We didn’t expect Indiana Jones and the Great Circle’s full PS5 reveal to be quite so big budget. But credit to Bethesda and Xbox: it knew exactly what it was doing with this.
The trailer, for those of you who haven’t seen it, features Harrison Ford stand-in Troy Baker and Uncharted actor Nolan North. Throughout the full video, the pair make telling nods to Nate Drake’s motives compared to Indiana Jones.
It’s a brilliantly executed clip which understands its audience extremely well.

While it’s been almost a decade since the last major Uncharted game, the Naughty Dog franchise very much remains part of the fabric of PlayStation. And while The Great Circle may be a first-person adventure game as opposed to a third-person shooter, it thematically hits the same beats as Uncharted.
Considering the appetite for great single player campaigns on PS5, we suspect this outing is going to perform extremely well on Sony’s console. And this ad can give itself a big pat on the back, because it’s certainly going to contribute somewhat to the port’s success.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 41
This was a good video. Good to see Nolan and Troy together again. I was sad to hear they had issues in between that were quite messy.
Well yeah they have the potential to finally sell some copies 😅 I’d bring out the big marketing guns too, if i was them. I’m just teasing of course ,but there’s truth in it, as i can imagine most people have probably played it through GamePass in stead of buying a copy
@breakneck All I know is that they had a youtube channel together until Troy Baker soon stepped away from it which sucked :[
Loved it!
Removed - trolling/baiting
I hated this game when I first played it because I didn't understand what type of game it was trying to be and was too distracted. I started it again when I had down time and had a blast. I've never played a game I disliked so much to enjoying it as much as I do. If you get a chance to play it, give it time.
@breakneck @Nepp67 CouchSoup was quite interesting while it lasted. Troy did the same with the Play, Watch, Listen Podcast. All appeared to be going well then he just drops it and ghosts them. (According to the other hosts).
@LogicStrikesAgain More than that, I think Microsoft bet on the wrong horse last year thinking Hellblade 2 would be the goty contender instead of Indiana Jones.
You can tell they didn't really have much faith in the marketing last year but now, now they know they have something so will actually put the effort maybe get a bump on PC and GP as well while they're at it.
This was a genius way to advertise Indiana Jones to the Playstation audience.
@breakneck definitely that game was a walking sim 😂, honestly I use to like ninja theory dmc and heavenly sword etc amazing games 👍🏻. But I was shocked playing the 1st hellblade really boring combat, repetitive puzzles etc. Just another developer that ms destroyed reminds me of rare amazing with Nintendo then 20 years of just nothing I’m surprised sot was a hit tbh.
@Residentsteven does you control pad work on magic? Water?
@Toot1st battery obviously 🤦🏻♂️ but not AA batteries like Xbox because that’s old school these days it’s 2025 even Nintendo don’t use batteries anymore.
I think a very good marketing campaign... I'm sure it will do well on PlayStation. I'm really interested to play - but I'm still working through an inordinantly large backlog... but looking like I I won't be buying it physically though.
The AA batteries are an option not mandatory... 🤦♂️
@GeeForce I know but having to buy a battery pack because ms couldn’t be bothered to move with the times 🤦🏻♂️.
"Moving with the times" = having to disassemble a controller to replace the battery? 🤦♂️
@GeeForce wow 🤦🏻♂️ you buy a new one I’m still using my launch ps5 pad with no problems I just keep charging it 👍🏻.
Buy a new controller when the battery needs replacing? 😂😂😂
@SoulChimera @breakneck @Nepp67 I think the reality is it gets a bit boring doing the same thing repeatedly for some people like Troy. Nothing wrong with that, he just craves new things.
FYI he didn't "ghost" PWL he just told them he didn't want to do it anymore as he was busy with other things. But everyone wants to create drama.
@GeeForce exactly Microsoft love releasing new controllers all the time 😂.
@themightyant I don’t really follow it, saw he wasn’t on anymore and I just watched Alanah Pearces video where she said he wasn’t responding to them, but she guessed he must be busy.
@breakneck Didn't Indie come out too late in the year to be in the running for the Game Awards? It was like a week after the cutoff point I believe. Technically I lt CAN go for it this year if so.
That was a fun little promotional video... I wonder if the reviews on Playstation will be any different than those that came before.
@Residentsteven MS didn't buy Ninja Theory until after the first Hellblade.
@SoulChimera I've basically seen them all, I don't think she's ever said he wasn't responding other than the usual weekly banter. In fact she's been pretty transparent about the whole thing, just saying Troy's busy and doesn't have time any more, she specifically reiterated this later several times because people were making up threads on Reddit about some falling out.
@Residentsteven nobody uses AA Batteries you can just get a reachable lithium pack and plug it in to charge the same way you do as the PlayStation controller.
I played it on my Xbox Series X and loved it! Playstation users are in for a treat. It's a great time to be a gamer 👍
@Residentsteven oh thats very consumer friendly having to buy a brand new controller instead of a pack a can get for a fiver
@Lysterao I know but the sequel was pretty much forgotten about after release.
@Toot1st you are replacing your ps5 pad batteries 🤔.
Great game and fun reveal for PS5 players. I bought the crossbuy version for PC/Xbox as I wanted to support development of one of my favourite IPs. As a huge fan of the Uncharted and recent Tomb Raider games, I was very satisfied with Indy and the light immersive sim and mostly first person perspective really helped it stand apart as it's own thing. Duh duh duh duh duh duh duuuuuh. Enjoy folks!
@themightyant I mean that makes sense. Not a bad thing to crave for variety.
It's a good game but I'm hoping they release the new Stalker, they said no way but I'm hoping.
@Beetlebum91 A lot of the time I feel some games just need you in the right frame of mind. Like Death Stranding during covid is a completely different experience to Death Stranding at launch because your mindset has changed.
@Residentsteven no you have to replace the whole control pad, thats why i wished they could have replaceable battery packs like the xbox does
@Residentsteven well done showing how little you actually know about these things, since Microsoft had zero involvement or influence when it came to the first Hellblade...which in fact was self published by Ninja Theory.
@jerrylongbones I know that, that why I was surprised how bad the game played and then they did a sequel for Microsoft which didn’t do very well 🤷🏻♂️. Even though Microsoft paid for the sequel to be made and did hardly any advertising for the game.
@Toot1st I would just buy another normally my pads last me the whole generation. I don’t know what people do to them to make them break.
Can't wait!!!!!
@Residentsteven stating a lot of opinions as fact there dude, I get walking simulators or games like Hellblade aren't for everyone but calling it bad is pretty disingenuous when the overall consensus is otherwise.
Also not sure where you are getting the info it didn't do very well, no comms from Microsoft state that, there hasn't been layoffs at Ninja theory to suggest it.
The game has been nominated and won a number of awards, I think Microsoft is pretty happy.
I also recall quite a fair bit of advertising so again not sure I follow that point.
@jerrylongbones control and combat made it feel like a mobile game to me 😮. Very repetitive too, that’s why I’m shocked it was nt, overall I’ve heard it was mostly negative scores all round from most people. Just because it was nominated doesn’t mean it was good 🤷🏻♂️.
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