PS2 - Timeline
Monday22nd Jun 2009
News Capcom Aren't Dropping The Playstation Platform In A Hurry
Concerned gamers may be getting their panties in a twist over Activision's threats last week, but when asked by worried Capcom fans over the companies future with the Playstation brand, there was a resounding level of confidence from the major third-party publisher's community manager Shawn Baxter: "I dont see that happening [dropping the Playstation platform]
Monster Hunter has sold over 8.5 million on the PSP worldwide."</blockquote> Pretty much enough said then we think. Rather ironically the PS3 version of Prototype - an Activision published title - stayed in the top 5 of t...
News Howard Stringer Gets President Title, Aims To Save $3.1Billion Over The Coming Fiscal Year
Sony have been losing a fair amount of money over the past few years
The company involved with consumer electronics, music and movies - aswell as our beloved Playstation - made their first fiscal loss in 14 years last year. As such Sony have embarked upon a restructuring plan that has seen the American Howard Stringer taking the title of president...
Saturday20th Jun 2009
It seems Sony haven't just been working on EyeToy and their new Playstation Motion Controller for the past 10 years, but they also toyed with the 3DV technology which Microsoft have implemented for their new Natal device
In a lecture held at Stanford University in 2004, Sony's Richard Marks can be seen demoing early versions of Sony's Playstation...
Tuesday16th Jun 2009
News Uncharted 2: Among Thieves & Brutal Legend Top Out The Best Of E3 Listings
The best of E3 2009 game listings are in - with Sony's Uncharted 2: Among Thieves and EA's Brutal Legend topping out the tallies with 4 nominations each; including the Best Of Show nominee
They face up against Modern Warfare 2, Mass Effect 2 and Splinter Cell Conviction for the coveted award; while the PSP Go faces competition from Microsoft's Natal...
Thursday11th Jun 2009
News Kaz Hirai: We Won't Go Mainstream Too Quickly, We'll Always Support The Core Audience
Kaz Hirai has said a lot of things in his time as head of SCE; namely "$599
" Today though, Kaz has something almost philosophical to say, and we couldn't agree more: "A console always needs a solid core of games that appeal to gamers...If you go mainstream too quickly and don't support the core gaming audience then you lack the pillar to support...
Monday8th Jun 2009
News Vote Playstation At The Annual Golden Joystick Awards
Every year, the Golden Joystick awards are held to honour the best in gaming
This year is no exception with Sackboy and Sev all donning their tuxedos for the big night. But they need your vote before they can get too excited. Head over to the Awards website for a full list of the categories and nominees cast your vote and you could win some cool...
Saturday6th Jun 2009
E3 2009 Interview With Peter Dille
GameTrailers have an exclusive interview with Sony's Peter Dille discussing their content, the PSP Go among other interesting topics
It's an interesting interview for anyone who cares; which is naturally all of you seeing as you're on this site. The second part of the interview is after the jump.
Friday5th Jun 2009
News Take That Are Heading To The Playstation 3 & Playstation 2 With SingStar: Take That
The rhythm-music genre is never (ever) content with not pumping out another sequel
And SingStar: Take That is absolutely no exception. Set to launch later this year you'll be whipping out the ol' Singstar mics to bawl Gary Barlow's ballads on the Playstation 3 or Playstation 2. Let it shine.
Thursday4th Jun 2009
E3 2009 Take A Tour Of Sony's E3 2009 Booth With Jeff Gerstmann & Brad Shoemaker
com</a> is officially our favourite video games website aside from PushSquare. So we decided, while other sites post up their booth tours, there is no better host than Jeff Gerstmann. Alas - here for your viewing pleasure is Jeff Gerstmann touring the ol' Sony booth.
