Monster Hunter Wilds Easy Difficulty

Monster Hunter Wilds is just days away from release at the time of writing this article, but early press and content creator reviews have managed to whip up a storm within the community.

Currently, potential players are embroiled in a debate surrounding the game's difficulty. You see, several reviewers have pointed out that Wilds is fairly "easy", which has sparked arguments across Reddit (seriously the entire Monster Hunter subreddit is drowning in them) and social media.

Because Monster Hunter has always been about the gradual grind — the process of besting tougher and tougher opponents, learning their weaknesses and attack patterns as you go — the sentiment is that some degree of pushback is what makes them fun. Especially for more hardcore players.

But with Wilds being touted as one of the easiest instalments in the series, some are already calling for difficulty-upping updates... despite the fact that they haven't actually played the game yet.

Now look, from our own perspective — having reviewed Wilds in its entirety — we don't really want to make a definitive statement on how easy the game is. After all, this author's played previous titles for hundreds of hours, and so our experience isn't going to be the same as the experience of someone who's totally new to the franchise.

Difficulty is always a sticky subject, but we do need to point out that we remember this exact same scenario happening with Monster Hunter World — and Monster Hunter Rise. The fear of Capcom making the series more and more "casual" has been around for years, and so this debate over Wilds is nothing new.

So, is Monster Hunter Wilds too easy? In truth, only you can answer that question for yourself. But right now, it's all anyone seems to be talking about.

Do you care if Monster Hunter Wilds is "easy"? (1,047 votes)

  1. Yes, a good challenge is necessary for my enjoyment%
  2. Yeah, I don't want to streamroll the game%
  3. Honestly, I don't care, I just want to play the game myself%
  4. Nah, I tend to prefer easier games%
  5. No, it being "easy" makes the game appeal to me more%

[source, via,,]