So, here we are: because of Microsoft's expanding multi-platform efforts, we're now in a position where we can provide an official Preview of an upcoming first-party game before it's even released on Xbox Series X|S. Indiana Jones and the Great Circle launches for current Xbox systems and PC this December, and will then be ported to PS5 in Spring 2025. It may be a surprising move from the platform holder, but for PlayStation players at least, they'll already have a very good idea of the title's overall quality many months in advance thanks to the staggered release.
Wolfenstein developer MachineGames will be hoping to knock it out of the park on the first go, though, and not have to rely on what will essentially be a second launch a few months later. Announced during Gamescom Opening Night Live, we weren't aware of the PS5 port prior to the show, meaning we couldn't secure a press appointment away from the showfloor. However, a kind Bethesda PR representative handed us a Fast Pass to attend a public briefing in the Xbox booth on the Saturday. Our impressions of the game are based on that access, but it's possible more information was shared in the media-only presentation.
Having watched 10 to 15 minutes of gameplay footage — along with following the development of the game in general — Indiana Jones and the Great Circle rightly draws comparisons to Uncharted as it offers a globe-trotting adventure full of combat, puzzles, exploration, charm, and charisma. Much of the discussion surrounding the title has been focused on its perspective: first-person. It makes sense for a MachineGames joint after it honed its craft across a few different Wolfenstein entries, but the camera does zoom out at select point to third-person so you can catch a glimpse of Indy doing his thing. You'll have a full view of him climbing, during cutscenes, and his hands appear on-screen when the whip is used or he's running. With MachineGames clearly preferring to produce its games in first-person, this approach is probably just about the best of both worlds you can get.
The famous whip-cracker is forced on the journey to the Great Circle in 1937, set in between the events of Raiders of the Lost Ark and The Last Crusade. Indy is woken up in the dead of night at his workplace — which appears to be a museum — and finds someone stealing an ancient artefact. Choosing to pursue the thief, he finds the break-in to be just a small part of a much bigger, global conspiracy. To get to the bottom of it all, Indy calls on his worldwide network of allies and franchise newcomer Gina, an investigative reporter who joins him on the escapade.
Controlling Indiana Jones has always been something of a player fantasy, and during the many gameplay sections tying the story together, the comparisons to Uncharted appear to remain apt — except with a first-person camera. You'll have the whip by your side at all times. In combat, you can use it to knock guards off their feet so you can get in close and utilise a combat system based around brutal melee action rather than guns. Then, during puzzle sections and general exploration, it can pull levers from a distance or activate buttons. Indy will also have his revolver as a last resort, and a lighter to burn away cobwebs and light the path ahead during darker sections.
While the gameplay presentation was cut up with talking heads from MachineGames spliced in between, the game certainly seems to flow like a typical action-adventure game of the Uncharted ilk. You can thrust yourself into the action, play encounters stealthily and distract guards, or stop to smell the roses and explore the environment for collectibles and side quests. You'll earn Adventure Points for doing this, which can be spent on upgrades.
Combat breaks up those explorative ventures, focusing on fist fights. Indy does have a revolver and footage showed Indy wielding an MP40, but the experience overall does seem to focus on fisticuffs. You can perform melee combos after knocking an enemy off their feet with the whip, with a range of brutal takedowns and finishers eliminating them for good. These killing blows can be particularly savage and gory, with a very satisfying crunch when you slam a shovel off an enemy's head. It might feel a bit too over the top, but then you remember they're Nazis so it's all completely okay.
This core combination of fighting, climbing, and exploring is what will make Indiana Jones and the Great Circle tick. With MachineGames backing it, the formula appears primed and ready to succeed. Whether it can compare to a modern Uncharted title is another story, but for now, it certainly seems like a high-quality Xbox release. The best part is due to the staggered launch, the PS5 port should be improved and expanded over what's being offered in December. A story DLC after release has been confirmed, and the developer will have addressed any outstanding bugs and issues by the time Spring 2025 rolls around. With a definitive edition essentially readied up, Indiana Jones and the Great Circle might even be best played on PS5. Either way, it comes across a thoroughly enjoyable globe-trotting romp. Sometimes, it's those that prove the most entertaining.
Will you be playing Indiana Jones and the Great Circle on PS5, or will you jump in straight away with the initial Xbox Series X|S and PC launch? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 63
Thanks for the preview, Liam. I'm sort of interested in this game; some of it actually sounds really good. But I've not really been all that impressed with the brief clips of combat they've shown.
As you rightly point out in the preview, we'll have a few months on PS5 to see how well it's received.