Tuesday2nd Jun 2009
Feature E3 2009 Sony Conference Announcements: The Complete & Definitive Guide
Sony's E3 2009 conference was packed with many thrills and spills
No doubt you're trying to digest all the information that came out of the conference. Well we have the definitive guide prepared for you. Here's everything you need to know: E3 2009: Sony Reveal Motion Controller For Playstation 3 E3 2009: Sony Motion Controller Demonstration...
E3 2009 Important Information About The PushSquare Coverage
Hey guys
Sony will be hitting the stage in under an hour. We're practically bubbling with excitement. You've heard our predictions, you've heard our ideas for the perfect conference and you've probably followed Nintendo and Microsoft over the last two days. The pressure is firmly on Sony's shoulders to be abrupt, concise and decisive. And we'll be...
Monday1st Jun 2009
E3 2009 Sony's E3 Conference Will Be 2 Hours Long
In traditional style, Sony's E3 conference will span a full 2 hours tomorrow night
For comparison, Nintendo will speak for an hour and Microsoft for around 95 minutes. The news has broken from Geoff Keighley's Twitter page, who incidentally, likes to make sure his Twitter page is never too far from the gaming press. He wrote:To those asking about...
E3 2009 Sony Still Have A Lot Of "Shockers" Planned
The PSP Go may have leaked, but SCEA's PR man Jake Osuwah reckons it matters diddly squat
Speaking on Twitter he claimed:<span class="entry-content">Pre-E3 annoucements or not! There's still lots of shockers planned for you guys @ E3, stay tuned...</span></blockquote> <span class="entry-content">So there...
E3 2009 Where Can I Watch E3 2009?
Our friends over at TheSixthAxis have posted a handy guide to this year's E3 coverage
As always you'll get all the news here at PushSquare, but if you want to get in on the Sony conference live, as it happens; here are your points of interest: Sony: 11:00 AM PT / 2:00 PM ET / 7:00 PM GMTG4 (Also on TV)GameTrailers (HD)IGNGameSpot
Sunday31st May 2009
E3 2009 Sony Still Have "Big Unannounced Games" Says Geoff Keighley
The leak of the PSP Go has prompted Twitter user "Jake" to run to their favourite journalist for reassurance
"<span class="entry-content">Will Sony still have a lot of new announcements despite the PSP Go leaks?" he asks GTTV host Geoff Keighley. The response? "</span><span...
Thursday28th May 2009
E3 2009 Sony Have An Announcement Of The "Megaton" Degree
How can you tell we're a week away from E3? Because this mysterious character known as "unnamed source" is popping up on every website related to video games
In fact, he's just popped up on We quote:"Sony has been quite the leaky ship, to say the least. Nevertheless, it's managed to keep what our source calls a "MEGATON...
News Sony Launch The European Arm Of The Official Playstation Blog
Somewhat stepping on our toes a tiny-ickle bit (we kid, not really
), Sony have launched the new awesome-looking European arm of the Playstation Blog. The US version, which has been a massive hit, has been running for a while now but finally Sony have decided to give the same kind of coverage to European (and Australian) visitors. We really like...
Saturday23rd May 2009
News Patent Big Wigs Use The Dualshock 2 To Make Their Lives A Little Easier
In Europe there are some bureaurocrats who work for the European Patent Office
Their jobs are really, really boring, so instead of using a mouse and keyboard to file through their supercomputer's database - they use the Dualshock 2. What a fascinating news piece. We're convinced this is the most interesting piece of information we've offered all...
Friday22nd May 2009
News Sony Is "Proper Credit Crunched", Cuts Suppliers By Half To Save $5.3 Billion
Sony has lost a lot of money lately
A lot of money. Business' don't like losing money, they want to make money. So it's evident things at Sony need to change. Sony Corp. plans to make this change by cutting their suppliers down by half. MCVUK reports Sony will be bringing their supplier total down from 2500 to 1200 by 2011. Of course, stakeholders...
News Happy Fifth Birthday To London Studio's Pop-Culture Classic Singstar!
