PS4 News


  • E3 2013 Plunder This Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag Gameplay Trailer

    "Shiver me timbers, it's freezing"

    While the live gameplay demo for Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag may have sunk like a great galleon during Sony’s press conference earlier in the week, this pre-recorded offering at least allows you to experience the full sequence without the cut-scenes crashing. We appreciate the requests for the series to...

  • E3 2013 PlanetSide 2 Will Look the Part on PlayStation 4

    MMO will support Remote Play on Vita

    Not only will Sony Online Entertainment’s free-to-play first-person shooter PlanetSide 2 look stunning on the PlayStation 4, but you’ll also be able to play it anywhere in your house courtesy of the next generation console’s Remote Play compatibility with the PlayStation Vita. As part of a brief report on...

  • Feature What Was Your Favourite PS4 Game Reveal at E3 2013?

    Decisions, decisions

    While the PlayStation 4 was undoubtedly one of the biggest stories at this year’s E3, there wasn’t really much in the way of new software announcements for the next generation console. A lot of the content on offer had been revealed previously, be it at Sony’s lengthy PlayStation Meeting earlier in the year, or in the...

  • E3 2013 Polyphony Won't Keep You Waiting for Gran Turismo 6 on PS4

    Keep your driving gloves close by

    Polyphony Digital has added more weight to the reports that Gran Turismo 6 is set to park onto the PlayStation 4 at some point. Chatting with Japanese publication at E3 2013, series creator Kazunori Yamauchi explained that a next generation version of the racer will “appear naturally” in the near...

  • Reaction There Is One Thing That Sony Could Learn from Microsoft at E3 2013

    Taking notes

    This year’s E3 was very special for PlayStation. Despite dominating the industry with the PSone and the PlayStation 2, the company has assumed the role of an underdog at times during this generation. While the PlayStation 3 has played host to some phenomenal games – and posted some impressive sales figures in the process –...

  • Live Watch the PlayStation E3 2013 Livecast Right Here - Day Three

    Still rollin'

    As the sun sets on E3 for another year, Sony's still got a full day of live streaming lined up from the PlayStation E3 2013 booth. Titles on display today include Gran Turismo 6, Daylight, and Octodad. Naughty Dog will also be putting in an appearance towards the end of the day, and there'll be a brief look at Dragon's Crown and

  • E3 2013 Sony's Not Going to Lock Entertainment Apps Behind a Paywall

    Publishers will be able to decide if free-to-play titles require PS Plus

    Despite requiring a PlayStation Plus subscription to play PlayStation 4 titles online, Sony won’t be locking streaming services such as Netflix behind a paywall. One of the biggest criticisms of Microsoft’s policy with the Xbox 360 – and presumably Xbox One – is that it...

  • E3 2013 inFAMOUS: Second Son's Plot Was Dictated by Trophy Data

    You played a part

    While inFAMOUS: Second Son may not be a reboot in the traditional sense, it definitely represents a new beginning for the superhero series. Throughout the PlayStation 4 exclusive, you’ll assume the role of Delsin Rowe, a twenty-something tearaway who hopes to ‘stick it to the man’ with his smoke powers. But why did Sucker...

  • E3 2013 Contrast Steps Out of the Shadows on the PlayStation 4

    Light and dark

    Contrast, developer Compulsion Games’ intriguing romp through the early twenties, is set to shine its spotlight on the PlayStation 4. The game – which employs a combination of light and shadow to create platforming puzzles – has already been confirmed for the PlayStation 3, but the Canadian outfit is expanding to the next...

  • E3 2013 Sorry, Gears of War: Redux Is Not Coming to PS4

    Epic squashes rumour

    While there’s a small chance that a future instalment in the Gears of War franchise could come to the PlayStation 4, developer Epic Games has ruled out a rumour that’s doing the rounds right now. Chatting with IGN, the company said that the supposed Gears of War: Redux logo pictured – which hints at a PS4 release – is...

  • E3 2013 What's Tom Clancy's The Division All About?

