Final Fantasy Magic: The Gathering Crossover

While we've never particularly had an interest in competitive card games like Magic: The Gathering, all of that could change in light of its upcoming Final Fantasy crossover. Four full decks, built around and boasting gorgeous artwork from Final Fantasy's VI, VII, X, and XIV, have been revealed, and we covet them almost as desperately as Yuffie does materia.

IGN got an exclusive first gander at the latest in a long line of video game crossovers, and it really is good stuff. Apparently, each deck of 100 cards "will be a fully draftable, Standard-legal set", made up of both reprints of existing cards with Final Fantasy art, along with brand new cards, designed with the popular Commander format in mind.

Are you a fan of Magic: The Gathering? Are you planning on becoming one? Let us know what you think of Magic's Final Fantasy crossover in the comments section below.