Singstar is five whole years old
It's been five years since we first donned the microphones and sang until our hearts content. Using the competitive nature of video games and the social fun of karaoke, Singstar has carved a niche over his five years on the market that enabled it to spawn 26 titles in the series. The latest of which, Singstar Pop...
Tuesday19th May 2009
News Sony Get Sued Over Rumble Again
Two years ago Sony settled a load of legal garbage with Immersion over rumble technology
Two years later engineer Craig Thorner wants in on the legal action. As Joystiq explain:After its settlement with Sony, Immersion was set to take on Performance Designed Products (PDP) for similar rumble-yoinking reasons. PDP contacted Thorner for some...
Friday15th May 2009
News NPD Confirms April Hardware Hits A Slump, Nintendo Defies The Trends With DSi
The most noticeable thing about this month's NPD data was the fact that the PS2 outsold the PS3
It's either a positive thing in the sense that there is still life in a very old console, or a negative thing in that the PS3 was very low on the hardware sales sheet. Alas, things weren't particularly much better for the XBOX 360 which only managed...
Thursday14th May 2009
News Sony's Ghostbuster's "Jerk Deal" Not Such A "Jerk Deal", Atari Brand Leave Europe Entirely
Many Europeans were seriously pissed at Sony for claiming the rights to publish Ghostbusters as an exclusive in Europe
Seems like said people will have to eat humble pie as Atari cease to exist in Europe as of this morning. Hoping to beefed up its business resume, Distribution Partners is handling all Namco Bandai releases in Europe, Asia, Australia...
News Playstation 3 & PSP Hardware Sales Up, Playstation 2 Hardware Sales Down
For those trying to predict doom in Sony's 2008 fiscal report - stop trying
Sales are up - for the PSP and PS3 that is. The fiscal report, which covers the period from March 31st 2008 - March 31st 2009 detailed a rise of 300,000 PSPs over last year and 940,000 PS3s. Good news for Sony considering the PSP barely had any software and the PS3 is by far...
Wednesday13th May 2009
News Call Of Duty 7 Is Already In Development (Really!)
Ah-hah another LinkedIn profile, another revelation
Although it's barely a revelation in this game. Guess what? Treyarch have a new Call Of Duty in development. We'd never have guessed. We actually thought they were going to give the series a rest for a while - especially now Infinity Ward have dropped their respective releases title to just plain...
News New Ghostbusters Trailer Highlights Multiplayer Aswell As General Gameplay
In the past few weeks we've really been starting to get hyped for upcoming Ghostbusters game
Not only does the formula lend itself perfectly to a video game, but the fact that Dan Aykroyd has worked on the script compounds our excitement. In fact, we simply can't wait to give it a go. The above new trailer highlights some co-op footage from the game...
News Seriously, This Better Be Our Last Post About Plastic Instruments For A While
Here's a wireless Logitech guitar controller
It works with the PS3 and PS2. It looks kind of swish as far as these things go. It costs $199.99. Can we go now?
Tuesday12th May 2009
News Outrage: McCartney's Bass Is The WRONG Way Around
Here's Paul McCartney's The Beatles: Rock Band plastic replica bass that comes as part of the game's Limited Edition Premium Bundle
As you can see it's the wrong way around. What's that the kids on forums say? "Facepalm".
Saturday9th May 2009
News Resident Evil Franchise Nears 40 Million Sales
The Resident Evil franchise has neared the 40 million sales benchmark since the series' inception in 1996
Mega Man has managed 28 million with Street Fighter pushing 27 million. The Super Nintendo's Street Fighter II remains the companies best selling game with 6.3 million copies sold.
Thursday7th May 2009
News If This Is The DJ Hero Controller - We're Calling "Amazing" Right Now
Oh man
If this is indeed the real, legit DJ Hero controller - damn, we might have to eat every word we've said about Guitar Hero and Rock Band. If those lousy excuses for games paved the way for this then we'll have no option but to eat humble pie and accept those products for what they are. If you take the Guitar Hero concept, replace bad music...
