“Darkness engulfs New York as the Timestream Entanglement leaves Doctor Strange trapped in the Entangled Astral Plane, scattering the Darkhold pages,” the official blurb reads. “Dracula and Doctor Doom disrupt the moon's orbit, plunging the city into eternal night and unleashing an army of vampiric creatures.”
The summary continues: “With the world on the brink, the Fantastic Four join forces with iconic Marvel heroes, standing together in the epic battle to break the mystical darkness with science. Ignite the battle against Dracula with the Fantastic Four in Marvel Rivals!”
Unlike the previous Battle Pass, this one will be much bigger and will run for a full three-month cycle, so expect a lot more rewards here. We suspect there’ll also be tons of new in-game Events and promos, with specific details due to be revealed during a sneak peek livestream tomorrow.
Will you be playing?
[source youtube.com]