PS Plus Extra Leaving March 2025

We warned you the day the Last Chance to Play section was updated under the PS Plus header, and now we return with one final reminder you only have a few days left to play the list of 10 PS5, PS4 titles leaving PS Plus Extra next week. In case you've forgotten what's on the chopping block this month, here's the full list:

All the games leave the service on Tuesday, 18th March 2025 and will no longer be playable, even if you have redeemed and downloaded them. In order to continue playing, you'll need to buy a copy. Of course, a separate set of 12 PS5, PS4, and Classic titles are replacing them on the same day.

Despite the time constraint PS Plus members are now working with, most of these games could be played from start to finish before Tuesday rolls around. While being pretty good, Resident Evil 3 is a very short experience. Meanwhile, the two Life Is Strange entries don't take very long to complete. You'll face an upwards battle if you want to finish the Ace Attorney Trilogy or Final Fantasy Type-0 HD before Tuesday, however.

Are you moving any of these PS5, PS4 games to the front of your backlog with their PS Plus expiry dates approaching? Let us know in the comments below.