Sony’s successfully encouraging its PS Plus Essential subscribers to upgrade to the more expensive PS Plus Extra and PS Plus Premium tiers.
You may remember, under immense pressure from Xbox Game Pass, the Japanese giant rebranded its subscription and added more expensive options to its offering. PS Plus Extra features a catalogue of over 600 games, including some day one titles, like the recently confirmed Lost Records: Bloom & Rage.
Meanwhile, PS Plus Premium tosses in a selection of retro games, including newly emulated versions of cult classics, such as MediEvil and Sly Cooper.
Speaking as part of its earnings call today, boss Hiroki Totoki confirmed that this strategy is working, noting that PS Plus revenue is up 20% year-over-year, primarily “due to an increase in average revenue per user mainly due to a shift to higher tiers of service and the impact of price revisions”.
Sony did increase the price of all PS Plus tiers quite significantly back in September 2023, so this 20% uplift is being compared to a period when the revisions were already in effect.
Have you upgraded your PS Plus membership at all? While we do think the jury is still very much out on subscription gaming in general, we do think both PS Plus Extra and PS Plus Premium offer a decent value in isolation.
[source sony.com]
Comments 68
I'll be 'downgrading' to Extra the soonest chance I get.
I have downgraded to no PS Plus and have been very happy about it
In other words, "we know enough of you will pay it so prepare yourselves for another price hike"
Happy with the higher tear.
I think the "price revisions" that Totoki mentioned are doing some heavy lifting in getting to that 20% jump. Still not thrilled about such an aggressive increase across the board. But I will say that I'm generally happy with my sub.
I think Premium is really good, I just don't think the sub works for my gaming habits anymore.
I wish I had something like this as a kid!
I had it paid all the way to June 2025 prior to the price hike. Letting it lapse after. I don't play multiplayer games and my backlog is huge. Only use it for cloud saves and the occasional shareplay.
I'm the opposite. I've been Premium since it became available and I plan on dropping to Essential next month when it expires. I've simply been buying more games and don't have a need to gamble on whether games I'd like to play are on the service or not.
As it stands when my sub comes up in for renewal in April I am downgrading to the lowest tier so I can keep playing GT7 multiplayer. The "benefits" of the ps+ top tier are just not worth the price, for me.
Especially when compared to what I got from Gamepass Ultimate over the same period of time. Certainly played more ultimate games on Xbox than I did with ps+ premium on playstation.
I wished I could contribute something positive, but I just subscribed to Extra because I haven’t found a disc drive for my PS5 Pro yet, but I’m quite shocked by the AAA catalogue compared to its first years. I hope to finish TLOU and GOW Ragnarok before the end of the month so I can stop my subscription again.
well, I guess I am the outlier. I downgraded to essentials and only because I need it for Helldivers, otherwise I would have cancelled completely.
On the other hand, still enjoying my game pass ultimate - better value for money.
I’ve been essential this whole time and feel no need to upgrade.
Heck, if it weren’t for the cloud saves (sadly I have to give MS credit for not locking that behind a paywall) and my extensive PS monthly game library, I might not even have essential anymore. I don’t game online except for bouts of FF14 and Helldivers 2, and that’s about it anymore. All my playtime is single-player games.
I might downgrade because like many others, I just don't have the time to keep up with a subscription, but I do enjoy getting a few games a year from it. Not too concerned about the cost as this is my only hobby that really costs anything.
I've the Premium sub due to being grandfathered in from Now (that I paid half price for). My Plus ran out two weeks before the introduction of tiers, so they gave Premium for the Now sub, and that auto renews for me at half price (so the same as Essential) ever since, so I've kept it about.
Think I play one or two games on it per year at most.
My ps plus lapsed last august. I don't miss it. I don't have the time to play like I used to. Now I'll just buy a game of I want to play it when it comes down in price
Had Premium for 2 years, while it was nice and all for what it is, I was massively overwhelmed with where do I start or can I fit those games around the backlog and other PS Plus titles I'm currently playing, it was to much, not to mention the limited time we only get sometimes. I like to finish and platinum games too rather than jumping on so many all at once. There's not much tempting me back to upgrade from Essential atm but Jedi Survivor currently does quite a bit. Maybe if theres a Dino Crisis 1 and 2 and Resident Evil 90s trilogy 1, 2 and 3 all with trophy support I'd be back on Premium?
I rather have a lower tier with only online for cheaper and local backup of saves should return.
Me and my friends were talking about up grading to that tier, talk about coincidence.
PS Plus Extra and Premium are great for people without a backlog. For all the others though…
I upgraded to premium when the new tiers came about.
