It might seem like conventional wisdom, but sometimes, with series like Square Enix's Final Fantasy, the obvious needs to be said. Beginning as a PS4 exclusive, the Final Fantasy VII Remake trilogy has been in the works for more than a decade now, and while surprisingly on track, the lengths of time between releases are still pretty significant.
Last year saw the release of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, which was subsequently given a transformative upgrade on PS5 Pro, with an even more graphically impressive iteration released yesterday on PC. In an interview with 4Gamer (thanks, VGC), producer Yoshinori Kitase was asked by the outlet about concerns current-gen players might need to upgrade:
"For those who have played FF7 Remake on PS4 and FF7 Rebirth on PS5, I think there may be some concern that the third work will be for the next generation console," Kitase responded with a laugh, seemingly putting the business to bed: "No, you can rest assured about the next one."
Will you upgrade for the final instalment and inevitable PS6 iteration of the (still officially un-named) Final Fantasy VII Remake trilogy? Make some long-term plans in the comments section below.
[source 4gamer.net, via videogameschronicle.com]
Comments 48
Not to surprised, I assume we might get the game around 2027/2028 and by that time the PS6 either just released or is not even out yet so I wouldn't make much sense to make it exclusive
Also having the trilogy span over 3 console generations would be wild
Did anyone even think this. The vast majority of the work is already done so they weren't gonna scrap that and start on PS6. It'll probably be out a year before that even releases. My guess is it'll be like Remake and have a next gen version later on.
@Andy22385 The work on Rebirth (world map, combat etc) has layed a lot of the ground work already. I said in a different post, but I don't think SE will make the same mistake and only release the game on PS6.
It'll be interesting to see what the PS6 can do that will even need exclusivity.
Unless they way up the RAM or do something very tricky with AI, I can't see many games requiring the extra power (even if the PS5 has to settle for 30 FPS 1080p)
Square Enix have high sales expectations so it wouldn't be wise to release it exclusively to PS6.
I fully expect Part 3 to release on PS5, PC, Xbox and the inevitable port to the next gen consoles where all 3 games are packaged in 1 bundle.
Im in 2 minds about this:
1. I agree with the post above about where exactly the main hardware improvements of PS6 will be and scaleability, coupled with the fact a PS6 gen exclusive around 2028 is going to have a very small user base (particularly as I think PS6 will be much more expensive than 5 - cross gen will be literally all/most of the generation next time).
2. On the other hand, without Pros power Rebirth looked horrible - I dont play less than 60fps (like 75% of people according to the info out there) and its looks in performance mode were bad enough to be a major factor (the other being story complication) in me not buying the game yet - though I will probably pick it up (as it looks good on Pro) next time its on sale, and I have a lull.
I don't think we will have to wait til 27/28 for this, Rebirth already created alot of the world which wil be used in Pt3, and recent article the story is complete already for pt3, I'm hopeful for announce late this year and release mid 2026...but then again it's hard to belive that Rebirth isn't even 1 year old yet..I can be hopeful!!
Really looking forward to Outergrade DLC as a next-gen exclusive~ 🙏
PS5 and PS6 version would make sense. PS5 will still be wildly popular.
Seeing Rebirth run on a mid pc makes me long for a new console. The PS5 feels ancient, but at the same time there hasn't been a lot of great current gen games. Maybe because of the focus on live service games. And maybe because so many games released on both PS4 and PS5. Which was a consequence of PS5 being expensive and hard to get at the time of release. So I understand why they did that. It just feels as if the PS5 has gotten old and dated without even having a lifespan to talk about. I really hope they make a cleaner break when the next generation hits.
Weird headline ngl
They’ll end up upgrading the whole trilogy to PS6 eventually anyways. Still day 1 for me no matter where it launches
It wasnt really the performance itself which put me off (though this was the reason for me skipping DD2, BMW, and SH2 as they would have literally given me a headache 10mins in - DD2 did on its demo (then made me feel sick)). I dont recall any serious issues relating to performance on review by DF etc.
