The announcement of Days Gone Remastered may have received a brutal reaction from disgruntled PlayStation enthusiasts, but the release has rocketed up the PS Store pre-order charts.
At the time of writing, the revamped open world is sitting in tenth position in the US, behind various versions of Monster Hunter Wilds, Elden Ring Nightreign, WWE 2K25, PGA Tour 2K25, MLB The Show 25, and Assassin’s Creed Shadows. It’s above anticipated remake Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater.
Obviously, the game is aided by its cheap $10 upgrade for existing players, although it’s worth noting that disc owners will not get the opportunity to pre-order, and will have to wait until launch day on 25th April to download the remaster at its reduced price point. The game retails for $49.99 if you’re not eligible for the upgrade.
Therefore, we think this is a relatively impressive result. Clearly, despite the criticism from fans, there is a market for this remaster. And honestly, we hope Days Gone gets a fairer shake of the stick from critics and fans alike this time, because it’s a damn good game.
[source store.playstation.com]
Comments 60
I for one cannot wait dude bro!!
If anything it bodes well for AC Shadows that it’s tracking above what for many is a £10 upgrade.
Jim Ryan's leadership was the one who rejected a sequel but now with this new CEO Hideaki Nishino chances are higher for a sequel if enough people buy this remaster
Nothing new under the sun, Sony knows very well that people say one thing but then do something very different.
As always it just shows that the vocal are the minority.
Same here looking forward to seeing more
To be fair: it is a very fun game.
When Days Gone released a vocal internet crowd mocked it for not getting the same high rating at launch as other first party titles.
When the sequel was shot down before Sony even heard about it another vocal internet crowd said it was unforgiveable and Sony were the worst thing since tapeworms.
When the remaster with the upgrade path costing a tenner and the extra arcade mode was announced more vocal internet folk said it was a waste of resources/should have been Bloodborne.
The internet in a nutshell ☝️
Feels like we're all just out in the wilderness screaming at the clouds sometimes.
(I have the flu. When I'm sick I'm cynical. Future me is healthy and has faith in humanity.)
Personally I've had an itch to play this game again for about a year. Looking forward to the new mode.
@Randinator123 Jim Ryan was CEO, he wasn't greenlighting games.
literally can play it on ps5 right now
waste of time and resources
Doesn't mean anything to me. If only like 5k for example pre-orders, it's going to move up some. Which will be the case if they were to remaster it again in a few years. Theirs always going to be some folks pre-ordering these big games from PlayStation no matter how many times Sony remasters it. They could remaster The Last of Us part 1, call it remix, don't change a damn thing and it would move up the charts. By the way im still waiting on all those magical people that never played Horizon Zero Dawn to buy the remaster.
At the end of the day, Days Gone is an excellent title.
I wholeheartedly recommend it to newcomers and it doesn't hurt if you like games with Zombies. You will experience the onslaught of zombie hordes like you never had before. If you haven't been paying attention the game's mechanics are superb and right up there with other much too underutilized game mechanics.
@Shepherd_Tallon Same here, I have the flu, too. Had a terrible night with a fever, the shivers and constant coughing up phlegm. Got like two hours sleep. I feel for you, bro.
As for Days Gone Remastered, I’m a big survival horror fan, so it’s definitely something I’ll pick up as soon as I’m able. I grabbed Silent Hill 2 at the weekend, but this damn flu is stopping me from playing it at the moment.
@The_Pixel_King Two hours sleep! Same here. It's rotten.
Hope you feel better soon.
I still need to start Silent Hill 2. Game is too damn scary for me.
@Randinator123 Bend management refused it. Jim Ryan and Hulst wanted them to work on an Uncharted game.
`Because it’s a damn good game’ - strongly agreed. Having so much fun tracking and killing all the horde ( anxiety inducing at first )
But im passed as im done with the game.
@Shepherd_Tallon im going to put silent hill 2 remakes below Resident Evil 7 for the most terrifying survival horror game i ever played lol. I do really love the remake. Excellent job from Bloober Team. Now im hope for another SH remake and give the damn job to Bloober
Take it slow. Some part in the game going to give you a really bad horror moment. Always save your game,conserved your ammo (this part is damn important) as they force you to fight many creature in the game. Used the bullet mostly for boss fights only.