    The game that's on everyone's lips

    Unless you’ve been living under a rock these past few days, you’ll probably have heard of Tom Clancy’s The Division. The latest title from Swedish outfit Massive Entertainment aims to deliver an online open world RPG set in a dilapidated New York City. The game’s due out next year on the PlayStation 4. The...

  • E3 2013 This Secret Relic Resembles a Knack Trailer

    Friendly giant

    We’re still not sure about Knack. While it’s the product of platformer guru Mark Cerny – who’s worked on everything from Sonic the Hedgehog to Ratchet & Clank – something about the art style puts us off. Worse still, the gameplay appears to resemble those awful werehog segments from Sonic Unleashed that everyone seemed...

  • E3 2013 Don't Worry, Twitch Could Still Come to PS4

    Streaming like a machine

    While you’ll be able to broadcast live gameplay from your PlayStation 4 to Ustream, slightly more popular service Twitch is off the cards for the time being. However, despite Microsoft insinuating that it had locked up support with the online streaming site, company vice president of marketing Matthew DiPietro has...

  • E3 2013 Sony's Decided to Boost Internal Sales Estimates for PS4

    Pretty much on cloud nine

    Oh to be a fly on the wall at Sony right now. The company may not have had the greatest E3 showing in memory, but it absolutely smashed it out of the park on the points that mattered – and it’s riding out of this year’s convention on a rainbow coloured unicorn as a result. We already reported earlier that

  • E3 2013 What Do You Get in the PS Plus Version of DriveClub?

    Prologue edition

    During its press conference earlier in the week, Sony announced that PlayStation Plus subscribers will get a free version of DriveClub for the PlayStation 4. However, it used very specific language during that part of the presentation, making it seem like a stripped back version of the game would be up for grabs. As anticipated,...

  • E3 2013 Killzone: Shadow Fall Takes Place on Large, Non-Linear Maps

    Fighting a different battle

    Killzone: Shadow Fall may have prompted you to groan when it was unveiled in February for the PlayStation 4, but this is not an average first-person shooter. Unlike previous entries in the franchise, the action will take place in non-linear maps as opposed to claustrophobic corridors, allowing you to decide how you want...

  • E3 2013 PS4 Pre-Orders Soar After Sony's Press Conference

    Shooting for the stars

    Despite lagging behind the Xbox One at some UK retailers prior to E3 2013, pre-orders for the PlayStation 4 have practically exploded following the platform’s impressive showing in Los Angeles. Blockbuster – who were recently

  • Live Watch the PlayStation E3 2013 Livecast Right Here - Day Two

    Rollin', rollin'

    Sony's live coverage from PlayStation's E3 2013 booth is continuing today, with gameplay demonstrations for DriveClub, Watch Dogs, and Killzone: Shadow Fall. There'll also be a quick look at three free-to-play titles: Warframe, Blacklight Retribution, and

  • E3 2013 Er, The Last Guardian Is Actually Still in Development

    And the saga continues

    The Last Guardian isn’t dead. Despite comments from SCEA president Jack Tretton that seemed to insinuate that the title had pegged it, Worldwide Studios America's Scott Rohde has dismissed his boss’ claims, revealing that the title is definitely “still alive”, even though the firm doesn’t have any new details to...

  • Feature Eight New PS4 Indie Games That Should Be On Your Radar

    Shrunken down to size

    The big moments at E3 may be reserved for hardware reveals and blockbuster exclusives, but the indie sector is undeniably becoming increasingly important for platform holder Sony. The Japanese giant has made a huge push in this area over the past few years, and as its press conference evidenced earlier in the week, it’s not...

  • E3 2013 The Order: 1886 Pits Mankind Against an Ancient Foe

    Not the London you know

    We’ve been craving a game set in Victorian London for practically eons now – it was one of the first things that we thought about when the trademark registrations for The Order: 1886 originally leaked – so you can perhaps appreciate our excitement when the first trailer for Ready At Dawn’s brand new PlayStation 4...

  • E3 2013 The Dark Sorcerer Rises in Extended Technology Demo

    "What mask?"

