
Topic: What PS5 Games Are You Currently Playing?

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@BlAcK_SwOrDsMaN Awesome. I have some really good memories of RE2, and I probably am due for a replay. But as I mentioned, I want to give RE4 one more try, this time through the Remake, and see if it sticks this time.

I left a few little comments on DS2 over on the Souls thread just now. But suffice it to say I’m making good and gradual progress. I’m really over-leveled and have probably farmed souls way too much. After last night’s run I’m around Soul level 130 and i have my basic build mostly done. The game is addicting and satisfying, as these games tend to be, but I do think it’s still not quite reached the level of its predecessor in my mind. I still have half the game to go though, so my opinion might change.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Jimmer-jammer In addition to the info above, I will just say that I have just done the section after the helicopter crash and apparently will be having my first boss fight with William Birkin fairly soon although I still have to finish off the remainder of the RPD section of the game before that can occur. Have you made it to Erdtree's final boss fight yet? If so, how is it going for you?

"I think the best art doesn’t preach the truth, but encourages viewers to discover what truth is on their own." - Shinique Smith

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


@oliverp Thanks! I am enjoying it. What are you playing?

"I think the best art doesn’t preach the truth, but encourages viewers to discover what truth is on their own." - Shinique Smith

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


I picked up Nobody Wants To Die yesterday. I have played about 3 hours so far and it’s excellent. The atmosphere is incredible, and I love its cyberpunk world.



@Kraven I was thinking of picking that up myself, I'd imagine there is no combat in it, though? Not that games always have to have that. I'd imagine it's more like a Bruce Wayne but w/o his alter ego type of arrangement eh?

I am currently continuing to play through RE2 REmake, did a bit more this morning, encountered my first two burning zombies they were in close proximity to me so a bit more difficult to deal with than the ones that approach from a distance, but still managable. And I also got another key item by solving a puzzle nearby said enemies.

Edit: Just got to get a couple key items and then some healing items and solve one more puzzle then I'm ready to leave the RPD building.

[Edited by BlAcK_Sw0rDsMaN]

"I think the best art doesn’t preach the truth, but encourages viewers to discover what truth is on their own." - Shinique Smith

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


@Th3solution I hope RE4 REmake turns out to be more palatable for you than og RE4 was, hopefully with the updated controls/gameplay/alleged darker tone it will be a more enjoyable experience for you. Yeah, I feel similarly about DS2 based on my brief experience with it, prefer to stick to the Miyazaki-helmed Souls classics, with Elden Ring , his (potentially) final Souls/Soulslike masterwork being the last one to tick off, on my list, the final beastly head to hang on my wall!

[Edited by BlAcK_Sw0rDsMaN]

"I think the best art doesn’t preach the truth, but encourages viewers to discover what truth is on their own." - Shinique Smith

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


I personally believe REmake 4 is the best of the RE-engine REmake games. If that one doesn’t click with a person then it’s likely wiser do abandon the REmake series all together.

I’ve come to accept DS2’s oddities and diversions from Miyazaki-isms as being additions to the charm rather than detracting from it. It’s nigh impossible to properly replicate the man’s charismatic and alluring style of game design and I’ve made my peace with that and somewhat prefer DS2 as this insight into a “what-if” scenario without him, except that scenario is playable. @BlAcK_SwOrDsMaN @Th3solution

We are playing ⚔️ Child of Light. ⚔️


@BlAcK_SwOrDsMaN Yeah, that’s a solid way of putting it. You’re essentially a detective trying to solve a string of bizarre murders. However, it’s more narrative focused, and it’s excellently written. Plus, the noir, futuristic cyberpunk setting is awesome.



After beating and getting the Platinum earlier this month in Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth. I'm halfway through Final Fantasy VII Rebirth and here's my impressions so far after 45 hours.

1- The world and the characters are awesome. I like how the characters connections are developing throughout the game. The semi open world areas are great but it has some open world flaws. (Did I tell you about the towers intel?) but thankfully those flaws are optional to deal with.

2- The story progress is pretty slow and I feel it's almost non existent even if I'm halfway through the game in Chapter 8.

3- The game packed with a lot of content and mini-games. Most of it is really frustrating especially if you're trying to get the highest score for the platinum.

4- The combat is one of the best I've ever played and I really enjoy every single combat. So fast and tactical too.

