Monster Hunter Wilds is just days away from release at the time of writing this article, but early press and content creator reviews have managed to whip up a storm within the community.
Currently, potential players are embroiled in a debate surrounding the game's difficulty. You see, several reviewers have pointed out that Wilds is fairly "easy", which has sparked arguments across Reddit (seriously the entire Monster Hunter subreddit is drowning in them) and social media.
Because Monster Hunter has always been about the gradual grind — the process of besting tougher and tougher opponents, learning their weaknesses and attack patterns as you go — the sentiment is that some degree of pushback is what makes them fun. Especially for more hardcore players.
But with Wilds being touted as one of the easiest instalments in the series, some are already calling for difficulty-upping updates... despite the fact that they haven't actually played the game yet.
Now look, from our own perspective — having reviewed Wilds in its entirety — we don't really want to make a definitive statement on how easy the game is. After all, this author's played previous titles for hundreds of hours, and so our experience isn't going to be the same as the experience of someone who's totally new to the franchise.
Difficulty is always a sticky subject, but we do need to point out that we remember this exact same scenario happening with Monster Hunter World — and Monster Hunter Rise. The fear of Capcom making the series more and more "casual" has been around for years, and so this debate over Wilds is nothing new.
So, is Monster Hunter Wilds too easy? In truth, only you can answer that question for yourself. But right now, it's all anyone seems to be talking about.
Do you care if Monster Hunter Wilds is "easy"? (1,047 votes)
- Yes, a good challenge is necessary for my enjoyment
- Yeah, I don't want to streamroll the game
- Honestly, I don't care, I just want to play the game myself
- Nah, I tend to prefer easier games
- No, it being "easy" makes the game appeal to me more
[source reddit.com, via reddit.com, reddit.com, reddit.com]
Comments 56
I've said this elsewhere but pretty much every review I've seen has been from people already familiar with the last couple games at least and that coupled with streamlined systems makes the game seem easier than it is.
Yeah I seriously don't want to steamroll the game. I thought World and Rise were still welcoming to newcomers while still providing a challenge for returning players while Wilds seems to forego the need to grind at all rendering the gameplay loop that the series is known and loved for completely pointless...
I quite enjoyed Rise but, yes, that game was ludicrously easy
I play MH since MH Tri on Wii, and from memory, the base content has never, ever been difficult. The end game content should add some spice, but the real challenge is brought by G Rank end game (Ultimate edition / Big DLC like Iceborne & Sunbreak).
Is this judgement of 'easy' just based on the first few hours though aka Low Rank, as compared to the notably tougher High Rank and Master Rank respectively?
Every Monster Hunter release has been more and more "streamlined". It's not something I like but it's definitely attracted more players 🤷.
For long-time fans the G-Rank is now a necessity for a feeling of accomplishment. I'm still waiting for Capcom to give us a Dragon's Dogma expansion so we can actually have some challenge!
I just play and enjoy the game. A game's difficulty is how difficult a player can make it. It's like Souls players that condemn people that beat specific bosses with summons instead of level 1 with a club.
Since when has Monster Hunter been a Dark souls game?
Wait until you play the game before you start raising hell.
I’m still excited to play. But I’ll be disappointed if HR isn’t at least mildly challenging and I’m slightly concerned based on some reviews that the endgame has been streamlined to the point where there’s no reason to keep playing beyond 60 or so hours.
(I say this as someone that played hundreds of hours of world before iceborne and never fully completed the “perfect” god tier armour set).
What happened to respecting creator intent? If FromSoftware doesn't have time make their games easier, Capcom doesn't have to make their games harder.
The last few installments have felt like the base game is for beginners (easy) and to ease players into the mechanics and grind, and then the DLC expansions are more harder and for the more experienced players.
The trophy and achievement data won't lie.
Players often lie.
Give it a month and we will soon know the truth.
Every player on a forum is an L337 super hardcore gamer who completes Dark Souls using a dance mat whilst blindfolded.
Trophies say otherwise.
If the game has options and 1 of those is hard then the game being easy on normal shouldn’t be a problem. I like playing games on normal or easy depending on the game so I really like options. People who want their games to be more challenging should have that option as well. Come to think of it I don’t recall any MH game ever having difficulty settings but I’ve only played 2, Tri and Rise.