    Much like last year’s Kara technology demonstration, The Dark Sorcerer is Quantic Dream’s latest experiment for the PlayStation 4. The video is running in realtime on the next generation console, and represents the first version of the French studio’s latest engine. However, the developer stresses that the footage is not...

  • E3 2013 Final Fantasy XV Comes Out Swinging in New Gameplay Trailer

    Hair you go

    Final Fantasy XV, where have you been all our lives? The title – formerly known as Final Fantasy Versus XIII – was re-revealed with a spectacular cinematic trailer during Sony’s E3 2013 press conference earlier in the week, and now Square Enix has followed up with a bunch of gameplay footage. Unsurprisingly, it still looks...

  • E3 2013 Sony's Dropping the PSN Pass System for PS4

    No annoying codes

    Now that Sony’s revealed that you’ll need a PlayStation Plus subscription to play PlayStation 4 games online, the company’s announced that it’s ditching the PSN Pass system currently present in its first-party games. However, that’s not stopping other publishers from implementing their own version if they choose...

  • E3 2013 See the PS4 Camera in Action in the Playroom

    Watching you

    While the enhanced PlayStation 4 camera doesn’t come bundled with the console, it’s still being touted as an integral part of the system’s setup. This brand new trailer deployed by PlayStation Japan shows off an augmented reality demo known as the ‘Playroom’, which uses a combination of the camera and the DualShock 4 to...

  • E3 2013 inFAMOUS: Second Son Gameplay Footage Flies Like a Bird

    Giving the Cole shoulder

    Who said that next generation games are indistinguishable from existing releases? inFAMOUS: Second Son may not appear to be blowing off the doors from a gameplay perspective, but it sure looks clean for an open world game, doesn’t it? The first gameplay trailer embedded below shows protagonist Delsin Rowe zooming around...

  • E3 2013 Did Jack Tretton Just Put a Bullet in The Last Guardian?

    Anticipated exclusive is on hiatus

    We really thought that this was going to be the year that The Last Guardian puffed out its feathers in glorious high resolution on the PlayStation 4 – but it sounds like the title may have been put back on the shelf. Following a promising message from creative director Fumito Ueda earlier in the year – which...

  • E3 2013 Watch the Highlights from the Sony PlayStation Press Conference

    Magic moments

    If you were anywhere but the United States last night, you’d have either had a hard time staying awake – or just given up altogether and slept right through Sony’s most important press conference in years. And what a show you missed. For those of you who were sleeping – and even those who managed to brave the night – point...

  • E3 2013 Check Out Killzone: Shadow Fall's Stylish Box Art

    Good and evil

    It may not be quite as eye-catching as that incredible inkblot mock-up, but we’re still rather fond of Killzone: Shadow Fall’s official box art. The package demonstrates the divide between the ISA and the Helghast, and even incorporates the shape of the leather fastener on the redesigned antagonists’ masks. Interestingly, it...

  • Live Watch the PlayStation E3 2013 Livecast Right Here - Day One

    Tune in

    The press conferences may be done and dusted, but that doesn’t mean that the E3 action’s over. Sony will be broadcasting live gameplay demos and interviews from its PlayStation Booth all week, and you can tune in courtesy of the video embedded below. In all, the publisher’s promising over 40 demonstrations, ranging from PlayStation 4...

  • News Sony: Financial Backbone Will Be 'Much Healthier, Much Earlier' with PS4

    Platform holder's not breaking the bank

    Let’s not beat around the bush, the PlayStation 4’s price point was a bit of shock. While we’d heard inklings that the company was going to price its next generation system much lower than previous efforts, very few imagined that it would hit $399.99. And that’s prompted some pundits to question...

  • Talking Point Did Sony Do Enough to Win the Battle of the E3 2013 Press Conferences?

    Presentation punch-out

    The LA Convention Centre may have only just opened its doors for E3 2013, but the primary press conferences are now over for another year. After a long day of media briefings from Microsoft, Ubisoft, and EA, Sony finally

  • E3 2013 No, Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts III Are Not Exclusive to PS4

    Noctis the news we wanted to hear

    It was pretty obvious last night that Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts III would not be exclusive to the PlayStation 4 – but publisher Square Enix has just made the news official, confirming that the titles will also be launching on the Xbox One. Sony used some pretty intentionally confusing discourse during...