@amatmulisha Thanks for the tips!
For me I think Alien Isolation took the biscuit.
One of the androids gave me such a fright when I was playing that, my chest muscles cramped up and I screamed out loud from the fright and the cramp.
Never played it again 😂
I've seen no criticism for this really, only lamo reviewers who like palworld or CoD
still amazed this hasn't had a sequel as it sold what, 7-8 million copies, so the demand is clearly there, regardless of how well this does
@nessisonett can’t tell if this is sarcasm with it being from you 😂
But a game available for 4 days vs 6 months plus - could actually be terrible numbers for AC
This pretty much sums up why Sony can get away with the low effort this gen. Why people preorder a digital game is beyond me its not like its going to sell out. People thinking if this sells they will commission a sequel. When has that ever happened? People still keep buying enough of these remasters that Sony don't have to take risks.
Basically, all the time, right?
If the original sells well then we get sequels and remasters. But we are not getting a new Dead space, Lollipop Chainsaw, Spyro or shadows of the damned any time soon I am sure Dead space remaster sold well. I have never known a remaster reignite a franchise that was dead.
Randinator123 wrote:
This is false. The sequel pitch never got that high up the chain. It was rejected by local leadership. See this interview with the games two directors (timestamped) it had nothing to do with Jim Ryan's leadership.
Looking forward to this. Bought it 4-5 years ago but never got around to it for one reason or another.
Days Gone was outstanding and for me it was the game I wanted TLoU 2 to be, and therefore helped swallow the bitter pill when the latter disappointed.
It remains my favourite first party PS4 game.
The problem is that Sony forced it out before it was optimised and as a result it suffered some performance issues at launch.
Strangely, reviewers went to town over those performance issues and it really hurt the review scores and sales.
I say “strangely” because they’ve given a number of other games very high scores and praise despite bungling stuttery performance that I consider unplayable.
Bit a of a two-tier review system going on. All games are equal, but some games are more equal than others….
I personally got the game at launch but started a new job and stopped playing before I reached the areas with bad performance.
By the time I finished it in lockdown, it ran like a dream.
And honestly, we hope Days Gone gets a fairer shake of the stick from critics and fans alike this time, because it's a damn good game
Pretty much sums up my thoughts on this. Couldn't agree more. Was already a great game on release other than a few minor glitches here and there
Would I like that little bit more new single player 1st party from PS yes of course but it is what it is atm. All about the waiting game a bit more unfortunately. Expecting some 1st party bangers a little later on in the PS5's lifecycle?
Not surprising, people need something to play on PS5.
I think all these remasters are absolute scams, but clearly there's a market for them, so Sony is doing what commercially makes sense.
@bindiana The original Dead Space trilogy sold 6 million units total (Dead Space 3's sales numbers are limited to what it sold in its first 3 months on the market, which according to VG Chartz was 605K units). Dead Space remake sold 2 million units.
As of June 2024, the original Lollipop Chainsaw has sold 1.24 million units, while the remake has thus far sold 200K units.
The original Shadows of The Dammed sold 24K units on PS3 and Xbox 360 in North America combined with an additional 9K units sold in Japan, while it's remake sold between at least 6K to 9K according to Steam charts (I couldn't find console sales).
So I wouldn't exactly say those are good examples to further your opinion.
The one I will agree with you on is Spyro. The original trilogy sold 11.4 million units while the remake trilogy sold 10 million units.
@themightyant Even if it did, the man in charge of first party is still Herman Hulst.
Do you have examples of a remaster of a old game in a seemingly dead franchise that has then prompted a sequel?
It sold really poorly and the cancelled the remake of the 2nd(rumour with solid sources, EA deny) and rejected the Dead Space 4 pitch
The resident Evil 2 remake completely revitalised the series after 6 dragged it down and 7 initially failed to hit its launch target. The entire remake series would probably not exist if this one had did poorly.
The SH2 remake will probably mean that more games are commissioned after it's success.
@bindiana The argument could be made that a remake or remaster DOES lead to at least 1 new entry in a dormant franchise. The Insane Trilogy led to Crash Bandicoot 4 and after a remake of the original Ratchet & Clank, we eventually got Ratchet & Clank: A Rift Apart. You could also make the argument that remakes, remasters, and collections led to a resurgence in stagnate franchises such as Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Mega Man, and Castlevania.
