It hardly feels like it can be considered "news" at this point, but as Indiana Jones and the Great Circle is confirmed for a PS5 release in April 2025, those in the know are suggesting this is just the beginning for the year.
Tom Warren of The Verge, who has accurately shared details of various Xbox to PS5 ports in the past 12 months, added the following to the end of his article on today's release date announcement: "Microsoft first started launching previous Xbox-exclusive titles like Hi-Fi Rush, Pentiment, Sea of Thieves, and Grounded on PS5 last year, and 2025 will include a lot more titles appearing on both PS5 and Nintendo’s Switch 2."
The news cycle over the past few months has been filled with speculation over what PS5 ports Microsoft has planned, with the likes of DOOM: The Dark Ages, Age of Mythology: Retold, and Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition already announced for the coming months.
The following Xbox games have also been suggested to be launching on PS5 this year:
In addition to the above, rumours suggest Bethesda has a remake of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion in the works, which could release as soon as next month.
No matter what Xbox games are chosen to make the jump to other platforms — including the Nintendo Switch 2 — it appears Microsoft's multiplatform efforts are set to continue and become the norm for the company. There are a few exclusives still, like Avowed and the upcoming South of Midnight, but there's a good chance they'll be ported over in the future too.
What games are you hoping to play on PS5? Share your wishlist in the comments below.
[source theverge.com]
Comments 65
One day we’ll get Sunset Overdrive revived, one day….
All of them. Bring them all! Good, bad, whatever. Let me earn the platinum in Grabbed by the Ghoulies.
Brute Force!
Kung Fu Chaos!
Crimson Skies!
Voodoo Vince!
Fuzion Frenzy!
Uhh, that edgy cartoon gameshow one!
JET SET RADIO FUTURE!!!!!!! (Just call SEGA — I dunno, make it happen)
F*** it, bring back Azurik too!
Can you please give ya boy Killer Instinct? That's all I want.
....and maybe Rare Replay lol
@Majin_Deicide Killer Instinct was also the first game I thought of too, when reading this. We can only dream I guess lol
How about sunset overdrive and the og fable.
Killer Instinct
Sunset Overdrive
Rare Replay
Crimson Skies
@Americansamurai1 @DonJorginho from what I remember during the Insomniac buyout, Sony now owns the Sunset Overdrive IP. So doubt anything will ever be done with that.
@CrispyMango92 probably not, but would be nice
I genuinely only care about playing Halo. It's the only game series I miss since I switched from Xbox to PlayStation during the PS4 era. If the Master Chief Collection does get ported over this year I would be over the moon. That and Doom: The Dark Ages would hold me over for the rest of the year.
Just Halo for me. That original trilogy is special to me. I have the MCC on PC and it runs okay on my laptop but console is my main platform.
Gears, halo, fable. That’s all I want, my three favourite 360 series. I’d be interested in oblivion, played through Skyrim many times but missed out on oblivion
Rare Replay would be amazing.
And yet Sony haven't released a first party game for their own system since Astro Bot in September. ☹️
It will also be interesting to see what Sony's response will be if the next gen Xbox/Steam rumours rumours turn out to be true.
Indiana Jones is getting a physical release on PS5!
Now I need to get it!
May more Microsoft games follow with physical releases!
Halo MCC, Gears, Mistwalker and the OG fables games.
t is on them - they have a lot of studios basically doing nothing. Bend and Haven comes to mind.
@DonJorginho Dont Sony own the Ip last i heard..
@Majin_Deicide I'm still waiting for Rare Replay on PC. I love the irony that the ONE Xbox port I want multi-platform is the one that seems locked to the Xbox console forever.
There was an Xbox 360 exclusive called Culdcept Saga. Port that to the PS5!!!
Lost Odyssey and Enchanted Arms.. I wouldnt mind..Lol.
@SMJ Sony has Ghost of Yotei coming out soon that's false saying they don't have 1st party games coming out this year.
“Xbox has no games” though
@Don_Corleone They said "since Astro Bot in September." Not, 'no games in 2025.'
Incidentally, kinda wondering where that Ghosts gameplay is if it's supposed to be releasing soon. I thought it was going to be a first/second quarter release; is that their holiday release...? They have more, right...?