Wednesday6th May 2009
Oh man; video games - this is why we love them
This is insane news. The Ghostbusters game - which was planned as a multiplatform game - has passed publisher's hands like, well, like Swine flu really - starting out at Vivendi, moving to Atari and now - weeks before the June 19th release - ending clasped between Sony's mitts. In this mornings press...
Tuesday5th May 2009
News Is The GTA Hype Dying Out? CNBC Thinks So.
Grand Theft Auto IV was an excellent game and a massive success for everyone involved
The general player consensus was "excellent" - although just lately we have been reading a lot of hate on Rockstar's masterpiece. Many felt the game focused on seriousness as opposed to fun, something that previous iterations in the GTA universe have had...
Tuesday28th Apr 2009
News Microsoft Beat Their Chest, Sony & Nintendo Remain Reserved Over E3
Microsoft are promising an E3 presence that will, "completely transform how people think about home entertainment"
Apparently. As a means of stepping up public anticipation, VG247 have posted an article of corporate chest beating, with Microsoft's Don Mattrick crossing the line of hyperbole. Then again, they did tell us that the terribly buzz-worded...
News SCEE Boss Reckons He Hasn't Heard Of Crackdown Developers
David Reeves is retiring from Sony Computer Entertainment Europe after many, many years
He's practically the figurehead of what has made the Playstation such a success in Europe. He's pretty important etc. Rumours were that when he announced his retirement he would be going to work for Realtime Worlds, developers of the XBOX 360 exclusive title...
Friday24th Apr 2009
We speculated yesterday that the Playstation 3 had taken a massive sales boost thanks in part to the release of Final Fantasy: Advent Children Complete
Those preliminary figures were actually beaten, with the Playstation 3 managing to shift a whopping 62,527 systems last week. In second place? The PSP with 40,065. Nintendo were down once again, with...
Wednesday22nd Apr 2009
News European Lifetime System Sales Figures, 24.9 Million PS2, 8.0 Million PSP & 4.5 Million PS3
European video game retailer GAME have published a report specifying the exact lifetime sales data of video game systems across Europe
Be aware, that GAME only retails in the UK, France, Spain, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, the Czech Republic, and Australia, so figures from Germany and Italy are excluded. The total sales put the PS3 just a million behind...
Friday17th Apr 2009
News PSP KOs Nintendo's DSi By Just 213 Units In Japan
Sony are doing brilliantly in Japan just now
So brilliantly in fact that the PSP managed to squeeze out Nintendo's handheld the DSi. Even if it was by just 213 units. It's an impressive feat for Sony, who have been having a slightly rougher time in the USA for a while now. To top the cake off though, the Playstation 3 managed another week above...
News March NPD's Are In, Fanboys Fight, Playstation 3 Fares Ok
The American sales data, also known as the NPD's, constantly bring the worst out of everyone
Particularly the XBOX 360 and Playstation 3 fanboys. Boy does it bring the worst out of them! The figures are in a predictable order, with Sony occupying the bottom half of the chart and Nintendo the top: Nintendo Wii - 601k. Nitendo DS - 563k. XBOX 360 -...
News Hindu Bigwig Rajan Zed Wants Sony To Pull The Recently Released Playstation 2 Exclusive Hanuman
We posted with some excitement a few weeks back that India had produced their first video game, Hanuman: Boy Warrior
Sadly, the game hasn't gone down too well with the Hindu community. Rajan Zed, an acclaimed Hindu statesman, said that the game put players in control of the Lord Hanuman, while in reality believers put the destiny of themselves in...
Friday10th Apr 2009
News Nintendo's Reggie Fils-Aime: "It's Hard To Say Something Nice About The PS3"
Reggie Fils-Aime suggested "it's hard to say something nice about the PS3" when prompted by Geoff Keighley on GameTrailers TV
The president of Nintendo was asked what Nintendo are worried about in the competition. Reggie quickly cited XBOX Live as a platform that worried him, but failed to come up with a reason as to why Nintendo are worried about...