The irony. 10 years of 1st party game drought on Xbox and now there's finally a steady stream to come, it's coming to PS5 too. This game looks AA which will suit it, I think. Worth keeping an eye on.
Just added it to my wishlist. Spring looks great so far!
I’ll probably buy it at some point but in no real rush as, while I do love the original Indiana Jones trilogy, as well as the tv show The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles I’m just not overly into a first person perspective.
It does amuse me though that this game is clearly based around the original trilogy and not the terrible sequel. Even they know that no one wants to play that.
Indiana Jones 5, The Matrix 4 and Star Wars The Last Jedi: My top picks for ''the sequels that tried their absolute best to ruin everything beautiful about the original film''.
I’m super excited for this. The game that made me want an Xbox but I’m just really glad it’s coming to PS5 so I wouldn’t have to attempt to stream it or (god forbid) dump cash on an Xbox 😂
PC for me and I'm excited for this one, it's nice to see something like this be in first person and is up there along with Astro Bot and Silent Hill 2 for my most anticipated games for the rest of the year
machine games did an excellent job with the Wolfenstein games so looking forward to this
"These killing blows can be particularly savage and gory, with a very satisfying crunch when you slam a shovel off an enemy's head. It might feel a bit too over the top..."
This is the best thing I could have heard because this level of violence from Indiana Jones fits the character. I like that MachineGames isn't hiding how violent Indy can get. He directly murders many people in the original trilogy, and that brutality (especially in Raiders and Temple of Doom) is part of why I adore those movies.
@RBMango Someone needs to fall into a plane propeller in this game!
Shall wait for the reviews first before doing anything.
Though I have GPU until March 2025 so can easily give it ago.
Anyway tomorrow, Monday 1pm we get the SW outlaws reviews.
This has so much potential and already looks fantastic presentation-wise. I don't think I've played an Indiana Jones game since the NES.
FPS kills this.
Recently bought an Xbox Series X and my lovely wife pre-ordered it for me for Christmas
Pretty sure we will see a new uncharted either announced this year or next.
Indeed will be playing it on PS5 Pro.
@AhmadSumadi For you, it may; for me it doesn’t. I think it looks fantastic, and MachineGames know how to deliver amazing first person experiences.
@Frmknst I disagree. Have you played The New Colossus? MachineGames knows how to create great characters, and in that game the quality level was quite high — really good dialogue, despite being a campy FPS, and wonderful character models. Moreover, the combat/gunplay from MG is far better than anything Uncharted does, and that alone makes the game stand out even more in my opinion.
@nessisonett Xbox is a good console and is not a cash dumb its arguably the biggest gaming company in the world.
yeah they own the biggest gaming companies that's like 15 billion a year extra from Activision on top of their 25 billion dollar's per year.
@THipe Ok buddy.
it true
use your eyes and read multiple articles most of them say microsoft
@WhiteRabbit... 🫤 Define "biggest". If we're talking resources, number of studios, and overall organizational size, MS is absolutely gargantuan. It's one of the largest companies on the planet.
@WhiteRabbit I literally just meant that I would rather not have to buy a whole console to play one game 😂
I will probably end up getting it at some point down the line but It still gives me VR game vibes for some reason. There's an emptiness to it.
I don’t want to BE Indiana Jones, I just want to see him.
3rd person would have made this one of my most anticipated games
only if its voiced by Harrison Ford, got to keep it og
"As Sony wastes money and time on multiplayer live service games no one asked for, and leaves their classic I.P.s in the dumpster.."
A more accurate article title. 🧐
I didn't know that the Wolfenstein devs were also making this game but based on that series, I really hope they are able to pull off this Indy game. The only Indiana Jones games I've played were the lego ones on the Wii a long time ago. As for the first-person perspective, I don't really mind it at all. Will definitely wait for the ps5 version next spring.
If it reviews well I’ll grab it at some point if only as I’m a fan of Indy.
@Frmknst The Wolfenstein games are leaps and bounds better than The Uncharted games, hell the Uncharted are barely even games by comparison.
First person 🤮
I'm probably one of the few people who owns an Xbox and thinks this should have always been multiplatform. But then I also think that Blade, Spider-Man and Wolverine should also be. IPs like these should never be tied to one place. They're pieces of art that deserve to be played by everyone.
Imagine if Batman was only on one system. ☹️
"His hands appear on-screen when the whip is used or when he's running."
