Just several weeks away from its 20th March release date, Ubisoft is reportedly "confident" that Assassin's Creed Shadows won't be hit with another last-minute delay.
According to Insider Gaming, unnamed sources say that both the publisher and Shadows' developers are now ramping up for launch — to the point where review embargoes are being put in place.
This is good news, of course, considering that the game has suffered two delays in the past. The first of these delays was the big one, pushing the game back from November of last year and into February 2025.
The second delay saw Shadows move from this month to next, and was a generally well received decision, given February's packed release schedule.
The aforementioned sources state that the open world adventure is now "pretty much done" in terms of development — and with a month still to go before launch, the hope is that Shadows will be nice and polished on its arrival. We can dream!
Our snarkiness aside, getting Shadows right is a big deal for Ubisoft. The company's current financial outlook is rather bleak, and so a lot's riding on this one — hence the publisher's acceptance of the two delays.
For what it's worth, the title's pre-order numbers are holding quite strong (described as "solid" by Ubisoft itself), but we'll obviously have to wait and see how well it performs on release.
Are you excited to finally get your hands on Assassin's Creed Shadows next month? Practice your parkour in the comments section below.
Do you plan on buying Assassin's Creed Shadows next month? (385 votes)
- Yes, I've already pre-ordered
- Yeah, I'm buying it on release
- Not at launch, I'll grab it later
- Nah, I'm waiting on reviews / impressions
- No, I'm not interested
[source insider-gaming.com]
Comments 43
I hope so. I keep having to move or cancel preorders as no point in buying a bunch of games day 1 I won’t have time to play if I am playing this game. Looking forward to getting my CE sooner than later. I will be climbing and jumping off of everything!
"confident there won't be another delay" doesn't actually fill me with confidence...
I've been excited for Shadows since it was first revealed but I've been patient after these delays. I already pre-ordered the standard edition last month and it'll be my first new game of 2025. Hopefully Shadows does good and sells well because Ubisoft really needs this win. I did skip out on mirage as I wasn't interested in the characters or story but Shadows looks very promising.
Not much longer now! Very excited for it next month!
It’s looking quite good, but I’ll wait for reviews and general user scores before buying. Given they’ve said they’re confident in the release date before and then delayed it, I’ll reserve judgment. At the end of the day I want to love it, but I’ve watched too many of this publishers “same game different skin” schemes to really be super invested.
So hyped for this! Same dev team as odyssey in the long awaited Japan setting will be a dream come true, especially given how good the recent previews are looking.
I wish there was an option on the survey for "Plan to buy on release, but contingent on reviews/impressions."
I'm optimistic that this game will deliver and I do enjoy my AC comfort food. I was pretty disappointed in Valhalla, mostly due to how dated the character models looked and that bad writing, but there's always something alluring about the mechanics of AC games.
I pre-ordered. I'm pretty confident I'll like it (as I liked all of the AC games so far) and free DLC is a good enough incentive.
I know this technically falls under buy it later, but there needs to be a “I’ll wait till it inevitably hits the $10 (likely lower) bargain bin” option.
I hope the reviews include the phrase ‘a return to form for Bio…er, Ubisoft,” just for the amusement value.
I'll probably sign up to Ubisoft+ to try it out, not the biggest fan of the AC series but Shadows looks super promising.
Day one for me, like every AC
Unless the reviews are stellar, this one can wait a while.
I hope they've improved the p*ss-poor voice acting for npc's.
I have actually pre ordered it. I do enjoy Ubisoft games. Even when they feel cookie cutter at times. And I have for the most part utilised their big discounts, for the games I purchased. So it only feels right I support this one on release. And still feel overall I got my money's worth based on past purchases combined.
Most hyped game of the year for me.
Can't wait. The game looks amazing and the setting it's a dream come true.
I haven't played an AC game since Valhalla but Shadows is slowly starting to grab my interest. I'll still wait for the actual release and it's accompanying reviews before I pull the trigger. I can't imagine waiting this long for a game I was excited for only to keep seeing it pushed back. Hopefully the wait is worth it for the die hard AC fans.
No thank you. I usually enjoy a Ubi game here or there (Avatar was great fun!) but many aspects of this look like utter s**t to me 😔 does not fit the grandeur they've attempted to present it with and there are some other games with similar themes that I'd much rather play/replay. Rise of the Ronin received a fantastic Pro update that I still haven't got stuck into.
Of course this is just my personal opinion. I'm sure many will love it as I did other Ubisoft games that were decried.
