
Topic: The Trophy Discussion Thread

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@CJD87 Well done!! GoT is just excellent and Iki is a great expansion so you've still got some more to enjoy.

@colonelkilgore Congrats on that one, it sounds like it's been pretty brutal. I've got the game from PS+ but sounds like I should maybe save it for a rainy... month? 😅



@colonelkilgore Ha cheers man!
'Gentle' was definitely called for, ahead of Elden Ring launching... I'm already having nervous sweats regarding the potential trophy requirements!
Congrats on Deus Ex - and your 3/4 century platinum... 75 is some number hey



@RogerRoger yeah thanks rog, I wasn’t expecting it to be that challenging tbh… but let’s just say it completely earned every percentile of its 0.2% Ultra Rareness. ‘Twas intense!

[Edited by colonelkilgore]

currently residing in PS3 Purgatory


Congrats on all the recent plats! You guys are rocking up some numbers.

I recently popped the plat for Guard Duty and Thimbleweed Park. I can't remember if I posted about Guard Duty on here already? Fun enough game but lost me a bit towards the end. Thimbleweed Park is just brilliant. I'd completed it on the Switch previously so it didn't take me long this time but I just love these types of games and the humour that comes with them.

I managed to get all the Gems in Crash 2 and I'm about 9 relics short of the plat. I keep picking it up every now and then so maybe I'll get it in a year or so ha! The first trophy I unlocked on it was from 2017.

Now I need to find another short game to go along with my big one, which is Death Stranding (loving it!).



@ScarletSpidey nice dude, congrats. I hadn’t heard of Thimbleweed Park but I loved Day of the Tentacle when I played that recently, so I’ve just added it to the Wishlist off of your glowing appraisal.

Good luck finishing off Crash 2, you’re a brave man for even trying 😉

currently residing in PS3 Purgatory


Finally got the Tiny Tina plat! Spent over almost 10 hours farming for a random enemy spawn. Love the Borderlands games but man they have some God awful trophies at times. Happy to be done with it though right in time for Horizon!



@colonelkilgore Hope you enjoy it! It's very meta.

Ha, I'll probably never get it but maybe one day. Congrats on the Dues Ex Plat!



@colonelkilgore congrats on the plat! Presumably it was an enjoyable, albeit challenging, experience! You’re a machine.

“Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.” C.S. Lewis


I recently got around to finally finishing off the Mass Effect 3 platinum and just today knocked out the Guardians of the Galaxy one as well to put me on 79 platinums. I had a little bit of extra push to get them finished so I can (hopefully) make Horizon Forbidden West no 80.

Guardians had a few annoying ones like having to replay the game to get any missed outfits and unfortunately I missed one in chapter 14 of a 16 chapter game. Plus there are a few combat ones that are a little out of your control that you have to hope the random Gods help you out. I was getting annoyed with Gramora and Groot pulling arms off Inquisitors instead of Drax but he finally did it literally minutes before I got the last outfit.


PSN: leejon5


@Jimmer-jammer cheers buddy, the trophies attached to the game itself were fine… if highly missable if you weren’t paying attention. The trophies attached to Breach were a challenge though. I look back on Breach mode positively… but at the time it was intense.

@BearsEatBeets double revels to you dude, for your two sci fi plats.

[Edited by colonelkilgore]

currently residing in PS3 Purgatory


@colonelkilgore Cheers. Yeah I finished off those 2 highly cinematic sci-fi games just in time to get stuck into another big one on Friday. Good thing I love the genre.


PSN: leejon5


Nice work on those two.
Games with missable collectables really should come with a chapter select!

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


@BearsEatBeets @Sorteddan Guardians does have chapter select and I think you can get the outfits using that?
However, there's at least one trophy that does require replaying a large part of the game if you do the wrong thing at one point in the game, so that sucks too



@Sorteddan Definitely.
@Voltan Unfortunately not, using chapter select doesn't update getting missed collectibles or outfits. It only seems to be any use for getting any combat related trophies.
At least some of the decisions do play out quite different at times so I got to do some different stuff in the second playthrough. Although it was tough not chatting much to my crew (for time saving purposes) as the dialogue and acting are definitely some of the game's greatest qualities.


PSN: leejon5


#322 Star Wars Jedi : Fallen Order - Darksiders meets Uncharted with a little bit of Sekiro in the Star Wars universe ? That's a pretty solid proposition, and the game delivers. It's never incredible but always really good, with no real weaknesses apart from the graphics sometimes. The PS5 version is very lazy on this point, with no significant improvement.

The platinum was the kind of platinum I like, a single playthrough, find everything, unlock everything, a few combat trophies and that's it, perfect list. A great game overall.

[Edited by Cornaboyzzz]



There we go, AC Valhalla’s plat is mine! My third of the year so far which isn’t bad actually. Unfortunately Ubisoft seem to have broken their game with the latest update and therefore I can’t actually finish the final quest in the game. Guess I’ll just start the DLC until they fix it.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@BearsEatBeets Nice work 👍. I had the same problem with GotG and ended up having to do most of another play through to get the collectibles. I can understand why it works that way from a narrative point of view but it was damn annoying.

@nessisonett Aways weird when you wrap up a platinum and the final mission isn’t part of it 😆

Nice work @Cornaboyzzz @redd214 and anyone else popping a platinum too.


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