1 gen to the next? Pass.
If Switch 2 launches alongside MK8 Complete Deluxe Complete and they tell us we have a couple of years before MK9 I may need to double dip though. Game could use a DLSS and HDR glow up. 😎
@Gremio108 I'm excited for it. Haven't played em since the PS1 era.
@LikelySatan I think the terrible localisation justifies a remake. If they fix that with this re-release then I'm in. I was reading about the problems (translators working from separate spreadsheets in different locations etc) and it's a wonder they're even playable
What's the point of having backwards compatibility if everything will just be remade?
Nobody's playing this, despite what they say. It'll come and go like a fart in the wind, like that recent dead rising remaster.
Bloody pointless.
@Cry_Zero but it wasn't a ps4 game , it was a port of a ps3 game , i think there could be tons of improvements graphics, game play wise they can do that they couldn't even think of doing back then. i saw some one else say ac1 i 100% agree , i'd buy and play a full remake , but they would have to change a lot to make it was less repetitive. but the assassination bosses in ac1 were great , it was the same quest over and over and over in between that got boring.
@twitchtvpat youre right there could be a ton of studf done but i think it still looks good. Ac 2 on the other hand looks terrible, i dont know why but even ac1 looks better than ac1 from a graphics standpoint
@Flaming_Kaiser I was talking about the gaming side. But man they messed up on all fronts so far.
Kind of unnecessary tbf, it's a PS4 title and still holds up as it is. Shareholder appeasement, maybe? To get the stock back on it's feet?
@Nepp67 (#9) Imho the best AC by far
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