@RBMango Because Rare Replay relies on the Xbox back compact… So straight up expect it to stay off PC (unless they figure out 360 back compact) and especially PlayStation
@TheLotteryMan1 enchanted arms had ubisoft involvement. It was 360/ps3. Ik they delisted on xbox for sale like 1.5 year ago so we can hope
@CrispyMango92 sigh 💔 well at least my steam deck has some uses (playing SO), that game has such potential for a crazy sequel!
They need sales that they aren't getting from Gamepass subscribers so it's no surprise really.
@CrispyMango92 I think it might a Bayonetta like situation, where Microsoft owns the rights to the first game but the ip as a whole is owned by Sony. So Sony can make and release a potential Sunset overdrive 2 on their own but the first one might need approval from Microsoft.
I'd definitely buy Master Chief Collection or a Gears of War trilogy day one.
I'm not terribly interested in the other games being discussed, which I suppose is part of the reason I never bought an Xbox, but I'm glad they'll be available for those that were wishing for them.
Amongst Xbox exclusives that haven't been rumored, I'd very much like a Lost Odyssey port. It's one of the very few major JRPGs I've never had the opportunity to play.
@AverageGamer What a shame. Rare Replay would print money on the Switch 2, especially if they worked with Nintendo to include DKC, Diddy Kong Racing, DK64 and Starfox Adventures to make it truly definitive.
That's an entire audience of old Nintendo-era Rare fans, many of whom never jumped to Xbox, that would surely pay full price for that.
@Don_Corleone I clearly said that Sony haven't released a first party game since Astro Bot in September. Nothing at all about no more games being released in 2025.
@glennthefrog Rare Replay could work for Nintendo if they swapped the Xbox 360 Back compact games with those emulated games on Switch.
I'd like to see Hexic HD with PS5 Pro enhancements
Only 3 I've ever had any REAL interest in that were Xbox exclusives were Gears Of War, Halo and Sunset Overdrive. I'd also like the Senua sequel as I played the first game and enjoyed it enough, but it's not in the same class as the other 3 for me.
Possibly the nichest request here, but I'd really like the bards tale trilogy remastered to finally make it to playstation.
Admittedly it'd probably only sell about 10 copies so I'm not getting my hopes up.
South of midnight looks decent. Could be interested if that gets ported… also fable.
I’m definitely getting forza horizon 5 and give me all 6 gears games 😎 ok 3 to start with the other 3 later then e-day.
@DonJorginho honestly I never thought much that game definitely insomniac’s weakest game only famous because it was there one and only Xbox exclusive. The mechanics of which ended up in spider-man well the wall running anyway.
@DonJorginho Just a matter of time m8
Just waiting on sunset overdrive and killer instinct
Lost Odyssey would actually make my day!
Lego Horizon Adventures?
As a Playstation gamer, I guess this is all good news - though most Microsoft titles don't really interest me. But I wonder about Microsoft's strategy here - flooding the Playstation market with so many titles in such a relatively short time frame, aren't they going to cannibalise their own sales? I know they've been relatively successful so far, but now the novelty of playing Xbox games on Sony's machine has worn off, I wonder if some of these games are just going to sell a lot more softly.
No one ever talks about that Dead Rising sequel that is only on Xbox. I would even consider playing the series, if I new the complete collection was released.
Hopefully after the Switch 2 presentation they just rip the bandaid off and announce everything is now Multiplatform. We all know it's happening, no point in beating around the bush.
@ecurb7 Yeah I thought about that but didn't include it because it launched on Switch and PC on the same day so isn't really a flagship PS5 game. Technically you're correct though.
I can see them bringing Hellblade 2 over at some point - after all the first released on Playstation so there is 'history'.
I can't see them bringing Forza Motorsport despite them bringing Forza Horizon 5 - I think its too 'similar' to Gran Turismo and probably not worth the investment in porting to PS5 for the amount of sales it would likely get.