I really wish I could be excited for a 1st person Indiana Jones game. I'm really happy for all the PS players that wanna play it though.
maybe they made it first person because they didnt want to be accused of making an uncharted clone despite the fact that there were indiana jones games long before there were uncharted games
@LifeGirl Fate of Atlantis was an amazing game, it should have been the scenario for an Indy 4 movie.
mainly the reason its first person is machine games use the IDtech engine that Wolfenstein and Doom use and thats a first person engine
I've read that the game has vibes of the PS3 Chronicles of Riddick games which I find intriguing.
The easiest thing for Machine Games to have done was just do an Uncharted like 3rd person game, which would have been fine but the comparisons would be very unfavorable.
At least here they are doing something different.
@THipe not anymore..
Top 5 gaming companies by revenue according to Wikipedia are:
1. Sony Interactive Entertainment $29.8 billion
2. Tencent $25.5 billion
3. Microsoft Gaming $21.5 billion
4. NetEase Games $11.5 billion
5. Nintendo $10.8 billion
@riceNpea was Wolfenstein aa?
Don't get this obsession with indy being on PS5?black ops 6 is coming PS5 too so is doom, diablo was too what's the problem? Who gives a F**k just play the games you enjoy
@AdamNovice inpredict Xbox might overtake Sony next quarter with cod, diablo expansion, age of mythology, Indiana jones, flight sim, avowed, wow expansion releasing as well as the steady steam of millions from overwatch, cod mobile, diablo mobile and all the other mobile games from king
@Kraven I love Wolfenstein but just no with regards to it’s combat being better than the newer UC games lol. It doesn’t control,feel or play as tight or smooth as uncharted and it doesn’t provide nowhere near the options in combat. New colossus especially had mediocre gunplay with rote level design and it was only saved because of how fantastic the story and characters were.
@Toot1st what do you mean overtake Sony when most if not all of those games will be on ps5 lol
@Toot1st nvm I see where you were talking about revenue
@LastSaneManOnEarth not really uncharted is the best of these games better than wofvinsteign nothing compares but don't get me wrong wolfveindtein games are good for action more medal of honner games
Definitely looking like a fun Uncharted like game. As for the first person camera: overall I enjoy 1st person because the immersion felt compared to an out of body feel of 3rd person. However with 1st person I much prefer a switch to 3rd in vehicles and in cover, a wide fov, and that I am able to look down and see my body from the waist down. More games need to have the excellent 1st and 3rd one button tap change like in Fallout and Elder Scroll games.
@Toot1st I'd be surprised if that happened, most of those things you mentioned are just catering to a preexisting player base. It would have to make up nearly 9 billion on top of the base revenue, plus we don't know what Sony's output for 2025 is going to be.
This serves me mostly as reminder that I haven't played all the uncharted or tomb raider games, and I should go play them first..
This is the kind of game I'll get on sale several years after it comes out, but it's definitely going to do really well I think. Will help Bethesda recover from it's last few controversial games
@get2sammyb I'm very much in agreement with you.
The combat parts I've seen, did not impress me at all, I cant put my finger on it but the best I can describe what I saw was a mid tier fps from the ps3 era.
It was very bog standard, the animations of the whip and gunplay just looked and felt out dated.
Its such a shame, because the cut scenes and the third person sections looked incredible.
It looks like 2 games mashed together.
Almost to the point of wishing this game was a third person action adventure game so the animations could be their for the gun play and the whip. Bring it into next gen animation wise and actually rival a game like uncharted.
As it stands now even with the Indiana Jones name, uncharted felt more indy than this.
Too bad this is the worst design of Indy ever made. Who the heck wants to play as a Todd Howard looking Indiana Jones.
I loved the wolfenstein games and the OG Indy movies so I'm sooo stoked about this game
Not even close. This indy game is first person, which is absolute nonsense and why i won't entertain it.
I am pretty sure Sony will bring back uncharted anyways. There is money to be made.
If not, there is always Tomb raider.
Removed - inappropriate
@Nem PS6 will be out before a new uncharted game. And the next Tomb Raider will suck amazon owns the IP.
@Frmknst I don't have Game Pass lol
@Toot1st yes
@LifeGirl You forgot Die Hard! Everything after 3 is diabolical!
Oh and I watched the new Beverley Hills Cop the other week. Words fail me.
I'm excited for this Indiana Jones game! I think it looks good and fair play to them picking up the reins when Uncharted and Tomb Raider have gone MIA.
@XenonKnight Still better prospects than a first person indy game. I am just not interested in it.
I have a "Anthem " fellings on this game
@PinderSchloss you have both though , you play as him , but the story plays out in cut scenes in 3rd person.
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