  • E3 2013 The Elder Scrolls Online Scribes a New Chapter on PS4

    Tamriel beckons

    The Elder Scrolls Online, the series' first foray into the MMO market, is heading to the PlayStation 4, Sony revealed during its E3 2013 keynote. The game, which sees you questing, journeying, and battling with friends and strangers alike, is set for a Spring 2014 release. The firm was also eager to announce a partnership with...

  • E3 2013 This Is How PS4's Social Functions Will Work

    Fancy bedroom not included

    Aside from the fancy visuals and new games, the unmistakable advantage of upgrading to the PlayStation 4 is demonstrated in the cringe-inducing trailer embedded below. While we’ve become accustomed to the clunky interface of the PlayStation 3 over the years, the next generation console will offer a much more refined...

  • E3 2013 Yes, the PlayStation 4 Is Region Free

    Of course it is

    Considering the strides that it’s made to appease gamers in other areas, you didn’t think that Sony was going to go and region lock the PlayStation 4, did you? Good, because it’s not. Writing on Twitter overnight, a nonchalant Shuhei Yoshida revealed that the next generation console will be “region free”. However, it’s...

  • E3 2013 Put Your Hands Together for This DriveClub Trailer

    Big beats

    Sony confirmed overnight that DriveClub will be available as a launch title for the PlayStation 4 – and PlayStation Plus subscribers will score a free version of the game as part of their membership on launch day. Judging by the terminology being used by SCEA executive Jack Tretton on stage, we’re guessing that this giveaway will...

  • E3 2013 Quantic Dream's The Dark Sorcerer Trailer Has an Almighty Twist

    Green screen

    Sony didn’t show an enormous number of new PlayStation 4 titles during its E3 press conference last night, but this tech demonstration from Heavy Rain developer Quantic Dream was a definite highlight among the few that it did reveal. Dubbed The Dark Sorcerer, the video opens like any David Cage epic, as a tormented magician agonises...

  • E3 2013 inFAMOUS: Second Son Trailer Fumes on PS4

    Super power nirvana

    We fully expected inFAMOUS: Second Son to feature during Sony's E3 2013 presser as a live demonstration, but instead we were treated to this brilliantly paced, action-packed trailer. Protagonist Delsin Rowe – played by the ever brilliant Troy Baker – is shown skipping between cracking combat and brotherly narrative. It's...

  • Reaction Sony Has Outwitted Microsoft at Every Opportunity with PS4

    Playing its cards right

    Let’s be honest, today’s PlayStation press conference wasn’t the best that Sony’s ever put together. The pacing was lethargic after Microsoft’s high-octane offering of trailers and live gameplay demonstrations, and it all took a while to hit top gear.

  • E3 2013 Sony Rubs Salt into the Xbox One's Used Games Dilemma

    Ouch, that stings

    Following Sony's momentous E3 showing – in which the firm delivered the revelation that the PlayStation 4 will play used games – a video has surfaced on the Japanese giant's official YouTube channel, mocking the somewhat more complicated procedure of pre-owned content on its competitor's platform. At just 22 seconds long, it's...

  • E3 2013 Killzone: Shadow Fall on PS4 Looks Lovely


    Despite not demonstrating the next instalment of Guerrilla Games' franchise live on stage as many predicted that it would, Sony opted to show a new gameplay trailer for Killzone: Shadow Fall – and it sure looks good. We got a decent look at some of the new and improved brutal melee kills, high-tech weaponry, a very helpful-looking sentry...

  • E3 2013 PS4 Will Let You Play Used Games, Will Not Require an Internet Connection

    Simple luxuries

    A beaming Jack Tretton took great pleasure in revealing that the PlayStation 4 will not block used games during Sony’s E3 press conference earlier today. In a dig at Microsoft’s confusing and restrictive policies for the Xbox One, the SCEA executive explained in detail that you’ll be able to sell, trade, and rent disc-based...