@bindiana yes, see my 2nd comment.
@LordGlarc I will give you crash but seems to have died again. Ratchet was a complicated time as Insomniac were flirting with Xbox (sunset overdrive) before being purchased by Sony.
Resident Evil they have always been making games for that series with countless spin offs and multiplayer games I wouldnt say Resi 2 inspired 7 or 8 as they were in a completely different style (1st Person) you could say it inspired more remakes 3 and 4.
Silent Hill will have to wait to see if anything comes of that. Also Silent Hill and resident evil are remakes not remasters.
@bindiana I dunno man, I feel like you're just looking to argue.
My feeling is a lot of people did not play this game when it came out. Seeing it in a new light probably pushed some holdouts into pre-ordering. I played it for the first time on the PS5 and it was fantastic in all its 60fps glory.
I hope it gets a sequel. Zero interest in replaying it though.
MGS Snake Eater, the remake of the best game of all time, not being higher is sad. Maybe it will pick up closer to august.
I wonder how many people complaining about these pointless remasters are the same people who pre-order them and promote the very same business practise they claim to hate.
There has to be some overlap.
@EfYI excellent summary! It’s such a good game and that ending… it really needs a part 2… do it Sony/Bend. The Lewis Capaldi song he wrote for the game is tremendous too I think it’s called all gone quiet?
Yeah, this one is me XD
@Jacko11 Luckily we already know the pre order numbers are on track, reports already said it’s similar to AC Odyssey which was one of the best selling AC Games ever, with still a month to go till launch without any marketing budget being spent yet, it’s not going to be a flop.
Totally get some of the remaster and remake hate with some PS gamers. What I don't get is many 3rd party games don't always get the same hate for it, it's a weird one if you ask me. Take the The Witcher 3 remaster for example it's roughly the same age as the Horizon Zero Dawn remaster but W3 got zero backlash for being a remaster like HZD did as far as I'm aware, same with Days Gone being not far off the same age as Witcher 3 remaster too. Think the difference being PS doing so many remasters and not quite enough new 1st party or new sequels inbetween the occasional remaster, and this gaas thing hasn't helped much at all either
@Jireland92 Does anyone REALLY have a shortage of games to play? Can't keep up with all the releases personally, my backlog just gets longer.
Good. This is the only way we are getting part 2
Crazy thing is that I was realy hyped for this and started the game yesterday to finish all the hordes to get everything before a fresh ng+ for the remastered, then I realized that I don’t really care. Same thing happened with Horizon remastered. I finished these 2 games 3 times in the past and it seems that’s my limit. So it’s a no go for me but for first time players you are going to have an amazing time. Great game
I think a lot of folks bounced off the original release because the beginning of the game is very much a slow burn warmup. But this game gets so much right that it's become one of my all time favorite PS4 games, right behind Bloodborne. The light survival elements are tuned perfectly - especially when it comes to caring for your bike - and the way it interacts with exploration and the open world design is so well done. It's legitimately scary to venture out into the world early on - you might get attacked at any time, or even stumble across a horde that will shred you in a heartbeat in the early game - and if your bike gets damaged or you run out of gas, you might have to trek a long ways back to get everything up and running. What could be frustrating just adds a real edge to the gameplay, and it legitimately keeps you on your toes. I just did a NG+ replay earlier this year and realized that the game itself is still very good when played that way, but so much of what makes the first playthrough feel incredible is just how finely tuned the early combat and exploration is.
The story is also surprisingly good... once it gets going. I really wasn't into it for the first 5-10 hours, but as the game starts to open up, the story got much more compelling. There are still plenty of moments to nitpick - some of the huge story changes happen a bit too quickly, but the game is massive and so much of it is done very well that it wins me over in the end anyway.
Finally: the hordes are unreal. Probably the single best video game mechanic I can think of. For the first 3/4 of the game, they're more of an environmental hazard than anything, since you have almost no hope of taking them on until you're sufficiently upgraded. Stumbling across a horde when least expected feels incredible - suddenly you're being swarmed, frantically trying to get to your bike, trying your best to jet off to safety. If you're less lucky, you might get stranded in a dumpster for 15 minutes while a horde of 100 freakers swarms about. It's incredibly visceral. And then as you get stronger, you start to tempt fate and try to take on a smaller horde... when you finally take one down, it feels like a legitimate accomplishment. Later on, you'll be taking on hundreds at a time, and there's nothing like that feeling.
