Publisher Konami has announced its next game, and it's not quite what you might have in mind. Darwin's Paradox is a platformer about a silly little octopus, and it's coming to PS5 in 2025.
Playing as the titular cephalopod, you're scooped out of the sea and into a strange food factory. You'll need to use Darwin's innate abilities, like shooting ink and camouflage, to make it through the facility unscathed.
This 2.5D platformer looks rather charming, and it seems Darwin will get into all sorts of scrapes both in and out of the water.

Colour us interested with this one, but what do you make of Darwin's Paradox? Tell us in the comments section below.
Comments 23
This was an unexpected one! And from Konami of all companies!
OctodaaaAAAaad. Nobody suspects a thing 🎶
it looks amazing!
This game actually looks cute and i'm surprised it came from Konami.
This actually looked pretty good!
Looks great. Was too short to show much but has potential. It did make me go oh great Octodad or something else but no it looks good even for how little. The stealth gave me some Inside or others type vibes. I wasn't that into Inside once I beat it but was still a fair game.
I do think the stealth is a bit odd but I still appreciate it. Ink I hope has a good amount of use. I like animal games but sometimes they are too bland these days as the bare minimum like human characters without items and just the bare minimum movements and i find them boring or tasks in the worlds/boring level design not doing enough and I want enough of their core animal features or even a bit gamey to be 'fun'.
Problem is most aren't these days and are too basic of movesets to appeal to me.
Metamorphosis didn't do it for me but Deadly Creatures Wii or Spider PS1 does. Even Mushroom Men was good for an old game with crafting/small perspective/decent ideas.
But Octopus, Scoprions or others I think are really cool creatures to use for games (loved as a boss fight to play as one in Pitafll Lost Expedition and attack the human character in the reverse role, more than the Penguin and Monkey ones) and more do appeal to me from a cool/gameplay factor so I'm intrigued by this game.
It almost gave me Crash 3 underwater type vibe with how brief it was of footage on screen.
After recently completing astro bot I'm well on board for more fun, colourful platformers this looks great
Cant find it in store to wishlist.
@Bamila I don't see it on the website for the PS Store either. Not in the mobile app? Which I don't use.
I haven't checked on the console yet.
@SuntannedDuck2 I'm on console and it's not there. There is a state of play tab now but it too doesn't have it
This genuinely looks like a really fun game, I'm hyped.
@Bamila Interesting, maybe just have to wait for more to update them over time as they aren't prepped that far ahead before the showcase.
Gave me an Abes Oddesy vibe.
This made the biggest impression on me of all games actually shown. Looked genuinely intriguing.
This looks really good. Stood out to me among some games that felt very similar in look.
@Loamy first thing i thought was octodad too! #NobodySuspectsAThing
I know people will probably just nag and just beg for a new title in a existing franchise from Konami, but I think them doing new titles is great for them because it shows they aren't just going to coast with what everyone knows, and want to actually try and make some new experiences as well. Really interested to learn more about this one.
Surprise surprise
This looks very odd in the best kind of way! Consider myself intrigued.
This looks good tbh, gives me vibes of Oddworld, Octodad, and Little Nightmares.
Definitely a highlight compared to the many bland-looking shooters that were on display.
@Fighting_Game_Loser I would but to me it's the niche ones they won't touch so it will go on deaf ears anyway.
Same with Capcom and PN03 or Under The Skin (the perks/disguises can easily work as a live service game these days).
Why would Konami revive Coded Arms or GTI Club or Love Plus or Enthusia or Thrilldrive. Exactly. XD
But I'm ok with this game I think it stood out for sure. I like a good animal game (if done well), platformer with a good moveset/level design around it.
If it ends up as just look we have an octopus instead of a dog/cat.
If not and like I hate many boring Indie platformers then yeah nah skip pile it goes.
I mean I don't play Donkey Kong games because oh he is iconic or an Ape/other monkeys in it. I play it because the level design/mechanics are good enough. Even Yooka Laylee did it fairly well besides being Banjo clone/successor to DK 2D games like but still enough of it's own ideas.
Most Indies I just don't appreciate because they are just so bland or lacking if N64/PS1 gen (not nostaglia but quality, how they used level design, mechanics, how they fit a character whether a squid in Splatoon to Mario, Banjo, Spyro, Crash, Scaler, Dr Muto, Blinx, Glover, Gex, Tak, etc. Even seeing Tak again in a retrospective review I was like wow the details are so nice and convincing regardless of being a kids tv show later and a tribal setting the AI/little details while feeling cartoony is fantastic.
Not just oh cute animal/cartoony human character and put nothing great around it. Or oh look at the structure but not even match it close enough.
(Or even better "make their own and not copy paste inspiration and really not make it enough of their own").
Trying to recapture it but don't have the skill or polish or even level design/abilities that made those characters great it's hilarious. I don't expect minigames or the best animations, but the game design structure suffers. It's why if racing games have bad progression I won't buy them I don't care what dream cars/recycled cars they have. Progression matters, why I should use the cars in more then 2 done to death modes when I can in past games and better progression.
The most done to death boring mechanics or ok new ones but really don't add much. The worlds may be nice to look at but functionally or even NPC quests are the most boring I've seen offer nothing exciting to play, done to death/played or refuse to buy.
It's harsh but I've researched enough shooters, racing, platformers or even other genres trends or niche genres and gone yeah I can see why this works, cult following or not it's just quality, not nostalgia, besides unawareness with it's marketing/competitive times for release even or offered other things. In racing games yeah more dream cars/cars people used to own has more emotional value then good mechanics, I don't care for the former but people do. sigh it's why racing games suck today is the same mentality.
Little Nightmares: Calamari Edition
Looks great, hoping they show a gameplay showcase for it at the next game event.
Gives me a lot of Oddworld vibes
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