  • E3 2013 You'll Need a PS Plus Subscription to Play PS4 Online

    Tretton didn't mention that one

    While the PlayStation 4 may be doing a lot right with regards to used games, Sony has confirmed that you’ll need a PlayStation Plus subscription to play the console online. The otherwise comical trailer embedded below notes the restriction in small print, which is made all the more upsetting by the tone of the...

  • E3 2013 Bungie Give Us Our First Glimpse of Destiny on PS4

    Together we're stronger

    The last game shown at Sony's E3 2013 keynote, Destiny was demonstrated live on stage by Bungie, and is on course for a PlayStation 4 release next year. Strange and often creepy developer commentary aside, the title certainly looks to carry on the talented studio's knack for crafting great releases. The demo itself saw two...

  • E3 2013 Square Enix Announces Kingdom Hearts III Is Heading to PS4

    Oh my Sora, how you've grown

    After what seems like the wait of a lifetime, Square Enix has finally revealed that Kingdom Hearts III is "now in development" for the PlayStation 4. However, it's unclear how far into production the title currently stands. There was no mention of the game being exclusive, so expect this to arrive on other platforms...

  • E3 2013 Final Fantasy Versus XIII Becomes Final Fantasy XV

    Looks glorious

    During Sony's E3 press conference, Square Enix producer Tetsuya Nomura both shocked and confused JRPG fans by showing a trailer for Final Fantasy Versus XIII, before replacing the game's logo with Final Fantasy XV. And the best news? It's headed to the PlayStation 4. The action-packed trailer looked truly stunning, with detailed...

  • E3 2013 New IP The Order: 1886 Announced as an Exclusive PS4 Title

    Monster hunting in Whitehall

    Worldwide Studios' Shuhei Yoshida came on stage during Sony's E3 conference to announce a new exclusive PlayStation 4 title named The Order: 1886. Both Sony Santa Monica and Ready At Dawn have been working on the game, which appears to be a steampunk affair set in 19th century London. Details are scarce, however an...

  • Talking Point What Do You Think of the PS4's Hardware Design?

    Spill your thoughts on Sony's latest console

    Sony laid out the design of the PlayStation 4 like an open book at its press conference earlier this evening – a fitting metaphor, considering the console kind of resembles a hard-back tome. The hardware has an angled surface to it, and has a pronounced split across the spine. There’s a splash of blue...

  • E3 2013 PlayStation 4 Will Cost You Just $399 When It Launches

    Dropping bombs

    Perhaps the biggest megaton of Sony’s PlayStation press conference came in the form of a price this evening. An excited Andrew House explained that the console will cost just $399.99 in North America and £349.99 in Europe – a fairly significant saving compared to the Xbox One’s much steeper $499.99/£429.99 price tag. The...

  • Live Watch the Sony PlayStation E3 2013 Press Conference Right Here

    Learn the future of PS4, PS3, and Vita now

    Sony’s late night showing is set to conclude an incredible day of E3 2013 press conferences – and we’ll be bringing you unprecedented coverage from the big show right through the night. Expect the publisher to come out swinging as it attempts to topple Microsoft’s offering from earlier in the day...

  • E3 2013 Let's Play PlayStation Press Conference Bingo

    Full house

    PlayStation's E3 2013 press conference is mere moments away, and to celebrate this momentous gaming occasion, we've thrown together a couple of bingo cards designed to enhance your enjoyment of the event. Every year, the firm's most important executives and developers take to the stage to talk tech, show games, and drop big announcements...

  • E3 2013 Trials Fusion Rises and Falls on PlayStation 4

    Get ready to wreck

    After years of being cooped up on the Xbox 360, RedLynx’s awesome physics-based vehicular platform property is finally set to bunny hop onto the PlayStation 4. Announced as part of Ubisoft’s press conference mere moments ago, Trials Fusion is brand new entry in the Finnish outfit’s deceptively addictive motocross series...

  • E3 2013 Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag Cuts Deep with Two New Trailers

    Dual wielding

    Showing off not one, but two trailers for the upcoming seafaring adventure, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, at its E3 conference earlier this evening, Ubisoft hopes to have sated both CG lovers and gameplay addicts. Both videos give us a further look at protagonist Edward Kenway, as we watch him stab, shoot, and bottle his way through...