Options are good.
I too like to complain about the difficulty of a game that hasn't released yet
Ok, normally i love a good challenge. That said, I've never played this franchise because the idea of fights taking over an hour and requiring multiple runs of the same said fights to get the resources needed to make items always kept me from trying out these games. If this title strays from that even a little bit, I'm willing to finally take the dive.
@Shadeon_Koopa based on playing through all of low rank and high rank. Master rank is now saved for the inevitable dlc expansion
They can make it harder by never upgrading from the base weapon and armor if they want.
Dont see the problem, I didn't gel with the other games, didn't understand what was going on half the time , if it means it's more accessible and sells more because of it what's the issue,it's not done KCD2 any harm.
I still use a controller because I dance like a fool without legs.
This is the consequence of having attracted the "souls" fans with some ridiculous fights in iceborne. MH is not a Souls game. If the game is any harder, the sales will collapse.
There's going to be the inevitable extra hard "massive expansion" in a year or two.
@Neither_scene the only reason to play is to either do the higher missions or make a new hat. That's the loop.
@JokerBoy322 at least in world v and rise, no fight lasted an hour.
I'm not generally a fan of streamlining systems to the point of removing difficulty, but this seems like an over exaggeration. I'd argue World/Iceborne was fairly easy compared to its predecessors as well, but they still found ways (and monsters) to really crank up that difficulty over time.
Bruv?! Games will complain about anything and everything! Social media has been so very revealing as it pertains to humanity. I’m sure extraterrestrial life exists outside this planet. But when they see how we are and how we behave they make sure they cut the lights and coast by when they pass Earth. They wanna make sure they won’t have direct contact with us lol.
"content creator reviews", they're called user reviews.
Sounds like it’s made for me then. 😀
Well for me they've always been rather easy.
Disappointing but not a surprise, the game's been drastically babified since World. They're still fun for what they are at least, I'm sure WIlds is no different.
Rise before Sunbreak was a cakewalk so the fact this game is even easier is rather concerning.
I absolutely want the game to be challenging but I'd be lying if I said I didn't have an absolute blast with Rise and that was the easiest the series has ever been. And as of the moment, I am a little worried because it's journalists who are saying the game is easy lol. These guys are never good at games so if even they're saying the game is too easy that's concerning
That said, I couldn't beat arkveld in the beta before the timer ran out. And I always manage to beat the 3rd last monster in every demo or beta of a MH game. Granted arkveld will be different in the real game once I get some actually gear to fight him but still. So I'm genuinely confused as to whether the game will be too easy or not. If it is, I hope Capcom does bump up the difficulty
My goodness, time for people to get worked up to get a gamer cred boost or whatever it is they're out for. It's a ridiculous way to brag in an indirect way. Almost all games have difficulty options, since the existence of games. Same goes for the soulsborne crowd, but at least there you don't have the settings. Still you can put certain restrictions on yourself to tweak difficulty.
@Cutmastavictory i wouldn't know. Everyone I've ever talked to about the game say otherwise though...
Idk, from what I've been reading and watching only LR missions seems like a cakewalk because they act like a tutorial and then once you reach HR you really start having some MonHun fun.
I think I'll wait until the games releases before I worry about difficulty, the beta wasn't enough to confirm or deny my suspicions. There are always higher ranks and challenging RNG to provide enough padding. I'm more worried about the games actual performance, I can make the game harder for myself by adjusting character builds. Either way I'd want to wait until I saw the endgame, that's usually when a MH games starts for me. If it leaked and people are already at endgame then damn, if not, then I'm not worried.
@Nem I don't think you know what a souls game is if you think the only thing it needs to be is hard in order to be considered a souls game. People considered the older Monster Hunter games far more difficult compared to World and have complained about it because it was being more streamlined.
It's Monster Hunter. Base game story mode is the tutorial. Post-release endgame content and this game's equivalent of Sunbreak/Iceborne will be where the majority of hours are spent.
The trick is to never pay attention to people on the internet, myself included.
So I can play this game without looking for a party with 3 Japanese names to carry me to the kill?
