Monster Hunter Wilds Performance PS5 PS5 Pro
Image: Push Square

How well does Monster Hunter Wilds run on PS5 and PS5 Pro? Having now played Capcom's action RPG for close to 100 hours, we wanted to give you an overview of how the game performs on Sony's system — especially since last year's poorly optimised beta sparked a lot of scepticism with regards to frame rates and resolutions.

The good news is that this final build performs much better than the aforementioned beta. Image quality is massively improved, and the frame rate has been smoothed out to a significant extent. However, as the headline of this article suggests, Wilds is still far from perfect at launch.

So, let's start from the beginning. Wilds offers three 'Performance Settings' right off the bat on both PS5 and PS5 Pro:

  • Prioritize Resolution
  • Balanced
  • Prioritize Framerate

Each of them is pretty much what you'd expect, but they all come with noticeable downsides. Even on PS5 Pro, there's no ideal way to experience Monster Hunter Wilds.

We briefly covered the game's questionable performance in our otherwise glowing Monster Hunter Wilds PS5 review, but for the sake of this article, we're going to go in-depth on each setting.

Monster Hunter Wilds PS5 Pro Performance

On PS5 Pro, Wilds benefits from enhanced resolutions, smoother frame rates, and the addition of ray tracing across two of the three modes.

It's difficult not to recommend Prioritize Framerate on the Pro, if only because it provides such a smooth experience compared to your other options. However, you end up missing out on ray tracing, which does seem to be well implemented elsewhere, and the resolution takes a clear tumble.

The Balanced setting is probably worth checking out as well, but only if you can tolerate an especially jumpy frame rate. To our eye, the resolution difference between Balanced and Prioritize Resolution isn't major, and the image quality is in the same ballpark overall.

Mode Resolution Frame Rate Optional Frame Rate Cap(s) Ray Tracing
Prioritize Resolution Highest Around 30fps, often hovers just above 30fps Enabled
Balanced High Fluctuates between 30fps and 60fps, usually hitting around 40-50fps 40fps (only when using 120 Hz display) Enabled
Prioritize Framerate Medium Smooth 60fps with rare, minor drops 60fps Disabled

Monster Hunter Wilds PS5 Performance

Unfortunately, Monster Hunter Wilds on a standard PS5 isn't in the best technical state — but it's not some unmitigated disaster.

Unlike PS5 Pro, the game doesn't feature ray tracing at all on a regular console. That's hardly a deal breaker in our book, and probably a necessary sacrifice in order to get Wilds running as well as it does.

Prioritize Framerate mode offers the smoothest gameplay experience, but comes at a pretty heavy cost to resolution, with a noticeably blurrier picture than either of the other two modes. It's quite compromised, then, but if a higher frame rate is important to you, this is the clear winner, and it hits 60fps the vast majority of the time.

We ended up favouring Balanced mode, a middle-of-the-road solution with a much better image quality compared to the performance mode. Broadly sticking to 40fps and even exceeding it in places, this feels like a comfortable place to be on a standard PS5, if you're less concerned about frame rate.

Prioritize Resolution does what it says on the tin at about 30fps, but similar to the Pro, there's little discernible difference between it and Balanced in terms of picture quality, so the latter feels like a better choice.

Mode Resolution Frame Rate Optional Frame Rate Cap(s) Ray Tracing
Prioritize Resolution High 30fps, occasionally slightly higher 30fps




Around 40fps most of the time, sometimes higher 40fps (only when using 120 Hz display) Disabled
Prioritize Framerate Low 60fps, rare fluctuations 60fps Disabled

What do you make of Monster Hunter Wilds' graphical settings? Is your preferred option covered, or could Capcom have done more? And do you think improvements are inevitable? Pick a mode, any mode, in the comments section below.