PS5 Push Square

Select PS5 owners have reported receiving emails from Sony that invite them to test out its current-gen console's latest firmware update for February 2025. This is not available to all users yet; instead, you need a code provided by Sony that can be used by you and up to four friends.

Here are the patch notes for the new PS5 firmware update:

  • We've made it simpler to view details about activities.
    -- Activity details are now fully displayed on cards.
    -- Potential spoilers will still be hidden
  • Unicode 16.0 emojis are now supported. You can use them in your messages.
  • When you set the parental controls' restriction level to Late Teens or Older, Communication and User-Generated Content will now default to Restrict. If you have previously set the level to Late Teens or Older, your previous settings will not be affected and it will be shown as Customise.
  • We've improved system software performance and stability.
  • We've improved the messages and usability on some screens.

Having read through the patch notes, this appears to be a relatively minor PS5 firmware update that makes some small improvements rather than introducing major new features. The email comes with the usual warning that this is a beta patch, so some things might not work right on your PS5, or features may be changed for the final version released to everyone.

Will you be putting this new PS5 firmware update through its paces? Let us know in the comments below.
