Having sold 1 million copies at launch, Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 has now surpassed 2 million sales within its first two weeks on the market.
The hardcore RPG certainly won't appeal to everyone, but it's really managed to strike a chord with those who enjoy its historical setting and deeply involved gameplay systems.
Indeed, positive word of mouth will be a big factor in the game's success. The first Kingdom Come also did very well for itself — selling around 8 million copies over the course of years — but this much improved sequel seems to have hit on a broader scale right out of the gate.
The question, then, is whether Deliverance 2 will have legs. Honestly, we can see it selling well throughout the year — especially after the release schedule calms down a bit over the coming months.
And of course, we have to at least mention that the title was awarded an extremely rare 10/10 in our Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 PS5 review. As such, it's nice to see the game doing so well.
What do you make of Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2's continued success? Go ahead and pick the dumbest possible dialogue option in the comments section below.
Are you still playing Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2? (417 votes)
- Yes, I'm playing it and loving it
- Actually, I finished it
- Yeah, on and off
- Nah, I dropped it
- I haven't bought it, but I'm tempted
- No, I'm just not interested
[source x.com]
Comments 53
You’re right, it’s not for everyone but I’m loving how deep it is. Seriously considering a second play through to make it plat 150.
As I was sat there hammering a horse shoe into shape last night, I had the thought that this game is incredibly niche. It's definitely is not for everyone but for a very specific audience.
I think that's the point. It shows that a smart business can turn a profit by targeting a niche and really understanding it's audience. Then catering to exactly what that audience want, with no compromises and accepting that others will be excluded.
Versus the Veilguards or Avoweds of this world who take the opposite approach and try to be inclusive and make a game for everyone, but ultimately end up with a product that generates passion in very few people.
How do you imagine the forces of evil?
A pig's face, warts all over, and a nasty smell coming from its mouth...
Kind of like your mum!
Always love when hard work pays off in today's market.
Probably one of the greatest games I've played in my life and here's why , a particularly side quest had me up and down the country,looking for a particular item, started off a simple fetch quest , which then got its own side quests , at the end I got the item and had the choice to give it to one of two people, I chose one and received my reward , quest done, however I thought I'd try something , I stole the item back and took it to the other person , got my reward and then stole it back , so I've got two rewards and the original item which is very useful ,now the game didn't point this out in any way and I love it for that, it's utterly fantastic.
Well deserved. Amazing game.
@Colour I am highly considering the plat too but I missed a quest before one of the points of no return so I would have to do the 90 percent side quests on playthrough 2 after already doing a ton of them which is a huge bummer. The Lent run seems very daunting as well but its such a great game I might just be down for it
@Cornpop76 I have to say although it is undoubtedly niche I don't want people to get the wrong idea that you will be spending half the game sharpening swords and smithing, a lot of this stuff is avoidable if you want it to be save from a few main quest segments that make you engage in them. I don't mind doing them at all though and they aren't a detriment by any means but they can be passed over for the majority of the game
I’m playing it and absolutely loving it. I’m about 65 hours in, and I just now started the main quest for getting to the wedding. I’ve done every side quest so far. My goal is to get the platinum trophy on a single playthrough. This is going to go down as one of my all time favorite RPGs.
Single-player ftw!
I feel like the game isn't going to have super long legs until it has discounts. As it really seems like that's how the first game had its long legs and really the inky reason I gave it a try. I was pleasantly surprised mind you.
I'm happy that the sales are so great I just know that for me it's not worth a full retail price asking in terms of what they've improved with the sequel and what they chose to keep exactly the same.
Barely scratched the surface...still trying to find mutt and I have racked up 8 hours...if the game hadn't got such critical acclaim I may not have persisted with it...as was finding it pretty brutal....barely any life having to redo one bit where my save was quite far back....but I have persisted and beginning to push through and like the game
The game is incredible. I have not experienced this feeling of a such deep RPG since I first played Oblivion back in the day. So much fun even to wander the countryside and even the smallest quest is full of memorable moments ❤️
I wouldn't let the combat difficulty put you off either - I was terrible for the first 20 hours but it's still massive amounts of fun. And this is coming from someone who usually gives up eventually due to repeated deaths (looking at you Fromsoft). I'm now around 55 hours in and I'm finally a passable combatant 😁
I'm definitely gonna be getting this. Been looking for an in-depth RPG to sink my teeth into, and this looks to be the right place, right time. I realise it's not for everyone, but it seems like it will be right up my alley
Jesus Christ be praised x 2
@Logonogo I quite enjoy the smithing and its the only way to get tier 4 weapons.
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@Logonogo Going for lent on the first playthrough and it’s been surprisingly easy. Soups don’t count so I’ve been using those and making sure I don’t kill any animals. Keep those ps plus backup saves in the cloud dude!!
Finished it yesterday. Utterly fantastic game. A well deserved 10/10. Bring on hardcore mode!!
@Loamy yeah me too I was getting battered on a regular basis ,my fault though, i was playing it like skyrim 😂 now I can kick anyone's arse to kingdom come 😁
@neillaw no it definitely isn't, it wouldn't have this classic chat up line from henry if it was.
