Cyberpunk 2077 Sequel

A series of fairly recent job listings at CD Projekt Red have resulted in a (very) early wave of hype from fans of Cyberpunk 2077.

As you'd expect, the developer is currently hiring for 2077's sequel, which likely won't release for years yet. Still, the job listings give us some degree of insight into the project's scope.

Case in point, there's an especially ambitious-sounding role for a 'lead encounter designer' — the responsibilities of which include working closely with other teams "to create the most realistic and reactive crowd system in any game to date". Consider our eyebrows raised.

There's also mention of crafting "divergent experiences that cater to all available playstyles", which makes sense when you consider the often freeform nature of 2077's mission design.

So we're not just quoting entire job descriptions, we'll give you a brief rundown on what the postings tell us. Basically, this is sounding a lot like the Cyberpunk 2077 we know (and potentially love) — except there's a clear intent to try and evolve the sequel's open world elements.

There's a lot of focus on things like the aforementioned "reactive crowd system", general player freedom, and dynamic interactions. Oh, and the listings all but confirm that the game's going to be first-person again; a senior animator role specifically points to enhancing "the player's immersive experience in first-person view".

But as Cyberpunk 2077 fans know all to well, hype can be a dangerous thing — especially when it's happening this early. Having said that, we probably won't be seeing anything of this sequel for a long time yet.

In August of last year, the developer confirmed that the title was still in the planning stage at the company's new Boston-based studio, but was making smooth progress — and these job listings back that up.

What are your hopes and dreams for the next Cyberpunk game? Give your fixer a call in the comments section below.

[source, via]