Overall I don't think I can say definitely FFVII Rebirth is my favorite game this year but it's one of the best. I guess I enjoyed FF16 more but hopefully the second half of the game will be better when it comes to story. - And yes, I decided to give up on Mini Games and not pursue the platinum for now -


PSN: Khwarezm_89 | Twitter:


@Khwarezm89 You will enjoy the game a lot more with your choice to avoid the mini games and such. I ended up going too side quest heavy and such in the middle and it really took away from my experience with Rebirth. Just judging the game otherwise based on the characters, story, and gameplay though? I thought it was great, which is why even later on in the game I continued to ignore a lot of the side content. I still loved the game in the end.

PSN ID/Xbox Live Gamertag: KilloWertz
Switch Friend Code: SW-6448-2688-7386


@KilloWertz Yeah I guess I'm gonna drop the mini games for now and keep a manual save before the point of no return for later. The world is gorgeous. I can't remember when was the last time I took as many as screenshots that I took in FFVII Rebirth.


PSN: Khwarezm_89 | Twitter:


@Khwarezm89 That it is, although I played it all in Graphics mode/30 FPS. It was quite a big drop to me in graphical quality in Performance mode, and it seemed like it never really got fixed. That would be another complaint of mine, as that's now 2 of their PS5 exclusives in a row to have a severely flawed Performance mode (the other being Final Fantasy XVI of course).

With that said, the characters move with more weight than some other games, so I didn't mind playing it in 30 FPS, especially with the option to turn up the camera panning sensitivity all the way up. I took a ton of screenshots as well. Maybe not as many as some people do, but I believe it has the most screenshots of any game on my system.

PSN ID/Xbox Live Gamertag: KilloWertz
Switch Friend Code: SW-6448-2688-7386


Chugging along nicely in Star Wars: Jedi Survivor. Meeting all kinds of crazy characters and exploring a lot more than you could in the first game. Overall it is definitely a better game, story wise I'm not far enough to judge. It seems to have a bit more character than the first, a bit more charm, maybe. Been a while since I played the last one, mind.

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


@Ravix I think Survivor is the better game and I liked the worlds, open - Metroidvania exploration, and weapon options better. But I actually like the narrative of the first game more.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution yeeeah, having more to see and do means I'm not following the narrative so much, so it kind of works out nicely that way.

The fact they mention the Hidden Path (is that what they are called, I dont know) early on made me wonder, once again, if they will stick Cal in the Obi Wan series.

It's kind of weird how both stories are taking place at a similar time, with serious linking themes, without any crossover so far. Timeline wise, I'm not sure the exact dating of events, but I'm sure it would please a bunch of people to see a crossover.

I mean, we know DV knows about Cal in the games, so you'd think if there's a timeline cross in the series he's not just going to forget their run ins. I also like the possibility of what the game could do to explain why Cal is no longer mentioned in the future by anyone either, and he's the perfect actor for that 💀

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


@BlAcK_SwOrDsMaN Nice work! Yes, I’m at the final boss and it’s 100% the toughie that the rumours would have you believe. Hoping to get some proper time in on it in the coming week. I’ve also just started Prince of Persia 😄

“Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.” C.S. Lewis


Started playing Yakuza: Like a Dragon today. This game probably has the slowest opening of all the Yakuza games. I feel like I've been watching a movie during the 2.5 hours I played of it so far. I almost feel asleep several times lol.

The battles are fun and I feel like the turn-based system fits the series well. I just need to experience some actual battles because I have barely scratched the surface of the battle system. I think the game will click with me once that happens.

This is also the perfect Yakuza game to play on the Portal since the battles are turn-based.



@LtSarge Enjoy your time with the game. I really liked it when I played it 2 years ago. My only complain is that you'll need to grind a lot around the end of the game but the Story and Kasuga are really great and exciting.

The gameplay was so fun with some flaws but it put a great foundation for this new gameplay in the future and you'll notice that when you play Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth


PSN: Khwarezm_89 | Twitter:


I paused Trails through Daybreak this week to play Nobody Wants To Die and Severed (Vita). I got the platinum trophy for both, and now I feel refreshed to jump back into Daybreak. I’ll probably be playing that for the foreseeable future.



@Khwarezm89 Thanks for the tip about the end of the game, I'll make sure to do extra battles here and there until the end so that I won't need to grind.

I've heard great things about Infinite Wealth, so I'm definitely looking forward to playing it in the future. As for this game, I'm enjoying the gameplay but I still don't feel like I've gotten to experience any real battles, even after 9 hours of playtime.


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