I'm sure they could release numerous 'old' games that are no longer selling on Xbox, no longer selling Hardware or Subscriptions either so not really making MS money anymore. Halo Master Chief released over a decade ago and as far as I recall, is no longer being 'actively' supported by the Devs. If they bring any 'Gears' game to PS5, maybe the first 'ultimate' edition that was also on PC - but I think a Gears Collection makes more sense as that would bring at least Gears 2 & 3 to PC as well.
Obviously with their Zenimax and ABK acquisition, they have numerous IP's that have been popular on Playstation. Whether they release Day 1 (like Doom) or will release after 'months' of (timed) exclusivity on Xbox (liker Indiana) time will tell.
I still think the majority will be 'older' games - and by older, I only mean that they have released elsewhere (Xbox/PC) and been out at least a week (so not up to 7 days Earlier Access) on that platform. With Game Pass on a 'monthly' plan and MS themselves wanting at least 1 big game a quarter, I can see them delaying releases for at least 3 months on PS so they can use them to sell their own Hardware/Subs.
Indiana Jones isn't selling Xbox Consoles or Game Pass Subscriptions by the time it releases on Playstation - MS are hoping that Avowed, South of Midnight and Doom will sell those and/or keep people subscribed too. Those that wanted to play Indy (or sub to Game Pass) would likely have done so and now its coming to Playstation to sell to those that wouldn't buy an Xbox or Sub to Game Pass anyway so wouldn't get any revenue from them.
I don't think it makes sense for MS to release everything Day 1 on PS but a few months of exclusivity (not a year or more like some Exclusives) makes the most sense. That way, the game is still relatively fresh, it still offers 'some' exclusivity as incentives for MS's ecosystem and can decide which games they think will find success and which maybe won't due to similarities to Sony's own Exclusives.
As we know, MS has quite a few releases coming to Playstation - but most are already playable on Xbox and Xbox has NEW games like Avowed and South of Midnight releasing Exclusively on Xbox as well as games like Fable, Perfect Dark, State of Decay 3, Clockwork Revolution, Gears: E-Day etc in the works too.
I'd like to see Sunset Overdrive on PS but I don't know that is a Microsoft decision. They may have owned the Publishing Rights at one time, but I believe they don't own the IP...
@DonJorginho Yea I would flip my lid for Sunset Overdrive, Quantum Break, and the Crackdown series.
Flight Sim is all I care about.
They can keep the simulator and the crazy lady lol, let's port something actually interesting.
Ori.sunset overdrive. Rare replay.quantum break.south of midnight etc.Word up son
For as much as people complain about Square being a Sony subsidiary, they have a decent number of Xbox exclusives: Infinite Undiscovery, Culdcept Saga, Project Sylpheed, and Ninety-Nine Nights I & II. Only one of those is backwards-compatible on modern Xbox consoles...
MS has no games or gamers. Why would I care?
I remember being hooked on Gears of War while at my friends house on his 360 whilst I had a PS3. And Microsoft Flight Simulator will probably be what tips me over the edge into getting a VR2
Just give me gears damnit!
Get them all over to ps5 so we can stop herring about it! If I wanted them I would already own them on pc ! BS there winning or Trojan horse BS on the next yap yap yap !
@nomither6 while you would think that would be the dumber thing said on this site. It actually comes in at number 2 behind…. Wait for it………
PC gamers don’t buy games!!! THERE IT IS.
Meanwhile Monster Hunter sold more on PC than all other platforms combined. HD2 was carried by PC and PC out gains all other platforms combined for Capcom software sales. And yet with just those few examples you will see things on here like Xbox has no games and PC players don’t buy games.
@NapoleonDynamite thats one part of it. But why does Sony need Steam with 75 million consoles sold and a service that don’t have day and date games? You got Sony management saying they want their games on more platforms. Could it be console players don’t make enough money for either brand no matter who many consoles sold. Cause we know by the top played charts for both consoles that 80% of their player bases are playing COD, FIFA, Fortnite or Minecraft and very little else.
Removed - trolling/baiting
There is litteraly not a single reason to buy an Xbox now
Removed - trolling/baiting; user is banned
@FEWGEE1 gamepass
Really enjoying avowed atm it will probably come to PS5 at some point
I don't think there will be another big port from Xbox to PlayStation in April, as there are already two major games coming to the console.
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