I think about leaving Plus completely. It is nice to have huge backlog, but...
I'll probably stay on Premium due to the streaming and having the Portal, it's just nice to be able to play quite a few games without having to have them downloaded taking up storage space.
I've downgraded to Essential tier recently (had upgraded earlier only to check 2h of Baldurs Gate 3). The catalogue of free games is not appealing to me in any way. And I don't really play old titles.
Sticking to the cheapest tier. Wished they had a cheap tier just for playing online. Don’t care much for the monthly free games.
Like most I was excited for the tiers when they were revealed, spent the first year on Extra and then re-evaluated it. After the first price hike, I decided the quality of games vs. time I have to play vs. the amount of games from the sub that I actually played and completed, it just wasn't worth it and dropped to Essential. Even now I rarely play the Essential games we get, and mainly play games I buy.
With regards to the increase in revenue, yeah, if you increase your subscription costs, revenue goes up, but another market phenomenon comes in to play - the customers that choose to stick around at the increased cost will often think that as they're now paying more for their current tier (Extra), they may as well pay the extra cost for the top tier (Premium), without actually thinking about the total extra expense.
I've just upgraded to Premium as it was on sale (35% off) when my ps Extra subscription ran out at the end of January.
For the year it was only an additional £2 for Premium compared to Extra so it was a no brainer really
It was £77.99 one off payment for PS Premium which I didn't think was too bad
I've never upgraded to a higher tier of PS+ since I was never really interested in playing classic games from the catalogue. Been sticking with the basic Essential tier ever since the tiers were introduced
I've cancelled it I don't see know value in it as rather collect games on disc
Would pay £5 a month for a basic online and cloud saves tier if i could with a one off discount per month as well not a constant one the other tiers have.
Due to the Black Friday Sales, the minimal price difference between Extra and Premium, and the addition of PSVR2 games to the service, I have upgraded to Premium. Very good value to me just because of the VR games.
I'm having a digital declutter of my life and trying to find more joy in the things I buy and own and stick it to the big corporations in my own little way.
So this year will be the year I go down to the bottom tier of plus or maybe not sub at all, same with gamepass.
The PS Portal update did it for me. Cloud streaming requires premium. I upgraded the day the patch was released.
I upgraded back to premium last month after dropping it back in September and getting Essential in November. But only because I got a PSVR2 and Premium had a bunch of games for it. Made sense to upgrade instead of buy the games piecemeal.
My premium lapses March 13 (or March 18 I guess with the five extra days we got for the outage). I’ve got no reason to continue PS plus.
Alundra and Vagrant Story on Premium are all I'm waiting for. They've added everything else I wanted.
I joined the top tier this past black Friday deals. Wanted to take a look at some of the portal streaming games and some of the psvr2 games.
I’ve been on premium the last few years, but I think when it comes to renewing it I’m going to drop down to extra. The trials are nice on premium, but I don’t play the old/classic titles.
Had PS+ since the PS3 days and after Extra expired last December, I couldn't be bothered to renew, even on Essential.
My PS4 Pro has a small USB stick in the front for backing up game saves but the PS5 is just going to have to take its chances as New Sony are too tight to enable this feature for the PS5 save data. Might renew to Essential when the next ESO expansion comes out but, in the meantime, it's just not needed.
I am waiting for the rumors of an supposwd offer tomorrow...
Had premium and downgrade to extra. The ps1 and 2 games arent worth it in my opinion for whatever the price is.
I wanted to downgrade from Premium to Extra but it didnt let me as i had to let it expire which i did. then i waited about 2 months for a discount.
12m for Premium was only £10 more than Extra for 12m (30% vs 20% discount) so i have premium again.
Last year Extra was the best for me, but now as I got PS Portal and have PSVR2 Premium all the way!!
I buy like one game per year and the rest is ps plus which i love
I will be stuck in my ways on Essential forever Sony. Forever
I’m dropping back down to essential when my sub is up. I went back to premium when Plucky Squire was announced on the sub… and that was the only game I’ve played on Premium outside Mr Mosquito, so I think I’m sort of done with it. I’ll play Lost Records and Blue Prince, but honestly it’s cheaper to just buy games instead than to have the service all year.
Had PS Plus since 2015, upgraded to Deluxe for 2022 and 2023 but since the price hike I’m out, can’t even justify paying for Essential.
Currently subbed to premium and it's great value especially for the classic titles and if you have a Portal as well.
@sanderson72 You can still do a general backup that includes saves, I’ve been doing every couple of months just for precaution, it takes some minutes but much better than paying $80 annually at the very least.