  • E3 2013 Insomniac Still Could Make Games for Sony

    Flip flop

    Even though the announcement had been heavily rumoured for some time, it was strange seeing Insomniac Games announce Sunset Overdrive as an Xbox One exclusive earlier today. Company gaffer Ted Price has always been a regular on Sony’s stage, so seeing him – along with Phil Harrison and Hideo Kojima – promoting Microsoft’s machine...

  • E3 2013 The Crew Crashes onto PS4 Next Year

    Cruisin' USA

    As previously rumoured, The Crew will race onto the PlayStation 4 next year. The title – in development at Ivory Tower and Ubisoft Reflections – promises to change the “status quo” of driving games by offering a persistent open world representation of the United States, which you’ll attempt to control by snatching gang...

  • E3 2013 Need for Speed: Rivals Trailer Braces for Impact

    Head on collision

    Wouldn’t life be a lot easier if people just stuck to the speed limit? This brand new Need for Speed: Rivals trailer shows a group of ragtag street racing rascals taking on the law – but it’s not entirely clear what their incentive is. We suppose that the upcoming title wouldn’t be particularly fun if you had to abide by...

  • Live Watch the Ubisoft E3 2013 Press Conference Right Here

    Hopefully you won't get hacked off

    In an attempt to mimic the plot of its upcoming open world adventure Watch Dogs, publisher Ubisoft has packed Los Angeles with cameras, allowing you to tune into its E3 2013 press conference live. The French organisation is expected to show some new footage from the aforementioned hack happy title, in addition to...

  • Rumour PS4 to Launch with Three Models, Cheapest to Cost $399

    How low can you go?

    According to Games, we will get a PlayStation 4 price out of Sony tonight – and the cheapest option will set you back $399.99. The website reports that the platform holder is planning three different versions of its hardware, with the most expensive retailing for an eye-watering (and rather unfortunate) $599.99. If...

  • E3 2013 Dragon Age: Inquisition Expands with Open World in 2014

    Fire and brimstone

    Despite originally being scheduled for release later this year, BioWare has pushed back Dragon Age: Inquisition until the end of 2014. The title – which will launch on the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 – will boast an open world setting, and will also plot the return of Morrigan from previous entries. There’s a trailer...

  • E3 2013 Kojima Productions Trots Out New Metal Gear Solid 5 Footage

    Certainly not horsing around

    Microsoft kicked off its E3 2013 press conference with a show stopper earlier today, revealing a brand new slice of gameplay from the upcoming Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain. The footage opened with Snake riding through a desert, demonstrating the Fox Engine-powered title’s impressive graphical prowess. From...

  • Live Watch the EA E3 2013 Press Conference Right Here

    Electronic dreams

    Stick a paw in the air if you’re panting with excitement? After months of build up, E3 2013 has finally arrived, and the show’s set to start in stylish fashion with EA Games’ press conference. The North American behemoth is promising a first look at a number of its upcoming releases, including Battlefield 4, FIFA 14, and Need...

  • Talking Point Has Microsoft's E3 2013 Showing Lessened Your Interest in the PS4?

    Xbox One steps out of the shadows

    It was imperative that the Xbox One had a strong showing at E3 2013. Last month, the backlash to the platform’s initial unveiling was undeniably negative, with a whopping 84 per cent of you noting that the system had done nothing to quell your anticipation for the PlayStation 4. But today’s press conference was...

  • E3 2013 Ubisoft Exposes New Watch Dogs Trailer

    Hacking is a weapon

    Ubisoft’s E3 2013 press conference may still be a few hours away, but the French publisher has broadcast this brand new Watch Dogs trailer to get you in the mood. The footage shows protagonist Aiden Pearce using his fancy smartphone to hack into a seedy underground office, and nail a number of criminals in the process. Don’t...