Edit: 🌈🐸 Alex Jones
Does it really matter any more? You'll still get 100 patches before it is complete anyway
My glass computer desk is broken in half after I just slammed by face through it.
Before I go to A&E for stitches, please go to YouTube and search for “should you preorder video games” by the late great Totalbiscuit.
12 year old video but as true now as it was then. It still has the white thumbs up icon where a much younger me would have “liked” it back in 2013.
Since then we’ve had Watch Dogs, No Man’s Sky and Cyberpunk, yet still 26% of you are doing it!
Can they really change the release date with exact 4 weeks to go...
And if they do push the date again, it will be their doom
Only a month from release and they’re still not definite it will release on time?!? It’s already had 2 delays 🙄
If I had a genie, one of my wishes would be for the abolishment of the video game industry’s insistence on getting release dates years or months in advance.
Announce a game show trailers build hype talk about features, etc. but do not announce a release date until it is 100% cemented.
Delays to a target release date should be an internal thing, not a public facing thing.
There are always exceptions, but I’m willing to bet that the majority of instances is more along the lines of needing more development time to get a better launch day product than it is of any kind of problem.
So many fans of video games line and complain at these delays and at the same time, wine and complain that games continually launch in an unrated state.
It takes time for a cookies to bake. If they’re not ready yet, put them back in the oven.
Tell me when the cookies are five minutes away from being ready. I don’t need to know years in advance, and it’s unrealistic to expect that anybody can make such a prediction accurately.
There are tree frogs in the Congo somewhere that care more about this game than me. I am so tired of the Ubisoft "formula." Been burned too many times, and it's sad because I've purchased all the previous AC games on day 1. But I swear if I have to do another pointless filler fetch quest I will go nuts. No thank you, but I do hope everyone else enjoys it.
I might pick this up when it's $20 a couple months after it launches like all Ubisoft games.
@Steeleye50 yet the tree frogs aren't here commenting.
If they aren't sure if it's going to be released on time a month before release, they should probably go away and check.
if you want it on stores in time you kinda need to lock down the Master submissions in the next few days.
Tbh I am pretty certain that the game will launch now on March 20th as it's about a month out and this really would the the latest they could pull a last min delay. The Insider gaming story is a bit of a nothing burger tbh because they probably spoke to some random dev as opposed to a studio head or management team that decide.
I have pre ordered the game (to get the free DLC) and I am looking forward to it. I know what to expect from Ubisoft games. Its like eating junk food for me. It's not good all the time but I enjoy it now and again.
@Oram77 It feels like in the UK when the Prime Minister says they have full confidence in someone you know they're getting the sack before the week is out.
a thing that someone says to cause amusement or laughter, especially a story with a funny punchline.
Maybe that wasn't your cup of garmonbozia.
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Between KCD2, MH Wilds and Yotei there already isn’t enough time this year. Oh and GTA VI. I’ll wait until it’s half off which won’t be very long.
Removed - off-topic
@Steeleye50 woah. That's not very /jōk/ of you!
gpnna pre order it next week on ps5 - they better NOT push release date back anymore because if they do they will end up finished and have to sell off ubisoft LOL
@Loamy just ignore him he is a chidish person
@Oram77 they dare put the release back il sue them
@EchoRange I dunno, seems several people here do care at least a little bit. They can just not like the formula, it's fine. I personally have never seen the worth in it, and has this company not before shown pre-release footage that looks really good but then the game ends up buggy and broken
on release?
On how much the success of this game Ubisoft relies on.. to a point I see the pre-orders as detrimental to them thanks to the free DLC. Most of the hardcore fans will get it at no extra charge, meanwhile more casual people may decline to buy the dlc afterwards. Sales might end up high but actual profits may suffer.
@squidduforeal nah, day one
@Richy2025 so am I 😔
I completed Odyssey. Loved that game. I stopped playing Valhalla after about 40 hours. I tried Mirage, and lasted about 15 hours. So AC for me is no longer engaging me. So, I'm out on this one.
I love review embargos, it always gives hope developer believes in it's product...
Ehm... "pretty much done" ... shouldn't it already be in disc print factory? So physical version will AGAIN be broken or unfinished???
@Loamy i just pre ordered rollercoaster tycoon 3 on the PS Store £20 because i got a ps plus account i get a discount i got the game on pc but aint played it for years this version thats coming out on ps5 same as pc version with all dlcs with it soaked and wild
@Ryu_Niiyama im not gonna pre order it after what happend last time im gonna use my money on a new rgb keyboard/mouse/mousemat for my pc insted of pre ordering a game that might be put back to may or july lol
Welp GameStop charged my preorder so time to put in PTO!
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