It was the blurry / fuzzy look (in performance mode) that put me right off - though having looked at various videos around Pros launch I know this is fixed for Pro, hence my point about not knowing how far they would push the next game past their technical ability level (on PS5 Pro) if PS6 was soon to be / available.
I will just say that in the case of DD2 / BMW / SH2 - I would happily reconsider if a representative demo complete with Pro enhancements could prove themselves, but without a demo or more conclusive DF review im not convinced - in contrast, DF Pro reviews convinced me Rebirth is good now.
@SerraAngel Well when you have Sony's devs practically doing ***** all for the PS5 it is not hard to feel like the PS5 is starting to feel old.
I'm sure it will come out on PS5... but it will probably also release on PS6 with better visuals, smooter framerates etc.
Even if it came out later, say 2028/29, it would likely be cross-gen, there'd be too many players on PS5 and not enough on next-gen.
They'll probably do a version like intergrade for ps5, with possible extra dlc, forcing people to upgrade, like they did with the yuffie dlc.
Realistically after the PS5, I’ve already decided not to upgrade to a PS6, FF7 p3 o4 not.
Because it will be on pc day one! Gottem!
@Netret0120 Xbox won't be around by then can we all stop pretending that Xbox is a console anymore
Apparently selling the game 30% cheaper prior to launch and promoting it like crazy hasn't caused Rebirth to set Steam on fire either. I guess it was still too expensive.
It would be crazy for S.E to not aim for the PS5 as it's baseline for Part 3 unless they want to lose money
Could’ve sworn I saw it somewhere that Sony is expecting the PS5 to be like the PS4. In other wards much like it’s been PS4/PS5 this generation. Expect it to be PS5/PS6 next generation 👀
So this news about final fantasy should be no surprise 🤔
So much agreement and not a single removed post, Squenix has done the impossible and brought harmony to the world. 😁
The timing would suggest a near dual release, and of course a Pro version, but yeah they should really be building on Rebirth and not rebuilding a next gen game engine. They can do that next gen.
Does make me wonder if they have any thoughts on porting the entire trilogy to Switch 2, which might limit their ambitions a little bit. Remake should run on Switch 2 as it’s a PS4 game but don’t see the point in porting just the first, unless the next 2 are cloud scams like Kingdom Hearts on Switch. Could be.🤑
@Rich33 Pro upgrade is the only way to enjoy 60fps with clean, crisp visuals. They added a sharper option in the base performance mode, whilst keeping the terrible original option too for some reason, and it still looks horribly blurred. I had to play it in 30fps due to how bad it was (and still is)
Whatever happens i will be glad whenever it does release. I thoroughly enjoyed FF7 Remake Intergrade & i just started FF7 Rebirth yesterday. As long part three comes, I'm happy! 🙂
I didn't know they left the original base option(s) in.
When i do eventually get it (my backlog has increased a lot since it launched and particularly after Pro patches of some of my favourite games), I may just have a very quick look at the base option(s) they left in out of curiosity!
One DF video compared all the base options with Pro, and even on youtube video (which never show Pro in the best light) I was glad I waited.
@mariomaster96 Yeah — remember when we got FF 7/8/9, three numbered FF entries, across one console generation? Now we'd have the reverse — one numbered entry across three generations.
@Rich33 I'm not a graphics wh$@e but it's pretty horrendous when you see it in person. Much like Remake it stiill has rather offensive texture pop in too with some of the rock faces never even making the effort to turn up at all. It's bizarre because the cut scenes look phenomenal, but when you're 'in game' it's so easy to spot where corners were cut or UE4 assets were simply plonked in place with no finesse. I (slightly pedantic) took umbrage in the choice of font usage for a lot of the shops and stalls too. It just looks as if it was slapped on with no depth or shade to the area it's mean to cover.
I mostly enjoyed the game, barring the terrible ending, but there are numerous times when it feels like the whole thing is being held together with staples.
Are staples better or worse than super glue?
(I liked your comment - im just having a laugh)
@Rich33 Super glue could be trusted to keep my pantaloons from falling down in public. Staples would expose my inadequacies!
