The Elder Scrolls 6 was announced almost seven years ago, and we’re unlikely to actually see it in action for several more. Bethesda Game Studios has been keeping itself busy with Starfield, but the upshot is at least owner Microsoft has now effectively gone third-party.
Anyway, the Skyrim sequel is at least still in development, because the developer has launched a Make-A-Wish auction, with the winning bidder getting the “once in a lifetime” opportunity to appear in the game.
“This once in a lifetime opportunity allows you to immortalize yourself in one of the most highly anticipated video games of all time, The Elder Scrolls 6,” the blurb reads.
“The Elder Scrolls series, developed by Bethesda Game Studios, is renowned for its vast open worlds, deep lore, and immersive storytelling. With this exclusive experience, you’ll work with the developers to create a custom character that will appear in the game, leaving your mark on the legendary franchise.”
Anyone can bid, as long as you have pockets deep enough, of course. Still, with all of the money going directly to charity, at least this is for a good cause.
[source my.onecause.com, via videogameschronicle.com]
Comments 22
I would like to be a side quest NPC at a far-off village like Rorikstead that most players would never find, but if they do, it leads to a chain quest leading to the four corners of the map, only to end back at the village to learn that my character passed away and left the player a note of gratitude as the sole reward.
I'll just drive up to Bethesda (it's only about an hour away from me) and demand I get put in the game.
No auction needed!
NOTE: Joke - about the demand part...not the distance part.
I think the announcement of ES6 is now older then Skyrim was at the time it was announced.
At this point, I truly don’t care until it’s out and reviewed. Ditto Silksong and GTA6
Make the winner of this auction, the Preston of Elder Scrolls 6.
@DrVenture69 other that GTA6 I think a large portion of those games audiences agree with you.
We’re getting very close to the point where every video game announced is only coming out on the next generation of hardware. Props to The Last Guardian for starting the trend on PS3 to PS4, and the too numerous to mention games announced for Wii U that only appeared on Switch.
But when it takes 7, 8, 10 years to make a new game in a series, Beyond Good & Evil 2 has been in the works since 2008, well it’s hard to buy a current gen console for a new game. A new Mario Kart used to realease every 3-5 years and it’s been 10 now. 😩
I don't really wanna be voiced by James Woods thanks
@IamJT 😂 I’m still holding out for the Bloodborne remaster and Half Life 3!
Can't get excited at all, there have been so many games similar released in the gap that likely are better than ES6. Not a case of not believing the hype as don't need it!
I really hope this game comes out before I am 50.
I'd love to be a character that is made to purposely bug out all the time as an easter egg but I guess that's gonna happen regardless 🤔
@DrVenture69 my grandpa used to say wish in one hand and sh** in the other… see which one fills first 🤣
@DrVenture69 Bloodborne remaster is said to be at every State of play by the hardcore fans and yet all we get is Horizon Zero Dawn and Day’s Gone, the 2 that NO ONE asked for. Seems an odd choice. Maybe one day it hit’s a show and people will be super excited. 😊
My character would be a poet (rapper) named T-Pose.
@PegasusActual93 i have to take your word on that as I never was a soul’s player. They aren’t my games. But from what i remember of the numbers you are spot on. Elden Ring was by far the biggest seller. Sony for sure chases the money but they have to in a sense. They run thin margins and aren’t a mega wealthy company. Without PS it’s wild to think how small Sony is these day’s in consumer electronics. But every now and then they will need to give their smaller hardcore fan base a game or two to please them and not chase the money. This remake would give a lot of fan’s something to be excited about cause the PS5 has been a little dry on bangers from 1st party thus far.
@Ryu_Niiyama I'm counting on it, 7 more years to go if I last that long.
If Starfield is any indication of where they are as a studio, I'm slightly terrified of how they might turn a money printing game into a "well......that sucked" moment
@PegasusActual93 this is not true. Bloodborne is the 12th best selling title on the PS4, at 7.46 million units sold. Dark Souls 3 sold 12.6 million but was multi-platform. Bloodborne was exclusive which hindered it's sales, it would have quite easily sold 10+ million, just like Sekiro, had it been multi-platform.
@CallMeDuraSouka Heh. Time flies so fast in gaming. I am cautiously optimistic. ESO has done a lot with lore expansion so I feel like they have more seeds to work with.
I enjoyed Starfield for what it was…although I do hope the main story gets real closure via an expansion. A lot of the things people didn’t like (the NG plus mechanic or the planet exploration) I do like. So aside from resource mining being a gamble (which I wouldn’t mind if the game were smaller), my only real concern was the stripped down looting. Any other quibbles I have are minor and easily fixed by mods when I pick it up for PC in a few years.
@PegasusActual93 "Bloodborne didn't sell well compared to basically every other souls-like" is just not true. It gets beaten when you include sales on OTHER platforms. "Elden Ring sold more copies in a week" hardly a fair comparison when 20 million of it's 28m sales were on PC.
You're comparing Elden Ring sales on all platforms to Bloodborne's single platform release. On playstation Elden Ring has sold 3.6 million units, the VAST majority of Elden Rings sales are on PC, 20 million of it's 28 million sales in fact. 7.46 million units sold is not a niche game. Yes games sold better than it, it sold more than hundreds if not thousands of other games.
Again 7.46 MILLION units sold is not a niche title. On a single platform it sold better than any Souls, Sekiro.
@IamJT thats an excellent saying 😂
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