Following numerous cancellations, we're probably now at a point where you could count the number of PS5 live-service games Sony has in the works on one hand. Fairgame$ from Haven Studio and Bungie game Marathon are two of them, but it's been suggested the former needs more time. According to Giant Bomb journalist Jeff Grubb, co-op heist shooter Fairgame$ is looking at releasing in 2026.
Speaking on one of his gaming podcasts Game Mess Decides, Grubb said that Fairgame$ won't release this year, since as far as he's "aware", it's been "pushed to 2026". The title has never had an official launch window since its initial reveal in 2023, so this is more of an internal delay at Haven Studio and is unlikely to be confirmed publicly. Should the game come out next year, Sony could be looking at a first-party lineup including it, the newly announced Saros, and Marvel's Wolverine.
A co-op heist shooter from Haven Studio, it will be the first game the developer has put out as a collective, led by one of the minds behind the original Assassin's Creed, Jade Raymond. The game was originally announced during the rather infamous PlayStation Showcase of 2023, which also played host to Concord and Marathon. Funnily enough, since that livestream, Concord was the headliner of a State of Play, released, and then taken offline permanently. There hasn't been a single official word or trailer about Fairgame$, however.
The claim from Jeff Grubb comes off the back of Sony cancelling two more of its live-service games, one from Days Gone team Bend Studio and another from Bluepoint, which was reportedly a God of War title. When the full slate of Games as a Service cancellations from Sony is looked at, it paints a concerning picture for the PlayStation division.
Will you give Fairgame$ a chance to win you over when it is properly revealed? Let us know in the comments below.
[source thegamer.com]
Comments 62
I honestly think that many games would benefit from a delay. The culture shift in 2024 was massive.
I will give it a chance, i always wait for gameplay to form an opinion on a game. A cgi trailer doesn't always reflect what the game will be like.
Many people wont though.
I'll give it a chance. Nothing wrong with spending more time on it to make it as good as it can be if that's what's happened here.
I don't know enough about Fairgame$ but with Payday 3 falling flat on its face, this has a better chance to capture fans of the heist genre than Concord did with hero shooters.
But then again, why would you move on from Payday 2, which already has years of support behind it? If this is an always-online game, will a PSN account be required for PC players? They won't be happy with that, especially with the recent blackout.
We shall see. I still find it odd that the Jade Raymond game is a live service and not a single-player game.
If they want to have any shot in hell at being successful, Haven needs to drop the embarrassing "eat the rich, gamer$!!!" crap that Fairgames's trailer had. Hopefully, Raymond and her team have read the room properly and pivoted, or else this thing is screwed.
Removed - unconstructive feedback
Since it's coming from Jeff Grubb, we can safely assume he's just guessing. Why that guy still gets a platform to spread his claims is beyond me, he doesn't have any credibility whatsoever.
@EfYI I'd rather give a game a chance then completely writing it off just because it's live service or something.
I'd love for it to turn out great but I'm not really into the concept much at all. Never really been interested in Payday so it will definitely have an uphill battle to get me interested. You never know though.
Not interested in it and prolly wont get interested in it either, but thats bc the genre isnt my thing and not bc its live service.
@EfYI That's not what I said though, is it? "a chance to win you over when it is properly revealed" — when we see gameplay and trailers.
Releasing between 2 massive 1st party single player games - particularly if launch windows / dates for all 3 are well known, would be the best idea to mitigate as much negativity as possible.
Maybe they have put back release to fit into a schedule for this reason?
I think you meant to say "Will it get a Fair$hot?"
The answer is no, but it mostly wont matter. It only need to appeal to the people that play heist games, and games like Payday are struggling right now. So it has a $hot.
I doubt I'll ever make time for Fairgame$ regardless of it's quality. Not my cup.
We all know that the majority have already written off this game because it's a "Sony Live Service" title. Because god forbid Sony make anything other than single player games.
My counter guess is that it gets cancelled this year.
