You know a game is good when players start banding together to buy it for others, which is precisely the case with Warhorse Studios' Kingdom Come: Deliverance II. What began as a spontaneous act of kindness from one thankful individual inspired a round of gift-giving from others, with over $1,500 worth of copies ultimately being given away to strangers.
PC Gamer caught this one, which began with a thread on Reddit posted by user verdantsf. They explained: "A while back, I was going through a rough patch. I was in a new town without much support and tight finances. I didn't have enough money for entertainment, let alone games. Thankfully, I had a gamer buddy pitch in. Being able to immerse myself in other worlds helped immensely with stress and my mental health. Things are much better these days, and I'd like to pay it forward."
Pay it forward they did, putting up 10 copies of the excellent game for individuals in similarly needy spots. This act of selfless charity, as charitable acts often do, inspired others to pitch in, with more pledging support all the time.
Conservatively, PC Gamer estimated that around $1,500 worth of Kingdom Come was gifted, but since publication, even more Good Samaritans have come forward. Here's hoping spotlighting the story will result in even more needy gamers hearing the good word of Warhorse's masterpiece.
Are you inspired enough to buy Kingdom Come: Deliverance II for a total stranger? Are you in the business of gifting games, perhaps to friends and loved ones? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source reddit.com, via pcgamer.com]
Comments 31
My mate who I share accounts with wasn't interested at first so I bought the steelbook instead but all the positive feedback has made him a hungry Henry. I've picked him up a copy 😁 he can't be missing out on this gem!
I'm pretty patchy in the brain department so I can attest to the fact that deep worlds like KCD2 can do wonders to get you through bad periods in life. Lovely to see things like this.
I don’t really have any friends on PS - they are mainly on Xbox - but it’s definitely a game worth gifting. It’s an incredible experience, and is going to go down in my top 5 of all time.
This is really awesome to see. And anyone out here that may be dealing with struggles just remember to always take care of yourselves. Whether you find escape in a form of entertainment or just by talking with someone, your health is important. 🙏
I wish you could gift games on PSN
@Clogalis Really makes that video Sony did about sharing games with friends look horribly out of date. They make fun of MS not allowing disc sharing and now they’re producing digital only consoles with no way of borrowing games, never mind even just gifting them.
Video games is such a amazing stress reliever.back then we was young we play the game because its so fun.now its fun and when you have a lot on your mind it eases it out.im also enjoying the first kingdom come deliverance.sucha amazing game.word up son
Such an incredible game. 10/10
I keep seeing Youtuber's say that the combat is incredibly frustrating. Often times, losing a few hours of progress due to being randomly attacked by enemies and dying. Has anyone encountered this?
@Romans12 Giving the semi frequent auto save when you start or finish anything or note you would have to really suck to lose hours of progress, in fact losing hours of progress is pretty much impossible. Generally though unless you well equipped its best to just cut and run with random encounters and its also best to find your Dog early on as he will help out a lot in combat.
@Clogalis I purchase games for family and friends on steam every once in a while. When someone buys me something it's a nice little surprise. It would be a nice PSN feature
@Romans12 I'm still playing through the first game but I imagine the sequel works the same way. The game automatically makes a save of its own whenever you start and finish quests. And you can make manual saves by sleeping in any bed that isn't owned by an npc, or save on the spot using a specific consumable item that you can either buy or brew yourself with alchemy.
Losing hours of progress is pretty tough to do, just like any game you're gonna naturally have consistent autosaves from quests and your own manual saves between them.
Most I've ever lost is like 20 minutes of time spent meandering in the woods before getting ganked by a random encounter.
@Kingy “Ganked”. I haven’t used, or even remembered that word existed for…what seems like…decades now. I’m making it my personal crusade to bring that word back. Thank you for bringing it back in to my consciousness.
Am I right that it’s still not possible to gift a game to someone else on PlayStation? If so that seems incredible. How many spontaneous acts of kindness do Sony not cash in on?
@nessisonett but that was about phyical copies of games, you know that right?
@Sarcasmatwork No problem. Bring back "pwned" too while you're at it.
@Romans12 I think the combat is incredibly fun and rewarding even though I'm not the greatest. You can absolutely get destroyed ny some random situations you find yourself in so always be prepared. What I do is I'll randomly make an exit save then reload back into the game which takes maybe 10 seconds. I'd much rather do that than lose a lot of progress.
Why is this news? Gamers have been gifting games to each other for literal decades. Redditors have been doing stuff like this, explicitly, for years. Smh
Such a Henry thing to do.
@Romans12 I don't understand why you'd lose hours of progress unless you're stupid , plenty of save opportunities, autosave, you can save and exit 99 percent of the time , takes seconds to back into the game from the main menu , buy a room in every inn you can , you can save when you sleep, or use a potion anytime,with regards to fighting , don't go fighting someone in full plate armour if you're wearing rags and carrying a rusty sword , there's many many ways to make fighting easier , I could be here all day 😂
@Romans12 Combat is a cakewalk compared to the first game. Never found it frustrating in this one. If i had to argue it's that they made it too easy trying to fix the system.
@Romans12 youtubers are stupid and don't pay attention to the games they are playing, so no, it's not possible for a normal person to do this, unless they are incredibly forgetful and mindlessly wandering in the wild without progressing any quests, sleeping or saving the game thenselves. Exit saves seem to function as full saves and they don't delete when you load them either, so you can exit save at any moment that isn't a cutscene or dialogue if you are scared of losing progress
This restores some of my faith in humanity
If anyone wants to buy me a PS5 copy that’d be pretty sweet…
@Oram77 Yes, which cannot be bought on two variations of the PS5 without buying a separate disc drive. If they take away all means of sharing or gifting games on those consoles then they’re no better than Xbox were.
@Clogalis Pretty sure you can!
While that's a wholesome and awesome thing to do how on earth do you actually know the person is telling the truth and not just lying to get a free copy from the guy?
As for the game and reading through these comments, what's the point of a consumable used to save on the spot if the game makes semi frequent auto saves along with other means? Seems redundant and is there for the sake of it. I'm glad I read this though because that was a big bear that was putting me off, damn shame monster hunter is out in a week, Yakuza is out and I'm playing through some backlog. May pick this up later in the year if all is good.
Im so done with medieval,setting...
@nessisonett That video was perfect for that moment in time, capturing the sentiment of all players. It was of that era so its is wrong to say the video is out of date, especially as that solution, disc-lending, still works.
But what one can do is reflect and say there isn’t a game sharing solution for PlayStation’s digital only users.
Anyone who hasn’t got this yet sell your granny, it’s that good
@Kingy I’m too old for pwned. I did have a fairly successful “bring back the high five” campaign amongst my friends and co-workers…for whatever that is worth. Probably nothing.
@CLebbick you cant sadly
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