  • News PS4 Pre-Orders Just Behind Xbox One at Amazon UK

    The battle begins

    It looks like Microsoft’s confusing DRM policies have done nothing to deter the casual consumer, as has confirmed that the Xbox One is currently winning the battle for platform pre-orders – but only just. According to the online retailer, the next generation system has been added to 2.3 per cent more baskets than...

  • E3 2013 This Athletic Teaser Should Get You Hyped for EA Sports

    Building anticipation

    EA Sports is set to debut four big titles during its media briefing this evening – and this trailer should get you in the mood for its show. It includes brief glimpses of the publisher’s new UFC title, as well as NBA Live 14, Madden 14, and FIFA 14. These cinematics sure look pretty, but we’ll be waiting for some in-game...

  • E3 2013 Here's Your First Look at Call of Duty: Ghosts on PS4

    Doggy paddle

    Looks like Microsoft doesn’t have time to squeeze Call of Duty: Ghosts into its press conference this year, as Activision has deployed some brand new footage from the upcoming sequel's campaign. The first snippet – running on next generation hardware – shows a couple of scuba diving soldiers navigating an underwater corridor...

  • E3 2013 Daylight Will Use the PS4 Camera to Record Your Reactions

    Are you afraid of the dark?

    Zombie Studios’ procedurally generated psychological thriller Daylight will take full advantage of the enhanced PlayStation Eye on the PlayStation 4, using the peripheral to capture your reactions as the title toys with your emotions. You’ll be able to store these snaps as a souvenir, or bravely share them with your...

  • E3 2013 Yes, DriveClub Will Be Playable on PS4 in Sony's Booth

    Pedal to the metal

    In an announcement about as predictable as a rainy weather forecast in Coventry, DriveClub developer Evolution Studios has confirmed that the impending PlayStation 4 racer will be playable at E3 next week. It’s not especially shocking news, but it does confirm that the next generation console will be occupying a spot in Sony’s...

  • Talking Point What Are Your Hopes and Fears for the PS4, PS3, and Vita at E3 2013?

    Nervous expectations

    We’re on the home straight. The world’s gaming media is descending on Los Angeles as we type, a city that’s slowly being transformed into a haven for interactive entertainment. Posters are being erected, laptops are being charged, and publishers are transporting secretive packages containing builds of unannounced games...

  • E3 2013 PlayStation Employee 'Blown Away By Something Being Shown Next Week'

    Choo choo

    The coming days will play host to a number of big PlayStation announcements and demonstrations – and it looks like former EGM editor Shane Bettenhausen has already been privy to one. The likeable employee – who joined Sony Computer Entertainment America in 2011 – Tweeted overnight: “It takes a lot to impress me, and I was just...

  • News Another Analyst Reckons the PS4 Will Retail for Less Than $400

    Cheap as chips

    Michael Pachter isn’t the only industry analyst that believes that Sony has learned from the PlayStation 3’s disastrous price tag. In a note deployed to investors earlier today, Sterne Agee employee Arvind Bhatia said that the company will not repeat the same mistakes, and will subsequently launch the PlayStation 4 at a much more...

  • Talking Point Will You Still Buy the PS4 If It Treats Game Ownership Like the Xbox One?

    Going through changes

    For a company that’s made copious communication blunders over the course of the current generation, Sony’s handled the subject of used games in an unexpectedly cunning manner – primarily by shutting its mouth. While its closest competitor Microsoft has been hung, drawn, and quartered since the Xbox One’s unveiling, the...

  • E3 2013 Dead Island Developer Dashes onto PS4, PS3 with Dying Light

    Zombies, run

    Dead Island creator Techland is lacing up with a brand new PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 parkour adventure. Announced earlier today alongside the CG trailer embedded below, Dying Light is a first-person title set in an infected world. However, in this post-pandemic outing, there appears to be a high-speed twist. While the Polish...

  • Feature 15 Things You Should Expect During Sony's E3 2013 Press Conference

    The likeliest PS4, PS3, and Vita announcements

    The countdown may still be ticking, but E3 2013 has already more or less arrived. How do we know? Well, because we have a checklist of tasks to complete, an inbox absolutely overflowing with press releases, and a splitting headache. But the pounding in our skull is only partially fuelled by stress –...