Hironubu Sakaguchi, the legendary "father of Final Fantasy", isn't done with game development just yet. While the first-on-mobile JRPG, now on PS5 and PS4, Fantasian Neo Dimension was supposed to be his last game, it seems he's got one more grand adventure in him, and he's shooting for the stars; Sakaguchi says he intends to create something that can be considered a "successor to Final Fantasy VI".
Speaking to The Verge (thanks, PC Gamer), Sakaguchi said that the process of working on Fantasian was so much fun that he "found it hard to part ways" with the development team at Mistwalker, since discovering he still has more to give: "Humans are greedy creatures, aren’t we? For that reason, I’m currently working on a new project with the same team that worked on Fantasian Neo Dimension".
Of course, we shouldn't expect to learn anything concrete for some time. Still, Sakaguchi said that what comes next will be familiar to fans of his work: "It’s generally going to follow a similar style to my previous works, and it’ll be something that can be a successor to Final Fantasy VI in a good way—our goal is to create something old but new at the same time. It’ll be part two of my farewell note."
Are you immediately activated by the mention of Final Fantasy VI from Sakaguchi-san, which was probably the plan all along? Patiently begin to wait in the comments section below.
[source pcgamer.com]
Comments 18
I will always appreciate Sakaguchi for Lost Odyssey.
Fantasian was good, but Lost Odyssey was completely on another level. I’m really hoping this next one will be more like Lost Odyssey in grandeur and quality. I wonder if by “the team that worked on Fantasian Neo Dimension” it means that Yoshi-P is also involved as a collaborator, because if it does… oh man.
This is wonderful news. Lost Odyssey is one of my all time favorite RPGs. I remember being absolutely shocked because it came with 4 discs. It felt like a massive journey in that regard, and it delivered.
I have yet to play Fantasian Neo Dimension, but it’s on my wishlist of games to get around to this spring. I hope it’s as good as everyone says it is.
I still remember the first time; my friend and I rented Final Fantasy VI for SNES as a kid. We played it co-op and I always used Mog. I also remember during the Opera section my mom was laughing at Celes singing. Think we stayed up all weekend playing it... good times. That was my first ever RPG.
If this game does well it is proof that traditional RPGs are not dead contrary to what you might think from Final Fantasy 13-16 that have done everything they can to try and move away from them.
Replicate FF VI will be a huge task for Sakaguchi since he doesn't have the resource like he does at Square. But i wish him good luck with his project.
If he has anything to do with FF17, then it's in good hands, hopefully they carry on using Rebirth's battle system, as to me that's the future of FF, obviously another turn base title wouldn't go a miss either.
Is it just me or could this be Sony's opportunity to support a smaller studio and get a legendary timed exclusive in their library? Kojima isn't the only one who deserves that sort of attention.
@tameshiyaku From many interview, Sakaguchi despised Sony and Ken Kutaragi after he left Square and created Mistwalker. Possibly had to do with the flop FF Spirits Within.
And that leads to Sakaguhi blocking himself to work together with Sony for years...until last year where he released Fantasian for PS4 & PS5, maybe he realized he left a lot of money on the table.
In the end, Sony can't do much if Sakaguchi doesn't want to work with them.
I'm playing Fantasian and I'm loving it so far.
Can't wait for Sakaguchi's next game.
I wish Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey would be ported to PlayStation.
@PuppetMaster thanks, that's an interesting insight. Though I do wonder having beef with then TriStar Colombia now Sony pictures and dealing with SIE should be two different pair of shoes one would think. I for one was very impressed with the spirits within as I watched it in the cinema. Not sure if it holds up. I also want to try fantasian if it gets a physical release.
The game was quite expansive, but the number of discs was largely due to the fact that the X360 used CDs with a maximum capacity of 8.5GB. Meanwhile, the PS3, released in the same generation, had already adopted the Blu-ray standard and the game would probably fit on one disc.
@PuppetMaster Not as much as you think. Back then production values and teams were much lower/smaller. A large team in the 90s would be a smaller to medium sized team today. Add in the efficiency gains over the past 3 decades and he could likely piece together a similar title with better production value at a relatively reasonable price and with a much smaller team.
@Runex2121 I'm talking more about talents. I don't think right now Mistwalkers has talents as good as Hiroyuki Ito, Kitase, Nomura, Takahashi, Minaba, Amano, and Uematsu. All of them was key talents that shaped FF VI.
@tameshiyaku I agreed it should be two different thing. Sadly we don't know why exactly Sakaguchi hate Sony / Kutaragi though, especially after Sony helped Square with FF VII that made Square into a bigger and more popular company...
@tameshiyaku https://pnpgamesonline.com/product/fantasian-neo-dimension-playstation-5-ps5-e/
@HOWARDSROCK thanks, I just realised after righting that it's on Amazon. Will wait for a sale however.
Oh so this will be the last "the last story"?
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