I'm curious about how long cross gen games will last come next gen
We're at the point where a video game unable to run on anything below a hypothetical "PS6" had better boast NerveGear tier VR worlds or do taxes and make waffles. There are only so many extra pixels and frames to hunger for playing all the already achievable video game experiences at.
@nhSnork Nah they will keep going with the shiny shiny approach as it seems to win people over more than actually trying to do things that could change up gameplay. One thing I'd love is destructible environs with realistic physics. Obviously the visuals would have to be downgraded which means the masses wouldn't be on board. Everything is about visual fidelity now to the point things like digital foundry exist to nitpick everything, PC crowd love their sheen.
On another note, as much as I quite enjoyed both of these I absolutely HATE Chadley. Worse inclusion of all time, insufferable character and the fact he is always there makes it worse.
I’m just hoping my portal works with ps6 I’ve got no chance of completing a game this big without it being a parent and working full time leaves me with about 1 hour per night.
Sony themselves have said they will do cross generation formats for the next generation given the slower adoption rate and value proposition of a new console. While they could always back track, I would imagine the losses from not selling software would be far more damaging than not selling a buck load of new hardware. I finally got the ps5 pro and could not be happier, and have no intention of getting the next console on launch given the extremely long wait for true next gen titles beyond a select few. I’m too old for that and frankly have bigger fish to fry, life doesn’t wait for tech.
Hey, come on, that's not fair. The developers are doing plenty; their games just get cancelled before they can come out. 🤣
@Markatron84 You know that's not very far from the truth with the more recent news lol
Good. The trilogy should be all on ps5.
Honestly i am not even certain i will be getting a PS6 at this point. I cannot say i am satisfied with the ps5 yet.
Who said it's going to be a next gen game in general?
@DonkeyFantasy Just recently seeing it again from my sibling playing it, it does look way better but initially I played it on a 4k tv and performance mode looked pretty blurry I swapped to graphics with 30 fps still enjoyed it greatly though, he's playing on a 1080p screen instead and on performance mode it looks perfectly fine at 60 fps and plays really well. I plan on replaying it again sometime and the better performance sounds amazing to me but I still have some other games to beat first so I'll restrain myself from starting up hard mode for a bit longer
@Can-You-Believe-Sith It will always be like that from now on because of COVID, lack of availability, scalpers and then price of PS5 no one could get one.
Ps4 was in the home they had to keep making for PS4 and this held PS5 back and most didn't see the reason to upgrade, PS5 hasn't been the best and I don't think it ever got to it's full potential. This will be the same for PS6 if the PS5 Pro is anything to go by even if PS6 is even more powerful price is going to be high or higher than PS5 Pro, and what's power when you don't have the games to show that are held back by it's predecessor.
That will put people off again scalpers and lack of availability will be again another factor, Sony are stuck in a rut and it will be continuos cycle they can't break or they will lose a lot of customer's. Why I think Microsoft will have one more console cycle left and then go full publisher that had a handheld of its own but games can be played anywhere on any device
@Netret0120 Yeah, that's what I expect after what the new CEO of Square Enix stated about exclusivity no longer making sense. I expect the third part to release simultaneously on PS, Xbox and PC, and a bundle for all platforms after that. The developer said that the third part wouldn't take long to come out.
I bought rebirth on pc, but haven't started it yet. I'm expecting part 3 to release on PC same time as PS.
To be fair, all he said was it wouldn't be on the next-generation console.
He didn't say it would be on PS5.
Good. I’m terrified to see how much ps6 will cost by the time it comes out. I should start saving now.
@Oram77 they won't, most of it is done and PS6 is still a pipedream. They ain't scrapping it all to then release on a new system that hardly anyone has right away. Tail end PS5 to 100m users would have always been the goal
@Andy22385 PS6 isn't a pipedream (I'd guess 2028), but I know what you mean. What say makes sense, but tell me why SE only released Rebirth on PS5 only, when PS4 still has 50% (a guess) of players who bought remake...
@Oram77 nah I meant that by as it it's years off 😂 and tbh they probably knew it wouldnt be able to run on PS4 (unless they half assed the game) releasing it 4 years after next gen starts there'd just as many players on PS5 as there is on 4 so it was probably worth it.
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