While we've never particularly had an interest in competitive card games like Magic: The Gathering, all of that could change in light of its upcoming Final Fantasy crossover. Four full decks, built around and boasting gorgeous artwork from Final Fantasy's VI, VII, X, and XIV, have been revealed, and we covet them almost as desperately as Yuffie does materia.
IGN got an exclusive first gander at the latest in a long line of video game crossovers, and it really is good stuff. Apparently, each deck of 100 cards "will be a fully draftable, Standard-legal set", made up of both reprints of existing cards with Final Fantasy art, along with brand new cards, designed with the popular Commander format in mind.
Are you a fan of Magic: The Gathering? Are you planning on becoming one? Let us know what you think of Magic's Final Fantasy crossover in the comments section below.
[source x.com]
Comments 18
These are basically targeted at me, having made FF, Assassin’s Creed and Doctor Who.
Must say that them only doing a few FF games is a bit annoying, considering they had basically every Doctor and Companion in the Doctor Who set.
Is Magic the Gathering a multiverse? Have they always done cross-overs or is it a post 2020 thing?
Lightning better have a full art gorgeous card
@breakneck they've been leaning really hard into the "universes beyond" sets from other IP since post Covid . Sets like Lord of the Rings and Warhammer 40k did really well
strange to have no 4 or 9 decks
@MysteriousMudkip Cecil I’d argue is the most iconic character in the 2D games, crazy he’s not got a card for each of his two sides, or even some sort of darkness mechanic.
The artwork on these makes me wish I understood Magic the Gathering.
It was a good year to get into the game, but I didn’t realise it was only those 4 games - no FFIX! ;(
Edit: the full set WILL include all mainline games! Just these commander presets are the 4 games.
@nessisonett It's just the commander decks that target the 4 games. The main set covers all 16 games.
Edit: Btw today they'll be showing more on their Weekly MTG stream on Twich.
Small correction to the article: 'Apparently, each deck of 100 cards "will be a fully draftable, Standard-legal set"'
Should be: 'As well as each deck of 100 cards there will be a fully draftable Standard-legal set'.
Magic has a number of sets a year. These have about 260 cards, and are a bit like "Seasons" in game. One of the main game modes revolves around a group of people taking it in turns to draft cards from a pack, and then use those to make a deck and play against each other. That's the draftable part.
The cards in a set then go into a bigger card pool where people can make decks out of any of the main draftable sets released in the last three years. This is the "Standard-legal" part.
These 4 100 cards decks, are just an accompaniment to the main set. They're a fixed set of 100 cards that you don't need to open packs for, designed to be played in the most popular multiplayer format of the game (Commander)
@nessisonett there's a standard set as well as these decks, so the other games will probably get references there.
@get2sammyb Its really easy to play, the main issue is the cost as its an absolute money pit of a hobby. Its easily on the same scale as Warhammer for how much it costs.
@ThomasHL @Athrum Good to know, from the article it sounded like all we were getting was the Commander decks.
@nessisonett They teased some art for other characters a few months ago, pretty sure it was Lightning, Emet-Selch and Sephirot.
@Athrum I do wish the sets were included with MTG Arena and MTGO, but I guess FOMO and them not being actually usable decks means they have to target physical only. Although I think these new ones are legal so technically they could bring them over.
@nessisonett The main set will deffo be in Arena, it's standard legal. I'm not sure bout the commander decks though, most likely not for now, but they're trying to implement commander into Arena.
@Athrum o, ok, i know about the fallout commander decks and thought there were no standard booster packs for them.
@Athrum I just wish the Doctor Who sets were in Arena, I can’t think of anything possibly aimed towards me more.
I don't play card games but I'd buy this for the art alone 😆
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