Yeah - I am under no circumstances playing it. I can't play online and I stopped playing MP long before my subscription ran out. But as a gamer invested in PlayStation, I'd like for them to print free money. But I'd rather not have a lost cause on the pay roll.
@UltimateOtaku91 It's common sense that any studio with lotta cash will try to make a live service game or 2 in hopes of printing money through microtransactions, but to aim for 12 in a relatively short time period? Or even 6? Just not smart.
They are lucky that XBOX is dead.
Hopefully gets cancelled fingers crossed
I honestly believe it will be DOA. I don’t like seeing developers fail, but it’s more than apparent that most Sony fans want to see single player titles, me included, it is what got Sony to where they are.
Waits until after the State of Play where Marathon and Fairgames don’t appear.
Looks at what’s due to release and the dates, makes the obvious assumption that the game is moving to 2026.
Classic Jeff Grubb reporting. I was hoping Push Square had moved on in 2025 from his shotgun/no s**t sherlock reporting.
A fair shot is to make sure the cylinder is fully loaded before roulette. Don’t be cruel.
There's no chance I'm going to play this game and I think it probably has little chance of success, but I'll be interested to see it in action when it's properly revealed. A delay seems wise. Learn from Concord. See if there's anything that needs to be changed to avoid the same pitfalls.
I hope it fails and is the final proverbial nail in the live service coffin. Think how many traditional games we could have if they had not gone this direction.
Man look at that headline 😆 anything to avoid saying "delayed to 2026", why can't you just report the news as Jeff grubb said it? if you had news about " Guy was shot dead" You'll probably say "guy happily ascends to heaven" lol
Not even slightly interested in Fairgames! Give me what I buy a PlayStation for… SINGLE PLAYER EPICS
That'd be impressive given Jade hasn't released a game for over a decade and keeps cashing checks with big companies buying her talent.
I'm not against live service nor am I against this kind of game.
But the theme definetly will tank this game so hard it will make Concord looks like a blockbuster.
Do not pander to the "eat the rich" crowd, make a simple heist game with stellar gameplay and netcode. Keep it simple and you'll reach success.
It's Fairgame Dollar Sign.
Sony cleaned up with multiple game awards for single player and non-live games. PlayStation fans lose their minds because “All Sony is putting out is live service games”. Amazing!
It’s almost like Sony (or any game company) aren’t allowed to do 2 things at once. Everyone screaming about “resources” like they know anything about the inner workings of the industry. Sheesh!
The trailer was *****. It’ll probably bomb if it ever comes out.
SIE could save some money by cancelling Fairgame$ right now and use the workforce for a good single player game, which Jade Raymond obviously can deliver.
@Mikey856 spot on
I don't think anyone liked the mass produced hipster vibe of that trailer. But if they manage to change the direction and deliver on gameplay it might have a shot, now that Payday 3 failed so spectacularly.
I don't like what I've seen of it thus far tbf.
The CGI trailer didn’t provide me with anything to get excited about. In fact, it soured my view of the game. And there’s something about having $ in the title that turns me off as well.
Will be honest, never liked the look of this game (from that trailer at least), they really do need to start showing game play, other wise this game will become another meme like Concord.
@RBMango I hear you. But they seem to exist in a bubble so it's not looking hopeful. Fingers crossed.
Your not wrong.
In fact it was Sony that formed their own user base and identity, during those key years when people started building digital libraries etc, in large part on the back of Single Player Epics.
It isnt really a surprise that that continues to be what their user base demands....
(Plus there is always the point of: keep doing what you are good at)
Can’t wait to play it for 2 weeks before it shuts down
Unless it looks substantially better than it’s awful cgi reveal trailer this is DOA
Hope it's the next Concord game. Away with this live-service crap!
I'm down to play it, but by that point I'll still be playing GTA6. Can anything compete with GTA6?
I expect Fairgame$’s reception from the Showcase plus Concord’s failure caused Sony to reword the game to some capacity and potentially Marathon as well.