Only the late to post game content loop should be 'hard' imo. Otherwise you won't even have enough of a playerbase for post game free updates
Yes, you also need a fanbase that will berate you if you don't play their games the "right" way.
For everyone saying "souls": just a reminder that first Monster Hunter is harder than any soulsborne game and released before them. I understand that Capcom wants to attract newcomers but doing so at the cost of existing fanbase is not the right way.
I am a little worried about how easy it's going to be; I was hoping for something tougher than Rise. Based on everything I've seen, hopefully they boost the monster HP and damage a bit in the final final final patch. It needs to be hard enough so that you feel motivated to craft new gear or the gameplay loop falls apart
I found World very hard, to a point where I had to rely on multiplayer to finish the story. So maybe Wild will just feel normal to me?
@Nepp67 OK, well have that talk with them then over what a souls game is cause they are literally saying how they want the monsters to kill them over and over. I don't share that masoquism. I don't enjoy Souls games and I don't want MH to go overboard again like it did in iceborne. I don't play for bragging right like the no-lifers.
I want to be able to clear all TU's like I did in Sunbreak. They were challenging and fair fights. That is what I want, not whatever the hell those scripted Alatreon and Fatalis fights were.
@Nem Alatreon and Fatalis were also challenging and fair fights. You not being able to beat them doesn't make it any less so. Also going by your logic the older monster hunter games were also souls games because they were known for being difficult. Don't talk about something if you don't know what it actually is.
Don't belittle the fanbase with your trashy, sensationalist headline like that. They have a right to voice their concerns, just as you lot have the right to have a cry when the audience doesn't like the latest state of play.
I'm giving the MH fanbase the benefit of the doubt on this one, but we will see.
MH has to be a challenge. The challenge of the hunt is the fun. Either solo or in a group. If it's easy it's pointless. Like receiving a participation trophy.
Souls games are absolutely not masochism. Anyone who says that did not play games from the 90s and back.
Every game gotta be Dark Souls for some...
It's interesting to see how many people don't attribute any value to the concept of balance and challenge. I'm no masochist but if there's zero challenge I just feel like I'm playing an interactive cutscene.
I'd like there to be a legitimate chance of failure in the campaign and I want end game to offer significant challenges. I also want new players to be able to see the end credits and have opportunities to gradually up their game in the end game.
Either way I'm excited to play but if it's too easy I expect I'll move on much faster.
I don't see why this should be a problem. All games should have easy and hard modes in them(except fromsoftware games)
I've been reading some of those threads and difficulty is subjective. Yes, there should be a level of challenge for all skill levels. So if someone plays on easy, not to rush but because the other modes are to hard it will still provide a level of challenge for that individual. Not many people like to just walk through a game, well not the first playthrough anyway.
The issue with games like Monster Hunter is they have no sliders or difficulty, the challenge is presented based mostly upon your own skill, you negate it by upgrading gear etc. this means that seasoned and naturally adept players will find these games easier and easier the more they play them. I have no idea what capcom could do to balance it out. Old games were difficult, but not always for the right reasons. Inflating health pools and one shot attacks, invincibility frames on the monsters moves or periods where you can't damage etc don't sound a very fun way of doing it.
For the record I'm awful at Monster Hunter but when I finally got around to playing Bloodborne for instance a few years back no boss (except Paarl) up until German killed me more than 4 times and yet I was reading people spending hours on Rom and The Daughter of the Cosmos for example, all subjective.
Also people suggested making up your own ways to increase the challenge and were down voted lol. You see it's up to the dev to make it to your whims and wants while these people seemingly forgot that world sold 20mil. Capcom aren't catering to the few anymore so unfortunately difficulty does start to decrease, From Soft seem to be an outsider in this respect.
@Nepp67 I really don't care what you think. Stupid fights are stupid. Having damage checks and specific gear needs means there is no player expression allowed on how to tackle the fights.
You got your souls games. Keep to them.
I think if it's easy, I'd like that. Would also be good for beginners.
The games cool ,the story is awful and the fact you can never hunt without annoying alma is putting me of playing this for the longrun I'll finish hr then probably go back to bg3.
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