"Your teeth are like the stars , all yellow and far apart" 😂
So far, Henry has bonked 3 pretty women. Such a stud. Sorry Theresa.
@Ravix I love the reaction after Henry's Mum joke. 😄
I'm no where near close to finishing it, nearly 50 hours in and still on the first map haha. Easily a strong contender for GOTY.
I still need to play the 1st one I have it in my backlog I just haven't got round to it yet 😅
@lazarus11 haha that's amazing, I didn't get that one yet. I honestly think it has to be the most fun any lead actor has had recording lines for any media, too. The sh*t Henry comes out with is endlessly hilarious and he's so casual with it 😂
Im playing the first kingdom come deliverance royal edition.and im enjoying it a lot.the combat is excellent.kingdom come deliverance 2 is incredible.word up son
@neillaw No game has DEI because it a hiring practice to get more diverse people into jobs who may offer more due to their background. Funny though because KC2 is actually pretty diverse as it has a group of Romani people, a gay romance, strong women who don't look like supermodels, a black character and jewish people. By the logic people love to use nowadays KC2 is pretty "woke" and pro "DEI".
@ApostateMage Our hero Henry may die from venereal disease before he gets back to Theresa, it's a real possibility 😭😂
let me guess: Wedding, Secret Flower lady, and, hmm, I've already forgotten the third, I feel like my Henry has partaken in the company of 3 wenches so far, as his charisma is sky high. First thing he said to K was "I saved you, let's shag" basically, and he passed the charisma check at 30 too, but alas, she laughed it off 😂
Oh, the third was the flower lady a second time, never mind.
So yeah, My Henry is shagging, boozing and killing to fill that void inside, but he is still suffering from an unrelenting empty feeling. Or so my head canon decrees.
Look at his sad little face, fleeting moments of love and then left alone. Even after looting a certain chaps residence of everything drippy that wasn't bolted down on the way out he is not fulfilled 😭😁
Stealth mission with incredibly overburdened Henry, not an issue 😁
@Ravix My Henry is such a smooth talker that he didn't even get a weight penalty for a certain stealth mission that seems to be troubling a lot of players, and thanks to all the houses I'd broken into and crept about in by that point, his stealth got him past the stupid amount of guards that mission threw in his way!
Hilarious that my comment gets removed, wasn't inappropriate at all...
@DennisReynolds those are most definitely not the conditions to label a game as such and I think you know full well the levels to which those are that I spoke of
Like to reiterate that I said the game was NOT woke as the removal of my comment would suggest otherwise
@Ravix Nice armour in that top pic. I'm still rockin' the Brunswick set that you find from maps early on.
@HappyGamerGirl Fighting/dapper (charisma)/stealth are my 3 toggle sets to switch on the fly.
I'm liking the smithing in this game, kind of reminds me of the forklift job in Shenmue. You can just sort of zone out to it. Only annoying thing about it is Henry's constant need for food I'll be playing this game for a long time yet.
Mrs is loving it and I haven’t started it yet. I’m waiting for hardcore mode to see if there is a trophy attached which will determine which profile I play it on . I’ll see myself out
Well deserved, but the first one wasn't my cup of tea.
Glad it's good for its target audience.
@ApostateMage Likewise! Green outfit is stealth, Yellow is for strolling and posing, and if you see the Red outfit you're probably already dead.
Strangely, despite all the discourse, after those initial hours I haven't found it tough at all. And I'm definitely NOT a hardcore 'git gud' type of gamer. Could be because I spend so long on the side stuff that I'm over levelled for the time being and it will catch up with me. At around 65 hours and only just got the second map open.
@HappyGamerGirl oops, I killed all the guards if it's the same mission you are talking about. Well all within one area om the inside because I accidentally alerted one by messing up a knockout and ended up with a courtyard full, and then at one point in the open later on about 7 or 8 charged me because I walked at one thinking it was the dude I was meeting 😂 but I held on through my sheer experience of that happening in the first game a lot, even though I had about 1/4 health for most of it and was not even fighting that well 😂
But I got all my loot and my slow ass with over 150lbs overburdened out and made it through 😁 I also loved the quest design. It really felt perilous and real at all times and it looked phenomenal.
@ApostateMage ah, you see, I have the Brunswick, but I'm saving it for a special occasion. At this point I was still making do with what I could find and scrounge and made a few pretty cool combinations that felt appropriate for the quests. I didn't think rocking up with a golden lion helmet felt right yet hahaha.
The 'Wedding Drip'

the 'Capon's Bodyguard and Knight'

And the...

'Out of context naked farmer'
It looks like this game is Ultima Online but with a story and a single player experience. Old people will understand
@ApostateMage oh, and yeah, the follow up to your mum floored me, too 😅 so many times I have to pause the game after a moment like that while I piss myself laughing as I clip it. So I now have a bunch of clips where the pause is almost its own punchline, as I know it's at that moment when I'm rolling 😭🤣
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I'm still plowing my way through the first game. Wanted to put it down so many times but always find myself back in. It certainly has it's charms. I absolutely detest the combat though...
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How long before they fire almost everyone involved in the project?
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@Ravix I've laughed out loud a lot myself playing this game, even from conversations that npc villagers have with each other. It's like watching an episode of Horrible Histories.
@HappyGamerGirl is that the forest at night one , i was on my hands and knees the whole way through that, encumbered too hell😂
@Ravix yeah I've got all brunswick armour ,but I don't wear the helmet, it looks daft with that lion and you can't lift the visor during cutscenes, which is weird doesn't happen with the other visor helmets
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