Suffice to say, I can't wait for the upgrade. Here's hoping this generates enough interest to greenlight a sequel...
Was I exited about his? No but I understand this is a 7 million copies game and even if 5 of those 7 million paid $30 instead of $60 the opportunity of getting the definitive edition of a game you were interested in (because yes, sales reflect interest) for $10 is a good deal.
$10 for an upgrade isn't bad, and seems increasingly common. I wouldn't mind playing it again (done 1.5 playthroughs already), and an upgraded version sounds great.
That said, I'm waiting to see if there are any reviews close to release that cover how much improved it is, before I plunk down my $10. The preorder bonus makes me consider it - it's just $10 - but the principle of the thing is making me wait for now.
Tbh I don't think a remaster is needed for this game .but for 10 notes U can't go wrong
Well think about it. You have casuals that eat it up, the news cycle happens that didn't play it eat it up the timing it's shown to them then wasn't prior times so a 2nd go around (is fair), with no brain (even when Last of Us Remastered was there, price meant nothing, old one on store there meant nothing, enhancements meant nothing, new, that meant something), you have fans that eat it up that enjoyed it (may other IPs but probably did this one a lot), you have anyone that eats it up.
Don't have to be in the company to notice/think things, problem is if not in the building/mindset people don't care, so easy to guess people/people don't like suggestions. Clear as day on that sigh. So status quo boring it is.
The skipping of scenes is fair if not a fan of some moments that are tough (I think is a fair accessibility feature), the pacing is what it is, the length, it's a fair game of course. Not my thing but from what I remember seeing/hearing it seemed fair and a fair game for Bend to work their engine out and catch up to other devs/Sony's demands after Vita as their last project with Golden Abyss. But eh.
I find Sony games not worth replaying anyway. I don't even buy them anymore so definitely don't replay them. XD
Brand name, emotional stupidity and just something to play but better. Whichever the audience people will buy it. Sony knows this the percentage of us that don't care don't exist.
It's easy money but it's also sad easy money I wish was used for something else.
Sony doesn't need to offer something less known anyway why bother with those to give them a chance. If it's still in the last few years people may remember, brands go, anything else stays in the mind, whatever else.
In TV shows/movies. It's a trope. I've heard it to death, what is there to overreact to? IRL that's different it's more particular. In fiction I don't take it seriously yet people do. I can see the script/scenes on the page it's that obvious. No wonder I question game design and most people don't have that intelligence of structure or suggestions for care of improvement just is it shiny like a crow. Sigh. XD That's where I make the distinction. People are too easy to shock it's hilarious and boring at the same time. People just over emote and I'm like but why? I'm not that normalised it's just like why?
Bend did a fair job for 2011-2019 and trying to fit with the Sony/ND formula and their own take on things but a 2019 remastered game to 2025. Why bother regardless of what it enhances.
I missed out on the original release of this game and played a bit from the ps plus download, but I’m glad I didn’t finish it, cause now I’m gunna start over and play this. Sad that this didn’t get the recognition it deserved and only was compared to TLOU during original release but this game is so built out & plays so well, I hope it is received more fairly this time around
How do we know sony just didn't add PS4 sales of the game to make the PS5 version look like it's selling ok? It's Sony renmember, only good real numbers they have is for their consoles not remasters
You can already play it in 4K at 60 frames a second you're literally paying for a couple of game modes that took a week to program
The game is quite good, but was screwed over by the fact reviews were done prior to the day one patch that addressed a lot of the technical issues. Such a shame.
Love this game. Looking forward to a lift in graphic fidelity and some even more humongous hordes to clear!
Those who don't like it can sit on it and swivel as there are many of us who will love it, and this release is for us!
@PegasusActual93 It's thoughts, I put it into parts. That's all. I'm good.
@Shepherd_Tallon yeah i heard that too alien isolation are quite terrifying game. But i haven’t play it yet.
Play silent hill 2 and wait till you reach brookhaven hospital and the climax are in Toluca prison and the labyrinth 🤣🤣
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