The ever-eagle eyed Gematsu has spotted a Taiwanese rating for WALL-E, which will almost certainly be added to PS Plus Premium as an emulated classic in the future.
It’s unclear whether this will be the PS2 or PSP version of the game, but judging by past releases, we’d put money on this being the portable edition.
Based on the popular Pixar movie, Wall-E is effectively a 3D puzzle platform game where you play as the eponymous robot. Interestingly, the PS2 and PSP versions were developed by French studio Asobo, who most recently made A Plague Tale: Requiem and Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024.
Obviously, there are much better games from PlayStation’s back catalogue that we’d prefer to see emulated on Sony’s modern systems, but that requires publisher buy-in.
Disney Interactive, it would appear, is all aboard the project – but it’d be nice to see the likes of Square Enix, Konami, and SEGA to lend some more of their properties to the programme, too.
[source x.com]
Comments 21
Sony is going all in on my nostalgia these days haha
It's weird that we're getting a bunch of random Disney games before so many PlayStation classics. Still waiting on Ratchet, God of War, and Ico...
We got Dropship, though! Yay...I guess.
That thing in the top right is ripping off Astro Bot.
I'm still sore about Toy Story 3 being the PSP version rather than the fantastic PS3 release. I wonder which way they'll go here.
@Hundred_Hand_Slap "That thing" is crazy there really are people who have never seen Wall-E
Probably no trophies for it as well. Not looking for the disney low quality ip games from premium
Meet Astro Bots Parents.
@RagnarLothbrok i think we did get trophies for toy story 2 so we might.
Can we get Mickey's Wild Adventure and the PS1 Hercules and Tarzan games please 🙏
I just want them to add The Getaway games. 😔
@Hundred_Hand_Slap Wall-E and EVE ( that thing in the top right ) are from 2008, long before Astro-Bot's first appearance. So if anything, Astro is ripping off EVE.
@Nalim as gullible as Yoda you are.
I know I’m jumping the gun here but the focus on these PSP versions is just so lame. They are consistently the worst versions of those respective games. I’d be all in for the slightly less trashy licensed games homed to PS2 and PS3 (admittedly mostly due to nostalgia), but these portable editions verge on utterly boring if not unplayable.
I wish Disney would make a SW: The Force Unleashed remastered collection, but that would require more work and funding than these emulation efforts.
Trash, Wall E found some better sh*t when he was digging around.
Not really Wall.e existed way before Astro Bot and “that thing” is called Eve.
I don't mind nostalgic releases like this but PlayStation needs to step it up and start to provide heavy hitters. There are SO MANY excellent games out there and a lot of what we got are Disney games. And not every game has trophies, despite them being mandatory on console. Hard to implement retroactively? Maybe, but be transparent. The premium catalog is a joke, few gems in a sea of meh
@Deadhunter There’s no PS3 emulation that’s why so it would be streaming-only if it was the PS3 game. Also worth noting, the PSP/2 version is a completely different game so if anything both versions should be available.
PS3 edition was superior to the other ones in every way. I know that it is easier just to do a PSP or PS2 edition, but playing the more inferior versions just seems wrong.
Fair but is odd. Most licensed games you don't expect it. Fair quality games sure but just yeah licensing.
Why are third parties so bad at preserving their games source code/licenses or reverse engineering? Sigh.
I prefer PSP/PS2/Wii versions, I don't care about visuals the presentation and game content in many suck on HD versions for me with particular games. Others vary of course but from the ones I have played they suck the HD versions or are just visual presentation fluff and nothing noteworthy.
Unique PSP/Wii versions people go oh the presentation. I go great different games entirely then the boring HD versions I found boring to play and looked nice. I prefer gameplay not boring visuals I find forgettable and the substance isn't there.
Give me an arcadey or fair old gen version that cuts out the garbage of HD versions any day. Sonic Unleashed PS2/Wii cut that open world garbage and put text boxes any day, didn't mind different levels even.
NFS Hot Pursuit 2010 Wii version, Prince of Persia Forgotten Sands Wii unique version any day, Force Unleashed PSP version with more content over PS2/Wii version.
Juiced 2 PS2 version over garbage PS3 version MP career can't do anymore and eh CPU bet event type and boring track layouts compared to PS2 versions completely different tracks not visual downgrade, different tracks entirely and better drift multiplayer mode because modes was what made me like that game over generic 2 modes these days, yeah give me more event types/modes thanks even if same discipline of racing, lazy developers.
@Deadhunter When we initially got Toy Story 3 it was the PS2 release (which I think is the same as the PSP one) we thought it would be the same version as the PS3 release from the really cool gameplay footage we saw from a discontinued gaming news channel on cable. My brother was upset and we later got the other release and I had great fun with both games but if there was only one on Ps4/5 I think the Ps3 one would been the better choice. Toy Box mode is great fun and getting gold to expand town and get new things to mess with was really satisfying and not alot of games have this kind of gameplay loop.
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