Honestly, for me, I’m actually looking forward to Marathon instead.
I'm sure if they burn another $50 million and an extra year the game will be a massive hit. lol
No but seriously, I hope it's a fun game, looks good and the monetization is fair. The CGI trailer looked like *****, but there's hope the gameplay trailer actually bangs.
@UltimateOtaku91 "written off this game because it's a "Sony Live Service" title"
No it was mostly written off because what they showed looked like Ubisoft leftovers, not saying it will be bad but it has an uphill battle trying to win people over (it's trailer was worse received than Concord trailer 😬).
A live service Socom or MAG 2 would get universal praise and excitement, so is not just because of the live service tag. It's just Jim & Hulst didn't know the right IPs to pick.
I’ll predict it never sees the light of day. But if it does they really need to change the title b/c that $ is utterly stupid ridiculous. Just call it 1337 and be done with it. 😝
I think Bungie has a shot w/ Marathon b/c of the heritage of that company and that name.
Giving it as much distance as possible from the concord disaster is the best thing they can do right now. Still predict it's destined for failure but perhaps it won't be as bad the longer they leave it.
This has no chance at all. Live service is a death sentence now. People just don't want them anymore. It's time to move on but they won't. It doesn't matter how the game turns out. This one already looked bad.
@Lavishturtle “ People just don't want them anymore.”
is this really true, or is it just people on the internet & on ps sites?
@nomither6 no I think it's true. I think most gamers would like nice,big single player games with a decent online multiplayer aspect. With the cost of games rising any live service or GaaS games will struggle to sell because there is no meat on the bones so to speak. These games should be free to play if anything because nobody really minds the mtx's because the game was free. There are obviously exceptions to the rule (helldivers 2) but they have to be very,very good. So yeah I think these kind of games are going the way of the amstrad 464...
Hope it does well, with that said it’s not the type of game for me.
My hope is that all the time and money put into cancellations will be reappropriated into the MP sections of their next SP-outings. Like in the days of old. It worked back then, it could work again.
@nomither6 at this point, it's not a matter of want, it's a matter of logistics. Obviously live-service games CAN be successful, millions of people play them every day. But, there are only so many players and so many hours in the day, and every one of these "Gaas" games want/require hours of your time every day. Anyone with common sense should've been able to figure out that it would be logistically impossible to support even 5 new live service games, let alone the dozen they initially bragged about.
That's part of why so many people rolled their eyes at Jim Ryan's live service push and are now celebrating its demise, because it was doomed to fail from it's very conception and everyone who actually plays games could see that
@ no
Let me go check Steam and see what are the top 10 most played games right now. Oh yeah, so we have:
1. Counterstrike 2
2. DOTA 2
3. PUBG: Battlegrounds: Battleground Edition
4. Marvel Rivals
5. Kingdom Come: Deliverance II
6. Rust
7. GTAV/GT Online
8. Apex Legends
9. Naraka Bladepoint
10. Path of Exile II
PS Timetracker most played PS games last 30 days:
1. Fortnite
2. Marvel Rivals
3. CoD
5. Roblox
6. EA Sports 25
7. Minecraft
8. Rainbow Six: Siege
9. Rocket League
10. NBA 2K25
Fairgame$ right now:
I'm truly not that interested and how can anyone be. We got a cgi trailer which basically showed nothing of interest or what the game was going to be.
We keep hearing about revolutionary this game is and blah blah blah.
Yet nothing shown of actual interest.
Playstation have completely destroyed some good studios for the search of riches with live service games
Make Playstation Great Again.
@Umphreak999 i don’t think people that say live service games are time consuming actually play them. the only time consuming thing about a live service is a battle pass and you can bypass it by buying it outright or skipping tiers. there just video games, you don’t have to play them
@Northern_munkey that would be great to go back to games releasing with a campaign and a multiplayer again. because of live service now games can only have one mode now - either full sp or online only mp
@PushSquareUser What cultural shift?
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