Crimson Desert Gameplay

Crimson Desert has always looked ridiculously ambitious — to the point where plenty of people outright doubted its validity — but with its late 2025 release window in hand, the title's keen to keep impressing.

Case in point, developer Pearl Abyss has debuted several gameplay videos that showcase the game's engine. They cover aspects like physics and ray tracing — and it's becoming abundantly clear that this project is the kind of title that people will single out as being truly next-gen.

Now, we should caveat this by saying that these clips are taken from the game running on what is most likely to be a very high-end PC. As such, we currently have no way of knowing how many sacrifices will need to be made in order to get Crimson Desert running smoothly on PS5.

Still, the potential that's on display here is seriously impressive. Purely from a technical standpoint, there'll be developers watching these videos and picking their jaws off the floor.

Last year, Pearl Abyss wheeled out a massive 50-minute gameplay video that captivated many — and with Crimson Desert still aiming for that late 2025 launch, we're bound to see even more of it over the coming months. In particular, we're hoping that footage taken from Sony's current-gen system is heading our way.

What do you make of Crimson Desert? Does this kind of ambition concern you, or do you think there's something special brewing? Discuss your favourite cloth physics in the comments section below.