Thursday2nd Apr 2009
News SCEE Announce A New Iteration In The Jak & Daxter Saga
SCEE have announced the latest iteration.
Jak & Daxter: The Lost Frontier picks up from where the last trilogy left off - as the dynamic duo pal up with friend Keira in her quest to become a Sage and save the world from an evil darkness. The game is being developed by High Impact Games, the team behind that Ratchet & Clank PSP games, so it...
Wednesday1st Apr 2009
News SCEA Reckon The PS2 Will Steal Market Share From The Wii, Analysts Predict 30% More Sales
The Playstation 2 is now $99
99 in the USA</a>. Sony have confirmed they are targeting the product directly against the Wii, noting both systems have "similar customers". In an economic crisis, and considering the variety of games on offer, it's a shrewd business move for Sony to make. However, we can't help but think they're a bit...
Tuesday31st Mar 2009
News No PS2 Price Drop In The UK, No Reason Given
For some reason, the Playstation 2 will remain at £90 in the UK
There's no word on whether the price will change in the near future. If you're after a PS2, we suggest shopping around for the best deal.
News Playstation 2 Official Price Drop Is Official, $99.99/EUR99.99 From April 1st
Sony have just announced that the Playstation 2 will drop price to $99 (roughly £69
00/99.00 Euros) as of tomorrow, April 1st. Sticking out the 10-year lifecycle plan, the PS2, which has already sold 50million units in North America, will continue to make an impact on the video games market. With 1900 games already available, and more big...
Monday30th Mar 2009
News Sony Prepare To Make Big Global Announcement This Tuesday
Do you know what day it is on Tuesday? March 31st
Not mean anything to you? It's the end of Sony's fiscal year. It's where they look at all the profits, look at all the losses and start again. Both Kotaku and Smarthouse have received word from the international powerhouse that an announcement regarding the Playstation brand is imminent. The rumour...
Friday27th Mar 2009
News India Release Their First Playstation Game Hanuman
A great day for Indian video-game development as they prepare the launch of their first video game, created entirely by an Indian team
SCEE will publish the game titled Hanuman: Boy Warrior. The PS2 exclusive follows the tale of a boy who frees enemies from bad karma."We are very proud to launch the first Indian game on PS2 with localized...
Monday23rd Mar 2009
News Dylan Jobe Leaves Incognito And Starts Up A New Playstation Studio
The director of Warhawk, Dylan Jobe, has announced he has left Incognito Entertainment and taken some staff with him
The new studio, Lightbox Interactive, will be based in Austin, Texas. The new studio is in a multi-year contract with Sony to develop games for "the Playstation family of platforms" — so you need not worry about...
Friday20th Mar 2009
News February NPD's Tell Same Old Story For Sony In The USA
The February NPD's are in and show great growth for the video game industry as a whole, which was up 10% on the predictions for the month
Killzone 2, which launched two days before the end of February, secured a mildly respectable 323,000 sales, losing out to Street Fighter IV which sold 403,000 on PS3 and 446,000 on the XBOX 360. The big seller, as...
Friday6th Mar 2009
News Sony Dominate 49.9% Of The Japanese Hardware Market Last Week
The release of Yakuza 3 should put an end to Sony doom-slaying
The PS3 continues to sell very well despite the economy and its high price tag. SEGA's Yakuza 3 is the latest game to prove that Sony's console can shift units, with 372,000 copies sold in its first week. Naturally this had an effect on the Playstation 3's overall sales, where it...
Tuesday3rd Mar 2009
News Super Cute Arcana Heart Fighting Stick Is Super Cute
If, like us, you like pastel colours and pretty things then you'll love this accompanying stick for PS2 arcade port Arcana Heart 2
It'll be available from April 9th in Japan. Take a look at your favourite import site to get your hands on one.