I spent $90 and got 3 years of ps+. $80 for one year sounds like highway robbery now. I'd rather just use my xbox for online with game pass ultimate at that point. At least I get day 1 games with it
I had PS plus from 2014 until late 2023. I played some excellent games through the service but it's so cynical tying multiplayer functionality to a subscription service - Microsoft also guilty. Ending my sub coincided with finally getting a good gaming PC so I'm sure I'd still have PS plus if things were different. I did re-sub for a month just to download my cloud saves, also a bit annoying.
Honestly I let it lapse last year for all of 2 days. They offered me premium for the old rate so I resubbed for a year.
I just dont use it, so ill probably do the same this year but hold out much longer. Ill happily save $120 a year.
I like to use + only for save scumming every now and then, otherwise I don't see any benefits from any level of ps+ for me. I like to buy my stuff.
Dropped down from extra to essential, juat for my ps plus library and the cloud saves.
Paying for Extra is the worst thing I’ve wasted money on in term of subscription. I really though we would have gotten a lot more day one indie games like Stray. It’s awesome for new players or for players with a huge backlog. For me it’s worthless
I downgraded from Extra to Essential a few months back as I found I just didn't have time to play the games in my library so it wasn't worth it.
I prefer to buy the games I really want to play, when I want to play them.
I've been pretty happy to support Premium just for the classics, but the lack of renewal deals for current members and the fact that not all third party classics come with trophies will probably make me drop in tier when it expires next month. I'll just buy the classics that have trophies and if they ever mandate trophies for all classics I might jump back in.
Was on Premium for a couple of years but dropped down to essential. I buy physical now for future profit.
Almost feel embarrassed to say, given the comments above, but I'm a Premium subscribers and I like it and have no complaints whatsoever.
Maybe because I've been gaming for a relatively long time now but the the thought of paying full price for a new AAA game makes me cringe.
Instead, I'm happy to play games several years after they release. This past month I played The Last of Us Part One and GoW Ragnarok and had a blast. I've never been stuck for something I've enjoyed and the introduction of older games has been great.
I've always been a bit baffled at all the negative comments about the service but realise it must be me who is in the minority.
Is this because of sales/ps plus offers. Currently it’s less than £4 more for 12 months premium over Extra with like 25% of total price as well
I’m set for another year on Premium which I upgraded to on a sale. I will most likely continue at the Premium tier but I’m not sure. The main attraction, in addition to the large Extra catalogue, is the streaming to my Portal.
The regular annual renewal price is rather steep, so I’ll have to consider when the renewal comes around. I still get my money’s worth though, since I’ll usually play minimum of six PS+ titles per year, and usually more. At an average of $20 per game, it doesn’t take long before you hit a break even point. Even for me, who is a less productive gamer than most enthusiasts, with my last year only having played about 15 games total.
The service has also exposed me to games I’d usually have never played before. Playing Gris right now and played The Gardens Between last month, for example — Lovely indie games which really help me from getting too stuck in the bitter AAA gaming rut. 😄 (Not to worry though, I’m playing Resident Evil 4 and Final Fantasy as well)
Essential for me, had Premium for a bit, but was not using it enough to justify the price...these days I just buy games when they are on sale...
Removed - inappropriate
I'd rather buy a nice family size dominoes or some casual day out with the fam than pay that monthly ps+ charge. Perhaps back in the days I would pay this no problems but I feel I'm growing out of gaming slowly.
I've been using Premium 2 years, but I'll go back to Essential as soon as it expires.
Unbelievable that we pay more for less every year. Our addiction is making us blind…..
No, nor will I. I've no interest in anything it offers. None of the games on Essential have been with it for months, either.
I'd rather have a "basic" tier that just lets you play online and doesn't give you anything else at all.
I won’t be bothering with it again. Sick of subscriptions in general now.
And… after that outage recently, I’m going back to physical discs.
Been with Essential for over 8 years and will stick with this tier.
I genuinely don't understand the appeal of Extra and Premium. Having that much of a quantity of games is bad, and what's the point of having added time pressure to finish games with that limit when it comes to rotating available games? Baffling.
I'm on Premium but I never play any of the Classics, or the Extra games, or even the monthly games you get with the basic one so I'm not sure why I'm paying for it.
From what I can tell... People are leaving it. I spoke to PlayStation last year about consumer trends and I went in heavy about backlogs and how long term sub services will suffer. Subs are great for music and movies as they are limited in time from start until completion. 1-2 hours. Games take 100s of hours these days. Time people don't have. I encouraged shorter 10-20 hour games.
I paid £80 for a years ps extra using a deal I got on ps gift cards, that's 21p a day
Phenomenal value
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